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PostPostano: uto jan 20, 2009 10:52 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned jan 18, 2009 1:39 pm
Postovi: 127
svaka čast...otku si našo tolke knjige,ja ih imam doma isto dosta u pdf-formatu,ali nemam flat,tak da mi njihovo stavljanje na rapidshare-a nebi bilo isplatljivo...sve ove knjige mi se čine zanimljivima,samo što nemam tolko vrenena da i sve proučim...

PostPostano: uto jan 20, 2009 7:46 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
Syon je napisao/la:
svaka čast...otku si našo tolke knjige,ja ih imam doma isto dosta u pdf-formatu,ali nemam flat,tak da mi njihovo stavljanje na rapidshare-a nebi bilo isplatljivo...sve ove knjige mi se čine zanimljivima,samo što nemam tolko vrenena da i sve proučim...

Ma nemam ni ja flat niti imam Premium account na RS-u. Da samo znaš kako se ludo skidaju. :D Već sad brojim više od 350,000 komada. Za mene se isplati jer znam da samo mali broj tih knjiga može osobi iz temelja promijeniti svjetonazor i pogurati ju u spiritualnom smjeru. Nadam se da je bar nekom od tih tisuća ljudi pomoglo ovo što sam okačio za download na razne forume.

Nitko nema dovoljno vremena. Svi imamo nekakve obaveze. To ti je materijalistička diktatura. :D

Moja kolekcija knjiga: ... cija_.html

PostPostano: ned jan 25, 2009 5:20 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
Richardson's Monitor of Freemasonry (1860)


Being a Practical Guide to the Ceremonies of all the Degrees conferred in Masonic Lodges, Chapters, Encampments and Explaining the Signs, Tokens, and Grips, Words, Passwords, Sacred Words, Oaths, and Hieroglyphics used by Masons. The ineffable and Historical Degrees are also given in full.

192 pages, 12.4 MB, PDF. Scan. ... asonry.pdf

Calvin C. Burt - Egyptian Masonic History of the Original and Unabridged Ancient and Ninety-six 96th Degree Rite of Memphis


This book was written for the purpose of showing what the Egyptian Masonic Rite of Memphis really is; as some of the Craft have not had the advantages of Masonic libraries, and have been made to believe that it is an innovation on the other Rites or Systems.... The Masonic order of Memphis is...the sole depository of high Masonic science, the true primitive rite, the supreme rite, that which has come down to us without any alteration.... In fine, the Rite of Memphis is the true Masonic tree, and all other systems, whatever they may be, are only detached branches of this institution, rendered respectable by its vast antiquity. This book is THE ONLY HISTORICAL WORK IN PRINT COVERING THE EVOLUTION OF THE RITE OF MEMPHIS IN THE UNITED STATES by one of its original members and leaders. It includes the complete texts of documents not obtainable elsewhere and also fascinating extracts from numerous rituals of the Rite of Memphis (including the Rose Croix) before it was abbreviated by Harry J. Seymour and/or John Yarker. Also included are the complete texts of the Forty-third Degree, Adept Installator, Forty-fourth Degree, Grand Consecrator, and Forty-fifth Degree, Grand Eulogist rituals.

358 pages, 15.3 MB, PDF. Scan. ... istory.pdf

Paul Nettl - Mozart and Masonry

First published 1957. Analyses Mozart's Masonic career & his Masonic compositions with special emphasis on "The Magic Flute".


176 pages, 14.9 MB, PDF. Scan. ... asonry.pdf

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PostPostano: ned feb 01, 2009 6:01 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec

Daniel Winter - Sacred Geometry & Coherent Emotion


Regarded as one of the most dynamic thinkers of our time, American-born Dan Winter is an internationally respected academic, physicist, author, accomplished keyboard artist, master animator, inventor and one of the foremost authorities on Sacred Geometry and the Scientific Nature of Consciousness in the world today.

Dan places himself on the cutting edge of science and uses his teachings to inspire others to take a fresh look at their belief systems, environment, health and the development of their consciousness. By drawing on science, mythology and popular culture, Dan is constantly formulating breakthrough ideas about the deep connectedness of all things and how the profound nature of our "oneness" can be approached via sacred geometry, architecture, art, maths, biology, computers, electronics and myth. His theories have formed the basis of notable research in the US.

The hi-resolution projection and sheer scale of Dan's visual presentations, combined with his lively lectures, extraordinary knowledge and sonic music samples taken from biological events, make for an unforgettable and unique experience.

Dan Winter is most known as a teacher of Sacred Geometry and Coherent Emotion. His invention, "The HeartTuner" has earned him literary credit for inventing the term Heart Coherence. Discovering the harmonic content of compassion in EKG and bliss - even enlightenment in EEG - lead him to a radical new physics: that IMPLOSION - the electrical-geometry of fractality - is the cause BLISS - as it is the cause of gravity in general - and the destiny of DNA in particular.

He teaches that the hygiene for bliss - creates fractal conditions (the sacred) defining the charge field which ignites and matures DNA into BLISS. He has dedicated his life to teaching - and is personally known around the entire Earth - with web presence (5 languages), 3 books, films and DVD's. His message is simple- the coherence in the aura field - generated by fractal compression - called the KA in Egypt- is what creates your vehicle for memory into death and the lucid dream. This immortalizing potential in the charge created by blood on fire with bliss - is the real message of ancient religion - the real physics of the grail

The physics is embedding, the psychology is discovering that- like the birth canal-and what happens in DNA during successful death, what emerges from perfect compression (implosion) is only the SHAREABLE wave. Redefining pure intention - as the perfection of coherence resulting from fractality - not only makes the physics of bliss measureable and teachable - but actually a loving gentle story of the Sun inviting us home.

208 pages, 7.3 MB, PDF. ... motion.pdf

Michael Donovan - Letters Upon The Mast

Letters Upon The Mast contains a story which explains the new geometry. A symbol set which helps navigate the geometry is also explained with forty maps and diagrams. By learning 19 core symbols, you can easily express relationships between (1) paths of tarot deck, (2) 10 centers of kabbalah, (3) notes of music, (4) quarks, (5) the 230-232 crystal symmetry, (6) the houses of astrology, and (7) the I Ching.

79 pages, 1.55 MB, PDF. ... e_Mast.pdf

Mario Livio - The Golden Ratio


Most readers will have at least dim memories from geometry class of the irrational number pi. Theoretical astrophysicist Livio gives pi's overlooked cousin phi its due with this lively account, the first on the subject written for the layperson. Phi is the golden ratio of antiquity (1.6180339887), a never-ending number so lauded for its harmonious qualities that in the 16th century it was dubbed the divine proportion. It is related to phenomena as diverse as the petal arrangements of roses, the breeding patterns of rabbits and the shape of our galaxy. Phi is also claimed to have been crucial in the design of the Great Pyramids, the composition of the Mona Lisa and the construction of Stradivarius violins. Livio (The Accelerating Universe) carefully investigates these and other claims and does not hesitate to debunk myths perpetuated by overzealous enthusiasts he calls "Golden Numberists." This is an engaging history of mathematics as well, addressing such perennial questions as the geometric basis of aesthetic pleasure and the nature of mathematical objects. Useful diagrams and handsome illustrations of works under discussion are amply provided. Livio is gifted with an accessible, entertaining style: one typical chapter bounds within five pages from an extended discourse on prime numbers to a clever Oscar Wilde quote about beauty to an amusing anecdote about Samuel Beckett and finally to an eminently clear explanation of G"del's incompleteness theorem. With a guide to the history of ideas as impassioned as Livio, even the math-phobic can experience the shock and pleasure of scientific discovery. This thoroughly enjoyable work vividly demonstrates to the general reader that, as Galileo put it, the universe is, indeed, written in the language of mathematics.

268 pages, 1.95 MB, PDF. ... _Ratio.pdf

Bulent Atalay - Math and the Mona Lisa


In this readable, if less than compelling, disquisition on the close relationship of art and science, physics professor Atalay uses as his touchstone Leonardo da Vinci, of whom he says in his prologue: "Had [da Vinci] been able to publish the scientific ruminations found in his manuscripts in his own time, our present level of sophistication in science and technology might have been reached one or two centuries earlier." This assertion sets the buoyant tone for the rest of the book. The author marvels at the symmetries to be found in art and the natural world, discussing the Fibonacci series (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8...) and the golden ratio related to it designated by the Greek letter phi (1.618...) with illustrated examples ranging from da Vinci's three portraits of women to the Great Pyramid and the Parthenon. He concedes the existence of asymmetry and dissonance, but chooses not to get into such subjects as chaos theory and fractals that don't fit his harmonious view of the universe. While Atalay makes an agreeable guide, he covers too much ground that will already be familiar to his likely audience.

305 pages, 4.78 MB, PDF. ... a_Lisa.pdf

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PostPostano: pet feb 06, 2009 2:01 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec

The Urantia Book, first published by Urantia Foundation in 1955, claims to have been presented by celestial beings as a revelation to our planet, Urantia. Many who have read it accept this assertion.

The writings in the Book instruct us on the genesis, history, and destiny of humanity and on our relationship with God the Father. They present a unique and compelling portrayal of the life and teachings of Jesus. They open new vistas of time and eternity to the human spirit, and offer new details of our ascending adventure in a friendly and carefully administered universe.

This publication speaks to the people of our planet, Urantia, and offers an organized record of mankind's origin, history and destiny. It tells about Deity; the organization and administration of universes and the relation of the planet on which we live to the universe; the genesis and destiny of man and his relation to God and the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is an attempt to speak to man's deep spiritual yearnings and to satisfy the intellect by harmonizing religion, philosophy and today's science through the fostering of individual spiritual growth and an understanding of the universe which are commensurate with man's intellectual and cultural development. It opens new vistas of time and eternity and new concepts of man's ever-ascending adventure of finding God the Father.


Part I: The Central and Superuniverses.
Part II: The Local Universe.
Part III: The History of Urantia.
IV: The Life and Teachings of Jesus.

2928 pages, 5,91 MB, PDF.

Rudolf Steiner - How to Know Higher Worlds


How to Know Higher Worlds by Rudolf Steiner is one of the most fundamental and practical books within the entire range of anthroposophical literature. Though the entire edifice of Anthroposophy was originally the result of one highly developed individual's examinations into the spiritual worlds, it was never intended develop as a movement that is only dependent on this individual. Rudolf Steiner offered a path which develops the faculties for the independent attainment of spiritual knowledge which is directly compatible with the constitution of modern humanity with its faculty for independent examination and its discerning intellect. Strength and integrity within the human soul are essential for reliable knowledge in the physical-sensory realm, and this is even more the case for examination of the spiritual realms where delusion and error are that much more possible.

In How to know Higher Worlds, Steiner has given exercises and meditation techniques which are designed to deepen, strengthen and ultimately open the human soul to an objective reality beyond the physical senses. It is not a quick an easy path as it is a developmental path, but it is one which brings surety and objectivity in its results over time.

268 pages, 715 KB, PDF. ... Worlds.pdf

Rudolf Steiner - Four Mystery Dramas: The Portal of Initiation, the Soul's Probation, the Guardian of the Threshold, the Soul's Awakening

Rudolf Steiner's four mystery dramas are powerful portrayals of the complex laws of reincarnation and karma. They transport us into a landscape of the human soul and spirit, where suprasensory beings are active. Through the perception of these hidden worlds, we are given the opportunity to understand the struggles we face in attempting to apply spiritual knowledge to our everyday lives and relationships. Written between 1910 and 1913 during periods of intense inner and outer work, these dramas are powerful testimonies to Steiner's artistic creativity. By manifesting soul and spirit forms on a stage, they foreshadow a dramatic art for the future. The complete cycle of four plays is reproduced here in the classic translation by Ruth and Hans Pusch. The Four Plays: The Portal of Initiation: A Rosicrucian Mystery, through Rudolf Steiner The Soul's Probation: A Life Tableau in Dramatic Scenes As Sequel to the Portal of Initiation, through Rudolf Steiner The Guardian of the Threshold: Soul Events in Dramatic Scenes, by Rudolf Steiner The Souls' Awakening: Soul and Spirit Events in Dramatic Scenes, by Rudolf Steiner

370 pages, 1.04 MB, PDF. ... teiner.pdf

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PostPostano: sub feb 07, 2009 1:25 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
Evo, otvorio sam 4shared account, i stavio neke knjige gore. Za one koji ne vole Rapidshare. :D ... aring.html

Povremeno ću dodavati nove.

Moja kolekcija knjiga: ... cija_.html

PostPostano: sub feb 07, 2009 4:07 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Alchemy (7 hours, 53MB)

Adepts of the Alchemical Tradition
Hermetic Symbols of the Great Work
Human Regeneration by Alchemy
Chinese and Tibetan Alchemy

slika ... lchemy.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Astrotheology (9 hours, 67MB)

Zodiac and the Great Platonic Year
Astrology and Universal Cosmology
The Planets and the Ancient Gods
Great Solar Symbol of the Messiah
The Journey of the Human Soul Through Astrological Cycles

slika ... eology.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - The Atlantean Hypothesis (9.5 hours, 69MB)

Atlantean Records in Greece and Egypt
Atlantean Records in India and China
Atlantean Records in Africa and Polynesia
Atlantean Records in Europe
Atlantean Records in Ancient America

slika ... thesis.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - The Atom in Religion and Philosophy (9 hours, 64MB)

Greek Philosopher - Atomists
Atomic Research in India and China
Atomism in Early European Philosophy
How Modern Philosophy Can Cope with the Atom
The Spiritual Challenge of the Atomic Age

slika ... osophy.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - The Cycle of the Phoenix - A New Approach to the Philosophy of History (9.5 hours, 68MB)

600 B.C. to Era of the Ancient Teachers
1 A.D. to Christian Era
600 A.D. to Moslem Era
1200 A.D. to Era of Intellectual Restoration
1800 A.D. to Era of Social Liberation

slika ... istory.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Doctrines of Hermes Trismegistus (9 hours, 66MB)

Orientation of the Hermetic Philosophy
Hermetism, Gnosticism, and Neoplatonism
Great Body of the Hermetic Literature
Influence of Hermetic Tradition on Christianity
The Principle Text, Divine Pymander

slika ... gistus.rar

Moja kolekcija knjiga: ... cija_.html

PostPostano: sub feb 07, 2009 4:12 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Doctrines of Neoplatonism (8.5 hours, 62MB)

Proclus on the Theology of Plato
Iamblichus on the Mysteries
Plotinus the Beautiful
Porphyry on the Wanderings of Ulysses
Julian on the Mother of the Gods

slika ... tonism.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Esoteric Anthropology (9.5 hours, 70MB)

The Beginning of Human Life
The Rise of Mankind in Nature
The Origins of Race and Languages
The Ensouling of Humanity
The Future of the Human Race

slika ... pology.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Esoteric Philosophy of H.P. Blavatsky (9 hours, 68MB)

Source of "The Secret Doctrine"
Indian Philosophy as Interpreted by H.P. Blavatsky
Inner Teachings of Lamaism
"Voice of the Silence" as Mahayana Buddhism
Raja Yoga of H.P. Blavatsky

slika ... vatsky.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Exploring Dimensions of Consciousness (9.5 hours, 70MB)

Universal and Personal Consciousness
Approach to the Preconscious
Subconscious States in Nature and Man
Consciousness and Mind
Superconscious Recognition

slika ... usness.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - First Principles of Philosophy (8 hours, 62MB)

The Four Aspects of Metaphysics
Logic and Ethics
Psychology and Epistomology
Esthetics and Theurgy
The Symbolism of the Ten Bulls

slika ... osophy.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Five Paths of Yoga (9 hours, 68MB)

Karma Yoga - The Yoga of Action
Hatha Yoga - The Yoga of the Body
Bhakti Yoga - The Yoga of Devotion
Inana Yoga - The Yoga of Wisdom
Raja Yoga - The Royal Path

slika ... f_Yoga.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - The Five-Fold Nature of the Self (9 hours, 66MB)

The Self That Senses
The Self That Thinks
The Self That Wills
The Self That Grows
The Real Self

slika ... e_Self.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - The Great Polarities (8 hours, 61MB)

Heaven and Hell
God and Man
Truth and Error
Good and Evil
Heart and Mind

slika ... rities.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Greek and Roman Deities as Personifications of Divine Principles (9 hours, 67MB)

Divine Dynasty - Uranus, Cronus, and Zeus
Circle of the Twelve Olympian Deities
Children of Zeus - Secondary Order of the Gods and Mortals
Heroes - Offspring of the Gods and Mortals
Neoplatonic Key to the Grand Cycle of Myths

slika ... ciples.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Interpreting Great Legends of the World (9 hours, 66MB)

Mystery of the Iron Tower (India)
The Gesar Khan (Tibet)
The Court of the Sea King (Japan)
The Queen of Heaven (China)
The Golden Legend (Europe)

slika ... _World.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Invisible Bodies of Men in Hindu Philosophy (9 hours, 65MB)

The Sthula Sharira - Physical Body and its Attributes
The Living Shariri - The Etheric and Vital Bodies - Their Function
The Kamaru Pa - The Emotional Nature and its Activities
The Rupa and Arupa Manas - Vehicles of the Concrete and Abstract Mind
The Buddhic Sheath - The Seat of the Intuitive People

slika ... osophy.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Landmarks of Esoteric Literature (9 hours, 66MB)

Francis Bacon - "The New Atlantis"
Knorr Von Rosenroth - "The Kabbala Unveiled"
Arthur Edward Waite - "The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross"
Mary Ann Atwood - "A Suggestive Inquiry Into the Hermetic Mystery"
Blavatsky - "The Secret Doctrine"

slika ... rature.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - The Love Series (6 hours, 46MB)

Human Love
Love of Beauty
Love of God
Love of Nature
Love of Truth
The Redemptive Power of Love

slika ... Series.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Man, Grand Symbol of the Mysteries (9.5 hours, 70MB)

Embryology and the Story of the Cell
Brain and Release of the Soul
Heart, the Seat of Life
Spinal Column and the Kundalini
Pineal Gland and the Endocrine System

slika ... teries.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - The Mysteries of the Cabala (8 hours, 62MB)

Ancient of Days - Nature of the Godhead
Mother of the Mysteries - Process of Creation
Angel of the Presence - Administration of Universal Law
Chariot of Righteousness - Mystical Disciplines of Cabalism and Yoga
Everlasting House - Restoration of Heaven and Earth

slika ... Cabala.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - The Mystery Meaning of the Ancient Rituals (9 hours, 67MB)

The Initiation Rites of Ancient Egypt
The State Mysteries of Greece and Rome
Esoteric Rituals in Early America
Secret Ceremonies in China and Japan
The Secret Symbolism of the Christian Mass

slika ... ituals.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - New Concepts of Therapy for Daily Living (9 hours, 65MB)

Constructive Uses of Suggestion and Auto-suggestion
Recent Progress in Hypnotic Techniques
The Value of Group Prayer and Meditation
Types of Magnetic Healing
Mental Control of the Energy Fields of the Body

slika ... Living.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Paracelsian Philosophy (9.5 hours, 69MB)

On Natural and Unnatural Religion and Science
Invisible Creatures of the Five Elements
Universal Energy and Metaphysical Medicine
Doctrine of Sympathetic Forces in Nature
Man as a Constellation

slika ... osophy.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - The Philosophy of Value (9 hours, 67MB)

The Oriental Concept of a Value
Things as Objects of Value
The Ageless Quest for Value
Taking Hold of Value
Living in the Light of Value

slika ... _Value.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Practical Mysticism in Modern Living (8.5 hours, 64MB)

Mystical Content in Scientific Knowledge
Mystical Directives to Personal Action
Mystical Aspects of Modern Medicine
Mystical Overtones in Culture and Society
Mystical Trends in Modern Psychology

slika ... Living.rar

Moja kolekcija knjiga: ... cija_.html

PostPostano: sub feb 07, 2009 4:15 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Psychological Theory and Practice (9 hours, 65MB)

Defense Mechanisms in Daily Conduct
Dissociation: The Abrupt Mood Change
Prenatal Factors in Psychic Stress
The Psychology of Social Integration
Cause and Effect in Mental Process

slika ... actice.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Pythagorean Theory of Number (10 hours, 73MB)

Basic Philosophy of Numeration and Number
The Tetractys and the Motion of Number
The Fourth Pythagorean Proposition
The Human Soul and Archetypal Number
The Symbolism of Numbers

slika ... Number.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - The Septenaries (9.5 hours, 70MB)

The Seven Creative Powers of the Godhead
The Seven Great Ages of the Earth
The Seven Races of Mankind
The Seven Laws Governing Human Life
The Seven Schools of Mystery Religions

slika ... naries.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Studies in Comparative Mythology (9.5 hours, 68MB)

Babylonian Creation Myths
Greek Philosophical Mythology
Teutonic Hero Myths
Buddhist Regeneration Myths
Egyptian Myths of the Afterlife

slika ... hology.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Studies in Dream Symbolism (9 hours, 69MB)

An Alphabet of Dream Symbols
Self-Instruction Through Dreams
Warnings and Premonitions - The Dangerous Dream
The Dream as a Mystical Experience
The Twilight Hour - Dreams Between Sleeping and Waking

slika ... bolism.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Studies in Self-Unfoldment (9.5 hours, 69MB)

Inward Perception
The Practice of Concentration
The Discipline of Retrospection
The Mystery of the Transcendental Personality
Realization as Illumination

slika ... ldment.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Studies in Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike (9 hours, 67MB)

Mystery of the Ineffable Name of God
Sacred Tradition of the Aryas
Secret Language of Symbolism
Wisdom Religion in Persia
Restoration of Ritualistic Instruction

slika ... t_Pike.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Symbolism of the Great Operas (9 hours, 65MB)

Builders of World Peace 'The Ring of Niebelugs' - The Karmic Cycle That Cannot Be Broken
'Parsival and Lohengrin' - Esoteric Schools in the Christian World
'Faust' - Fall and Resurrection of the Human Soul
'The Magic Flute' - The Return of Masonic Initiation to the Modern World
The Meistersingers of Nuremburg

slika ... Operas.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - The Universe According to Esoteric Philosophy (8.5 hours, 62MB)

Of Creation and the Gods
Of the Universe and Its Laws
Of the Sun and Its Planets
Of Nature and Its Kingdoms
Of Man - His Origin and Destiny

slika ... osophy.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Unseen Forces that Affect our Lives (8.5 hours, 65MB)

The Living Universe Beyond our Sensory Perception
Demonism in the 20th Century
Obsession and Spirit Possession
Thought Forms and Psychic Ghosts
Secret Powers and Why We Should Not Use Them

slika ... _Lives.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - The Wisdom Series (6 hours, 46MB)

The Challenge of Forever Becoming
The Wonder World of Words
From Knowledge to Wisdom
From Wisdom to Understanding
Faiths that Lead to Certainties
Now, a Moment in Eternity

slika ... Series.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - Worlds in Transition (9 hours, 68MB)

Religion Beyond Dogma
Science Beyond Materialism
Philosophy Beyond Doctrine
History Beyond Tradition
Education Beyond Authority

slika ... sition.rar

Manly P. Hall - Audio Lecture - The Zen Concept of Intensity Without Tension (8.5 hours, 64MB)

The Pressure Mechanism and How it Operates
Pressures Arising from Personality Conflicts
Pressures Arising from Family Relationships
Pressure Associated with Maturity and Advancing Years
Pressures Arising from Environment and World Conditions

slika ... ension.rar

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PostPostano: sri feb 18, 2009 3:50 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec


This started out as a quarterly journal dedicated to the hermetic tradition, edited by Adam McLean. The first issue was released in August 1978 and it continued until 1992.
The Hermetic Journal explored alchemy and hermetic philosophy from various angles and attracted a wide range of contributors. It addressed a readership which had a deep interest in hermeticism and although the editor was open to articles of a speculative nature he always tried to encourage scholarly research into hermetic philosophy. It was primarily available only through subscription, and had a small circulation of about three to four hundred readers. It did not attempt to proselytise or reach a wider readership, but built up a network of people interested in furthering the investigation of alchemy and hermetic philosophy.

McLeans Hermetic Journal Pt. 1, Volumes 1-12: ... _1-12.html

McLeans Hermetic Journal Pt. 2, Volumes 13-23: ... 13-23.html

McLeans Hermetic Journal Pt. 3, Volumes 24-36: ... 24-36.html

McLeans Hermetic Journal Pt. 4, Volumes 37-43: ... 37-43.html

McLeans Hermetic Journal Pt. 5, Volumes 44-46: ... 44-46.html



5 volumes: ... lumes.html

Willis Barnstone and Marvin Meyer - The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds


This book may well be the most comprehensive collection of Gnostic materials ever gathered in one volume. After a dry introduction to current debates about gnosticism (by Meyer) and a luminous, marvelously literary introduction to issues of translation (by Barnstone), the bulk of the text is taken up with primary sources, which are drawn from three continents and span an astonishing 13 centuries. These are helpfully organized into various schools of Gnostic tradition: Sethian, Valentinian, Syrian, Hermetic, Mandaean, Manichaean, and--in an unusual move--relatively late Islamic and Cathar texts. Each grouping of texts is preceded by a brief introduction to that particular section's brand of Gnosticism. What is clear from this sourcebook is the tremendous diversity of thought that exists under the "Gnostic" umbrella, including Christian, Jewish, Muslim, pagan, Zoroastrian and Greco-Roman themes. Many of the texts are being published here in English for the first time, making this a valuable resource for students and scholars.

871 pages, 11.7 MB, PDF. ... Bible.html

Eliphas Levi - Transcendental Magic, Its Doctrine and Ritual (1896)


A complete translation of "Dogme et Rituel de La Haute Magie." With a Biographical Preface by Arthur Edward Waite. Including all the original Engravings and a Portrait of the author. Contents: The Candidate; Occult Symbolism; Magical Equilibrium; The Fiery Sword; Realization; Initiation; The Kabbalah; The Magic Chain; The Great Work; Necromancy; Black Magic; The Universal Medicine; Divination; plus much more. A foundation of occult work!

444 pages, 37,3 MB, PDF. Scan. ... itual.html

The Philosophical Epitaph of W.C. Esquire (1673)


Important work of alchemical literature, the last portion being the first bibliography in English of English alchemical books. Originally published in 1673 and reissued here in 1675 (with the bibliography expanded)

131 pages, 9 MB, PDF. Scan. ... 1673_.html

A.E.Waite - The Real History of the Rosicrucians (1887)


Considered one of the best, most factual and complete historical records about Rosicrucianism. This book is scholarly, objective and non-partisan, and remains essential reading for those desiring a balanced and unprejudiced view.

This truly is a fact filled historical record about the Order of the Rosy Cross. From Christian Rosenkruez to possible links with Islam to its influence on Freemasonry, this book does not disappoint. It is truly a banquet of information on which a hungry mind can feast.

19.8 MB, PDF. Scan. Four PDFs in one rar. ... cians.html

Spencer Lewis - AMORC Rosicrucian Manual


120 pages, 23.7 MB, PDF. Scan. ... AMORC.html

Christopher McIntosh - The Rosy Cross Unveiled


Maybe the best introduction to Rosicrucianism in print. It is well written and concise. A chapter on the Golden Dawn is included as well as interesting Masonic material.

175 pages, 15.7 MB, PDF. Scan. ... eiled.html

C. W. Leadbeater - Devachanic Plane or The Heaven World (1896)


1896. Leadbeater was a student of the unseen nature of man and the universe. This work describes his clairvoyant investigation of the higher level of existence, or Devachan in Eastern philosophy, where bliss is found before one is reincarnated.

108 pages, 6.05 MB, PDF. Scan. ... _Plane.htm

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PostPostano: sri feb 18, 2009 9:46 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
Samuel Croxall - The Secret History of Pythagoras (1751)


70 pages, 8.39 MB, PDF. Scan. ... 1751_.html

Denning & Phillips - Entrance to the Magical Qabalah


In this significant new work, Denning and Phillips set forth the essential traditions and teachings of the treasury of mystical and arcane learning, which is known as the Qabalah. Everything that is, ourselves included, is seen by the Qabalah as existing in some or all of four "Worlds" or levels of being. With clarity and insight, the authors explore the origins and spirit of this system, its relationship to the Hermetic writings and the Zohar, its great patterns of thought and method, its spiritual sources of power and its tremendous creative potential. the question of evil is addressed in a study of the Qlippoth and unbalanced force. Here also, among many other vital topics, are considered the role of the Supernal Mother in the cosmic scheme, the sturcture and functions of the psyche, spiritual realms, the destiny of the soul after death, the nature of the Gods, the way of magical attainment and the crossing of the Abyss.

171 pages, 7.41 MB, PDF. Scan. ... balah.html

Elliot R. Wolfson - Alef, Mem, Tau: Kabbalistic Musings on Time, Truth, and Death


This highly original, provocative, and poetic work explores the nexus of time, truth, and death in the symbolic world of medieval kabbalah. Demonstrating that the historical and theoretical relationship between kabbalah and western philosophy is far more intimate and extensive than any previous scholar has ever suggested, Elliot R. Wolfson draws an extraordinary range of thinkers such as Frederic Jameson, Martin Heidegger, Franz Rosenzweig, William Blake, Julia Kristeva, Friedrich Schelling, and a host of kabbalistic figures into deep conversation with one another. Alef, Mem, Tau also discusses Islamic mysticism and Buddhist thought in relation to the Jewish esoteric tradition as it opens the possibility of a temporal triumph of temporality and the conquering of time through time.
The framework for Wolfson's examination is the rabbinic teaching that the word emet, "truth," comprises the first, middle, and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet, alef, mem, and tau, which serve, in turn, as semiotic signposts for the three tenses of time--past, present, and future. By heeding the letters of emet we discern the truth of time manifestly concealed in the time of truth, the beginning that cannot begin if it is to be the beginning, the middle that re/marks the place of origin and destiny, and the end that is the figuration of the impossible disclosing the impossibility of figuration, the finitude of death that facilitates the possibility of rebirth. The time of death does not mark the death of time, but time immortal, the moment of truth that bestows on the truth of the moment an endless beginning of a beginningless end, the truth of death encountered incessantly in retracing steps of time yet to be taken--between, before, beyond.

347 pages, 3.46 MB, PDF. ... Death.html

Daniel Feldman - Qabalah, the Mystical Heritage of the Children of Abraham


The book effectively presents the teachings of an accomplished and knowledgeable mystic, now retired from the world. He transmitted information and meditation methods in private meetings during the 1970s and 1980s. He anonymously published a number of the first English translations of primary qabalistic texts,and distributed tens of thousands of copies through the Work of the Chariot Trust.

This book is the first time that a senior student of the Work of the Chariot has compiled much of the teachings from those meetings on the core principles and practices of the Mystical Qabalah.

287 pages, 4.68 MB, PDF. ... raham.html

Moja kolekcija knjiga: ... cija_.html

PostPostano: čet feb 19, 2009 12:44 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
A.T. Pierson - Traditions Of Freemasonry And Its Coincidences With The Ancient Mysteries (1870)



Discusses the meaning behind the ritual. Contents: Entered Apprentice; Fellow Craft; Master Mason; Past Master; Most Excellent Master; Royal Arch.

404 pages, 35.6 MB, PDF. Scan. ... 1870_.html

Charles H. Vail - Ancient Mysteries and Modern Masonry (1909)



In the early ages occult knowledge was taught openly, as the sciences are taught in our colleges to-day. But in the course of time many allowed their selfishness to rule and so abused their power that it became necessary to withhold such knowledge from the unworthy. This was the condition of religious affairs when the Mysteries were necessarily established by the King-Priests of the Divine Dynasties, in the early days of Atlantis. -from "The Origin of the Mysteries"

Though the author cannot, alas, "lift the veil from the secrets of the Order," 32nd-degree Freemason Charles H. Vail endeavors to lead the curious toward a more complete understanding of the ancient knowledge of the eternal truth of the universe of which the Masons are the keepers.

From the great antiquity of Masonic symbols and traditions to the formation of the organization with their perpetuation as its goal, this 1909 book is an intriguing glimpse inside one of the most secretive fraternities in existence. It is required reading for those fascinated by arcane wisdom and secret societies.

256 pages, 13.9 MB, PDF. Scan. ... 1909_.html

James Anderson - The Constitutions of the Free-Masons (1859)


Edition of the the first Masonic book printed in America, which was originally produced in Philadelphia by Benjamin Franklin in 1734, and was a reprint of a work by James Anderson (who is identified as the author in an appendix) printed in London in 1723. This is the seminal work of American Masonry, edited and published by one of the founding fathers, and of great importance to the development of colonial society and the formation of the Republic. The work contains a 40-page history of Masonry: from Adam to the reign of King George I, including, among others, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Solomon, Hiram Abif, Nebuchadnezzar, Augustus Caesar, Vitruvius, King Athelstan the Saxon, Inigo Jones, and James I of England. It is a celebration of the science of Geometry and the Royal Art of Architecture. The work also includes five songs, one of which—“A New Song”—appears in print for the first time and may have been composed by Franklin.

130 pages, 9.48 MB, PDF. Scan. ... 1859_.html

Oliver Day Street - Symbolism of the Three Degrees

Originally published in 1920s by Oliver Day Street, Symbolism of the Three Degrees completely elucidates the symbolism of Freemasonry in three volumes:

* Volume I: The Entered Apprentice Degree
* Volume II: The Fellow Craft Degree
* Volume III: The Master Mason Degree

The author proceeds upon the principle, ignored by so many, that Masonic symbols should have a Masonic interpretation, as determined by the history and teaching of the Craft. This saves him the trouble, and his readers the weariness, of wandering through the mazes of ancient lore in quest of imaginary meanings of symbols to which the Craft has given, tacitly or officially, its own interpretation. The comparative study of symbols, to say nothing of their varied, meanings and migrations, is another subject, and is beyond the limits and purpose of this book.

Symbolism of the Three Degrees will be welcomed by the Craft as a practical and competent elucidation of its symbolism, and it is an honor to the M.S.A. (Masonic Service Association) to give it a worthy and permanent form.

3 volumes, 17.8 MB, PDF. Scan. ... I-III.html

The Pocket Companion and History of Free-Masons (1754)


351 pages, 11.9 MB, PDF. Scan. ... 1754_.html

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PostPostano: pet feb 20, 2009 4:50 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
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Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec

Alexandre Toussaint de Limojon - A Letter to the True Disciples of Hermes, wherein are Six Cardinal Keys of the Secret Philosophy
Alchemical Catechism
Amanda Diane Doerr - Alchemiae Basica
Antoine-Joseph Pernety - The Great Art
Anton Josef Krichweger - The Golden Chain of Homer
Archibald Cockren - Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored
Arnold de Villanova - Rosarium Philosophorum
Aurei Vellris - Mirror of the Philosophers
Basil Valentine - Twelve Keys
Basile Valentin - The Keys of Basilus with Commentary
Basile Valentin - Triumphal Chariot of Antimony
C. W. Leadbeater - Occult Chemistry
Charles William Heckethorn - Alchemists, the Rosicrucians and Asiatic Brethrens
Concerning the Material of the Stone
David Cherubim - Alchemy, the Black Art
Delmar DeForest Bryant - Lessons in the Unfoldment of the Philosophers Stone
Frater Albertus - Alchemist's Handbook
Herbert Stanley Redgrove - Alchemy Ancient and Modern


i još mnogo toga ovdje: ... mija_.html

Book of Lambspring (1607)



This poem was first printed in Nicolas Barnaud, Triga chemica: de lapide philosophico tractatus tres..., Leiden 1599, but without illustrations. This was reprinted in volume III of the Theatrum Chemicum, 1602. It was issued by Lucas Jennis three times in 1625 with a series of 15 emblems. The three books issued were Dyas chymica tripartita, the Musaeum hermeticum, and De lapide philosophico.

The Book of Lambspring is a short work with an introductory section in verse and an emblem showing a threefold furnace. Following the tradition of emblem books of the period its series of fifteen emblems each bears a motto or title with a verse on the facing page. The Book of Lambspring is a work of spiritual alchemy, has few references to physical alchemical processes, and it seems unlikely that it could ever have provided any clues that might help someone engaged upon physical experimentation. Instead, it is a clear, powerful and extremely useful statement of the inner work of the spiritual alchemist. Its verses point to the soul and spirit involved in the alchemical transformation and its fifteen emblems are evocative symbols of these inner processes.


38 pages, 21.1 MB, PDF. Scan. ... 1607_.html

John Dee - Monas Hieroglyphica (1564)


This is John Dee's enigmatic treatise on symbolic language. Although published in 1564 at age 37, he considered it valuable throughout his life. The Monas is a highly esoteric work. In it he claims himself in possession of the most secret mysteries. He wrote it in twelve days while apparently in a peak (mystical) state: “[I am] the pen merely of [God] Whose Spirit, quickly writing these things through me, I wish and I hope to be.” He claims it will revolutionize astronomy, alchemy, mathematics, linguistics, mechanics, music, optics, magic, and adeptship.

The Monas Hieroglyphica (or Hieroglyphic Monad) is an esoteric symbol invented and designed by John Dee, the Elizabethan Magus and Court Astrologer of Elizabeth I of England. It is also the title of the 1564 book in which Dee expounds the meaning of his symbol.

The Hieroglyphic embodies Dee's vision of the unity of the Cosmos and is a composite of various esoteric and astrological symbols. Dee wrote a commentary on it which serves as a primer of its mysteries. However, the obscurity of the commentary is such that it is believed that Dee used it as a sort of textbook for a more detailed explanation of the Hieroglyph which he would give in person. In the absence of any remaining detail of this explanation we may never know the full significance of the Glyph.


29 pages, 13.8 MB, PDF. Scan. ... 1564_.html

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PostPostano: sub feb 28, 2009 1:28 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec


The Rays from the Rose Cross Magazine is published by The Rosicrucian Fellowship and is devoted to a blending of Mystic Christianity and Scientific Thought.

Rays from the Rose Cross is a Christian esoteric magazine established in June 1913 by Max Heindel, author of The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception and founder of The Rosicrucian Fellowship; its original name was Echoes from Mount Ecclesia. It is issued bimonthly by The Rosicrucian Fellowship in the United States. Its publication has stopped in May/April 2004; however, there is expectation that it may start being issued once again in future times.
It contains articles on themes as Esoteric Christianity, Astrology, Philosophy, History, Science, Health, Nutrition, Social issues, etc.

Yearly issues: 1995

7.68 mb, pdf. ... 1995_.html

Yearly issues: 1996

23.9 mb, pdf. ... 1996_.html

Yearly issues: 1997

28.1 mb, pdf. ... 1997_.html

Yearly issues: 1998

26.7 mb, pdf. ... 1998_.html

Yearly issues: 1999

23.8 mb, pdf. ... 1999_.html

Yearly issues: 2000

24.2 mb, pdf. ... 2000_.html

Yearly issues: 2001

25.3 mb, pdf. ... 2001_.html

Yearly issues: 2002

20.3 mb, pdf. ... 2002_.html

Yearly issues: 2003

15.7 mb, pdf. ... 2003_.html

Yearly issues: 2004

5.20 mb, pdf. ... 2004_.html

Echoes from Mt. Ecclesia-Rays from the Rose Cross (1913 - 1920)

33.7 mb, pdf. ... 1920_.html

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PostPostano: pon mar 02, 2009 4:18 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec

Frances A. Yates - Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition


This is Yates's masterpiece, a brilliant and lucid survey of a wide range of magical traditions in the Renaissance. Yates argues that magic lay at the heart of the Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth century, and places the extraordinary misfit Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) at the center of that development. In later works, Yates often let her insight run wild, but this book rightly revolutionized thinking about magic and occultism in the Renaissance.

Table of Contents:

Hermes Trismegistus
Ficino's Pimander and the Asclepius
Hermes Trismegistus and Magic
Ficino's Natural Magic
Pico della Mirandola and Cabalist Magic
Pseudo-Dionysius and the Theology of a Christian Magus
Cornelius Agrippa's Survey of Renaissance Magic
Renaissance Magic and Science
Against magic: (1) Theological Objections; (2) The Humanist Tradition
Religious Hermetism in the Sixteenth Century
Giordano Bruno: First Visit to Paris
Giordano Bruno in England: The Hermetic Reform
Giordano Bruno in England: The Hermetic Philosophy
Giordano Bruno and the Cabala
Giordano Bruno: Heroic Enthusiast and Elizabethan
Giordano Bruno: Second Visit to Paris
Giordano Bruno in Germany
Giordano Bruno: Last Published Work
Giordano Bruno: Return to Italy
Giordano Bruno and Tommaso Campanella
After Hermes Trismegistus was Dated
Hermes Trismegistus and the Fludd Controversies

263 pages, 10.2 MB, PDF. Scan. ... ition.html

Dion Fortune - Psychic Self-Defense

After finding herself the subject of a powerful psychic attack, Dion Fortune wrote this detailed instruction manual for safeguarding yourself against paranormal malevolence. Fortune explores the elusive psychic element in mental illness and, more importantly, details the methods, motives, and physical aspects of psychic attack, and how to overcome this energy.

This is an excellent example of the occult genius of Dion Fortune. This book harbours a wealth of personal experiences of the author and includes chapters on Signs of Psychic Attack; Projection of the Etheric Body; Vampirism; Hauntings; The Pathology of Non-Human Contacts; The Risks Incidental to Ceremonial Magic; Distinction Between Objective Psychic Attack and Subjective Psychic Disturbance; Non Occult Dangers of the Black Lodge; Methods of Psychic Defence, etc. Dion Fortune's writings in this book are masterful in demonstrating the enormity of the subject she has undertaken to reveal. ... fense.html

Dion Fortune - Applied Magic


A selection of Dion Fortune's writings on the practical applications of magical and esoteric techniques. She explains that everyone has the ability to access the invisible planes of existence (mind and spirit) which cannot be perceived with the physical senses. Provides invaluable guidance to anyone intent on increasing their inner awareness. Includes a new introduction by Gareth Knight and an index.

92 pages, 516 KB, PDF. ... Magic.html

A.E. Waite - Book of Ceremonial Magic

First published in 1911, Arthur Edward Waite's The Book of Ceremonial Magic is well-known for being a rather enigmatic text. The first hald of the book offers an analytical and critical account of many magical rituals. The second can be considered an illustrated grimoire. Contemporary occultists may find Waite's language and style at times archaic, but perception and persistence will show that this tome is a most useful reference.

Table of Contents:

Part I: The Literature Of Ceremonial Magic
Chapter I: The antiquity of Magical Rituals
Section 1. The Importance of Ceremonial Magic
Section 2: The Distinction between White and Black Magic
Section 3: The Unprinted Literature of Ceremonial Magic
Chapter II: The Rituals of Transcendental Magic
Section 1: The Arbatel of Magic
Section 2: Theosophia Pneumatica
Section 3: The Enchiridion of Pope Leo
Section 4: The Seven Mysterious Orisons
Section 5: Summary of Transcendental Magic

Chapter III: Composite Rituals

Section 1: The Key of Solomon the King
Section 2: The Lesser Key of Solomon
Section 3: The Pauline Art
Section 4: The Almadel
Section 5: The Fourth Book of Cornelius Agrippa
Section 6: The Heptameron
Section 7: The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage

Chapter IV: The Rituals Of Black Magic

Section 1: The Grimorium Verum
Section 2: True Black Magic
Section 3: The Grand Grimoire
Section 4: The Grimoire of Honorius
Section 5: Minor and Spurious Rituals of Black Magic
Section 6: The Black Pullet
Section 7: Talismans of the Sage of the Pyramids: I to III
Talismans of the Sage of the Pyramids: IV, V
Talismans of the Sage of the Pyramids: VI, VII
Talismans of the Sage of the Pyramids: VIII
Talismans of the Sage of the Pyramids: IX, X
Talismans of the Sage of the Pyramids: XI, XII
Talismans of the Sage of the Pyramids: XIII, XIV
Talismans of the Sage of the Pyramids: XV, XVI
Talismans of the Sage of the Pyramids: XVII, XVIII
Talismans of the Sage of the Pyramids: XIX, XX, conclusion
Section 8: The Gold-Finding Hen


Chapter I: The Preparation of the Operator
Section 1: Concerning the Love of God
Section 2: Concerning. Fortitude
Section 3: Concerning Continence and Abstinence
Section 4: Concerning the External Preparation of the Operator, and firstly Concerning Ablution
Section 5: Concerning the External Preparation of the Operator, and secondly Concerning the Vestments

Chapter II: The Initial Rites and Ceremonies

Section 1: Concerning the Virtues of the Planets
Section 2: A General Instruction concerning the Instruments required for the Art
Section 3: Concerning the Rod and Staff of the Art
Section 4: Concerning the Pen and Ink of the Art
Section 5: Concerning Virgin Wax or Virgin Earth
Section 6: Concerning the Silken Cloth
Section 7: Concerning the Victim of the Art
Section 8: Concerning Aspersion and Cleansing
Section 9: Concerning the Time of Operation

Chapter III: Concerning the Descending Hierarchy

Section 1: The Names and Offices of Evil Spirits
Section 2: Concerning the Forms of Infernal Spirits in their Manifestations

Chapter IV: The Mysteries of Goëtic Theurgy according to the Lesser Key of Solomon the King.

Section 1: Concerning the Spirits of the Brazen Vessel, otherwise called the False Monarchy of Demons (Introduction)
Demons: I. (Baal) to IX. (Paimon)
Demons: X. (Buer) to XX. (Purson)
Demons: XXI. (Morax) to XXX. (Forneus)
Demons: XXXI. (Foras) to XXXVIII. (Halpas)
Demons: XXXIX. (Malpas) to LI. (Balam)
Demons: LII. (Allocen) to LIX. (Orias)
Demons: LX. (Vapula) to LXXII. (Andromalius)
Section 2: Concerning the Rite of Conjuration, from the Lemegeton
Chapter V: Concerning the Mystery of the Sanctum Regnum, or the Government of Evil Spirits; being the Rite of Conjuration according to the Grimorium Verum
Chapter V: Concerning the Mystery of the Sanctum Regnum, or the Government of Evil Spirits; being the Rite of Conjuration according to the Grimorium Verum
Chapter IV: The Mysteries of Infernal Evocation according to the Grand Grimoire
Section 1: The Rite of Lucifuge
Section 2: Concerning the Genuine Sanctum Regnum, or the True Method of Making Pacts

Chapter VII: The Method of Honorius

Universal Conjuration
Conjuration of the Book
Conjuration of the Demons
Conjurations of the Kings of the Cardinal Directions
Conjurations For Each Day of the Week

Chapter VII: Miscellaneous and Minor Processes

Section 1: Concerning Works of Hatred and Destruction
Section 2: Concerning Venereal Experiments
Section 3: Concerning the Experiment of Invisibility
Section 4: Concerning the Hand of Glory
Section 5: Concerning the Vision of Spirits in the Air
Section 6: Concerning Divination by the Word of Uriel
Section 7: Concerning the Mirror of Solomon, suitable for all Kinds of Divination
Section 8: Concerning the Three Rings of Solomon, Son of David
Chapter IX: Concerning Infernal Necromancy


266 pages, 4.6 MB, PDF. ... Magic.html

Francis King - Techniques of High Magick

A complete beginner's guide to understanding and harnessing the mysterious forces of nature.

• Provides tools for self-initiation into the ancient and secret traditions of ceremonial magic.
• Explains various divination systems and how to perform ancient rituals that open the doorway to secret and arcane knowledge.

True magic can be defined as the art and science of using little-known or forgotten natural forces in order to achieve changes in consciousness and the physical environment. It concerns a wide body of doctrines and techniques, including the conjuring of spirits and non-human entities; the manufacture and consecration of wands, swords, talismans, and other tools of the magus; ritual divination; and the exploration of universes other than that with which we are familiar. The masters who taught others these ancient arts are gone, but Techniques of High Magic provides the practical and lucid instruction necessary for self-initiation into these secret traditions.

Emphasizing the ordered nature of the universe and the power of will directed by imagination, Francis King and Stephen Skinner introduce the reader to magical practices, rituals, and instruments that have been used for centuries. They explain systems of divination such as the I Ching, the Tarot, and geomancy, as well as techniques of astral projection and elementary alchemy. Their disciplined approach to magical practice includes easy formulas and diagrams that will help the initiate navigate an ancient and potent universe of gods, angels, and spirits--the world of High Magic.


1 - The Meaning of Magic
2 - First Steps in Magic
3 - Divination as Magic
4 - Making your Geomantic Instruments
5 - Geomantic Divination
6 - Tattwa Vision
7 - Making and Consecrating your Elemental Weapons
8 - How to Make Talismans for Yourself
9 - The I Ching
10 - Astral Projection in Theory and Practice
11 - The Magic of the Tarot Cards
12 - Self Initiation
13 - Invocation of the Gods
14 - Evocation of Spirits
Ritual Appendices
• 1 Pentagram Rituals
• 2 Hexagram Rituals
• 3 Middle Pillar Exercise
• 4 Ritual of the Rose Cross

185 pages, PDF, 1.74 MB ... agick.html

Sepharial - A Manual Of Occultism

Essential literature of occult sciences.

Contents: The Occult Sciences; Astrology; Palmistry; Thaumaturgic Art; Hypnotism and Mesmerism; Divination; The Tarot; Cartomancy; Crystal
Gazing; Visions; Geomancy; Casting; Psychometry; Dreams; Alchemy.

237 pages, PDF, 941 KB. ... ltism.html

Alison Butler - The Revival of the Occult Philosophy

It is essential that we include the history of the western magical tradition in any study of intellectual history. The belief in and practice of magic is part of an interpretation of existence with a long history.

That humanity continues to turn to magic for answers about the universe, human beings, and their interaction with the world demonstrates that it is not a mode of thinking which can be dated to a certain time period, The history of the western magical tradition defied the existence of a world process of rationalisation.
This thesis will show how the tradition did so in the Renaissance and continued to do so in a revival of that same magical system in nineteenth-century England. Specifically, in this study we will focus on the establishment and development of cabalistic magic and how it provided the ideal system in which many currents of esotericism could be assimilated.
We will show how this synthesis began in the Renaissance by scholars such as Pico della Mirandola, Johannes Reuchlin and Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim, and we will show how the process was concluded by Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, a cofounder of a nineteenth-century English magical society, The Hemetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Along the way we will discuss the contributions of various scholars and occultists and demonstrate their roles in either maintaining and, or expanding the system of cabalistic magic.

142 pages 7.76 MB, PDF. ... sophy.html

G.R.S. Mead - The Hymns of Hermes


These writings are attributed to Hermes Trismegistus an ancient Egyptian the founder of all arts and sciences both mundane and spiritual. Rather than being an actual person Hermes is, in reality, the Egyptian personification of the Gnostic Revealer. In addition to providing translations of the beautiful Greek hymns from the ancient Hermetic writing, Mead offers an interpretation which is sympathetic personal and full of insight. This little volume which might well be called initiatory is an excellent introduction to the Hermetic Gnosis.

92 pages, 4.98 MB, PDF. Scan. ... ermes.html


The "Three Initiates" who authored The Kybalion chose to remain anonymous. As a result, a great deal of speculation has been made about who actually wrote the book.
This book is a study of basic hermetic teachings that outlines an ageless wisdom. In ancient times (and even today) these teachings were not understood by the lay person, but were readily understood by students, after the axioms and principles had been explained and exemplified by the Hermetic Initiates and Masters to their Neophytes. The Kybalion was originally written in the early 1900s and is now in the public domain. A priceless gem!


I. Hermetic Philosophy
II. Seven Hermetic Principles
III. Mental Transmutation
IV. The All
V. The Mental Universe
VI. The Divine Paradox
VII. "The All" in All
VIII. Planes of Correspondence
IX. Vibration
X. Polarity
XI. Rhythm
XII. Causation
XIII. Gender
XIV. Mental Gender
XV. Hermetic Axioms

67 pages, 1.44 MB, PDF. ... alion.html

Hermes Trismegistus - The Divine Pymander (printed in 1650)


Within these pages lies a gold mine of wisdom. The author, Hermes Trismegistus, may not have been a single personage, but the information here is both illuminating and highly relevant. These teachings have been often referred to by the greatest philosophers of Greece and the Church Fathers of Christianity. Tertullian and Justin Martyr once stated that if anyone wanted to learn about God, they should listen to Hermes. He likely lived in Alexandria, and was influenced by early Christian and Gnostic ideas. The most influential work of hermetic/occult literature.

Table of Contents:

Title Page
Hermes Trismegistus, His First Book
The Second Book, Called, Poemander
The Third Book, the Holy Sermon
The Fourth Book, Called the Key
The Fifth Book, That God is not Manifest, and Yet Most Manifest
The Sixth Book, That in God Alone is Good
The Seventh Book, His Secret Sermon in the Mount of Regeneration, Profession of Silence
The Eighth Book, the Greatest Evil in Man is the not Knowing God
The Ninth Book, a Universal Sermon to Asclepius
The Tenth Book, the Mind to Hermes
The Eleventh Book of the Common Mind, to Tat
The Twelfth Book, His Crater or Monas
The Thirteenth Book, of Sense and Understanding
The Fourteenth Book, of Operation and Sense
The Fifteenth Book, of Truth to His Son Tat
The Sixteenth Book, that None of the Things that Are Can Perish
The Seventeenth Book, to Asclepius, to be Truly Wise

118 pages, 8.3 MB, PDF. Scan. ... 1650_.html

Modern English version: ... ticum.html

HERMETISM FOLDER: ... izam_.html

Moja kolekcija knjiga: ... cija_.html

PostPostano: pet mar 06, 2009 2:24 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec

Donald Michael Kraig - Modern Magick: Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts


Modern Magick is the most popular, most complete, step-by-step instruction manual on how to do real magick that has ever been published. Already over 100,000 people are using it.

Author Donald Michael Kraig wrote this after teaching the information in classes for ten years. It is refined, tested, and easy to understand. It is filled with exercises, techniques, and rituals to help you. It is presented in a series of eleven lessons. Follow the lessons, practice the rituals and techniques, and by the end of your work you will be a magician.

What does it cover? Rituals, healing, initiation, talismans, astral travel, creative visualization, psychic self-defense, evocation of spirits, the Kabalah, physical exercise, and magical tools such as wands.

Want more? You'll also learn the secrets of true meditation, how to use the Tarot, how to remember your dreams, how to do the rituals of Western Magick, including rituals of the Pentagram, Hexagram, Middle Pillar, Rose Cross, and Watchtower. You'll learn how to manipulate magical energy, secrets of relaxation, Wicca, pathworking, Tantra, and sex magick.

Once you have finished working your way through this book you will be an accomplished magician. You will be able to perform real magick. Then this book will become the most valuable reference tool in your collection of books.

What if you want to know even more about a subject? No problem. Each chapter has a bibliography so you can go even deeper into any topic. There is an annotated bibliography at the end with even more resources.

In the new, second edition the contents pages contain more information so it is even easier to find what you need, but there is also an entirely new appendix with answers to many of the most frequently asked questions that Kraig has received over the years. This book is a must!

528 pages, 28.6 MB, PDF. Scan. ... agick.html

Patrick J. Zalewski - Secret Inner Order Rituals of the Golden Dawn


The Golden Dawn is probably the most influential occult order of modern times. Its membership included the notorious - such as Aleister Crowley - and the celebrated - such as WB Yeats. It was crucial to the development of noted writers on the occult, such as John Brodie-Innes, Arthur Machen, A E Waite, Dion Fortune, Evelyn Underhill, and others - who were all members. In 1937, most (but not all) of its rituals were published by Israel Regardie.

"The Secret Inner Order Rituals of the Golden Dawn" will mostly appeal to those who have read Regardie's book ("The Golden Dawn", 6th ed., Llewellyns). Voluminous though the material published by Regardie was, there was however more to the Golden Dawn than he was able to get his hands on. In this sense, "Secret Inner Order Rituals of the Golden Dawn" is a sort-of sequel to Regardie's book.

Pat Zalewski was initiated into the Golden Dawn system by members of the last surviving GD temple, in New Zealand. As a high Adept of the order, he has had the opportunity to see many documents that of which Regardie never got hold (Regardie's 1937 exposé had caused him to be expelled).

Zalewski's book is therefore interesting to read for two main reasons: firstly, he presents the history of one branch of the Order from a unique point of view - that of an insider. He is able to write as a man privy to the goings-on of a secret society, and who has met practising magicians (including Regardie himself - a meeting which Zalewski describes in "Israel Regardie - An Appreciation" in this book). Moreover, Zalewski is himself a practising magician, and therefore brings sympathy to the subject which an earnest but non-magical observer would not possess.

Secondly, he reveals a number of hitherto-secret documents, including three initiation rituals: the "Adeptus Major" ritual; the "Adeptus Exemptus" ritual; and the "Etheric Link" ritual. These will probably make no sense whatsoever to a reader who is unfamiliar with the Golden Dawn, and very little sense to anyone who has not read Regardie's book. However, to someone who has read - and enjoyed - Regardie's "The Golden Dawn", the material presented by Zalewski's book is absolutely compelling.

"Secret Inner Order Rituals of the Golden Dawn" may thus be summarised as a book which will inevitably only appeal to a small number of people, because of its subject matter: however, within the context of its particular niche, it is a very good piece of work.

182 pages, 6.74 MB, PDF. Scan. ... _Dawn.html

R.A. Gilbert - A.E. Waite, a Magician of Many Parts


Arthur Edward Waite (October 2, 1857 – May 19, 1942) was a scholarly mystic who wrote extensively on occult and esoteric matters, and was the co-creator of the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. As his biographer, R.A. Gilbert described him, "Waite's name has survived because he was the first to attempt a systematic study of the history of western occultism — viewed as a spiritual tradition rather than as aspects of proto-science or as the pathology of religion."

Waite was a prolific author with many of his works being well received in academic circles. He wrote occult texts on subjects including divination, esotericism, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, black and ceremonial magic, Kabbalism and alchemy; he also translated and reissued several important mystical and alchemical works. His works on the Holy Grail, influenced by his friendship with Arthur Machen, were particularly notable. A number of his volumes remain in print, the Book of Ceremonial Magic (1911), The Holy Kabbalah (1929), A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (1921), and his edited translation of Eliphas Levi's Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine and Ritual (1896) having seen reprints in recent years.

109 pages, 6.91 MB, PDF. Scan. ... Parts.html

Israel Regardie - The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic


"The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic" by "Israel Regardie" (1077 pages) Regardie's classic, final testament to the Golden Dawn. Beautifully illustrated throughout, with many color plates. The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic is the easiest edition to study. An essential text in any library of magical works. Israel Regardie (1907-1985) was considered by many to be the last living Adept of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. At an early age, Regardie worked as Aleister Crowley's personal secretary. In addition to his extensive writings, Regardie practiced as a chiropractor and as a neo-Reichian therapist. He taught psychiatry at the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic and contributed articles to many psychology magazines.



The Western Esoteric Tradition
Self Initiation
A Cautionary Note
The Proper Attitude Toward Mind-Body
The Magical Alphabet
The Magic of the Hebrew Alphabet
The Mysticism of the Alphabet
Concerning Hebrew Pronunciation
Introduction to the Kaballah Unveiled
Concerning the Hierarchies
On the Least Amount of Work Actually Necessary


Fundamentals of Tarot, Geomancy and Astrology
The Tarot
Notes on the Tarot
Tarot Trumps
Notes on Geomancy
Esoteric Astrology
Introductory Paper on the Tattwas
The Tattwas of the Eastern School
Course of the Tattwas
The Tattwa
Meditation and Mastery Over the Tattwas
Cure of Diseases
Forecasting the Future
Alchemy by Hans Nintzel
The Vision of the Universal Mercury
Translation of and Notes on the Mercury Paper


The Pillars I
The Pillars II
The Pillars III
The Words of the Departed Spirit Osiris, Son of God
The Pillars IV
The White Pillar
The Black Pillar
The Garden of Eden Before the Fall
The Garden of Eden After the Fall
On the General Guidance and Purification of the Soul
Shem ha-Mephoresch — The 72 Fold Name
The 72 Angelic Names and Their Meanings
The Magical Images of the Decans
Hodos Chamelionis
The Microcosm-Man
Task Undertaken by the Adeptus Minor
Of Traveling in the Spirit Vision
Concerning the Microcosms of the Macrocosm
Of Obsession, Trance, Death
On the Work to be Undertaken Between Portal and Adeptus Minor
The Tree of Life in the Aura
The Knowledge Lectures
Developmental Exercises
Sensitivity Training
Holy Ground
The Qabalistic Cross
The Holy Spirit
The Cleansing Breath


General Orders
Techniques of Invocation
The Ritual of the Pentagram
Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram
The Ritual of the Hexagram
The Four Forms
The Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram
The Magic Sword
The Four Elemental Weapons
Ritual of Consecration of the Four Elemental Weapons
The Lotus Wand
Consecration of the Lotus Wand
The Description of the Rose Cross
Note of Making the Rose Cross
Consecration of the Rose Cross
The Ritual of the Rose Cross
The Use of the Rose Cross Ritual


The Geomantic Talismanic Symbols
Qualities of the Figures
Talismans and Flashing Tablets
Mode of Formation of Talismans and Pentacles
The Lineal Forms of the Names of the Sephiroth on the Tree of Life
Polygrams and Polygons
The Cross Within the Circle
Telesmatic Figures
Telesmatic Attributions of the Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet
The Vibratory Mode of Pronouncing the Divine Names
An Alternative Method of Vibrating the Divine Names
On Skrying


Introduction to the Original Golden Dawn Rituals
Opening of the Neophyte Grade
Discussion of the Z-Documents
The Ceremony of the Equinox
Opening of the Zelator Grade
Theoricus Grade
Practicus Grade
Philosophus Grade


Ritual of the Portal
Adeptus Minor Grade
The Fellowship of the Rosy Cross
The Adeptus Minor
The Adeptus Major Ceremony


Ceremony of the Equinox
Watchtower Ceremony
The Consecration Ceremony of the Vault of the Adepti
Concerning the Use of the Vault
More About the Vault
The Symbolism of the Seven Sides
Requiescat in Pace
An Alchemical Ritual
Invocation of the Angel Chassan
The Canopic Gods
The Egyptian God-Forms of the Neophyte Grade
Lamens and Examination for the Grade of Practicus Adeptus Minor
The Ring and the Disk


The Complete Golden Dawn System of the Tarot
Titles of the Tarot Cards
Note on the Tarot
An Alternative Method of Selecting the Significator
Unofficial Description of the Tarot Trumps
The Tree of Life as Projected in a Solid Sphere
More Notes on the Tarot
The True System of Astrological Divination


An Introduction
Enochian Numbers
The Enochian Language
The Enochian System
General Note on the Tarot Attributions
The Book of the Concourse of Forces
The Enochian Tablets
The Fourty-Eight Angelical Keys or Calls
Titles of the Thirty Aethyrs
An Addendum
Part 2 of the Addendum
Pyramid Gods and Their Attributions
Gods of Egypt and the Enochian Tablets
Instruction on Chessmen
Chess and Tarot
Numerical Structure of Enochian
Enochian Dictionary

1077 pages, 23.7 MB, PDF. ... Magic.html

Israel Regardie - The Tree of Life


The most comprehensive introduction available to the Golden Dawn system of initiation, and the numerous, complex and sometimes obscure mystical writings of Aleister Crowley.

Over fifty years ago Israel Regardie set himself the gigantic task of making accessible to the intelligent layman the root principles upon which Magic is built--principles which Aleister Crowley devoted his life to exploring and revealing. Drawing on his experience as personal secretary to Crowley and his involvement with the Golden Dawn system, Regardie skillfully unifies a wealth of diverse material into a marvelously coherent whole. The result is The Tree Of Life, a book which has become the definitive overview of the Western Mystery Tradition.

Israel Regardie (1907-1985) was credited with removing the excessive secrecy surrounding modern occultism and for making the techniques of high magic available to all interested students.

282 pages, 10.3 MB, PDF. Scan. ... _Life.html

GOLDEN DAWN (4shared folder): ... Zora_.html

Moja kolekcija knjiga: ... cija_.html

PostPostano: uto mar 17, 2009 5:33 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
Prentiss Tucker - The Lost Key: An Explanation and Application of the Masonic Symbols


Symbols play a big part in our lives, but we often take them for granted. To illustrate the meaning of symbols this book uses the example of the American flag, and explains what the symbols found on the flag really mean. The important point is that without an understanding of American history we'd not know how to interpret the symbols on our flag. The same holds true for all symbols. Lacking enough background information causes us, many times, to miss their full meaning.

The Lost Key is a book for Freemasons, and explains the meanings of their symbols. Masons are members of a longstanding fraternal order that functions along the lines of a mystical brotherhood. A number of rituals are performed as one progresses up the ranks, usually in the form of an initiation. Often times Masons themselves do not know what the symbols within these rituals truly mean while they are being performed -- so therefore do not fully understand what they are really doing and the true purpose of the initiation.

There are thirty-three degrees, or levels, in Freemasonry. This particular book covers the symbols found within the first three degrees of Freemasonry, making this an excellent guidebook for the beginning Mason, as well as providing a more complete understanding for those in the higher levels who administer or oversee their rituals.

In recent years statistics show that Freemasonry has begun to lose some of its members. The older books like The Lost Key have gone out of print and younger Masons may not have fully understood the purpose of their initiations -- at least enough to hold their interest. The symbols found within Freemasonry operate on a number of different levels. Now that The Lost Key has been "found" and is back in print once again, it may help to enrich an organization that traditionally attracts high-standing members of communities across North America and the rest of the world.

120 pages, 475 KB, PDF. A must for all masons and those interested in this ancient Craft! ... t_Key.html

Frank C. Higgins - The Beginning of Freemasonry


Table of Contents:

Frontispiece-Zodiac of 4000 BC
Avant Propos
First Books of Masonry, by Victor Hugo
Beginning of Masonry
Theosophy and Masonry
The Ancient Mysteries
The Secret Doctrine
The Hermetic Philosophy
Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry
God and Masonry
Masonry's Real Secret
Pythagoras and Freemasonry
The Forty-seventh Problem
The Number-Letter System
Three Times Three
Gematria (Table of Number-Letters, Greek and Hebrew)
The Number "Seven "
The "Pi" Proportion and Genesis
Masonry in a Snowflake
King Solomon's Temple
The Working Tools of E. A
The Middle Chamber
Dedication of the Lodge
Pillars of the Porch
The Lodge Room Floor
The Candidate
Whom Does the Candidate Represent
The Widow's Son
The Lodge Heads
Our Three Grand Masters
The Twelve Fellowcrafts
The Cable Tow
Origin of the Sabbath
The Letter "G "
The East
The Lodge on High
Clothing of a Master Mason
The Symbolic Trowel
The Lion in Freemasonry
The Acacia
Color in Masonry
Light in Masonry

124 pages, 5.93 MB, PDF. Scan. Great illustrations and explanations! ... sonry.html

George Oliver - The Antiquities of Free-Masonry (1823)


Comprising Illustrations of the Five Grand Periods of Masonry from the Creation of the World to the Dedication of King Solomon's Temple. "The objections which have been so unceasingly urged against the institution of Freemasonry, excited in me, some years ago, a serious desire to obviate the general and vague charges of envy and prejudice, by some formal examinations of the grounds on which they are founded." Contents: On Masonic Tradition; View of Masonry, as it existed from the Creation of the World to the time o f Enoch; Origin of the Arts and Sciences; View of Masonry from Enoch to Universal Deluge; Idolatrous Mysteries, as contrasted with Free-Masonry; View of Masonry from universal Deluge to offering of Issac; On Symbolical Instruction; View of Masonry from offering of Issac to Deliverance from Egyptian Captivity; Five Points of Fellowship; View of Masonry from Deliverance to Dedication of King Solomon's Temple.

406 pages, 10.7 MB, PDF. Scan. ... 1823_.html

George Oliver - Signs and Symbols Illustrated and Explained in a Course of Twelve Lectures on Freemasonry (1837)


Contents: On the Hieroglyphical System of the Ancients; On the All Seeing Eye; The Serpent; The Cherubim; The Deluge; The Mysterious Darkness of the Third Degree; The Three Pillars, Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty; The Masonic Ladder; The Point Within the Circle; The Masonic Apron; The Government of the Lodge; Conclusion of the Course.

303 pages, 7.16 MB, PDF. Scan. ... 1837_.html

George Oliver - The Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry in Twelve Lectures (1866)


Twelve lectures on the speculative, operative, and spurious branches of Freemasonry. Sample contents: Speculative Masonry examined under its denomination of Lux; View of speculative Masonry as a system of charity; Perfection to which operative or scientific Masonry was carried in the earliest times; Historical account of the origin, progress, and design of the spurious Freemasonry; On the origin of hieroglyphics; Exemplification of the symbols used in those spurious institutions which attained the most permanent celebrity in the Ancient World. Signs and Symbols Illustrated: All Seeing Eye; Serpent; Cherubim; Deluge; On the mysterious darkness of the third degree; Three Pillars, wisdom, strength and beauty; Masonic ladder; Point within a circle; Masonic apron; Government of the Lodge.

215 pages, 9.5 MB, PDF. Scan. ... tures.html

Louis-Claude De Saint-Martin - Man: His True Nature and Ministry

Partial Contents: On Nature: Man, not outward Nature, the witness of Divinity; Marriage-Man is God's book; Heaven taken by violence; man the mirror of God's wonders; The Universe in pain; Cause of Nature's groans; Birth of matter; Hypothesis of Jacob Bohme; Inhabitancy of Planets; Final Causes; Repose of Nature, the Soul, and the Word should come from Man; On Man: What is Spirit? man's origin; The Magism of God; Man, the continuation or recommencement of God; Door of Light and love in Man; How to attain God's Action; The Fall; Human institutions derive from above; Blood of clean animals; The Exodus; Law of Sacrifices; Three degrees of abominations; Mosaic law preparatory to spiritual law; Man delivered from prison of his blood; The Eucharist; Progress of individual man towards Canaan; The perfecting of our faculties hereafter requires sacrifice of all here; God's love and Man's insensibility; The work of the man of faith reacts on the whole tree of Man; On the Word: The Word sustains all things; The Words requires an apprenticeship; The true Cross; The substance of men's words; Power of the enemy during night; Duties, responsibilities, and misdirection of literary men; Religious literature; Gradations in Adam's fall; Demonstration of God and the soul; The sublime is God, and all that connects us with Him; Ministers of the Word withholding the key of knowledge; Desire, the principle of movement; Three degrees of the Word; Progressive names, states, and processes; Who should teach the deep things of God; Eternity in a point of time.

249 pages, 2.27 MB, PDF. ... istry.html

Louis-Claude De Saint-Martin - The Red Book

'The Red Book' is a primary text in Martinism, a philosophical movement started in 18th century France by Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin and based on Mystic Christian illuminist philosophy with theurgical integration added for good measure. The core belief of this religion is that mankind should return to its original and divine state. This was to be accomplished both by metaphysical knowledge and by Theurgical abilities, that is to say magical abilities which would put the user in touch with benevolent and divine powers. The initiation which was originally provided by Saint-Martin himself, gave the student illumination, enlightenment, empowerment. As time went by the additional sciences of Christian mysticism, Theosophy, Cabbala, esotericism and Hermeticism were introduced into the religion.

34 pages, 85.9 KB, PDF. ... _Book.html

Max Heindel - Ancient And Modern Initiation

Within the pages of this little volume are to be found some of the most priceless gems belonging to the deepest phases of the Christian religion. These gems are the result of the spiritual investigations of that inspired and illumined Seer, Max Heindel, the authorized messenger of the Elder Brothers of the Rose Cross, who are working to disseminate throughout the Western World the deeper spiritual meanings which are both concealed and revealed within the Christian religion.

The various important steps as outlined in the life of our Savior, Christ Jesus, form the general plan of Initiation for humanity. Max Heindel in this work gives a deeper and more mystic insight into this alchemical process as it takes place in the body of man himself. For we are but "a little lower than the angels...and it doth not yet appear what we shall be."

Table of Contents:


The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

* Foreword
* Chapter I: The Atlantean Mystery Temple
* Chapter II: The Brazen Altar and Laver
* Chapter III: East Room of the Temple
* Chapter IV: The Ark of the Covenant
* Chapter V: The Sacred Shekinah Glory
* Chapter VI: The New Moon and Initiation


The Christian Mystic Initiation

* Chapter I: The Annunciation and Immaculate Conception
* Chapter II: Mystic Rite of Baptism
* Chapter III: The Temptation
* Chapter IV: The Transfiguration
* Chapter V: The Last Supper and Footwashing
* Chapter VI: Gethsemane, the Garden of Grief
* Chapter VII: The Stigmata and the Crucifixion

98 pages, 243 KB, PDF. ... ation.html

Max Heindel - Rosicrucian Mysteries

"The Rosicrucian Order is a legendary esoteric Order with its roots in the Western mystery tradition. This hermetic Order is viewed among earlier and many modern Rosicrucianists as a "College of Invisibles" from the inner worlds, composed of great Adepts, aiming to give assistance in humanity's spiritual development.

The "Brethren of the Rose Cross" is perceived by students of metaphysics as an important part or even the source of the hermetic-Christian tradition of the Western alchemy treatises period subsequent to the publication of Dante's The Divine Comedy in the early 14th century.

However, researchers of history and the society in general through the last centuries have assumed its origin in a group of German Protestants between 1607 and 1616 (early 17th century), when three anonymous documents were elaborated and published in Europe: Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis, Confessio Fraternitatis, and Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz anno 1459. The influence of these documents, presenting the "most laudable Order" and promoting a "Universal Reformation of Mankind", was so huge that the historian Frances Yates refers to this period of the 17th century as the Rosicrucian Enlightenment. Members of subsequent organized groups which call themselves Rosicrucian, however, date the beginning of the Order to much more ancient times." (Quote from

Table of Contents:

o Three Theories of Life
o We Are Eternal (Poem by the Author)
o The Chemical Region
o The Etheric Region
o The Desire World
o The World of Thought
o Creed or Christ (Poem by the Author)
o The Vital Body
o The Desire Body
o The Mind
o Invisible Helpers and Mediums
o Death
o The Panorama of Past Life
o Purgatory
o The First Heaven
o The Second Heaven
o The Third Heaven
o Birth and Child-Life
o The Mystery of Light, Color and Consciousness
o Education of Children
* Index

39 pages, 108 KB, PDF. ... eries.html

Max Heindel - Teachings Of An Initiate

This volume of the writings of Max Heindel, the Western Mystic, is the concluding number embodying the messages he sent out through monthly lessons to his students. These lessons, reprinted since this great soul was called to a greater work in the higher worlds on January 6th, 1919, may be found in the following books in addition to the present volume: "Freemasonry and Catholicism"; "The Web of Destiny"; "The Mystical Interpretation of Christmas"; "The Mysteries of the Great Operas"; "The Gleanings of a Mystic"; and "Letters to Students." These writings comprise the later investigations of this seer.

The helpful messages and the spiritual encouragement that the readers have received from the inspired words in the earlier volumes we know have been far-reaching in their effects. We also feel that in years to come enlightened and advanced students and seekers along mystical and occult lines will realize more and more the true value of the works of Max Heindel. His words reach the very depths of the heart of the reader. Many who have read his first work, "The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception," have been thrilled by their contact with it.

Max Heindel, who was the authorized messenger of the true Rosicrucian Brotherhood, lived the teachings which he taught. Only one who has suffered as he suffered during his lifetime is able to touch the heart strings of humanity. Only he who has felt the labor pains of spiritual birth which has admitted him to the realms of the soul can write with the power to thrill his readers. As the result of such a spiritual birth the writings which Max Heindel has bequeathed to humanity will live and bear fruit. May the readers of this book feel the heart throbs of this great lover of humanity, who sacrificed his very physical existence in his desire to impart to man the wonderful truths which he had garnered through his contact with the Elder Brothers of the Rosicrucian Order.

- August Foss Heindel

The Table of Contents:

* Chapter I: The Days of Noah and of Christ
* Chapter II: The Sign of the Master
* Chapter III: What is Spiritual Work?
* Chapter IV: The Way of Wisdom
* Chapter V: The Secret of Success
* Chapter VI: The Death of the Soul
* Chapter VII: The New Sense of the New Age
* Chapter VIII: God's Chosen People
* Chapter IX: Mystic Light on the World War
Part I.--Secret Springs
* Chapter X: Mystic Light on the World War
Part II--Its Promotion of Spiritual Sight
* Chapter XI: Mystic Light on the World War
Part III--Peace on Earth
* Chapter XII: Mystic Light on the World War
Part IV--The Gospel of Gladness
* Chapter XIII: The Esoteric Significance of Easter
* Chapter XIV: The Lesson of Easter
* Chapter XV: Scientific Method of Spiritual Unfoldment
Part I--Material Analogies
* Chapter XVI: Scientific Method of Spiritual Unfoldment
Part II--Retrospection
* Chapter XVII: The Heavens Declare the Glory of God
* Chapter XVIII: Religion and Healing
* Chapter XIX: Address at Ground Breaking, Mt. Ecclesia
* Chapter XX: Our Work in the World, Part I
* Chapter XXI: Our Work in the World, Part II
* Chapter XXII: Our Work in the World, Part III
* Chapter XXIII: Eternal Damnation, and Salvation
* Chapter XXIV: The Bow in the Cloud
* Chapter XXV: The Responsibility of Knowledge
* Chapter XXVI: The Journey Through the Wilderness

65 pages, 191 KB, PDF. ... tiate.html

From ROSICRUCIANISM AND MARTINISM folder: ... izam_.html

Moja kolekcija knjiga: ... cija_.html

PostPostano: pon mar 23, 2009 4:13 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
A beginner's Guide to Runes


85 pages, 1.15 MB, PDF. ... Runes.html

Anonymous - Classic Meditations on the Tarot, a Journey into Christian Hermeticism

This is a unique work on the tarot, of unparalleled depth and visionary range: taking the French Hermetic tradition of Levi, Wirth, De Pasqually, St. Martin and Peladan onto a whole new level, vivified by the thought of the great Catholic doctors, theologians and mystics of the ages, the author employs the images of the Marseilles Tarot as a springboard to contemplative insights which are of astonishing profundity, subtlety and illuminative power. In keeping with the traditional medieval symbolism of Tarot itself the tenor of the work is that of orthodox Catholicism and Christian mysticism and the tarot becomes an emblematic exposition of the Via Contemplativa at its highest level. This is a book which invites one to read and re-read it's chapters again and again, slowly and at leisure, for it is replete with jewels for the reader to discover and wonder at. One example is that of the letter describing card 10, the Wheel of Fortune: the Gnosis which the author imparts in that one letter alone is like a spiritual depth-charge, some of the most amazing teachings upon the ontological implications of the Fall, the Wheel of Necessity and the mystery of Salvation - one rarely encounters such clarity of spiritual vision. The Unknown Author, unlike so may of the overrated pop occulture idols of the 20th century, proves himself in this astonishing book to be a mystical sage of the highest calibre. Meditations on the Tarot is a genuine masterwork of Hermeticism, in this age such a book is a rare blessing indeed. The Meditations is luminous with flashes of spiritual vision and Hermetic insight.

657 pages, 5.40 MB, PDF. ... icism.html

Patrick Mulcahy - Formation of the Tree of Life


180 pages, 2.45 MB, PDF. ... _Life.html

Mathematics and the Divine - A Historical Study

Mathematics and the Divine seem to correspond to diametrically opposed tendencies of the human mind. Does the mathematician not seek what is precisely defined, and do the objects intended by the mystic and the theologian not lie beyond definition? Is mathematics not Man's search for a measure, and isn?t the Divine that which is immeasurable – The present book shows that the domains of mathematics and the Divine, which may seem so radically separated, have throughout history and across cultures, proved to be intimately related. Religious activities such as the building of temples, the telling of ritual stories or the drawing of enigmatic figures all display distinct mathematical features. Major philosophical systems dealing with the Absolute and theological speculations focussing on our knowledge of the Ultimate have been based on or inspired by mathematics. A series of chapters by an international team of experts highlighting key figures, schools and trains of thought is presented here. Chinese number mysticism, the views of Pythagoras and Plato and their followers, Nicholas of Cusa's theological geometry, Spinozism and intuitionism as a philosophy of mathematics are treated side by side among many other themes in an attempt at creating a global view on the relation of mathematics and Man?s quest for the Absolute in the course of history.

Introduction 1. Ho Peng-Yoke, Chinese Number Mysticism 2. Kim Plofker, Derivation and Revelation: the Legitimacy of Mathematical Models in Indian Cosmology 3. Reviel Netz, The Pythagoreans 4. Ian Mueller, Mathematics and the Divine in Plato 5. Jean-Francois Mattei, Nicomachus of Gerasa and the Divine Arithmetical Ladder 6. Dominic J. O'Meara, Geometry and the Divine in Proclus 7. Marie-Pierre Terrien, Religious Architecture and Mathematics during Late Antiquity 8. David A. King, The Sacred Geography of Islam 9. Faith Wallis, 'Number Mystique' in early medieval computus texts 10. Maurice-Ruben Hayoun, Is the Divine Universe Divisible 11. Charles Lohr, Mathematics and the Divine: Ramon Lull 12. Hugue Garcia, Christian Gnosis 13. Edith Dudley Sylla, Swester Katrei and Gregory of Rimini: Angels, God and Mathematics in the Fourteenth Century 14. Jean-Michel Counet, Mathematics and the Divine in Nicholas of Cusa 15. Teun Koetsier and Karin Reich, Michael Stifel and his Numerology 16. Ivo Schneider, Between Rosicrucians and Kabbala - the Mathematics of the Biblical Numbers of Johannes Faulhaber 17. Eberhard Knobloch, Mathematics and the Divine: Athanasius Kircher 18. Volker R. Remmert, Galileo, God and Mathematics 19. Andre Charrak, The Mathematical Model of Creation According to Kepler 20. Jean-Marie Nicolle, The Mathematical Analogy in the Proof of God's Existence by Descartes 21. Donald Adamson, Pascal's Views on Mathematics and the Divine 22. Ger Harmsen, Spinoza and the Geometrical Method of Proof 23. Philip Beeley and Siegmund Probst, John Wallis (1616-1703): Mathematician and Divine 24. Kees de Pater, Newton and the Ocean of Truth 25. Herbert Breger, Leibniz: Mathematics and the Divine 26. Wolfgang Breidert, Berkeley's Defence of the Infinite God in Contrast to the Infinite in Mathematics 27. Ruediger Thiele, Leonhard Euler and the Divine 28. Ruediger Thiele, Georg Cantor and the Divine 29. Luc Bergmans, Gerrit Mannoury and his Fellow Significians on Mathematics and Mysticism 30. Teun Koetsier, Arthur Schopenhauer and L. E. J. Brouwer: A Comparison 31. Sergei S. Demidov and Charles E. Ford, On the Road to a Unified View: Priest Pavel Florensky - Theologian, Philosopher and Scientist 32. Francois De Gandt, Husserl and Impossible Numbers: a Sceptical Experience 33. Bruno Pinchard, Symbol and Space According to Rene Guenon 34. Teun Koetsier, Eddington: Science and the Unseen World 35. Albert van der Schoot, The Divined Proportion

717 pages, 8.97 MB, PDF. ... Study.html

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PostPostano: ned mar 29, 2009 4:20 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
George H. Steinmetz - Freemasonry Its Hidden Meaning

A spiritual interpretation of the esoteric work of the Masonic lodge, analyzes the lectures and symbols of the three degrees. (1948)


Chapter 1 - By Way of Introduction
Chapter 2 - Masonry - Religion
Chapter 3 - Mental Science
Chapter 4 - Evolution
Chapter 5 - The Secret Doctrine
Chapter 6 - Entered Apprentice
Chapter 7 - Entered Apprentice Lecture
Chapter 8 - Fellow-Craft
Chapter 9 - Middle Chamber Lecture
Chapter 10 - Master Mason
Chapter 11 - The Great Moral Lesson
Chapter 12 - Master Mason Lecture

57 pages, 384 KB, PDF. ... aning.html

William Hutchinson - The Spirit of Masonry in Moral and Elucidatory Lectures (1775)


1775. An essential source for anyone interested in exploring the inner mysteries of the Masonic Fraternity. Contents: The Design; On the Rites, Ceremonies and Institutions of the Ancients; The Nature of the Lodge; Furniture of the Lodge; The Apparel and Jewels of Masons; The Temple at Jerusalem; On Geometry; The Master Mason's Order; The Secrecy of Masons; On Charity; On Brotherly Love; On the Occupations of Masons; and A Corollary.

384 pages, 13.4 MB, PDF. Scan. ... tures.html

Harold Percival - Masonry and Its Symbols

Masonry and Its Symbols casts a new light on the age-old symbols, emblems, tools, landmarks, teachings, and the exalted purposes of Freemasonry.

This ancient Order has existed under one name or another long before the building of the oldest pyramid. It is older than any religion known today! The author points out that Masonry is for Humanity—for the conscious self in every human body.

Masonry and Its Symbols illuminates how any one of us can choose to prepare for the highest purposes of mankind—Self-knowledge, Regeneration and Conscious Immortality.

35 pages, 215 KB, PDF. ... mbols.html

William Preston - Illustrations of Masonry (1829)


This text is divided into four books. The excellency of Masonry is displayed in the First. The Second illustrated the general plan of the subjects teated in the three Degrees. The Third Book contains a copy of the Manuscript on Masonry, while the Fourth entails the history of Masonry from its first appearance in England to 1804. Also includes odes, anthems and songs of Masonry. Written in Old English.

489 pages, 17.9 MB, PDF. Scan. ... 1830_.html

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PostPostano: ned apr 05, 2009 5:10 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
Egyptian literature: Comprising Egyptian Tales, Hymns, Litanies, Invocations, the Book of the Dead and Cuneiform Writings


This volume comprises Egyptian tales, hymns, litanies, invocations, the Book of the Dead, and cuneiform writings. The Egyptian tales are written in a higher vein that other literature. They will be read with delight, and none the less so because they show that the Egyptians, who are the Chinese of the Mediterranean, possess that saving quality in literary and political life, namely, a sense of humor.

440 pages, 33.3 MB, PDF. Scan. ... ature.html

Samuel Sharpe - Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity: With Their Influence on the Opinions of Modern Christendom


With Their Influence on the Opinions of Modern Christendom. "When Christians shall at length acknowledge that many of those doctrines, which together now make up orthodoxy, or the religion of the majority, as distinguished from the simple religion which Jesus taught and practised; when they shall acknowledge that many of them are so many sad and lamentable errors; then, and not till then, will they seek to know their origin, and enquire from which of the several branches of Paganism they sprung. They will then see that most of the so-called Christian doctrines, that have no place in the New Testament, reached Europe from Egypt, through Alexandria." Contents: Religion of Upper Egypt; Religion of Lower Egypt; Religion Under the Persian Conquerors; Religion Under the Ptolemies; Religion Under the Romans; Christianity Under the Roman Emperors; Christianity Under the Byzantine Emperors.

140 pages, 8.32 MB, PDF. Scan. ... anity.html

Geraldine Pinch - Handbook of Egyptian Mythology


Spanning Ancient Egyptian culture (ca. 3200 B.C. to A.D. 400), this volume is a survey of Egyptian mythology available in English and includes a rare focus on the first millennium B.C. Along with an introduction to Ancient Egypt's geography, history and culture, it features: an A-to-Z covering the main deities, demons and other characters; a timeline examining myths relevant to the six stages of the mythological history of Egypt; a historical overview of primary source material; contemporary works by anthropologists and religious historians that interpret Egyptian myths in their cultural contexts; and a map of mythical geography.

275 pages, 5.92 MB, PDF. ... ology.html

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