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 Naslov: Koloidno srebro - lijek za mnoge bolesti
PostPostano: sub aug 27, 2005 9:08 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
Da li ste svjesni da postoji jedan od mnogih lijekova za mnoge bolesti koje možete napraviti i kod kuće, sami. Cijena izrade takvog lijeka je zbilja smješna kad usporedite s cijenama konvencionalnih lijekova u apotekama. Naravno, nitko vam ništa ne govori o tome jer ne biste trošili inače vaše novce na tablete koje djeluju, ali uzrokuju možda i neke druge štete... Ma neće valjda... zaključite. I poslije imate neki osip ili alergije, a ponekad uzrokuju i neugodnije nus-pojave. Zašto bi se izlječili? Da li je to nekome ( osim možda vama najdražim osobama ) stalo ??? Pa ako bi svi bili zdravi, pa tko bi trebao doktore, medicinske usluge, farmaceutske proizvode... Neki bi zbilja ostali bez velikih svota novaca.
Negativne emocije kao stres, žalost, ljubomora, nezadovoljstvo sobom, brige, zavist i druge, dovode u određenom dijelu mozga do pretvaranja bioenergije u neku drugu vrstu energije koja se u tijelu potroši. Ova pojava dovodi do nedostatka bioenergije neophodne za normalno funkcioniranje mozga. Da bi se mozgu, kao organu koji ima najveću važnost, u ovim slučajevima omogućio normalan rad, priroda se pobrinula da nedostajuću bioenergiju dovede iz aure. Bioenergija je u slojevima aure smještena u posebnim punktovima oblika elipsoida,koji imaju veliki energetski naboj. Nivo bioenergije u elipsoidima određuje naše psihofizicko stanje. Ako je bioenergija na potrebnom nivou, organi su zdravi i obrnuto. Svakom organu za svaku bolest odgovara određen elipsoid. Kasnije započinje proces zatvaranja čakre koja ga u normalnim uvjetima snabdijeva bioenergijom iz okolnog prostora. Zatvaranje čakri jos više pogoršava bioenergetsku situaciju u organu i ubrzava pojavu bolesti.
Zbog toga - rješavajmo UZROK a ne POSLJEDICU bolesti. Dobra stara poslovica ionako kaže: bolje spriječiti, nego lječiti. Ako ste vlasnik neke farmaceutske industrije ili doktor koji gleda da samo zaradi novce, to vam nije u cilju.
Trenutno je poznato da koloidno srebro ubija preko 650 raznih bolesti, uključujući i AIDS i rak !!! ( Nemojte sad: ma da, to je nemoguće. Tko vam je to rekao? Kome je u interesu da NEZNATE ?)
Idemo polako, upoznajmo što je to i kako se može napraviti kod kuće.
1. Što znači koloidno?
Riječ koloidno znači da je nešto toliko malo da je raspršeno, a NE OTOPLJENO u otapalu ( vodi ). Djelići su toliko mali da niti ne sjednu na dno niti plutaju po površini. Oni su ionizirani, tako da svaki djelić ima isti naboj i jedan drugog odbijaju. U slučaju koloidnog srebra, djelići su veličine 1/7000 od veličine crvenog krvnog zrnca, što ga čini vrlo prilagodljivim.
2. Što je s čistoćom? Koliko traje?
Koloidno srebro, za razliku od ostalih suplemenata, ne može se "pokvariti" jer ni jedan živi organizam ne može živjeti u koloidnoj otopini. Kada je koloidno srebro napravljeno metodom niskog napona, nakon nekog vremena, poneki ioni gube naboj i priklanjaju se drugim ionima koji su u im najbliže. Kad se to desi, koloidno srebro mijenja boju jer se nakupina poveća tako da počinje lomiti svijetlost. Ovisno o tome kako je koloidno srebro napravljeno ( napon, čistoća vode, uvjeti... ), ono mijenja boju od svijetložute do zlatne, a ponekad i poprimi sivkastu boju. Ništa od toga ne mijenja efikasnost koloidnog srebra. Čak i kad je tamnosmeđe ili tamnoljubičaste boje, neće biti otrovno, ali se tada samo teže asimilira, odnosno prilagođava. Kada se koloidna otopina radi pomoću visokog napona, ona se tada stabilnije ponaša kod čuvanja, te ima jako dugi vijek trajanja.
3. Dakle, koloidno srebro nije nikad otrovno ili opasno?
Koloidno srebro se radi ISKLJUČIVO U DESTILIRANOJ VODI, tj. voda ne smije imati nikakvih minerala ili bilo čega otopljenog u sebi. Inače bi se srebrni ioni povezali s otopljenim mineralima i mogli činiti soli ili otrovne supstance. ( srebrni nitrat ili srebrni klorid ) Dakle, najbolja je čista voda dobivana destilacijom, odnosno kondenzacijom vodene pare.
4. Što u vezi argirije, bolesti vezanoj uz "plavu kožu" ?
Nikada nitko nije ikada prijavio niti jedan slučaj koji je vezan uz upotrebu koloidnog srebra. tu bolest vežu uz prekomjerno uzimanje srebrnih soli ( srebrni nitrat ) koja sadrži otrovne supstance. Bilo koja količina koloidnog srebra ne može uzrokovati argriju.
5. Koja je koncentracija najbolja? Koliko koloidnog srebra treba konzumirati?
Mjera za koncentraciju je ppm ( od parts per million ), odnosno broj čestica u milijun komada. Svjetski stručnjaci za zdravlje širom svijeta slažu se s tim da je prisustvo srebrnih iona u bilo kojoj koncentraciji u ljudskom tijelu dobro za zdravlje. Izvanredne rezultate pokazala je koncentracija od 0,33 ppm-a ( 1/3 ppm !!! ). Neki proizvođači koloidnog srebra proizvode čak 1000 ppm-a, dobivenih sa velikim naponom. No, odlične rezultate pokazuju sve koncentracije. Preporuka je oko 2 - 4 čajne žlice dnevno.
6. Što se dešava ako se predoziramo? Možemo li uzeti previše?
Jedina negativna strana uzimanja odjednom u početku previše koloidnog srebra je Herxeimerov efekt, a to je slučaj kad srebro ubije previše patogenih tvari da ih tijelo ne može odjednom izbaciti iz sebe normalnim putem, već ih izbacuje sekundarnim putevima - preko pluća, sinusa ili kože. Koloidno srebro je najbolji antibiotik koji ubija SAMO bakterije koje nisu poželjne u tijelu, a ostavlja npr. one koje su nam potrebne za probavu ili slično ( acidofil ). Također ubija viruse i gljivice.
Cjelokupni tekst ( na engleskom ) sa upotrebom koloidnog srebra skinite ovdje.
Kako napraviti KOLOIDNO SREBRO ?
Evo optimalne izrade koloidnog srebra kojeg možete vrlo lako napraviti i kod kuće. Uzmite pola litre DESTILIRANE vode i ulijte ju u čistu staklenu ili plastičnu posudu. Za elektrode možete upotrebiti žicu ili foliju od čistog srebra. Razdvojene elektrode stavite u posudu, pričvrstite ih nekako i pustite ISTOSMJERNU struju između 12 - 40 V. To možete dobiti i raznim stabiliziranim ispravljačima ( adapterima za struju 12 - 40 V ) ili baterijama ili akumulatorima. Npr. možete povezati serijski 2 ili 3 akumulatora od 12 V, tako da dobijete 24 ( sa 2 ), odnosno 36 V ( sa 3 akumulatora ). No, dovoljno je već i 12 V da bi proces uspješno završili. Ovisno o naponu i temperaturi vode ( najbolje ju je malo zagrijati oko 30-40 stupnjeva C ), nakon 15 - 20 minuta se pojavi maglica oko jedne elektrode. Proces pustimo da traje oko 30 minuta i tada se maglica raziđe u vodi i otopina opet postaje prozirna. Isključimo struju, prelijemo u neku posudu u kojoj ćemo uskladištiti koloidno srebro. Najbolje u staklene boce od tamnosmeđeg ili tamnoplavog stakla ( npr. od piva !!! ). I čuvamo ga na tamnom mjestu, jer na suncu se brže deioniziraju čestice, pa dulje traje i efikasnije je ako se čuva na tamnom mjestu.


Mnogi ljudi su probali i vidjeli utjecaj najboljeg prirodnog antibiotika - koloidnog srebra. Osobno ga pijem i mogu reći da sam vrlo rijetko bolestan, bolje se osjećam i lakše podnosim neke teške situacije vezane uz promjenu vremena i slično. Neki ljudi zahvaljuju koloidnom srebru što su preživjeli bezizlazne situacije kada su i doktori rekli da "nema više spasa". Izgleda da balansira tijelo tako da se ono bolje može zaštititi od dnevnih napasti sa raznih strana. Mnogi me traže da im napravim koju litru, i mnogi koji su počeli koristiti osjećaju pozitivne promjene. Nekima treba nekoliko mjeseci da se to manifestira, a neki za par dana već osjećaju promjene. Ali zapamtite: ovo rješava samo POSLJEDICE mnogih bolesti, ali UZROKE ustvari treba odstraniti ( gubitak energije na razne načine - stres, nervoza, uzimanje nezdrave hrane... )!!!

Zadnja izmjena: Jack987; čet okt 16, 2008 9:04 pm; ukupno mijenjano 2 put/a.

PostPostano: pon aug 29, 2005 6:25 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet mar 03, 2005 11:31 am
Postovi: 69
Lokacija: Bez zemlje
Uistinu zanimljivo, a možda je placebo. Placebo je najjači lijek. (Kad bi imali vjere kao zrno gorušice, micali bi planine) :wink: . Glavno je da radi!

PostPostano: pon aug 29, 2005 12:05 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pon dec 13, 2004 10:24 pm
Postovi: 698
Lokacija: Hmrgh
Dobar tekst koji ovako jezgrovito opisuje stvar.

Mada ja mislim da koloidno srebro ne lijeci nista samo po sebi nego cisti razne bakterije iz organizma i time pomate imunoloskom ustsvau da se usredotoci na bolest.
Vjerujem i da otud njegova raznovrsnost.

Jasan mi je mehanizam kako ubije bakterije ali kako ubija samo lose bakterije ili viruse bome nije.

Kazem vjerujem da je imunoloski sustav taj koji ubija a srebro samo snazi cijelu stvar.

JEdna cestica poput srebra nema dovoljno informacija u sebi da razlikuje koja bakterija jeste dobra a koja nije dok metabolizam to razlikuje ko od sale.

Your God is KROM, and KROM, he lives in the Earth....

PostPostano: pon aug 29, 2005 2:56 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned sep 19, 2004 9:39 am
Postovi: 463
Lokacija: Offline
Evo primjer!

Mlada je zena dobila koznu infekciju na stopalu. Infekcija se sirila i nakon koji mjesec vec se i rane pojavile. Zavrsi na dermatoloskom gdje oni ne uspijevaju otkriti uzrok a posljedica toga i ne adekvatni tretman. Stanje se pogorsava, rane su sve dublje. Proslo vec dosta vremena nema promjene. Ja joj dam CS koji sam napravio i zena 3 dana POSPRICALA ujutro i uvecer te rane i u roku ta 3 dana sve IZLIJECENO.


Da ne budem sebican ali ipak cu napisati, nakon par minuta prvog nanosenja srebra, vec se vidjelo poboljsanje.

PostPostano: pon aug 29, 2005 2:59 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned sep 19, 2004 9:39 am
Postovi: 463
Lokacija: Offline
Organski portal osobno je napisao/la:
Dobar tekst koji ovako jezgrovito opisuje stvar.

Mada ja mislim da koloidno srebro ne lijeci nista samo po sebi nego cisti razne bakterije iz organizma i time pomate imunoloskom ustsvau da se usredotoci na bolest.
Vjerujem i da otud njegova raznovrsnost.

Jasan mi je mehanizam kako ubije bakterije ali kako ubija samo lose bakterije ili viruse bome nije.

Kazem vjerujem da je imunoloski sustav taj koji ubija a srebro samo snazi cijelu stvar.

JEdna cestica poput srebra nema dovoljno informacija u sebi da razlikuje koja bakterija jeste dobra a koja nije dok metabolizam to razlikuje ko od sale.

Konvencionalni antibiotici ne mogu unistavati bakterije i viruse vec samo pomazu stanici da se ona SAMA obrani od istih.

News Article written by Marvin Robey: A Safe and Simple Treatment for Aids

The Herald of Provo Utah, February 2, 1992, ran an article on Pg. D1, in which a member of the administrative staff of Brigham Young University by the name of Daryl Tichy has been successfully experimenting with colloidal silver in the treatment of AIDS, along with warts and parvo virus in a dog. "Tichy said he had the material [colloidal silver] tested at two different labs; results showed the solution killed a variety of pathogens, including the HIV virus." Tichy then states, "I don't have a doubt in my mind." He says he has not been able to obtain funds to continue his research.

This should not be a surprise, considering what other researchers have been telling us. There is much more evidence to support Tichy's conclusion. Extensive evidence points to the fact that colloidal silver destroys all types of virii including the AIDS virus and greatly enhances the immune system in general. Colloidal Silver supports the T-cells in their fight against foreign organisms in the blood. It virtually forms a second immune system, actually protecting and defending the T-cells, as well as doing their work for them. It is strongly suggested by research scientists such as Dr. Gary Smith and others that silver ions are essential to the immune system.

In "Use of Colloids in Health and Disease", author Dr. Henry Crooks says colloidal silver is highly anti-viral. In laboratory tests he found that "all fungus, virii, bacterium, streptococcus, staphylococcus, and other pathogenic organisms are killed in three or four minutes. In fact, there is no microbe known that is not killed by colloidal silver in six minutes or less in a dilution as little as five parts per million." Dr. Crooks tells us there are no serious side effects whatsoever from high concentrations. Research scientist Dr. Gary Smith reports that he has noticed a correlation between low silver levels, sickness and immune deficiency. He found people who have low silver levels tend to be frequently sick and to have innumerable colds, flu's, fevers, and other illnesses. The research of Dr. Gary Smith would seem to support the belief that colloidal silver is an entirely natural healing agent.

HIV and AIDS are a two sided medical condition. First is the HIV virus, which attacks the immune system. Second are the main outward effects, the conditions resulting from the weakened immune system. Research evidence shows that Colloidal Silver is a two edged sword. It attacks the HIV virus directly and effectively, and then forms virtually its own immune system to ward off the various health problems the immune system has not been able to handle.

Parasites are being recognised more and more as a cause of failing health. Hulda Clark, Ph.D., N.D., author of "The Cure for All Cancers" and "The Cure for HIV and AIDS", tells us that neither cancer nor HIV can exist without parasites and that if we eliminate the parasites, the disease will be gone. Health Consciousness, Vol. 15, No. 4 says: "Parasites are also killed [by colloidal silver], as they have an egg-stage in their reproductive cycle, which is one celled and therefore killed in six minutes or less." In as much as there are many kinds of parasites, this may be inconclusive. However, tests have shown that mosquito larva are effectively killed by colloidal silver. It should be remembered that to rid oneself of parasites by killing the eggs or larvae means that one must continue the treatment until all of the adults die, probably of old age. More research is needed. But if the AIDS or Cancer and other conditions can be effectively treated with colloidal silver, then any effects on parasites is a free benefit.

In as much as AIDS is the result of a virtually destroyed immune system, it would be surprising to find that colloidal silver did not have a dramatic effect on AIDS. AIDS is a viral disease, and antibiotics seldom have any effect on any virus, but the colloidal silver ion is highly effective. The evidence strongly supports the theory that colloidal silver is highly effective against all strains of virus, curing even the common cold in one dose. Where many drugs on the market suppress certain symptoms of a cold, colloidal silver is said to kill off the virus that causes it to hang on. AIDS, like all other viral infections, is unaffected by antibiotics, which each kill off only a few strains of bacteria and none are effective against the virus, yeast's, or fungi. Yet, researchers are telling us that colloidal silver is highly effective against all of these.

One serious condition typical of AIDS is rapid ageing. Ageing is generally considered as due to a slowing down of the body's ability to replace worn out cells fast enough. This slowing down begins by the time of adulthood and continues into old age. In "Report: Colloidal Silver, Health Consciousness, Vol. 15, No. 4, it is stated that "Silver aids the developing foetus in growth, health, and eases the delivery and recovery." If colloidal silver aids the growth of a foetus so noticeably, will it reduce the ageing process? From the research of Dr. Becker, it would seem colloidal silver will produce the dedifferentiated cells necessary to prevent this slowdown of cell replacement. It is probable that the weakened immune system is incapable of producing the undifferentiated cells necessary to rebuild worn out cells. Colloidal silver produced the needed cells to make this possible. All of this is being discovered and rediscovered at the same time that disease bacterium are developing immunity to modern antibiotics.

Furthermore, immunity to the antibiotics seems to be developing all over the world, even in isolated areas. The medical profession is alarmed. Can silver save us? Many authorities think so!


As single celled creatures called bacteria use a common type enzyme or 'chemical lung" for their oxygen metabolism, the presence of colloidal silver cripples the enzyme, therefore causing the organism to suffocate. Any and all bacteria are therefore killed within the 6-minute time frame, without causing any adverse effect on the surrounding tissue cells. Dr Becker also states in his book: "Positive silver kills all types of bacteria". This is exiting, because no other single antibiotic works against all types of bacteria. Positive silver, however, offers several advantages over previous forms. There are no ions besides silver to burden tide tissues. It works against all types of bacteria and viruses, even killing antibiotic resistant strains as well as all fungal infections. "

To carry the fight to fungal infection, one must firstly understand fungal growths. A fungus is a series of single cells that have small tubes of the material from which the cell is made, which stretches between the cell walls.

Whether more linear in its spread and expand mode or, alternatively, more like a fabric in its reproductive mode, a fungus will still exhibit that characteristic of any one celled bacterium, that particular type of chemical lung, which is almost completely and permanently disabled by the presence of colloidal silver in the body, as the silver suffocates the organism.


A single virus will invade a living cell within the body tissue. Then the insidious pathogen will take over the nucleus of the cell and alter it's production and reproduction mechanism to replicate the virus instead of the enzyme, hormone, or other chemical that the body would normally have produced for itself within that cell.

Later, the newly produced virus will be released from that cell and into the blood stream. However, another very interesting thing takes place. As the virus affects the cell for its own purposes, part of the response of that living cell is that it reverts back to a more primitive form of cell structure and chemistry. The oxygen metabolising enzyme, or chemical lung in the cell wall, reverts as well.

This more primitive form of enzyme is vulnerable to the effects of colloidal silver. The catalyst effect of the colloidal silver simply being in close proximity to the enzyme of this cell results in the enzyme becoming permanently disabled. It cannot function to bring oxygen into the cell, and the virus producing cell dies by suffocation.


HlV is caused by a particular type of virus. This virus attacks and invades a single tissue cell and takes over the operation of the cell's reproductive mechanism. Part of the cells response to this viral attack is for the cell to revert back to a different primitive one celled type of enzyme or chemical lung, the kind that is crippled by the presence of colloidal silver, The cell then suffocates and dies and, as it is no longer useful to the body, it is flushed out.

The colloidal silver has killed the mutated cell, virus and all. C' Silver kills ALL viruses, precluding future mutations as it also kills the HIV virus-invaded cell within minutes. As a catalyst, colloidal silver is not affected in the reaction, and it continues to kill any other single celled pathogen that is in its presence.


As a preventative, colloidal silver is unsurpassed. Sufficient colloidal silver taken daily precludes infection, viruses, disease, contagion outbreak and serious burn toxicity. The daily ingestion of colloidal silver is like having a second immune system. It lessens the load on the body's natural immune system, and effectively kills the many thousands of viruses and bacteria that are present throughout the body.

In addition, it lessens the toxicity due to the average amount of virus and bacterial activity that occurs naturally in the body. However, tests have shown that, due to the high absorption of silver into the small intestine, the "friendly bacteria in the large intestine are unaffected".

This "second immune system" acts parallel to, and independent of, the body's own first line of defence, which is a major advantage in warding off outbreaks of influenza or other germ, plaque or pestilence. By taking colloidal silver at the correct dose rate is to have protection that is unsurpassed against serious burn toxicity.

Severe burn cases, such as from a house fire or motor accident, will have a much greater survival rate than those who do not take colloidal silver before such a catastrophe. Often, people who survive such horrific injuries later die of complications that occur some days, even weeks after the injury is sustained.

This is because several of the body's systems become overloaded and cannot cope. Colloidal silver has proven to be extremely effective in helping the body's immune system and sustained in the fire or accident.

With reference to the healing powers of colloidal silver, an American surgeon, Dr William Stewart Halstedwrote in 1913, after referring to the age old practice of placing pure silver wire in and around wounds. "I know of nothing that could take its place, nor have I known anyone to abandon it who has thoroughly familiarised him or herself with the technique of its employment. We may have only scratched the surface of tale medical brilliance of silver. Already it is an amazing tool, as it stimulates bone-forming cells, cures the most stubborn infections, and stimulates healing of skin tissue. "

SOME ESTABLISHED USES FOR COLLOIDAL SILVER Below is a list of diseases colloidal silver will successfully treat. This is a partial list, as there are over 650 in all. Acne- Aids - allergies - appendicitis - arthritis - athletes foot - bladder infection - blood parasites - blood poisoning- boils - burns - cancer - candida - chronic fatigue - colitis - conjunctivitis - cystitis - dandruff- dermatitis - diabetes - diphtheria - eczema - gastro-enteritis - gonorrhoea - hayfever- hepatitis - herpes - impetigo - indigestion - keratitus - leprosy - leukaemia - malaria - meningitis - neurasthenia - parasitic infection - pneumonia - prostate infection - pruritis ani - psoriasis - rheumatics - rhinitis - ring worm - scarlet fever - septic conditions - seborreah septicaemia - shingles - staph and streptococcal - ulcers - viruses - warts - yeast infections etc..

The above may be an impressive array of nasty viruses and diseases, but they are but a few that form a much larger group. Colloidal silver can also be applied directly to open wounds and sores to eliminate infection. It does not sting, burn or smart in any way. Other antiseptics sting when applied to a wound because they are killing the surrounding wall tissue cells, as well as attempting to kill the germs. Colloidal silver will not harm the surrounding cells or tissue. After washing the face thoroughly, colloidal silver may be used as the only medication or, in amount each day, the affliction will disappear. On open wounds, colloidal silver may be used as the only medication or, in conjunction with other medication. Just sprinkle the colloidal silver over the effected area and bandage. This application is also good for the removal of warts.


Optimum digestion

Place 5ml of colloidal silver, or as determined by titration, into a beverage of your choice accompanying your meal. As the food is digested, the presence of colloidal silver will keep the food from putrefying in the digestive tract, while killing all germs ingested with the food. There will be no flatulence with this method.

Parasitic infections

By ingesting the correct quantities of colloidal silver, is to preclude parasitic diseases caused by the tiny worm like parasites that can burrow through particular organs. In all cases, these parasites reproduce by laying eggs.

These eggs have the same characteristics as do the oxygen metabolising enzyme of the single cells bacteria. These eggs are unable to hatch when in the presence of colloidal silver. and are subsequently destroyed and eliminated by the immune system.

Diarrhoea diseases

A number of diseases such as cholera, canine parvovirus or other diseases where the pathogen resides in the large intestine are normally fatal, mostly due to the dehydration resulting from severe and prolonged diarrhoea and vomiting. The pathogen causing the problem is active in the large intestine, the one place where colloidal silver, when used in normal dose rates, will not penetrate.

However if one drinks four ounces of colloidal silver With three or four large glasses of water on an empty stomach, the colloidal silver will penetrate the large intestinal tract and will very quickly take care of the problem. Cholera has been cured in this way.

Healing crisis

This is a condition wherein the colloidal silver is killing the pathogens very quickly. The body's five eliminatory systems (kidneys, liver, skin, bowel, and lungs) become temporarily overloaded. This is especially true when overcoming HIV with colloidal silver. One may feel lethargic and dozy due to this rapid action. Continue the regimen, but drink up to four litres of water per day together with up to 6 grams of Vitamin C.


Most chemistry books have a chapter on the colloidal state as if it were a special case. Actually the colloidal state is the only state for all living things. Within water, the chemical elements of life occur in a flux of halves, or opposing electrical pairs always in motion and swapping these molecular halves in complete chemical reactions that are the process of growth and repair. In this flux of the body's fluids are the germ pathogens, whose own molecular pairs interact with those of the body as they strive to survive.

They are all parasites that attack and eat the body cells of the host, dumping their wastes into the surrounding tissues and blood stream. When in this fluid flux, there is an electrically charged ion or micro-particle of colloidal silver, it selects from among the tissue cells of the body only those disease causing pathogens and suffocates them, catalytically, simply by being there, then, unaffected, drifts on to repeat the process again and again.

The crystalline state is the condition of dry dead things. Most medications are in a crystalline state. The body must convert them to a colloidal state before they can be used. There is some expense to the body in time, energy and effectiveness. In the process there are molecular pieces left over that burden the body with their need to be eliminated. In the case of colloidal silver, nothing is led. Several decades of clinical use of Silver have been proven in the treatment of burns, and for eye, ear, nose, throat, vaginal, rectal and urinary tract infections. Silver has been prescribed in medicine as an aid to the brain, reproductive disorders in women and the circulatory system. It has been used as a remedy for mental imbalances, sleepwalking and anorexia nervosa. News Article written by Marvin Robey:

A Safe and Simple Treatment for Aids

The Herald of Provo Utah, February 2, 1992, ran an article on Pg. D1, in which a member of the administrative staff of Brigham Young University by the name of Daryl Tichy has been successfully experimenting with colloidal silver in the treatment of AIDS, along with warts and parvo virus in a dog. "Tichy said he had the material [colloidal silver] tested at two different labs; results showed the solution killed a variety of pathogens, including the HIV virus." Tichy then states, "I don't have a doubt in my mind." He says he has not been able to obtain funds to continue his research. This should not be a surprise, considering what other researchers have been telling us. There is much more evidence to support Tichy's conclusion. Extensive evidence points to the fact that colloidal silver destroys all types of virii including the AIDS virus and greatly enhances the immune system in general. Colloidal Silver supports the T-cells in their fight against foreign organisms in the blood. It virtually forms a second immune system, actually protecting and defending the T-cells, as well as doing their work for them. It is strongly suggested by research scientists such as Dr. Gary Smith and others that silver ions are essential to the immune system.

In "Use of Colloids in Health and Disease", author Dr. Henry Crooks says colloidal silver is highly anti-viral. In laboratory tests he found that "all fungus, virii, bacterium, streptococcus, staphylococcus, and other pathogenic organisms are killed in three or four minutes. In fact, there is no microbe known that is not killed by colloidal silver in six minutes or less in a dilution as little as five parts per million." Dr. Crooks tells us there are no serious side effects whatsoever from high concentrations. Research scientist Dr. Gary Smith reports that he has noticed a correlation between low silver levels, sickness and immune deficiency. He found people who have low silver levels tend to be frequently sick and to have innumerable colds, flu's, fevers, and other illnesses. The research of Dr. Gary Smith would seem to support the belief that colloidal silver is an entirely natural healing agent.

HIV and AIDS are a two sided medical condition. First is the HIV virus, which attacks the immune system. Second are the main outward effects, the conditions resulting from the weakened immune system. Research evidence shows that Colloidal Silver is a two edged sword. It attacks the HIV virus directly and effectively, and then forms virtually its own immune system to ward off the various health problems the immune system has not been able to handle.

Parasites are being recognised more and more as a cause of failing health. Hulda Clark, Ph.D., N.D., author of "The Cure for All Cancers" and "The Cure for HIV and AIDS", tells us that neither cancer nor HIV can exist without parasites and that if we eliminate the parasites, the disease will be gone. Health Consciousness, Vol. 15, No. 4 says: "Parasites are also killed [by colloidal silver], as they have an egg-stage in their reproductive cycle, which is one celled and therefore killed in six minutes or less." In as much as there are many kinds of parasites, this may be inconclusive. However, tests have shown that mosquito larva are effectively killed by colloidal silver. It should be remembered that to rid oneself of parasites by killing the eggs or larvae means that one must continue the treatment until all of the adults die, probably of old age. More research is needed. But if the AIDS or Cancer and other conditions can be effectively treated with colloidal silver, then any effects on parasites is a free benefit.

In as much as AIDS is the result of a virtually destroyed immune system, it would be surprising to find that colloidal silver did not have a dramatic effect on AIDS. AIDS is a viral disease, and antibiotics seldom have any effect on any virus, but the colloidal silver ion is highly effective. The evidence strongly supports the theory that colloidal silver is highly effective against all strains of virus, curing even the common cold in one dose. Where many drugs on the market suppress certain symptoms of a cold, colloidal silver is said to kill off the virus that causes it to hang on. AIDS, like all other viral infections, is unaffected by antibiotics, which each kill off only a few strains of bacteria and none are effective against the virus, yeast's, or fungi. Yet, researchers are telling us that colloidal silver is highly effective against all of these.

One serious condition typical of AIDS is rapid ageing. Ageing is generally considered as due to a slowing down of the body's ability to replace worn out cells fast enough. This slowing down begins by the time of adulthood and continues into old age. In "Report: Colloidal Silver, Health Consciousness, Vol. 15, No. 4, it is stated that "Silver aids the developing foetus in growth, health, and eases the delivery and recovery." If colloidal silver aids the growth of a foetus so noticeably, will it reduce the ageing process? From the research of Dr. Becker, it would seem colloidal silver will produce the dedifferentiated cells necessary to prevent this slowdown of cell replacement. It is probable that the weakened immune system is incapable of producing the undifferentiated cells necessary to rebuild worn out cells. Colloidal silver produced the needed cells to make this possible.

All of this is being discovered and rediscovered at the same time that disease bacterium are developing immunity to modern antibiotics. Furthermore, immunity to the antibiotics seems to be developing all over the world, even in isolated areas. The medical profession is alarmed. Can silver save us? Many authorities think so!

PostPostano: pon aug 29, 2005 3:30 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pon dec 13, 2004 10:24 pm
Postovi: 698
Lokacija: Hmrgh
Konvencionalni antibiotici ne mogu unistavati bakterije i viruse vec samo pomazu stanici da se ona SAMA obrani od istih.


dal si se zabunio pa si mislio

Nekonvencionalni antibiotici ne mogu unistavati bakterije i viruse vec samo pomazu stanici da se ona SAMA obrani od istih.

Jer ovaj gore clanak potvrduje ono kako sam to zamisljao.
Koloidno srebro dakle cisti organizam od vecine bakterija i na taj nacin pomaze imunoloskom sustavu da se bori sa uljezom umjesto da trosi vrijeme na razne otrove koje svakodnevno covjek unosi u organizam.

Jer inace konvencionalni antibiotici se obicno usredotocuju na neki vid slabosti kod bakterija.

Recimo ili inhibiraju njihov mehanizam diobe ili razaraju stanicnu stijenku (penicilin) i uzrokuju lizu stanice ili jednostavno unistavaju stanicu iznutra.

PS. Imas mozda link na clanak da posaljem nekim ljudima.

Your God is KROM, and KROM, he lives in the Earth....

PostPostano: pon aug 29, 2005 4:39 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned sep 19, 2004 9:39 am
Postovi: 463
Lokacija: Offline

Ima dosta sajtova koji pisu o CS-u ali i onih koji tvrde suprotno tj. da je CS jako opasan.

Evo citata jednog lijecnika:


    nema nikavih dokaza da koloidno srebro ima utjecaja na imunološki sustav ili tome slično. Ono što je poznato, i na što apelira i Američka uprava za hranu i lijekove (FDA) da se ovi preparati ne uzimaju ekcesivno u velikim dozama niti dugotrajno, jer može doći odlaganja srebra u organizmu i nepovratnog oštećenja kože, živaca i bubrega! Srebro nije esencijalni element koji je potreban našem organizmu. U prošlim stoljećima se liječilo srebrom, ali tada se liječilo i malim dozama arsena, a kao što znate ono je otrov za organizam.
    Hranite se ispravno s mnogo voća i povrća što će Vam puno više pomoći nego uzimanje i potencijalno štetnih dodataka hrani kao što je koloidno srebro.

Cijela diskusija:

Inace, srebro se itekako koristi u medicini. Razne proteze i slicno. Osobno poznajem jednog starijeg covjeka koji vec nekoliko godina ima protezu na donjoj celjusti koja je od srebra. Interesantno je da ta osoba ima preko 80 godina i nema zdravstvene tegobe osim reume. Sad da li je zbog srebra...? Ako se ne varam, neki spojevi arsena se danas jos uvijek koriste u medicini kao i ziva Hg.

PostPostano: pon aug 29, 2005 4:47 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
Organski Portalu,

Imam jednu misaonu formu za objašnjenje tog djelovanja koloidnog srebra na SAMO one stvari koje su štetne za organizam:

Koloidno srebro je KRISTALNA rešetka. Kako naš organizam prepoznaje "korisnu" stvar od "otrova"? Vjerojatno imamo zapisano u našoj DNA. Njena svijest određuje što možemo jesti, a što ne. I kako tijelo zna onda što je hranjiva tvar, a što virus, bakterija, ili čak i samo naše tkivo u želucu, pa da ne svari samo sebe... dakle, "zapisano" je u genima, odnosno DNA.

E, sad, tu nastupa koloidno... kad "dođe" u organizam, čestice se "zaljepe" za staničnu membranu, i genetske VIBRACIJE DNA šalju impulse srebru kako da reagira, odnosno što da propusti, a što ne. Kao PROGRAMIRANJE KRISTALA. I onda se stvori rešetka koloidnog srebra koja je kao sigurnosni filter.

Naravno, svako tijelo ima svoj kod, svoje vibracije, pa je ta kombinacija programiranja srebra jedinstvena za svako tijelo. Generalno ubija nam svima zajedničke opasne stvari, ali mislim da djeluje i na "specifične" tvari koje nekome mogu biti "dobre" za njega, dok za drugo tijelo možda i ne. Neznam točno, ne tvrdim da je ovo 100% točno, ali nekako mi ta misao najviše odgovara na postavljeno pitanje.


PostPostano: uto aug 30, 2005 9:59 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pon dec 13, 2004 10:24 pm
Postovi: 698
Lokacija: Hmrgh
Dobro objasnjenje Jack.
To je tocno ako podrazumijevamo da je bas srebro jako osjetljivo na te vibracije DNA a druge tvari nisu jer ima jos mnogo stvari koje tvore resetku.

MEdutim mi znamo da srebro samo po sebi ima cisto materijalno antibiotsko djelovanje pa me to malo vuce na to da srebro kompliciranije stvari ipak ostavlja T-limfocitima.

Ali rekoh i ovo sta si ti rekao je ok. MAda koloidno srebro samo po sebi nije bas neki kristal nego vise-manje amorfna nakupina.

Dal ti je tesko uslikat svoj "stroj" za proizvodnju koloidnog srebra. Dakle kakve srebrne elektrode imas i odakle si ih dobio tj kako znas da zadovoljavaju uvjet cistoce.

Your God is KROM, and KROM, he lives in the Earth....

PostPostano: uto aug 30, 2005 1:10 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
OP, moj stroj za dobivanje srebra je jako sličan onome gore u prvom postu. Jedino je čaša od Coca-cole od pola litre, i žice su drugačijih boja... haha, nevažno. Adapter mi nema regulaciju kao onaj na slici. U stvari, srebrne žice mi je donio prijatelj koji se bavi hi-fi samogradnjom, imao je žicu od srebra cca 1mm debelu i dao mi je 30-tak cm... i to je to. Nije toliko kritična čistoća srebrne elektrode koliko je bitna destilirana voda. Ona mora biti čista, bez nekih primjesa.

Osobno sam si izlječio prištiće na koži koji su mi se pojavljivali poslije svakog brijanja. Nakon tjedan dana mazanja kože sa koloidnim, prištića više nema.

A neki ljudi zahvaljuju koloidnom srebru na sačuvanju nihovog tijela u životu... no to sam već opisivao na forumu, neću sad to sve ponavljati.


PostPostano: pet sep 02, 2005 1:37 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri okt 13, 2004 11:54 am
Postovi: 466
Lokacija: bg

Tako se u vreme pohoda Aleksandra Makedonskog desila jedna, za ono doba neobjašnjiva pojava. Ostvarujući pobedu za pobedom, godine 327 p.n.e. Grci su upali u Indiju. Činilo se da nije bilo te sile koja bi zaustavila strašnu armiju velikog vojskovodje. Međutim, među grčkim vojnicima pojavile su se “tajanstvene” želudačno-crevne bolesti. Iscrpljeni i onemoćali, vojnici su se vraćali kućama. Interesantno je bilo to što su komandanti grčke armije mnogo ređe oboljevali od redova. Naučnicima je trebalo dve hiljade godina da bi objasnili ovu pojavu: poenta je bila u tome što su vojnici pili vodu iz bokala od kalaja, a komandanti od srebra (3).
Herodot, istoričar antičkog doba, navodi da je još u V veku p.n.e., persijski car Kir za vreme ratnih pohoda čuvao pijaću vodu u srebrnim “svetim” posudama (4).
U indijskim religioznim knjigama, takodje se mogu naći beleške, o tome kako su dezinfikovali vodu, potapajući u nju rastopljeno srebro (5).
Na osnovu ovog kratkog istorijskog pregleda, može se zaključiti da su stari narodi verovali da srebro ima izuzetne osobine i da rastvoreno u vodi ubija bakterije (6). Ovo verovanje u dezinfekcionu ulogu srebra zadržalo se sve do današnjih dana - npr. običaj da se pri osvećivanju bunara baca u njih srebrni novac.

PostPostano: pet sep 02, 2005 2:20 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri okt 13, 2004 11:54 am
Postovi: 466
Lokacija: bg

Kad izrađujete magični štap i ako stavljate žicu na njega, možete staviti onu od najdražeg metela (meni primjerice srebro). Žica od srebra, zlata i razno raznih metala ima za kupiti u raznim hoby art shopovima (primjerice Chemaco, Zagreb; Lumos, Zagreb...) ... p?IDCat=44

PostPostano: čet sep 08, 2005 8:27 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: uto jan 04, 2005 2:36 pm
Postovi: 57
Lokacija: Zagreb
Jucer je moja mama otisla sa prijateljem koji ima problema sa kicmom, zelucem itd. i medu ostalim alkoholom kod covijeka koji je duhovni iscjelitelj. Covijek ga je pregledao i sve mu rekao u detalje, na kraju mu je dao upravo koloidno srebro da pije 4 velike zlice dnevno i caj iz Brazila kojim su se koristili indjanci zvan Taheebo, a bjeli covjek ga je otkrio 1977 (navodno su se s njim koristile i Maje, dobiva se iz kore drveta-ne znam kojeg tocno)

Znaci da ima vec i dosta "obicnih" ljudi koji su upoznati sa koloidnim srebro i koriste ga tj. uspjesno se ljece, nadajmo se da ce se takva svijest sve brze i brze siriti.


PostPostano: sub sep 10, 2005 9:53 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pon dec 13, 2004 10:24 pm
Postovi: 698
Lokacija: Hmrgh
Eto elektroliza je gotova.

Neke obzervacije....
Na katodi je ostalo nesto crno i povece sta je kasnije otislo tj palo na dno. Pretpostavljam da je to srebrni oksid buduci sam primjenio dosta jaku voltazu (oko 44 V). Takoder elektrode su mi pocrnile.
Dal je jos netko zabiljezio stvaranje tog crnog kristala na eletrodi?

Kako vi koji ste radili vec to rijesavate to. Dal na neki nacin cistite elektrode od tog zatamnjenja jer bi to u principu trebalo smanjiti aktivno djelovanje elektroda.

Ono sta me je odmah kad sam poceo raditi to zaintrigiralo je da ja imam cijelo vrijeme konstantan napon a jakost struje se mijenja sta nije dobro. Nije dobro jer kako raste udio srebra u otopini vodljivost raste pa sa time i jakost struje pa se desava agregacija cestica. Na netu vidim da nisam jedini sa takvim mislima.
Dal netko to rjesava ili svi rade ne obracajuci paznju na to. Ja imam kako mjeriti jakost struje i napona pa razmisljam izkemijati za drugi put neku kontrolu napona. Nezko ima ideju kako?

Your God is KROM, and KROM, he lives in the Earth....

PostPostano: sub sep 10, 2005 10:00 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
Da, to su me pitali već milion puta za tu tamnu naslagu.

Uobičajeno je, ali ja radim do pojavljivanja tog crnog taloga. Obično se pojavljuje kad predugo držim proces ( prevodim Kasiopejce pa se zaboravim )... hehe! Onda samo profiltriram vodu recimo kroz papirnati ručnik ili slično, i pobrišem elektrode sa istom vrstom papira ili suhom čistom krpicom.

I proces može iz početka...

Koristim oko 24 V, pa što je napon veći i toplija voda, brže se proces napravi. Radim većinom na sobnoj temperaturi ( u biti dvosobnoj jer imam 2 sobe )... :lol:


PostPostano: ned sep 11, 2005 8:17 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub aug 28, 2004 9:34 am
Postovi: 138
Lokacija: Sarajevo
Ima li nesto prakticnije osim akumulatora za koristenje kao izvor istosmjerne struje?

As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.

Albert Einstein

PostPostano: ned sep 11, 2005 1:10 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pon dec 13, 2004 10:24 pm
Postovi: 698
Lokacija: Hmrgh
T-1000 je napisao/la:
Ima li nesto prakticnije osim akumulatora za koristenje kao izvor istosmjerne struje?

Naravno da da. Imas adapter nesto slicno kao punjac mobitela. Stavi u uticnicu i van ce izlaziti istosmjerna struja napona vec koji pretvarac si nabavio.
To ne rjesava problem da ces na taj nacin imati konstanti napon a ne konstantu gustocu struje na elektrodama cime mozes kontrolirati velicinu cestica. Tim postupkom koliko vidim mozes znatno poboljsati produkt.

Takoder vidim da se preporuca mijesati za vrijeme elektrolize da se poveca rasprsenost cestica i smanji aglomeracija cestica.

Koga zanima vise postoji grupa na yahoo-u gdje vec 3 godina intezivno raspravljaju o tome kako, sta i gdje.

Postoji sto nacina da se poboljsa srebro dobiveno u home made izvedbi.
Vidim cak i neke generatore koji se isklucuju sami cim se dobije odredena koncetracija. Sta je najinteresantnije ta sva elektrokemija mi je struka i mogao bih tako nesto sam izvest samo da saznam gdje sve to nabaviti sta mi treba jer to bas nisu stvari koje se u ducanu mjesovitom robom kupuju.

KAd smo kod toga dal netko zna gdje kupiti laser u Zg.
Pa kad vec radim sve to da napravim kako spada. :lol:

Your God is KROM, and KROM, he lives in the Earth....

PostPostano: ned sep 11, 2005 10:34 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pon dec 13, 2004 10:24 pm
Postovi: 698
Lokacija: Hmrgh
Mala knjiga na temu... ... oids-s.pdf

Poprilicno kriticna na temu home made srebra.

Kao i stranica cijela.

Your God is KROM, and KROM, he lives in the Earth....

PostPostano: pon sep 12, 2005 12:06 am 

Pridružen/a: ned sep 11, 2005 11:55 pm
Postovi: 13
Lokacija: Beograd, Srbija
Evo jednog pitanja koje je možda glupo, ali me yanima da li elektrode moraju biti iste veličine. Ja bih na primer iskoristio dve medalje koje imam od čistog srebra,, ali su različite veličine. U stvari razlika je u obliku jer je jedna kvadratna a druga okrugla, a veličina i debljina su skoro iste.
Eh da umalo da zaboravim, da li je dovoljan ispravljač od 15V?

PostPostano: pon sep 12, 2005 3:29 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pon dec 13, 2004 10:24 pm
Postovi: 698
Lokacija: Hmrgh
Koliko sam shvatio od iskustva drugih ljudi je da ce medalje biti ok mada je bolje nabaviti elektrode i da je bolje imati manji napon nego veci zbog idealne velicine cestica. Dakle ovo tvoje je ok.

Recimo neki ljudi smatraju da je oko 18V idealno i da sa vremenom elektrolizu treba prilagoditi na jos manji voltazu.

Your God is KROM, and KROM, he lives in the Earth....

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