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Autor/ica Poruka
 Naslov: Re: Mjesec i sljetanje - istina
PostPostano: uto jun 22, 2010 12:52 pm 

Pridružen/a: uto dec 15, 2009 12:06 pm
Postovi: 24
Lokacija: Korak od mora, dva od sniga
bad.ass je napisao/la:
ima u nexusu od prosinca (br. 42) odlicna tema od jay weidnera - "kako je stanley kubrick lazirao sljetanje apolla na mjesec"...

Da, a vise o tome procitajte na linku: , ovdje imate i link za skidanje Nexusa broj 42.


 Naslov: Re: Mjesec i sljetanje - istina
PostPostano: čet jun 24, 2010 4:14 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri apr 28, 2010 2:44 pm
Postovi: 882



 Naslov: Re: Mjesec i sljetanje - istina
PostPostano: čet jun 24, 2010 1:33 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet okt 16, 2009 9:50 am
Postovi: 70
Kad već razgovarate i o fizici ja bih htjela nešto reći.Meni je nepojmljivo i stvarno mi zvući nerazumno da fizičari i astronomi misle da (ovo je uzročno posljedično ) svijetlost putuje i ima tu i tu brzinu i zbog toga kada gledaju velikim teleskopima duboko u svemir i vide najudaljenije objekte udaljene (ne znam koji su najudaljeniji koje mogu vidjeti) npr. 1 000 00 svjetlosnih godina onda govore da je svjetlosti trebalo 1 000 000 SG da stigne do nas pa prema tome mi gledamo u daleku prošlost, u nešto što više možda i ne postoji i što sigurno ne izgleda tako danas. To mi je apsurd i u to moj logički razum i moja svijest ne vjeruju i neće vjerovati jer je neistinito i ne možete teleskopom gledati u prošlost. Prije je da ne shvaćaju svjetlost, prirodu i njeno ponašanje. :love3:

 Naslov: Re: Mjesec i sljetanje - istina
PostPostano: sub jun 26, 2010 4:45 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet sep 04, 2008 12:49 pm
Postovi: 408
Lokacija: extrawelt
dokumentarac o NASA-inim lažima o Mjesecu, alienima i dr. ... ab=summary

Sve...i Ništa.

 Naslov: Re: Mjesec i sljetanje - istina
PostPostano: sub jun 26, 2010 6:21 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned aug 24, 2008 9:47 am
Postovi: 1162
nioivo je napisao/la:
To mi je apsurd i u to moj logički razum i moja svijest ne vjeruju i neće vjerovati jer je neistinito i ne možete teleskopom gledati u prošlost. Prije je da ne shvaćaju svjetlost, prirodu i njeno ponašanje.

Mora biti da je zbog toga tvoj (logicki) um bazdaren na pravi nacin. Otkrij nam tajnu i reci sto mislis kako se uopce ponasa svjetlost.


Sve sto jeste, ispravno je tako kako jeste, jer da nije, ne bi ni bilo.

 Naslov: Re: Mjesec i sljetanje - istina
PostPostano: pon jun 28, 2010 10:56 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet okt 16, 2009 9:50 am
Postovi: 70
Nije mi namjera da pametujem, nemam akademsko obrazovanje iz fizike. Možda "svjetlost ide" trenutno prenošenjem informacija o njoj. Kako je svemir povezan i sve je u vezi sa svim tako svjetlost jednostavno i trenutno jest u svačijem atomu i u svačijim očima. Please nemojte mi se smijati... Ono što mi nazivamo brzina svijetlosti je brzina "rotacije - kretanja materije" Ha haha

 Naslov: Re: Mjesec i sljetanje - istina
PostPostano: sri jun 30, 2010 12:03 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet jul 07, 2006 1:05 pm
Postovi: 382
Lokacija: Srebrenik, BiH
Malo čitamo, pogotovo danas, nema se kad hehe.

Ja sam gledao (opet nisam čitao, nema se vremena, toliko informacija čeka da sam zatrpan, čudno je to šta Internet radi da na kraju ništa ne čitam na nj. Treba neki filter ugraditi koliko informacija ima, pretrpano je sve to) da je što se boja i svjetlosti tiče sve iluzija. Crvena ruža nije crvena, mi je vidimo crveno. Pčela je vidi sasvim drugačije. Slijepi miš opet drugačije. Pas kažu i ne pojmi boje.

Uglavnom crveno nije crveno, mi samo vidimo dio spektra svjetlosti koji koji nam se od latica ruže vraća. Nama je crven.

Pod drugim neprirodnim svjetlom ruža će nam imati drugu boju. Znači, kako sam skonto, boje koje mi vidimo su naša iluzija u kojoj uživamo.

Onda sam sebi postavio drugo pitanje: Kako ruža zna da je nama lijepe boje i lijepo miriše? Dobro, pčelu privlači nektarom, ali zašto je tako lijepe boje i tako fino miriše? Nećemo je jesti.

Zašto ruža tako fino miriše i tako fino izgleda?

Zato što smo povezani i jedno smo na planeti. To je dugo vremena štimano i uštimano. Mnogi su "otpali", izumrlo je 99,9999% prijašnjih vrsta. Jedni smo se drugima prilagođavali i dobili rezultat u konačnici - raj na Zemlji za sve!

Do industrijske, tehnološke a sada informatičke i ko zna koje ljudske revolucije.

Ko više gleda ružu i osjeti miris prirode?

Zemlja sa svojom florom i faunom je ostala ista. Sada imamo problem - uzdigli smo se iznad prirode i mislimo da nam sve to više nije toliko bitno. Hvala svjema mi možemo dalje i bez vas! Možemo sami bez prirode. Jedno pitanje postavljam sebi ovih dana: Odale čista voda i čist zrak? Jer samo je to ostalo. Čekam dan kada ćemo imati vodu i zrak iz staklenika - ko nizozemski paradajz.

Mislim da je Carl Sagan u jednoj knjizi napisao (dok sam čitao knjige) ili Arthur Clarke da ćemo jednog dana, po njegovom optimističkom SF-u, toliko uznapredovati da ćemo se "uvući" u svjetlost i tako putovati svemirom i uživati u novim spoznajama.


♫ U tako malo nota reći toliko.

 Naslov: Re: Mjesec i sljetanje - istina
PostPostano: sri jun 30, 2010 7:37 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet okt 16, 2009 9:50 am
Postovi: 70
To je zanimljivo, da smo razvojem došli iznad potrebe da smatramo da je ruža nama bitna. Ipak naše tijelo, fizičko tijelo zahtijeva za pravilno funkcioniranje čistu vodu (donekle), što prirodniju hranu. Proučavala sam bolesti, rak, dijabetes, poremećaje štitnjače, pretilost svima je zajednička poveznica nedostatak zdrave hrane u prehrani tj. prekomjerno korištenje pesticida, GMO sjeme, industrijska ulja, kemija, ljekovi industrija. Da li možemo očekivati da ćemo u bolesnim tijelima moći putovati svemirom tako što ćemo se uvući u svijetlost.

 Naslov: Re: Mjesec i sljetanje - istina
PostPostano: čet aug 19, 2010 10:37 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: uto jan 02, 2007 3:28 pm
Postovi: 1206
Lokacija: 14° 26' I 45° 21' N - HUM
jos malo ... e-smanjuje


If the truth can be told so as to be understood it will be believed;
"Nase vjestine i navike, nasa znanja, nasi motivi, brojne emocije, razlicite osobine, pa i nasa citava LICNOST prvenstveno su rezultat ucenja."

 Naslov: Re: Mjesec i sljetanje - istina
PostPostano: pet aug 20, 2010 10:18 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet nov 01, 2007 3:49 pm
Postovi: 744
Lokacija: purgerland
kao smanjuje se pa nastaju pukotine?
pa logičnije bi bilo da raste pa zato nastaju pukotine zbog širenja.
Što god TPTB procijede u MSM udri kontru "for Truth"

Resident Agent provocateur & Conspiracy Theorist

 Naslov: Re: Mjesec i sljetanje - istina
PostPostano: sri sep 15, 2010 12:20 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: uto jan 02, 2007 3:28 pm
Postovi: 1206
Lokacija: 14° 26' I 45° 21' N - HUM

Da li je ovo dokaz da mjesec nema gravitaciju koja je moga drzati zemeljku ekspediciju na njenoj provrsini.
ilika da traze vodu. ... i-za-vodom

jos neke zanimljivosti ... 60560.html

If the truth can be told so as to be understood it will be believed;
"Nase vjestine i navike, nasa znanja, nasi motivi, brojne emocije, razlicite osobine, pa i nasa citava LICNOST prvenstveno su rezultat ucenja."

 Naslov: Re: Mjesec i sljetanje - istina
PostPostano: sub okt 09, 2010 9:29 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet jun 10, 2010 2:04 pm
Postovi: 387
An Alien Space Ship on the Moon


Here's a story that has been going around the web since about 2007. It's pretty amazing and I'm kind of surprised that it hasn't received more attention. I think many editors thought it was too far fetched to be true.

To be honest, we thought it was a hoax until one of the staff here at viewzone decided to procure the film strips from the NASA site, noticed that there were two images of the object available (taken from different angles) and made a 3D composite image. The results are at the bottom of this page. While we are not confident about the accompanying video and images of the "alien entity" (the female body), we are surprised that the 3D images do show an actual object on the Moon's surface.

If you have the old red-blue 3D glasses you can see the spaceship pretty clearly. There's not much doubt that it's a spaceship -- either that or a submarine -- but we'll leave that up to our readers to decide.

Background Story

The story comes to us from a man who claims he was on a special NASA mission:

William Rutledge is retired and now lives in Africa. He recently came out to reveal some amazing facts about his involvement with NASA in the late 70s. Rutledge claims to have worked on at least two missions to the Moon, including the failed Apollo 19, and the Apollo 20, which he says was launched in August of 1976 from Vandenberg Air Force Base.

Both of these missions, according to Rutledge, were "classified joint Space missions" resulting from collaborations between U.S. and Soviet governments. They do not appear on any roster of NASA missions -- and, if this is true -- for good reasons.

The purpose of these missions was to investigate a large object on the far side of the moon in the Delporte-Izsak region, allegedly discovered and photographed during the Apollo 15 mission. The object, which vaguely resembled an "X-Wing" fighter as seen in the Star Wars films, was supposed to have been a very large alien spacecraft which had crashed or was otherwise abandoned on the Moon in ancient times.



How big is the ship? Thanks to website we have a graphic to dmeonstrate. When we say "huge" we really need another word because it doesn't come close to describe this space ship. I will let the picture do the talking!


Images, and even videos of this alleged craft have appeared on the web, and have been popularized by researchers like Richard C. Hoagland over the last several years.


Recovered body of female EBE

Rutledge claims that they (with Soviet Cosmonaut, Lexei Leonov) landed a Lunar Module (Russian made) near the alien ship and actually entered it. Certain atrifacts were discovered and recovered, including two bodies alleged to be the "pilots" -- one was in excellent condition and appeared to be female. A second body was too deteriorated to recover and just the head was retrieved. The female has been dubed, "Mona Lisa."

"We went inside the big spaceship, also into a triangular one. The major parts of the exploration was; it was a mother ship, very old, who crossed the universe at least milliard of years ago (1.5 estimated). There were many signs of biology inside, old remains of a vegetation in a "motor" section, special triangular rocks who emitted "tears" of a yellow liquid which has some special medical properties, and of course signs of extra solar creatures. We found remains of little bodies (10cm) living in a network of glass tubes all along the ship, but the major discovery was two bodies, one intact.

The "City" was named on Earth and scheduled as station one, but it appeared to be a real space garbage, full of scrap, gold parts, only one construction seemed intact (we named it the Cathedral). We made shots of pieces of metal, of every part wearing calligraphy, exposed to the sun. The "City" seem to be as old as the ship, but it is a very tiny part. On the rover video, the telephotolens make the artifacts greater.

I don't remember who named the girl, Leonov or me -- was the intact EBE. Humanoid, female, 1.65 meter. Genitalized, haired, six fingers (we guess that mathematics are based on a dozen). Function; pilot, piloting device fixed to fingers and eyes, no clothes, we had to cut two cables connected to the nose. No nostril. Leonov unfixed the eyes device (you'll see that in the video). concretions of blood or bio liquid erupted and froze from the mouth, nose, eyes and some parts of the body. Some parts of the body were in unusual good condition, (hair) and the skin was protected by a thin transparent protection layer. As we told to mission control, condition seemed not dead not alive. We had no medical background or experience, but Leonov and I used a test, we fixed our bio equipment on the EBE, and telemetry received by surgeon (Mission Control meds) was positive. That's another story. Some parts could be unbelievable now, I prefer tell the whole story when other videos will be online. This experience has been filmed in the LM. We found a second body, destroyed, we brought the head on board. Color of the skin was blue gray, a pastel blue. Skin had some strange details above the eyes and the front, a strap around the head, wearing no inscription. The "cockpit" was full of calligraphy and formed of long semi hexagonal tubes. She is on Earth and she is not dead, but I prefer to post other videos before telling what happened after."
-- William Rutledge interview


Strange tubes were found on the alien female's face. These were later removed and her body was inspected and filmed on board the Lunar Module. The video is available on youtube.

Samples of what appears to be writing were also discovered, although it looks more like scribble.


Viewzone's conclusion

While the video and story could have been faked, the object which was photographed by Appollo 15 is patently real. It is not discoloration of the surface, a photographic artifact or an oddly illuminated crater. The 3D photograph clearly shows the shape and position of this very unusual object.

Below we have taken two images published from the Appollo 15 mission and have merged them to form a 3-D image. To see this clearly you will need a pair of 3D glasses (red on left, blue on right). What is it?


We always present interesting theories and encourage you to comment. Please let us know what you think.

Zadnja izmjena: legolas47; ned okt 10, 2010 7:14 pm; ukupno mijenjano 2 put/a.

 Naslov: Re: Mjesec i sljetanje - istina
PostPostano: ned okt 10, 2010 4:12 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: uto jan 02, 2007 3:28 pm
Postovi: 1206
Lokacija: 14° 26' I 45° 21' N - HUM
problem s slikama?

If the truth can be told so as to be understood it will be believed;
"Nase vjestine i navike, nasa znanja, nasi motivi, brojne emocije, razlicite osobine, pa i nasa citava LICNOST prvenstveno su rezultat ucenja."

 Naslov: Re: Mjesec i sljetanje - istina
PostPostano: pet nov 19, 2010 4:46 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: uto jan 02, 2007 3:28 pm
Postovi: 1206
Lokacija: 14° 26' I 45° 21' N - HUM
nesto ozbilnije dok mljeko kipi i zagorjeva.

mora sam malo editirati naslov posta posto se rid o itom fake -u.

If the truth can be told so as to be understood it will be believed;
"Nase vjestine i navike, nasa znanja, nasi motivi, brojne emocije, razlicite osobine, pa i nasa citava LICNOST prvenstveno su rezultat ucenja."

 Naslov: Re: Mjesec Mars i sljetanja..
PostPostano: ned dec 12, 2010 9:42 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: uto jan 02, 2007 3:28 pm
Postovi: 1206
Lokacija: 14° 26' I 45° 21' N - HUM
Ako je to tako... zar planet zemlja neide prma tome da bude ogoljen ?!? ... playnext=1 ... playnext=1 ... playnext=3 ... playnext=4

izdvojeno ... q9jXVXyE-g

If the truth can be told so as to be understood it will be believed;
"Nase vjestine i navike, nasa znanja, nasi motivi, brojne emocije, razlicite osobine, pa i nasa citava LICNOST prvenstveno su rezultat ucenja."

 Naslov: Re: Mjesec Mars i sljetanja..
PostPostano: pon jan 03, 2011 1:52 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet jul 23, 2009 7:44 pm
Postovi: 646
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon (2001) (titlovi)

Jedan od najboljih dokumentaraca na temu o lažnom spuštanju na Mjesec.

If it wasn’t possible to better the Soviets in the space race, which was really a race of technology armaments, what could be done? How could America offset the threat of superior weaponry? Throughout the history of rivalry and war, astute generals of lesser armies than their counterparts have used deceit and misinformation as a method to achieve victory. Surrounding the earth, beginning at an altitude of 1,000 miles and extending an additional 25,000 miles, lie lethal bands of radiation called the Van Allen Radiation Belts. Every manned space mission in history (including Mercury, Gemini, Soyuz, Skylab and the Space Shuttle) has been well below this deadly radiation field…all except Apollo.

Recently uncovered footage of the crew of Apollo 11 staging part of their mission proves that the astronauts never made it beyond earth orbit. The goal was to fool the Soviet Union about US strategic capability during the height of the Cold War. Deceit, Greed, and Injustice… A sad thing happened on the way to the moon. The truth will astound you! You be the Judge



Sa zaljepljenim titlovima




Sa odvojenim titlovima


Titlovi: ... on-115654/

 Naslov: Re: Mjesec Mars i sljetanja..
PostPostano: čet jan 06, 2011 2:48 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: uto jan 02, 2007 3:28 pm
Postovi: 1206
Lokacija: 14° 26' I 45° 21' N - HUM
I danas velika nepoznanica, čak i onima koji su na njemu diplomirali

Taj Stanley Kubrick je umjesan u mnoge druge stvari:

2000 Space Odissey
Clockwork Orange
Full Metal Jacket
The Shining
Eyes Wide Shut
....How I learned to stop worring and love the bomb (tako nekako)
The Killing
Lolita (1960)
odrekao se spartaka i odustao tj prepustio A.I. Spielbergu

If the truth can be told so as to be understood it will be believed;
"Nase vjestine i navike, nasa znanja, nasi motivi, brojne emocije, razlicite osobine, pa i nasa citava LICNOST prvenstveno su rezultat ucenja."

 Naslov: Re: Mjesec Mars i sljetanja..
PostPostano: čet jan 06, 2011 3:16 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet sep 11, 2009 10:12 am
Postovi: 449
Nije prepustio A.I. Spilbergu, već nije "stigao" da ga snimi, pa je on preuzeo.
Odakle ti to da se odrekao Spartakusa ?

 Naslov: Re: Mjesec Mars i sljetanja..
PostPostano: čet jan 06, 2011 3:59 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: uto jan 02, 2007 3:28 pm
Postovi: 1206
Lokacija: 14° 26' I 45° 21' N - HUM
A da malo bolje preispitas?

If the truth can be told so as to be understood it will be believed;
"Nase vjestine i navike, nasa znanja, nasi motivi, brojne emocije, razlicite osobine, pa i nasa citava LICNOST prvenstveno su rezultat ucenja."

 Naslov: Re: Mjesec Mars i sljetanja..
PostPostano: čet jan 06, 2011 5:16 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet sep 11, 2009 10:12 am
Postovi: 449
Lepo pitam.

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