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PostPostano: sub aug 02, 2008 2:51 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri mar 07, 2007 11:54 am
Postovi: 47
Lokacija: Split Croatia
tamna_shuma je napisao/la:
gloginjaR je napisao/la:
...."aloo" trebam 'malu pomoć u photoshopu!??

ako nije, reci alobodno pa ću prepravit. :angel4:

eeee.....pravi si anđelčic! ;)
to je upravo to! HVALA. :) sam ja zamislia vako nekako!! :D

možda da još nešto "ubacim "između"???
...recimo kao ovu sliku!

...samo tu mi se "nesviđa "ova borba- ... jer ja sam ima "malo drugačije" iskustvo!! tj:ima sam ovo vantjelesno, i ima sam iskustvo putovanja kroz tunel i "šetnju" *s onu stranu*! 8), pa bi *to dvoje spojia u jednu tetovažu* :D ... ok....vjerojatno ću tako i ostavit.

>>lako je tuđim qurcem gloginje mlatit<<

PostPostano: sub aug 02, 2008 10:18 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri jun 25, 2008 5:56 pm
Postovi: 309
Lokacija: zagreb (na ispovijedi)
To je Boschova slika. Volim Boscha. :) Napravi dalje sam predložak za tetovažu da bude skroz tvoja, sigurno će dobro ispasti.

Nije bio problem, i drugi put (samo sljedeći put za novac). Šalim se :toothy2:


PostPostano: sub aug 16, 2008 3:21 pm 

Pridružen/a: pon jun 09, 2008 1:55 am
Postovi: 6
Pozdrav svima!

Nadam se da sam na pravoj temi...pomalo sam zbunjena oko svega sto mi se desava , pa bih zamolila one koji imaju slicna iskustva da mi pomognu da povezem "kockice".. i da se snadjem u ovom dzumbusu u kom sam se nasla..
Nije sve to pocelo odjednom...duga je to znam da li neke stvari da posmatram kao dar ili prokletstvo..ali dobro..

Astrologija mi je jako srodna, a samim tim i energije, tako da znam gde sta trenutno deluje i sta budi, i znam da je neizbezno da mi se sad desavaju ovakve stvari, ali ipak ..iskrena da budem..uplasena sam ..i ineteresuje me, postoji li nacin da se zastiti od ovakvih stvari..mislim, znam da postoji..ali dok ga ja sama ne spoznam, treba da se dobro uplasim jos par puta..hihihi

Evo moja dva iskustva od nedavno...i znate sta..ovo nece d aprestane..sve je jace i jace..a ja nemam pojma kako da se postavim ni sta da ardim..a to je..uznemirujuce, zbunjujuce ...

Stvar je u tome da ja nikad nisam imala svesnu astralnu projekciju. Niti me interesuju sad tehnike kako se "presaltati " u astral..ja tamo idem te idem..i ne mogu da sprecim da ne odem..ako je to uopste astral..

Nedavno sam imala jedno uzasno iskustvo..trebalo mi je par dana da se psihicki stabilizujem...ja ne znam ni d aobjasnim sta je to bilo..lezala sam u mom krevetu, odjednom vidim sebe potpuno svesna svega..mrak ali ja vidim u tom mraku..kao da je dan..vidim svoje telo i nesto sto lici znam..malo celavo..lik odraslog muskarca..ali telo deteta..celavo..ruzno..dolazi do mene..i sad malo je neprijatno..ali..moram da napisem..nemojte mi se smejati..ja sam starsno uplasena bila...siri mi noge i pocinje oral..ali..odvratan je osecaj, ja se osecam nemocno, molim ga nemoj molim te prestani, molim te ostavi me miru..znam da cuje, ne obraca paznju uopste..ja sam sve vise u panici..cas sam u svom telu i vidim taj prizor, pokusavam da pomerim ruke noge..nema sanse..paralisana sam , cas sam u telu svom cas sam na plafonu..hej..osecaj je uzasan..osecaj opste nemoci..uspevam nekako d apomerim svoje noge za par centimetara..ali i dalje sam cas ovamo cas tamo...onda sam imala osecaj ..kao silovanje...ali pocetak..pocela sam da placem i prvo sto mi je palo na pamet je da se snazno svim srcem molim Bogu da me zastiti..svom dusom..onako preplasena..tad sam uspela da pomerim noge i prvo prste na levoj ruci pa obe ruke..svaki moj misic je treperio ..a disanje je bilo neko ..totalno plitko i isprekidano ..sve je nestalo ..ali moje telo je bilo u stanju soka..a i psiha...kazem..trebalo mi je par dana da se vratim u normalu jer je utisak bio prejak..

Pre neku noc..opet..samo drugacija prica..spavam i svesna samd a sanjam..pored mene u snu zenska osoba i kaze meni hajde da odrecitujemo tri puta Ocenas..i ja pricam u snu Ocenas..budim se.ustala..prosetala po kuci i vratila se u krevet....lezim onako..budna.. i prvi utisak je da je tisina promenila zvuk..sve je nekako umem to d aobajsnim..osecam neko prisustvo i umisljam..spava mi se...posle par sekudi..totalno "zakucana " za krevet. Paralisana, nema sanse da se pokrenem. osecam onako onaj strah..jeste neprijatno..jeste cudno..ali nema onog straha onakve prirode..pokusavam da pomerim ruke..nema prst d apomerim..pokusavam oci da otvorim..m-m..usne su...hocu d aih otvorim da kazem naglas "Boze pomozi mi"..uspevam malo..ali to je jezik ne moze da prelomi ..onda sam htela da osetim ko je to sta je to..i na zglobovima obe ruke sam osetila kao dva obruca..hladna..imala sam fizicki osecaj..jer kazem..ja sam budna i svesna..samo sam totalno paralisana..onda sledeci osecaj je bio vezan za osecaj pritiska u delu pleksusa..sve jace i jace ,ne bol.pritisak..kao da se nesto mnogo tesko naslanja tu , moj disanje posatje sve plice , tesko disem i kao da cu presatti da disem svake sekunde...ponavljala sam u sebi "Boze pomozi mi..pomozi mi"..i uspela da da pokrenem prste da desnoj ruci, pa celu ruku ,ali oci nisam mogla da otvorim..onda sam podigla desnu ruku, uspela da se prekrstim i krenula ka levoj ruci da je podignem..i tad sam tom mestu oko zgloba..usko nesto..hladno..ali nije bio osecaj potpuno tvrde materije ..cudno nesto..ali definitivno prisutno..tad sam skocila..popalila svetla..hihiih..i spavala sa upaljenim svetlom..
Onaj prvi put je bio ogroman strah..ova drugi..jeste strah..ali ne tako jak..ipak sam osecala neku znam kako da objasnim..

Zamolila bih..ako neko ima slicna iskustava da mi se javi..ovo ce kod mene posatajati sve jace..ja to osecam..a zelim da najdem nacin da se zastitim nekako..jer..nije ni malo znam kako da s eponasam u takvim situacijama...

Izvinjavam se ako ovo nije bilo za ovu temu..

PostPostano: sub aug 16, 2008 11:29 pm 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4208
Ova vrsta seksulane manipulacije od strane 4D sila (greysi i reptili) je kako se čini prilično česta, međutim, iz razumljivih razloga, malo ko će otvoreno da priča o takvim iskustvima. Nedavno je jedna žena na serbiancafe forumu opisala svoj slučaj silovanja od strane reptoida (gdje obično dolazi i do kopulacije, dok greysi nemaju seksualne organe), međutim, taj post je kasnije bio obrisan. Doduše, ona nije pominjala reptoide, nego „sukubuse i inkubuse“ jer je to bilo najdalje dokle je stigla u svom ličnom istraživanju. S druge strane, koliko sam razumjeo, njoj neko pružanje otpora nije ni padalo na pamet.

James Bartley je pisao o toj vrsti manipulacije (tekst Astral dreamscape manipulation i drugi) ovdje:

Čini se da kad su te sile u pitanju, njima je bitno da žrtvu na taj način pretvore u neku vrstu baterije crpeći joj emocionalnu (a možda i seksualnu?) energiju koju ova tom prilikom oslobađa. Molitve obično ne pomažu jer su iste te sile izmislile i naše religije. Na neki način ispada da se tu opet molimo njima!?

Zajedno sa svim tim često idu paraliza i astralna projekcija, kao kod slučajeva otmica o kojima se dosta toga može naći na vebsajtu.

Što se moguće zaštite tiče, ljudi probavaju sve i svašta s različitim rezultatima.


PostPostano: pon aug 18, 2008 2:24 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned jun 18, 2006 3:19 am
Postovi: 120
...lezala sam u mom krevetu, odjednom vidim sebe potpuno svesna svega..mrak ali ja vidim u tom mraku..kao da je dan..vidim svoje telo i nesto sto lici na..

Takva se stanja najčešće javljaju iznad 30. godine starosti prilikom spavanja na leđima uz ,,uspavanku,, u kojoj je identifikacija sa stanjem sadržaja mašte maksimalna, pogotovo ako ličnost sebe doživljava u podređenom položaju u formi žrtve i samosažaljenja.
Astralna projekcija se skoro uvijek doživljava u ležanju na leđima. Ako ličnost pokušava postići astralnu projekciju u smislu želje za vančulnim doživljajima, ona nesvjesno formira namjeru koja ide u ,,paketu,, sa svim njenim identifikacionim sadržajima iz mašte i drugih doživljenih neprijatnih iskustava, i kao rezultat toga su traumatični snovi. Oni za tu ličnost nisu san, već stvarni i realni. Moglo bi se reći da se nematerijalna bića u koje spadaju i grejsi i njihovi hibridi najčešće hvataju za frekvenciju one ličnosti koja im u tom smislu najbolje odgovara. ,,Istraživanje,, u astralu i eksperimentisanje sa magijskim ritualima je za neupućene veoma ,,klizav,, teren. Muškarci u takvim situacijama prihvataju samouništavajuću borbu, dok žene to doživljavaju kroz neprijatna iskustva. Iz ponašanja ljudi koji se žale na ovakve smetnje može se zaključiti da su klasične abdukcije vanzemaljaca u odnosu na ova navedena iskustva u daleko manjem odnosu.


PostPostano: pon aug 18, 2008 6:17 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri jul 18, 2007 7:46 am
Postovi: 155
Lokacija: Rijeka, Hrvatska
eto neznam dal koga i zanima,al samo da napišem što se dalje događalo i kako sam to shvatio.
tu sjenku sam shvatio kao vlastiti strah od kojeg biježim i s kojim se trebam sukobit i u "stvarnosti", pa sam tako i radio, i kada sam opet izašao izvan tijela više nije bilo tog tamnog entiteta, eto tako ide za sada,za sada.



 Naslov: Astralna Projekcija
PostPostano: pet aug 22, 2008 8:45 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri aug 20, 2008 2:48 pm
Postovi: 32
Moje misljenje je da je sam naziv "astralna projekcija" nedovoljan da obuhvati sve ono sto se pod tim fenomenom misli.

Ako uzmemo u obzir da ja ljudska DNA spala samo na duble helix funkcionalnost sto dozvoljava budnu svest na fizickom planu (sa ekstremnim senzornim limitetima) i samo delimicnu svest astrala dok spavamo u vidu lucidnih snova i kratkotrajnih vise-manje bistrih vantelesnih iskustva dobija se dojam da smo veoma daleko od punog razvitka.

Medjutim stime sto ocigledno sila koja utice da sve oko nas u Matrixu pocinje da se menja sigurno utice i na nasu DNA odnosno dela promenu u sposobnosti da se odrzimo duze u astralu pod punoj svesti i percepciji. Ko zna mozda ubrzo i svi odletimo u Astral. :D

PostPostano: pet aug 22, 2008 6:36 pm 

Pridružen/a: pon dec 10, 2007 12:04 pm
Postovi: 16
Lokacija: Rijeka
Mi smo svi cijelo vrijeme u astralu, samo što su toga neki svjesni, neki ponekad svjesni, a neki nisu svjesni.

 Naslov: Astral Projection
PostPostano: uto aug 26, 2008 1:14 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri aug 20, 2008 2:48 pm
Postovi: 32
Mozda ovaj materjal bude korisan onima koji se obucavaju vjestinu astralnog putovanja.

Chapter 4

I have had a clear access to the astral world for more than a decade and a half. The memories of all the strange places I have visited in the astral world are the most precious thing in my life and I cherish them with great joy and pride.

As far as I can remember, after my first astral experience, I just fell in love with the astral projection. Today, after thousands of astral trips, this love has not weakened a bit and I cannot imagine my life without astral traveling. Many times in my early stages of psychic development, I have been training six to seven hours a day and have left my physical body more than seventy times on average. You can imagine the time I have spent on the astral plane and this does not include the astral trips that I have made at nights, which has usually lasted for more than five hours.

Despite all the amazing phenomena that I have seen throughout my years of astral traveling, I have also had many opportunities to encounter a UFO phenomenon and alien life forms. That has completely changed my point of view about life and reality on Earth. The knowledge we are not alone on this planet and that reality is not what it seems to be has pushed me to even harder and deeper exploration of the astral plane in a search of the truth about alien interaction with human species.

The things I have seen on the astral plane were one of the main reasons for me to write this book because it has become clear to me that behind the curtain there are many top secret projects that most people do not even dream about. Thus, from my own personal astral experience, I will try to present most of the data I have managed to collect about the subject of UFO and extraterrestrial life. Yet, these astral experiences are old dated because if I mention the astral travels that are up to date in this book, there is a real chance for them not to be understood, as they should.

Nevertheless, despite the subject about alien presence on the astral plane, I will give you a clear picture of how does it feel to be present on the astral plane and what does it feel like to move and act fully conscious. The fact is nobody lives forever. I believe that it should be selfish of me if the knowledge and the experience that I have managed to collect from the astral plane is not released in public and made available to everyone who wants to elaborate the astral science.

The knowledge about the astral science should circulate among all of us and remain vivid and vital. The more we share our knowledge, the more advanced it becomes. We all learn from each other and we all breathe the life breath given to us by the spirit of Earth. The energy of the spirit of the Earth is always around us and within us, connecting us in a special way. It is really a shame that we mostly forget the true values of the spirit in this Silicon Era of living. We all have to work very hard hopefully one day the balance between the technology and the spirituality will be regained.

During its physical existence, every astral being that awakes itself must go through many stages to become a fully awaken astral being. It takes time, but even Buddha “the awaken one” has once said: “At the end of time, every one will find his/her way to enlightenment.”

Therefore, to help the process I will describe eighteen of mine carefully chosen out of the body experiences, which will clear up for you what can you encounter while you are on the astral plane, how to deal with it, where to go, etc. At the same time I will do my best to put a beam of light on the astral enigma in a way that I consider should be the most understandable of all for every one who encounters the astral projection phenomenon for the first time.

 Naslov: Astral Projection
PostPostano: uto aug 26, 2008 1:16 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri aug 20, 2008 2:48 pm
Postovi: 32

Normally, you never forget your first astral experience. It happened to me in 1990, 21 April. The night was very calm and not very cold when I went to sleep as usual around 01:00 AM.

Sometime around the small hours, I became aware that I was in the middle of a strange dream. The dream was so vivid and I could think so freely. The theme of the dream was about the noble philosophy of the Tibetan lamas and their way of life. Finding myself in their wisdom, I wished with all my heart to become one of them.

The wish was so real and intense that it had somehow changed the basic structure of the dream. With absolutely no warning in my head I started to hear a loud zooming sound like “zzzzz...” that had awaken me into a fully conscious state. Physically I was completely paralyzed and I couldn’t move an inch. I felt a strong force running through my body that was giving me the impression of electrical nature. It was shaking me real good but I didn’t panic. After a few seconds the force became much stronger and the sound much louder.

Deep inside, I knew it was the moment I had been waiting for. I strongly wished to leave my physical body. What a miracle! It started to happen. The feeling of the strong energy with the loud sound stopped and I felt elevating from my own body. After approximately twenty centimeters, I somehow managed to take control and stop elevating. I wanted to turn upside down to see my physical body and it happened in an instant. Down below I was lying on a bed with my head turned on the right side.

The moment I saw myself down lying on a bed, I was overwhelmed with a great feeling of joy. People usually say that the first time you find yourself out of your body severe panic or fear follows it, but I felt so calm and wonderful. More¬over, how could you not feel wonderful when you had seen yourself lying on the bed while levitating above the bed and feeling completely alive and conscious? So, in my consciousness, those thoughts went like this:

“I’m thinking deeper and better than in my physical body. The fact that I’m levitating above my body means that the stories about the astral world are true. So, it must be also true that when we die we come here.”

Then I managed to ele¬vate higher and put myself in a vertical position. I could see everything in my room. It was strange for me because every¬thing in the room was somehow illuminated but I was certain that when I went to sleep I put the blinds on the windows down and that the room had to be completely dark.

Next, I wished to see my astral body and the silver cord that so many esoteric authors wrote about. When I looked at myself, I noticed I was a transparent double with the white line representing my human contour. It was the same size and shape as my physical body, like a perfect copy but totally transparent. About one centimeter all around the white line there was somewhat of small blue light flickering as if exposed to current air.

When I looked in the area of the solar plexus in my astral body and then in the same area in my physical body I didn’t spot any connection between my two bodies. That put me completely out of control. It confused me a lot, because the belief of the silver cord was so famous that I was sure that connection had to be there but I could not see it.
On the other hand, I could perfectly see everything else and I even heard sounds of the cars that were coming from outside.

In those moments of confusion, I felt I was losing my consciousness, but I managed to pull myself together and maintain the position of levitating in the center of my room. I loosened myself completely and after a second or two, I felt rafted by some strange and invisible current that was taking me backwards. I did not make an effort to fight it and I just adapted to that newborn situation because I was curious to see what would happen next.

The invisible current brought me close to the wall that represented the border between the rooms of my elder brother and my own. I walked through the wall amazingly easy. I remember that I got a very creepy feeling in the moment when I was slowly passing through the wall because I clearly saw the grey color of the concrete.

The next thing I remember was entering my brother’s room, still flying slowly backward and still driven by that invisible force. The room was absolutely the same as it was in the physical world, and I saw my brother sleeping on his bed. The carpet, the pictures, the interior and everything else were completely the same as they were supposed to be. For a moment, I wanted to break out from the current that was moving me backwards, and in an instant, I felt like having gained full control over myself again. I turned my face towards the window and smoothly flew through it. The next moment, I found myself levitating at the fourth floor altitude. The feeling that I was on the altitude of the fourth floor levitating in thin air with no physical assistance was fascinating.

Even I did not believe that was really happening. I perfectly saw the front side of my building with all the windows and balconies on it and everything else that I knew so well, but this time from a new perspective. By the way, I lived in a building in a settlement in Skopje known as “Novo Lisiche”.

The building was not high and in fact, it had seven floors only in the two middle entrances and nine floors in the two side entrances. To be more precise, I lived on the fourth floor in one of the middle entrances.

When I managed to distant myself for about twenty meters away from the building, I could watch them all. In that precise moment, an interesting thought went through my consciousness: “That’s why they called the astral plane a parallel world. Everything is completely the same as in the physical world”.

After fifteen seconds of levitating twenty meters from my building, I came up with the idea to go around and land on the parking lot on the other side of the building to remember a registration plate on some car. It would serve me as evidence of my out of the body experience. Unfortunately, in that sensational moment I started to feel like loosing consciousness again.

The next second, everything around me became completely dark. What was more interesting, I was still in a conscious state but I could not see anything. A few moments later, I felt I was back in my room again. My sight returned and I saw my astral body levitating in a horizontal position parallel to my physical body. In that same moment, I remember I felt strong force that pulled me down. I tried to resist it, but it was stronger than me and it pulled me down directly into my physical body.

The next moment I felt my physical body again and without absolutely any loss of the memory about what just happened I got up from my bed and said to myself: “Unbelievable. I did it.”

I remember feeling overwhelmed with joy and happiness, almost as a child given the long desired toy. I had heard many things about astral projection but the experience of it was a completely different thing.

 Naslov: Astral Projection
PostPostano: uto aug 26, 2008 1:19 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri aug 20, 2008 2:48 pm
Postovi: 32
Subchapter 4.2

In the beginning of his/her astral voyages almost every astral walker has a natural desire to prove to him/herself that what he/she has seen and heard in the astral plane is not an illusion but reality. I was not an exception, so I strongly felt the need to prove to myself that everything I saw with my astral body was real. So, my first few astral projections were in fact a search for evidence.

This astral experience happened to me on May 28, 1990. The action took place around 07:00 in the morning. A very strong zooming sound like “zzzzz...” awoke me from the state of deep sleep again. It came without any warning like the first time, and it pushed me into a complete state of vigilance. I found myself lying on my left side but again fully paralyzed.

The only difference from the first time was that it did not happen because of my influence on a dream but by itself. I could not even remember what I was dreaming about. Something unknown to me triggered the strange force in me and woke me up. It seemed to me that I was stuck somewhere between two dimensions. I could not move physically and I could not move astrally as well. I remember saying to myself: “OK Pane, just do not panic and remain calm!”

Luckily, I had already learnt from my uncle that the strange electrical force with the strong zooming sound like “zzzzz” was in fact a sudden rising of my Kundalini energy. Even then, I had been aware of the fact that everything that was going to follow up depended primarily on my reaction to the Kundalini energy.

It was clear to me that if my thoughts were calm and full of cosmic love, the Kundalini would bring the expansion of my consciousness, but if I panicked and showed fear, she would get wild and I did not want to know what it looked like in live experience. It was strange, but despite the fact that I could not open my eyes, I was seeing some strange blue light inside me while Kundalini was active.

Anyway, after I focused on the cosmic love and everything else of positive nature that I could think of, the force increased its strength in a few waves. The zooming sound became unbearable and I thought I was going to explode by the pressure of the force. The Kundalini was streaming with all its strength and it was enlightening the bottom of my spine.

The next moment the light started to go up in great speed. Somehow, I knew that the moment of separation with my physical body was coming closer. When the light reached my head I just wished to leave my physical body. The same second I wished for that, I felt the start of the separation from my physical body on the right side. When the head of my astral body had been separated, the zooming sound stopped and I did not feel any energy rising anymore. The first thing I noticed was that it was a morning. The room was lit with sunshine. I saw my body lying on the bed perfectly.

When I looked aro¬und my room, I saw a painting on the wall that was on my left side, the door, and the wallpaper with palm trees on the beautiful ocean shore that was on the opposite wall from my bed. I managed to separate half of my astral body when I heard footsteps on the parquet. I looked in the direction of the door again. I wat¬ched as the door-handle started to move very slowly and I saw my mother trying to be as quiet as she could, entering my room. She looked at my physical body, and when she noticed I was sound asleep, she did not want to wake me up, so she continued to the other side of my room. She came close to the commode and opened the middle drawer. I found myself in a strange situation.

I was fully awake; half separated from my physical body and watching the movements my mother made from a perspective that was impossible with my physical body because it was turned on the left side and with the back to the position where my mother was standing.

She pulled out one green t-shirt that belonged to me and after she closed the drawer, she went to the door very slowly intending to exit the room. In that moment, a good idea went through my consciousness. That was a good opportunity to test the reality of my experience.

I joined with my physical body very fast and opened my physical eyes just in time to see my mother leaving the room with the green t-shirt in her right hand.

Two seconds later she closed the door and I was alone again. The sensation of triumph went through my mind. It became clear to me that I was not dreaming and it was real.

Speaking from a physical point of view, it was impossible for me to see what she did because I was turned on the left side and with my back towards her all the time. I got up, and just for the test, I went to find my mother and ask her what she was doing in my room. I found her in the kitchen ironing my green t-shirt.

Just for the jest, I started to complain that she was so loud and that she had woken me up. She looked at me with great compassion and said that she was so sorry, but she needed to iron my T-shirt because we would have to go to my nephew’s house around nine to help him with the preparations for his wedding.

Again, just joking, I replied that I was looking for that green t-shirt all week and asked her where she had found it. She answered it was with the other t-shirts in the middle drawer of the commode all the time. My body started to shake with sensation. I replied to her again that I was just joking and I kissed her on the cheek and returned to my room.
I felt like having won the lottery, because it cleared up to me I was not hallucinating, and the event really took place.

This was the second time that I proved to myself that I was capable of leaving my physical body and coming back, with absolutely no problems with the memory of what I had seen on the astral plane. The reality of this astral experience had given me a great amount of self-confidence and the sense that I was moving in the right direction.

Yet, typically for humans, I needed much more to prove to myself that the stories about the astral world were true. I decided to train even harder than before. I was curious to find out what would happen the next time I decided to leave my physical body.

 Naslov: Astral Projection
PostPostano: uto aug 26, 2008 1:22 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri aug 20, 2008 2:48 pm
Postovi: 32
Subchapter 4.3

During my next few astral excursions, I continued collecting data, which would serve me as evidence that the things happening to me were real. This is one of them and it happened on September 3, 1990:

The action took place somewhere around 06:00AM, while I was sound asleep. I do not remember what I was dreaming about before I became conscious, but I do remember that I woke up because of some strange circumstance. The moment I became conscious, I realized that all I was able to see was a complete darkness but in the same time, I was strangely aware of my environment. Then about five seconds later, I started to feel like softly floating on some water surface. In the beginning, it felt nice and calming, but the situation changed in a few seconds when Kundalini became active.

It happened so fast. It caught me completely by surprise and I have to admit that it scared me a lot. It took me about five seconds to pull myself together and to realize what was happening. The bioelectric waves coming from the bottom of my spine were gaining on strength very fast and it seemed to me that if they became stronger I would probably have a difficult time dealing with it.

The drama continued and the Kundalini started to produce even stronger sound but that did not disturb me as much as the sensation of the unbearable strong energy, which was going up my spine.

So, I remained calm with absolutely no effort to make any physical movement. At the same time, I knew I needed positive thoughts to be safe from the Kundalini’s dark potential, so I concentrated the best I could on pure and positive things. When Kundalini reached the point in my head, (which I can define as a spot between my eyebrows) I knew that I had a clear chance to leave my body again. I did not want to miss that chance, so almost immediately I mentally gave a strong command: “I’m going out of my body.”

I remember how amazingly easy that worked, so the next moment the separation started to happen. The best I can describe that separation, is like a feeling that between me, and my physical body there were thousands of tiny threads, which tore apart in a few moments accompanied by some strange sound I could not clearly define.

The astral projection process finished and I found myself elevating up from my physical body. My astral body seemed to me the same as before, totally transparent and with the small flickering blue light around my human contours which were defined with white line.

Despite the fact that I felt the same joy for I was out again, I remained calm and focused. I elevated a bit more and when I reached the height of one meter above my bed I easily managed to change my position into vertical, which gave me a good perspective to closely observe my physical body. My eyes were closed, the breathing was normal and in fact, the whole expression of my face was giving me the impression of my other me sleeping as a baby.

After I examined my physical body and concluded that everything was OK, I focused on my room. Generally, my room looked normal to me, a little messy of some clothes I had put here and there during the day. Everything was in the right place as in the physical reality, so I looked upon the window with an intention to go closer. In an instant, I arrived there and I was a little surprised of how easy that was.

“OK, let’s go and look around” – I thought. In a second, as if some unquestionable command was given I walked right through the window, made two steps on my balcony and jumped into the thin air. In the moment of falling, (which in fact was a product of me still thinking in the physical way) I lifted myself and managed to take a slow but smooth flight on the altitude of fifteen meters above the green park on the north side of my building.

I was in ecstasy and felt great, as I never did before. Still, despite my effort to describe what I was feeling, the true sensation of flying in the astral body cannot be understandable for someone who has not experienced it at least once. The best I can come up with is like an ultimate freedom, which fulfills you in every way you can think of, and gives you a clear image of you as a part of the Universe, which is so much larger than you have ever imagined.

Anyway, after about thirty meters of flying I stopped in the air, turned around and started to stare into my building. Little by little, I started to get used to controlling the basic movements of my transparent double. All of what I looked at was so astonishing, because I found myself in a position to observe the balconies of my building from a perspective that I never had before. In my consciousness I remember saying to myself: “Wait until my friends hear about this”.

I watched the building for about fifteen seconds, and then I turned around and spotted the small power plant that was about a hundred meters away from my building. Then I looked in the direction of ASNOM Boulevard that was so close to my building and spotted that it was starting to get crowded with people going to work. I remember that again I felt great sensation because it was an indescribable experience to be aware of the fact that my physical body was there in my apartment and I was here levitating in my astral body witnessing the awakening of my neighborhood.

I looked to the East and I saw the Sun rising from the horizon on a clear and cloudless morning sky. Generally, it was a pretty view to see. I let myself go again and without any fear of falling, I flew to the East. I flew above the boulevard and proceeded above the yellow wheat field just near by. I remember I was flying at the altitude of about 50 meters and the speed was about 30 km/h. I did not feel a need of speeding up because that speed seemed just fine to me; nevertheless, everything I did so far was experimenting with the way my astral body works, so I did not want to rush things on.

I had just started to explore my new abilities and I didn’t want to do anything stupid. I was just attached to the rule - nice and slow.

The sensation of flying was great. Soon I came to the end of the wheat field and now I was flying over a huge hole that construction workers had dug. They were coming here in big trucks to extract sand, which they were using at construction sites somewhere else. I did not hold myself long above the huge hole and soon, still flying to the East, I found myself over the biggest river in Macedonia.

The name of the river was Vardar the stream of which was passing very close to my neighborhood, about two hundred meters from the ASNOM Boulevard. The riverbed of Vardar goes zigzag, and separates the city of Skopje in two almost equal parts. I never believed I would see the Vardar from this altitude and in this way. I looked straight ahead and I saw a few very high white poplar trees, which were so close to the riverbed of Vardar.

As I flew, I went very close to one of the trees, almost touching its white bark and continued in the direction of another area of Skopje called “Hipodrom”.

Soon I arrived close to the buildings of Hipodrom. I decided to land directly on the parking lot of one building. It was interesting to me that I had landed amazingly softly, with absolutely no sense of weight while I was touching the ground. The parking lot was almost empty of cars, so I walked a few steps towards the nearby sidewalk and looked straight at the building. I started to observe the whole building especially the balconies and something on a balcony on the second floor caught my attention. It was a red bicycle, but the interesting thing was that one of the wheels was missing.

While I was looking at the bicycle, I felt that something was not right and that I was losing control over myself. After a few seconds, I started to see foggy, the building started to disappear from my sight and I felt that I was losing my strength rapidly. My concentration broke down completely and again I entered the state of complete darkness. It lasted for about two seconds and then I felt as if I was sinking directly into my physical body. When I felt that my control over my physical body was back, I remained still and did not move at all.

I was repeating all the data I brought from the astral plane in my mind, and when I convinced myself that nothing had vaporized from my memory, I slowly moved my arms and legs. As soon as I got up from the bed, I immediately took my diary and wrote down my astral experience.

Luckily, the place I visited in my astral excursion was a few miles from my area and it was possible for me to check the data I had collected. So, at noon I went to check the details from my astral trip. When I arrived to the Hipodrom area, I started to look for the building I saw in my astral excursion early that morning. Five minutes later I found it and went around the building to the parking lot. When I got there, I saw the same details on the building. Everything was the same and on the second floor on the same balcony, I saw exactly the same red bicycle with one wheel missing that I saw that morning while I was out of my physical body. The front side of the building, the park and the parking lot were exactly the same. After a while, greatly satisfied with a smile on my face, I left the place.

The truth is, in addition to this astral excursion I have made many others with a purpose to prove to myself that everything I do with my astral body is real. In time, I have stopped looking for evidence anymore and started to look at my astral excursions as equal as any other experience that I collect in the physical world.

 Naslov: Astral Projection
PostPostano: uto aug 26, 2008 1:25 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri aug 20, 2008 2:48 pm
Postovi: 32
Subchapter 4.4

On the night of December 6, 1991, I encountered a kind of an astral form, which sometimes can be found in lower and middle levels of the astral plane for the first time in my life. The truth is, in most cases you do not find this astral form because it finds you. However, first I will describe my astral experience and then I will comment it.

During the same night I had an opportunity to be present on the astral plane, twice. The first time I entered the astral plane was by using a dream control method, which in that time was the easiest way for me to leave my physical body. I remember dreaming that I was in Ohrid. The city of Ohrid is about two hundred kilometers from Skopje and is in fact on the shore of a wonderful lake; the biggest one of all three natural lakes that Macedonia possesses. To be more precise, I was dreaming that I was on the large summer terrace of the hotel “Mladost” located right on the shore of the Ohrid Lake, situated on the other side of the Ohrid hill, about 500m from the "St. John Kaneo" Church. I remember that the same evening my friends and I talked about Ohrid, so I find the dream about the lake not surprising.

However, there was an anomaly on the terrace in my dream and as soon as my perception picked it up, some trigger in my consciousness went on and the next second I became aware that I was dreaming. After becoming fully conscious that I was dreaming and in fact on the astral plane, I woke up on the same terrace of the hotel.

The anomaly was gone and everything had become normal to my perception. I saw my transparent astral body and a smile lit up my face because I knew that it was time for some astral stuff. I was out of my body again and that started happening very often lately, so it had given me a sign that I was improving the development of my astral consciousness. Straight ahead of me, reflecting the light from the city with all its beauty was the lake of Ohrid. The night was beautiful and starry. I jumped over the terrace about three meters high from the ground and walked close to the shore. The lights coming from the hotel gave the lake the effect of a wonderful dancing light on the surface of the water. I remember thinking to myself: “It’s beautiful”.

Loud disco music was coming from somewhere on the right. It proved Ohrid’s nightlife fully active although it was winter. I was walking along the shore enjoying the beauty of the ambient. The beaches are mostly of small rocks but they are very beautiful. I looked at the lake enjoying the beautiful reflections on the surface of the water once again, especially the ones coming from the other side of the lake, and I remember thinking: “That is a wonderful site; it deserves to be seen”. Then, I looked upon the stars on the blue velvet night sky. It fulfilled me with even greater feeling of joy and peace. Judging from the whole image, I assumed it was probably around 02:00 AM.

Then I made a mistake I was not supposed to. In a split of a second I thought of my physical body. The same moment I thought of my physical body I felt my consciousness changing somehow and taking some kind of liquid characteristics. The next second, I found myself in my room, part of me already in my physical body. The right part of my astral body was joined with my physical body but my left side was still out and I could still use it. After a second or two, pulled by some magnetic force the left side of my astral body also started sinking into my physical body.

I did not want to return to my physical body so soon and I decided to try to leave it again. The desire of leaving my physical body was so strong that I knew there was a good chance for a second astral projection. However, things started taking another course, different from the one I wanted to.

First, while I was still in my physical body I started to observe some dim light in the area of my forehead, or to be more precise in the point of my Ajna charka. After a few seconds, the smothered light took the shape of a black glowing triangle. I remember this thought went through my mind: “Well, this might be my third eye, very active tonight.”

From the area of my third eye, I felt some force that started pulling me up. It felt as if I was becoming smaller and the black triangle becoming bigger and at the same time, I felt that I was being sucked into the triangle. Slowly and fearless I put some small effort to leave my physical body and the process began again. I felt my normal size again and inch-by-inch I managed to separate my astral body. At the point I had reached vertical levitation over my physical body, I saw something so disturbing that scared me a lot. Two strange shadow creatures were levitating in a horizontal position in the center of my room. The shadows had humanoid shape, but they were completely black and there was no aura around them. They seemed asleep, so I went closer to examine them better and to possibly find out what they were doing there.

In the moment when I got closer to them, the shadow creatures became alive and I remember them immediately taking vertical position. They had neither eyes, nor anything else but their blackness. Even today, when I remember the event I get the same creepy feeling. Anyway, I was seized by fear and with each second passing by they seemed as if they had come straight from hell to take me there. I was so scared that I did not know what to do. I remember a debate took place in my consciousness. I was aware that if I returned to my physical body, they would still be there in my room and if I remained on the astral plane and tried to fight them, I was not sure whether I would have a chance to win.

I decided the best option that I had in that moment was to take them out of my room. At that point, I realized they were reading my thoughts and one of them jumped at me. Before I had any time to react, the shadow had wrapped itself around my transparent astral body like a snake. Suddenly, I had exactly the same feeling as when a big and poisonous snake had wrapped all around you to tighten and crash your body to death. I knew I was in a difficult situation and I had to do something about it.

Two seconds later, I felt my astral body was losing energy. It seemed to me as if the shadow was somehow absorbing the life force from me, because I felt so much pain and a great loss of my strength. Driven by defensive instinct, I tried to shake it off, but that had absolutely no effect on the shadow. I started to panic and by inertia, I accelerated from the levitating mode into the flying mode. I was just above the green park in front of my building when the shadow tightened around me even harder and feeling so much pain (similar to the one when somebody stabs you with a knife), I started falling down.

Nevertheless, before I had hit the ground I managed to pull myself together and performed just one quick and sharp maneuver to the left. Then I directed myself to the West accelerating rapidly every second. The shadow was still wrapped all around me and when I looked back, I saw the second one catching up with me.

The panic reached its culmination and “my heart jumped into my throat”. I had no idea where to go or what to do. I flew around and above many buildings on my way to the center of the city. No matter how fast I was flying, the second shadow was always a few meters behind me. I thought the moment of my death was close. The pain caused by the wrapped shadow was driving me insane.

Then, in those moments of despair I received a telepathic message: “Do not try to escape”. I listened to that voice in my consciousness and realized that the voice was right and the escape was in fact the wrong solution. Although I was so weak, I stopped panicking and the fear was gone. I stopped for a second and in a blink of an eye, I felt the second shadow had touched my astral body.

The pain doubled that moment. I felt my whole astral body burning of pain, and I even experienced a feeling of overheating. Can you imagine yourself levitating between two buildings with two shadow creatures wrapped all around you like snakes? It was surely one of the most unpleasant experiences that I had ever experienced in my life. “If I return to my physical body I will bring the shadows with me, and they will suck me like parasites till I die. I must get rid of them here on the astral plane or I’m gone.” – A monologue took place in my consciousness.

Somewhere deep in my consciousness I felt a mighty feeling of unconditional universal love. I opened myself to that pure feeling of cosmic love and allowed it to come out to the surface. In that particular moment, I remember my whole astral body started to shine. First, the beams of light illuminated the shadows like a negative and then the same beams threw them at least ten meters away from me. A moment later they disappeared in thin air.

I felt revived after they were gone. The light went back deep inside me and I knew that it went back straight to my soul. Still, I felt so weak and I started to fly slowly towards the area of Skopje where I physically lived. Two questions were forcing their way up to the surface in my consciousness:

“What if this ended the other way? What if I did not manage to get rid of those creatures, would that necessarily mean that it would end my physical existence or even my astral existence?”

As soon as I arrived above my area I saw my building and lowered my altitude. After a while I dropped to the altitude of the fourth floor and entered my room through the balcony. As soon as I approached closer to my physical body I noticed big beads of perspiration on my forehead. Still feeling terribly weak I succeeded to put myself into a parallel position with my physical body and started sinking into it.

The next moment the sense of my physical body was back. I opened my eyes and got up, but I sat again on my bed because the same moment I got up, a major wave of pain in my head hit me hard. I felt exhausted to the maximum. However, this experience did not end without any physical consequences. It took me about two weeks to get in shape again. Obviously, the shadows had sucked a huge amount of life force from me. To tell you the truth, I surely hoped I would not have to meet them again.

Comment: After long years of activity in the astral plane, concerning this astral experience I could say I did just fine considering my level of astral development in 1991. The term of this astral creature in the esoteric literature is known as “Shadow” or "Shade".

The Shadow is in fact a type of memory that comes from some consciousness, which has left the astral body the same way it has left the physical in the time of the physical death. In other words, the Shadow is a product of a natural process that transfers the consciousness from the astral plane into the mental plane. A part of the consciousness that contains some vibrations that cannot enter the mental plane because of their lower nature remains like a memory in the astral body that has been left behind to disintegrate in the astral plane.

As in the moments of the physical death the astral body leaves the old or not suitable physical body any longer, the higher principles of the soul leave the astral body when the time is right for it in exactly the same way. When that happens, the miniature part of the consciousness that contains a part of the memory of the being that has used that astral body is also being left behind.

Because of the fact that this miniature part of the consciousness is still alive and it does not want to be destroyed, the only way to prevent its own natural disintegration into the astral substance is by stealing the energy from living life forms. This partly conscious creature becomes some kind of an astral parasite and as the amount of the stolen energy grows bigger, its disintegration into the astral substance takes much longer.

However, sometimes the Shadows can be found attached to the aura of living people on Earth. In these cases, the Shadows use every possible way to suck the energy from them until they draw them completely causing serious illness, even death. Another characteristic of the Shadows is that they cannot resist the calls directed toward other astral bodies from all areas of the physical world during the spiritualistic séances.

During these spiritualistic séances, the psychic him/herself usually does not have the ability to check out who is really present in the room and that gives the Shadow a perfect chance to manipulate him/her and the others. From the partly functional telepathy, it can easily read the thoughts of the psychic and the others, collecting a huge amount of energy with each question directed to him/her. With each question of the psychic and the others, the transfer of fluid or etheric energy is established and in the end, it results with growing of the energy level of the Shadow, but the energies of the psychic and the others become weaker.

The longer the séances last, the bigger the amount of the absorbed energy is. If the séances become everyday practice and the psychic does not recognize he/she has been manipulated, it will surely end up with some serious consequences for him/her.
Despite of all that, it is also known that sometimes the Shadows can visit weak-minded people that often perform sexual masturbations. We all know that the energy cannot be destroyed but can only transform itself from one kind of energy into another. Through the orgasm, the released sexual energy goes into the etheric plane and stays there. In that case, all the Shadow has to do is to collect the amount of free energy. Just consider the fact that before the erection happens people feel so much stronger; they feel they can break the wall with a single punch, but after the orgasm, they feel so much weaker, almost like a flat balloon. The energy loss is obvious, wouldn’t you agree?

I do not want to scare you that every time you make love, some dark creature waits in the corner to collect a part of your energy. I just want to say that this phenomenon is absolutely possible and real although rare.

In worst cases, the Shadow can become a part of all sorts of rituals of the black magic, with the purpose of harming someone or for realization of some selfish idea. However, the Shadows cannot fight the natural process of eternity, and eventually they fully disintegrate and fall into the darkness.

 Naslov: Astral Projection
PostPostano: uto aug 26, 2008 1:28 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri aug 20, 2008 2:48 pm
Postovi: 32
Subchapter 4.5

I remember this astral experience as my starting point in my underwater research. After the astral excursion, which happened on February 2, 1992, my need for adventure had taken me many times into underwater explorations. I chose one of the many to present in this book.

Somewhere around two o’clock in the afternoon, I decided to go out of my physical body and to take an astral excursion. I put the window blinds down and I lied down into the position of Shavasana. In a while, I managed to bring my physical body into the state of total relaxation and started with the visualization of the seven figures of the technique I previously presented in this book. As soon as I finished the technique, I felt something pulling me up and the next moment I found myself elevating above my physical body.

It did not took me long to get full control over my astral body and in a few seconds I managed to land softly by my bed. From that position of standing beside my bed, I saw my physical body lying in Shavasana but I did not find any interest watching myself, so I started to run towards the windows intending to leave my room as soon as possible. After I went through the windows, I jumped over the balcony and strongly moved myself straight up towards the sky increasing the altitude fast.

When I reached the altitude from where I could easily observe the whole region of Macedonia, I decided to further move in the direction of Greece. The speed of my flight was solid, so pretty soon I arrived above Athens. The capital of Greece looked wonderful from above, so I slowed a little. Still, Athens was not my target, so I continued flying towards the Mediterranean Sea.

Despite the fact that it was winter, the sea looked wonderful from above. I diverted my direction to the angle of 45˚ and when I reached the altitude of about a few hundred meters, I continued to fly in the direction of a small group of islands, which were very close to the island known as Naxos. I flew around changing my altitude and enjoying all the beauties that this area of the Mediterranean Sea possesses at the same time.

Note: It was a lot of fun, and it was one of the reasons I loved astral projection so much – while your body stays at home in the state of Trance, you are free to do whatever you like and go wherever you like. The only thing missing is you cannot bring a camera with you to take pictures and show others where you have been and what you have seen. Anyway, convincing people where I have been with my astral body has never been my objective, so for a very long time it has not made any difference to me. In that time I was feeling freed from the physical chains and that was all that mattered to me, until I started to see things that were very important to every one and deserved to be told.

As soon as I had come at the altitude about ten meters above the water surface I decreased my speed. Although I was moving with the intention to reach Crete, I changed my course and started to circulate around the smaller islands of Naxos because the site was wonderful and I enjoyed it completely. It was all the more better that I had caught the period of the day, when everything around me was so calm and quiet, with exception of a few fishing boats. While flying above the water, I was looking down and sometimes I remember seeing a shoal of fish so beautiful in its shape and in changing its direction of moving.

At one point, when I was following a shoal of fish, I noticed something shining at the bottom of the crystal clear water. Just of curiosity, I made a sharp side move and turned back towards the place where I had spotted the flickering thing. When I arrived closer to the surface of the water, I slowly started to go in. The feeling was so strange because I had never done it with my astral body before. It felt absolutely the same compared to the physical feeling of entering the water, except without feeling cold or warm. As soon as I had sunk up to my head, I started swimming on instinct. I remember the thought that went through my consciousness: “Don’t be stupid, you are astrally here and you can not sink if you do not want that.”

I stopped moving my arms and legs, and continued levitating in the water. I looked to my left saw a small island in the distance, but the reason I entered the water was on my right and very close to me. The water was so clear that I could clearly see what was lying on the bottom of the sea. I recall the sensation that overwhelmed me in the moment I realized that the thing that lay on the sand was the remains of some old Greek temple.

The columns were almost in great shape. Some of them were still standing, and some of them were partly visible because they were half covered with sand. The same moment I spotted the structure at the bottom, I dived towards it. As soon as I had slipped into the water, I found out that moving underwater was incomparably easier because you did not feel any resistance or pressure and normally, you did not have to breathe to stay alive. The floor was visible and I estimated it was probably about thirty meters deep. All around me, all sorts of smaller fish were swimming absolutely undisturbed, obviously not aware of my astral presence.

Note: In those times, I thought fish could not sense my astral presence, but after a major underwater astral research, which took years, I realized I had been wrong and that sea life could sense an astral presence, especially dolphins and whales.

However, it was a unique experience. The monument, which once had been an ancient Greek temple, was still in relatively good shape despite the factor of time. I had dove deeper and moved closer to some of the columns that were still standing. Although buried in the sand for one third of their size, they looked enormously huge to me. The part of the columns that was visible above the sand was intertwining with hundreds of small but dense seaweeds. The whole picture was giving me the impression that somewhere in the distant past this temple had looked similar to the Parthenon.

Suddenly I wanted to see up and overjoyed I saw the sunlight penetrating the surface of the water. It felt amazing because the sunlight was also penetrating my transparent astral body and that gave me a sensation beyond words. All those small things happening to me in the astral plane had made me love my astral trips even more. I thought to myself:

“Unbelievable. While my physical body sleeps in my apartment in Skopje, I’m here beneath the surface of the Mediterranean Sea, exploring a site of a historical monument.”

After I had explored the monument in my own way, I decided to move on and see what else I could find underwater. I started diving south, always staying close to the floor. It was covered with sand and rocks, but there were areas, where the seaweeds were so dense that I felt like moving through some underwater forest. The sea life was so rich… I saw fish types that I had never dreamed about.

I had stayed for about twenty minutes more underwater, but I had not seen any other monument or some structure that belonged to the distant past. Still, I had enjoyed the astral exploration with all my heart and I remember feeling great regret when I felt a sudden weakness because I knew my presence there was over. The last thing I saw was my physical body lying in the Shavasana and the next moment I was physically awake.

Normally, as a part of a standard returning procedure, I did not dare to physically move at all and after I had repeated the whole astral experience in my mind, I decided to open my eyes. I remember being angry with me for I had not been strong enough to remain longer in the astral plane and explore the underwater life, but soon I calmed down because I knew my underwater explorations had just begun. The interesting thing from a physiological point of view was that as soon as I returned to normal from the state of Trance, I felt so cold. In fact, I felt like I was freezing, so the moment I got up from the bed, I went to find some warm pullover to put on.

After I put my pullover on, I took my diary and wrote about my out of the body experience on the next empty sheet. When I had finished writing, I lifted the window blinds up and went out on my balcony because I felt warmer with the pullover on. The sensation was still holding me tightly and when I looked into the sunny sky, I remember saying to myself: “What a wonderful astral trip!”

 Naslov: Astral Projection
PostPostano: uto aug 26, 2008 1:30 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri aug 20, 2008 2:48 pm
Postovi: 32
Subchapter 4.6

This out of the body experience represents the beginning of my contacts with alien species. The astral world is rich with all kinds of entities, many of them coming from the deep Space.

Despite the fact that most of the people capable of astral traveling rarely encounter them on the astral plane, they are always there but they do not want to be seen. My first contact with such an entity happened on May 7, 1992. Basically, it was a very short contact but very important to me because they usually do not allow their presence to be known or even sensed, not on the astral plane and especially not on the physical plane.

I will describe the whole astral experience as it happened and the way I succeeded to awake myself on the astral plane. This experience is also a good example that there are numerous methods for entering the astral plane if you are familiar with the basic movements that consciousness makes during the state of dreaming. My dream was about a tall tree that my friend and I were climbing. It was daytime, but the sky was full of clouds and it started to rain a little in my dream. The place where we were was close to my neighborhood and it was just opposite the river Vardar.

Dreams are dreams; nevertheless the situation changed in seconds and it turned out that my friend was carrying a rope with him to hang himself. Before I was able to do something, my friend suddenly took the rope and was ready to do it. Thinking still physically, I remember saying to myself:” Good Lord, he is going to hang himself”. The dream carried on and I started to climb faster, in order to prevent his intention, but the moment I had reached the height from where I had the possibility to save him, he jumped off the branch and hanged himself. Desperate as I was, I thought to myself: “Jesus, he is dead.”

There was nothing I could do in that moment and still not realizing that I was dreaming I was awaiting for the separation of his astral and physical body. Nothing happened in the first ten seconds. Obviously, completely out of any awareness for my presence on the astral plane, I was stubbornly waiting for his astral body to come out.

Then it began and I remember saying to my friend:” Do not be afraid, you have just left your physical body for the last time.”
The same moment I said that, a strong wind started to blow. The coldness of the wind woke me up, I realized that I was dreaming and a few seconds later I was standing on the same spot in my transparent astral body. Everything changed, day turned to night as it truly was, and the tree and the hanged body of my friend had disappeared, because they actually never existed and were only a part of an illusion that my sub-consciousness had created. The truth is, the astral plane allows our consciousness to create all sorts of visible illusions during the process of dreaming, and the nature of those deceptions always depends on our wishes or fears.

However, everything around me took normal appearance and I was watching my neighborhood from the other side of the river.

I remember saying to myself: “OK! Let’s take an astral ride!” I felt great need to lift myself from the ground as much as I could. The instant I wished for it, it started to happen. I felt great inner strength awakening somewhere inside me, and two seconds later, I was somewhere on the altitude of two kilometers already. I remember the clear starry sky. I made a huge somersault that gave even greater élan to carry on flying. It does not matter how often you go on astral trips; every new one is a different story.

After completing the somersault, I carried on flying to the West, towards the center of the city. Skopje looked so much nicer from above, attired in thousands of lights shining in the night. I dropped my altitude on one kilometer and continued to fly over the city for a long time at low speed. I was thinking about the purpose of my life. This was strange, because almost always, when I was out of my physical body I was completely occupied with something I was doing or seeing on the astral plane. In contrast to the usual, on this astral excursion I was deeply thinking about the purpose of existence and of life itself in the Universe.

It was completely irrelevant where I was going, what I was going to see or hear. With no special intention, I changed my direction of flying to the North, or to be more precise, towards the Skopska Crna Gora Mountain, one of the mountains that surround the valley of Skopje. In a while, with no particular reason again, I was preparing myself to leave the area of Skopje, when all of a sudden I felt something was different in my environment. In my consciousness, it felt just like the feeling when you sense you are being watched, but you cannot see anyone.

I tracked the feeling, and when I determined that the strongest signal was coming from somewhere behind me, I turned my head back to see if I was going to spot something suspicious. The instant I turned around, I saw a transparent astral creature that was following me, keeping distance of about thirty meters. I did not manage to analyze the creature, but the moment I saw it, judging by its contours, it cleared up to me that the creature was not human. Although it was humanoid in form, it was much smaller in its astral size than the average human, and its transparent head was much different, similar to the being from the science fiction movies - big head with large black eyes.

To tell you the truth, it did not seem a bit friendly and with no intention to communicate with me, so I decided not to irritate him. The whole of its appearance was strange, so I stopped on the spot to examine the creature. When I stopped and focused on it, I felt something like a strike of a strong tornado. It felt as if someone had blown away all my strength and left me completely helpless.

I was sure the creature had something to do with it. I remember well the feeling of a sitting duck. The next moment a strange and strong voice appeared in my consciousness:

“The humans do not have the clearance to be here fully conscious. Do not come again”.

Without any warning a bright light flashed for a second and suddenly I found myself levitating above my physical body. Unwillingly, I slowly started to sink into it and awoke physically. I recall getting up from my bed. I had a glass of water and wrote down the astral experience in my diary. Many questions appeared in my mind, which concerned the strange creature I had met.

Comment: It was the strangest being I had encountered in the astral plane ever. It acted as if it were the host in the astral plane and that I had somehow trespassed in its private property. I remember its transmission put in a form of command not to enter the astral zone on my own will again.

Until then, I had not backed off from anything or anyone in my life, so I did not intend to start doing it just because some strange creature said so. Later, when I started contacting them (almost on a daily basis), I learned that most of them come from the constellation of Zeta Reticuli and that they did not want to be mentioned by their real name. They preferred the term that people aware of their presence had made up for them - “Grays.”

Speaking from experience, their presence always radiated a great hidden mental force and in 90% of my contacts with them, they were aggressive and evil. However, they had not shown any emotions at all, and that led me to a conclusion either they did not have any emotions or they could control them in an unbelievable and effective way.

Anyway, the greatest interest they had shown in the beginning of my astral traveling had been about my strength and clearness of my consciousness and my capability to move across the astral plane. To tell you the truth, I was beginning to feel as a part of some major experiment with each day left behind, which started to bother me a lot and it surely made me persistent beyond words to find out what was really going on in every possible way.

Nevertheless, they had not shown any concern until they realized my efforts to find out more about them, but as I said before, they were focused only on my spiritual improvement, and they had been monitoring me, each time I had become conscious on the astral plane.

 Naslov: Astral Projection
PostPostano: uto aug 26, 2008 1:33 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri aug 20, 2008 2:48 pm
Postovi: 32
Subchapter 4.7

This astral trip happened on November 30, 1992. After I had left my physical body, I reached the altitude of about five kilometers above Skopje and started to fly with great speed to the East. Words could not express the joy that the movement at that speed gave me. Constantly changing the altitude, I flew over mountains, forests, lakes, and from time to time above the Indian Ocean.

After a half an hour of astral traveling, I reached the air space of Vietnam. I started to drop my altitude and went into the free fall towards the huge Vietnam jungle that extended as far as my eyes could see.
A few moments later, something strange appeared in the sky. I noticed huge distortion in space, which appeared from nowhere in the sky and I remember asking myself was it visible only from the astral plane or could it be seen from the physical plane as well.

I became so curious, that I stopped my free fall above the jungle and flew straight towards the space distortion. A doubt seized my consciousness whether I should or should not enter the sky distortion. Well, the explorer in me was dominant. I considered it a good chance to explore another phenomenon, which I had never seen before on the astral plane, so I decided to enter the space anomaly.

So I did and the same moment I had gone through the space distortion I felt very unpleasant because my whole astral body was beginning to become extensible. The next second, I found myself in a strange tunnel. I remember questioning myself: “Where am I?” I was expecting transportation to some other place in space and time or something else but not a perfectly circled tunnel. Fully surpassed, I started to examine the tunnel.

The tunnel was illuminated with some kind of phosphorus light but I didn’t manage to determine the source where the light was coming from.
“It must be ten meters in diameter” – I thought to myself. I looked behind me and then again up front and concluded that the end was not visible from either side. Guided by curiosity, I slowly flew in the direction in front of me and noticed the tunnel was going zigzag with long turns. I was flying to the left then to the right, then to the left again and so on and on.

After a while I increased my speed because the end was still not visible to me. I decided it would be better if I came closer to the wall of the tunnel to examine the material it was made of. It seemed the walls of the tunnel were made of some strange phosphorus astral matter and not of classic astral substance. I remember that the phosphorus light was coming directly from the inside of the tunnel’s walls and had given a wonderful effect to my transparent astral body.

I carried on for miles and miles and yet I had not reached any exit point. My curiosity vanished and some unpleasant feeling started taking me over. Then the situation changed, but I was not sure whether it was for better or worse.

I spotted some strange yellow-white light about thirty meters ahead. It was very similar to the appearance of the Sun in the middle of the day. I cannot explain this completely, but somewhere from the deep of my consciousness, some flashes and visions from my distant past started to appear. In some special way, they were somehow related to this tunnel or at least to the light I was seeing.

My consciousness became agitated when all of the sudden I remembered my friend Velibor’s words:
“Pane, sometimes you can encounter tunnels that are infinitely long in the astral plane and there is no return, no way out from some of them”.
I realized this was not a game anymore and I should start looking for an escape. The first thing that crossed my consciousness was to try to get out through the tunnel’s walls.

The moment I thought about that, by default my astral body lifted itself and I passed the bounder of the tunnel. I found myself in a complete darkness and the light that was visible inside the tunnel was not visible from this side. As soon as I separated the legs of my astral body from the wall, I experienced a strange feeling, like the time had stopped. Everything around me seemed frozen.

Then, that feeling was gone and I felt like moving in slow motion through the infinite dark space. I couldn’t see a thing and there was absolutely no sound at all. The feeling was similar to the one when you are walking through a deep cave - you cannot see anything; it is completely dark and you feel the unpleasant moisture in the air.

A feeling of bitterness overtook me and the absolute silence was making the situation even worse. It did not take long before I sank down again into the tunnel. The strange light was still there. It was at the same distance from me and it did not move. As soon as I moved toward the light, it also moved away from me at the same speed and distance.
I increased my flying speed and started chasing the light. I was flying very fast always changing the direction of my flight, constantly adapting to the turnovers in the tunnel.

Every single moment seemed to be as long as eternity. Although I was constantly increasing my speed, the light was always getting away keeping the same distance. I thought to myself: “How can I catch this light when it is constantly getting away”?

The tunnel seemed to have no end. I panicked and I kept asking myself if there was an exit from this tunnel. I started to move even faster and the more I sped up, the more it was clearing up that I should not had entered the distortion in the sky in the first place. How could I be so stupid and made this foolish mistake?

It was obvious that I had been trapped there and that there was a real possibility I would remain there for a very long time. The question was how long my physical body would be able to remain in the state of Trance before it became weaker and finally died.

The turns were changing all the time. I was in the tunnel for more than an hour and I still could not catch the sight of the exit. The light was still about thirty meters ahead, always getting away. I got rid of the panic that was present in my consciousness and started to search for any solution of the problem, because if I stayed there for more than a day, there had been a big possibility for my physical body to die.

I was focusing on returning to my physical body for the last twenty minutes but with absolutely no result. It was as if the connection with my physical body had been completely cut off. I tried to astrally teleport on some other place for more than ten times but that did not work either.
I started emitting telepathic messages to my astral guide; still that did not improve the situation at all. I tried to reach my friend Velibor on the astral plane, but that also ended up a failure. I even tried to communicate with the light, hoping it would explain to me where I was or why was this happening to me? I felt the light could sense my thoughts, but there was no response from it. It seemed it did not want to communicate with me.

The time was passing by, and I had shot all the solutions I could think of, except for one. The only solution left was to reach the light and see what would happen. I decided to push my speed to the limits and let something happen. Anyway, I did not have anything to lose, so I accelerated. I felt something similar to turbo bust, strong increasing of the speed in a few jumps. I had passed the long turns in only a split of the second and I felt my whole astral body driven by its own force that was out of my conscious control.

I felt a new jump that greatly increased the speed of my flight and another one in a short while. The distance between the light and me started to shorten. I lost completely the control of the speed and let myself to the “light speed” that seemed to have had its own bust. The last thing I saw was the light about two meters away. Then I found myself in pure light and had the same experience of everything frozen and the time stopped. The next moment I felt a strong and painful dive into my physical body.

You cannot possibly imagine the relief I felt when I opened my eyes and slowly moved my physical body. Joyous and happy for I had come back alive, I wiped the sweat on my forehead and said to myself: “Good Lord, this was close”.

Comment: This type of tunnel can be found on many locations on the astral plane. My best advice to every astral traveler, especially to those who are not so advanced is to avoid it or be very careful when they encounter any strange lights, space distortions, whirlpools, black or red holes, geometric shapes that levitate in thin air and similar on the astral plane.

To enter such a phenomenon is often an easy case, but to exit it is a completely different story. Despite the fact that they are usually located in space, such phenomena can also be seen here, on Earth although occasionally. Some of them are gates that will transport your astral form to distant places or take you into different time, and sometimes both. Some of them will give you the entrance to the Acasha – a hidden dimension, which is a part of the astral plane but has a completely different frequency from its seven basic levels.

However, I have to repeat that for the beginners or for the practitioners who do not have at least five hundred successfully pulled astral trips, a strong advice would be to avoid this kind of astral adventurism. In addition, I must say that when I had encountered the above-mentioned phenomenon, I did not have that much of experience. I think I had been very reckless and it is a miracle I had stayed physically alive and able to retell it. If I knew then what I know now, I would never enter such a thing with the astral skills I possessed at the time. The light that I had encountered on this astral trip is a natural astral elemental that can often be found in tunnels similar to the one I had mentioned. Usually it has a role of a gatekeeper for the dimensions that are not touchable for the human kind but also, they can be a part of a very perfidious trap set up by not so positive entities.

A similar tunnel to the one I had entered in the above-mentioned experience can be found at the distance of eighteen light years from Earth. It has a phosphorus illumination, too and it is visible only from the astral plane. It is long about a light year and has strong magnetic forces around it. It can be entered only from the endpoints and if you find it and try to enter through its walls, you will find that there is a strong energy field all around it. My advice to every advanced astral traveler who is capable of making this far is not to enter it. There is no way out from that tunnel and that is all I can tell you about it.

Nevertheless, there are many tunnels that can be found on the astral plane but the most popular and known to people is the one that one usually experiences throughout the short time of clinical death. It is a black tunnel with bright light at the end, which in fact is a passage through this world to the next one. This tunnel leads to the highest levels of the astral plane and only those who have been honest and have not done anything seriously wrong during their physical existence will pass through it. It is popularly known as the land of the eternal summer.
In contrast to the honest people, those who have spread only pain, sorrow and negativity all around them during their physical existence here on Earth, take a different tunnel and go to places where there is no color but black and white, no love, compassion, peace and joy.

That place is divided into a few sublevels that can be classified as the most materialistic and the most brutal, sublevels not so materialistic and not so brutal and sublevels with a chance for repaying the Karmic debts. The legend, which is spread in many cultures and traditions for judging our deeds in our afterlife, is not a pure fiction.

Reality there is just as real as you are reading this book, even more real. So, always keep your heart pure, give your best to always do good things for others and avoid doing things that you would not like done to you.

The third kind of people that are the most rare ones, belong to the spiritual group of people and through a certain light they will gain the chance to go much higher than the astral plane with no need to incarnate again. Usually, when this kind of noble spirit is leaving his/her physical body for the last time, many light beams are present above him or her. Those lights are only the portals that will lead the individual to other realms of existence.

The best representation of this process is put in the “Tibetan book of death”. Special gifted and trained lamas who managed to map the whole Universe from the levels with the most density to the subtlest ones using their more subtle bodies wrote this very old Tibetan book, translated from Sanskrit. From my point of view, that book is the best manual for life after life guidance with all the manifestations that human soul depending on its purity, will have to go through after its final separation from the physical body. Generally speaking, there are many tunnels on the astral plane that carry potential danger.

Advanced astral travelers should also be aware of the strange phenomenon that exists in the empty space fifteen light years distant from Earth, in the direction of the Orion constellation. It is a very dangerous trap and I do not advise anyone capable of making that kind of long distance astral trip with his/her astral body to enter it; on the contrary do not enter it at any cost.

The tunnel itself is not visible, except for the entrance and only from one side. Hopefully, you can get in the tunnel from nowhere else but from the entrance. From its visible side, the astral sight captures it as a green square. The left upper corner is a starting point for a double line that connects it to the right lower corner like a diagonal. There are three symmetrical black circles on the lines. From the other side, the entrance is completely invisible to the astral eye. If some astral traveler exploring the Cosmos and seeing only empty space full of stars ahead hits the exact point of the entrance (which is ten meters large in diameter), he will enter the tunnel he will never be able to come out from.

Concluding from all the data I possess, the tunnel has been designed by a very old and advanced civilization. Not a single case of anybody that has entered it and returned to tell about it exists as evidence. Once you enter it, no one knows how long you will travel to an exit. In my opinion, it leads to the parallel Universe from which there is no return because the entrance functions like the diode does in the electronics - it allows the life form to pass only in one direction.

 Naslov: Astral Projection
PostPostano: uto aug 26, 2008 1:39 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri aug 20, 2008 2:48 pm
Postovi: 32
Subchapter 4.8

During the last few months of 1992, I encountered many astral phenomena, which were unknown to me and the one that will follow is one of them. This fascinating astral trip happened on December 11, 1992. I used the method of “Dream control”, and I woke up in my astral body levitating twenty meters above some sea surface. After I got fully conscious I was out of my physical body, I felt joy because I was above some sea, and I loved seas and oceans.

Judging by the light on the sky, I realized it was an early morning; the sun had not risen yet. I dropped to the altitude of five meters above the sea from where I was in a position to easily see the fish swimming. When I looked around me, I concluded I was deeply off shore. I could not see any land anywhere around.

That did not bother me a bit, so I decided it would not be so bad if I took the chance of high speed flying above the surface of the sea. The next moment, I was already flying above the surface without touching the water and soon I reached the speed of about two hundred kilometers per hour. I did not know which sea I was flying over, but it did not make any difference to me.

I knew I could easily check it out if it did by increasing my altitude to the point from where I could view the whole region or even the whole continent if I needed to. What was really important to me was to fly at high speed close to the surface of the water. I enjoyed it so many times before and I had never got over it.

The feeling of flying free as a bird was wonderful. I made some efforts to increase the speed in my consciousness. The speed started to increase rapidly and in a few seconds, I reached the speed of about 700km/hour. At that speed and so close to the water you could hardly notice many things that were going below you, so I reached higher altitude for about 100 meters.

I reached the land, flew over for a couple of seconds and then I reached high sea again. During the flight, I made a turn and started to follow the line that separated the land from the sea as best as I could. Everything was moving so fast that I could not see what was going on below, but the feeling of great power dominated over slowing the speed.

Then I continued straight ahead, and the ambient was changing so fast. For a second I was flying only above the sea, then above the shore, then above the land and then again above the shore, then above the sea and so on and on. My consciousness wanted more and I increased the speed of my flying.

The speed was fantastic and no words can describe the feeling of power I felt while flying that fast. If some of you had experienced the speed of 300Km/h driving the Kawasaki or Honda bikes – imagine speed three times faster than that. Still, it was not enough because I felt that I could go even faster. In that moment, I felt as if something explo¬ded deep inside me, as if something did let go in my astral body that caused the unbelievable increasing of the speed. I also had a stran¬ge feeling like some liquid flowing in all directions on the surface of my trans¬pa¬rent astral body.

Soon, I had no knowledge of the speed. It lasted for about half a minute and somewhere in the distance, I noticed blackness. As I was moving towards the blackness, it grew larger. A few moments after I entered the blackness, I spotted some horizontal straight blue line, which separated the blackness into two equal parts. When I got closer, I noticed that the blue line was in fact the passage and I flew right through it. The moment I passed through the passage, I entered the space of complete whiteness.
I did not know if I was flying or falling through the space, because I could not orient myself and I was not able to see anything but whiteness.

Then the situation suddenly changed. Some strange phenomena started to appear. At first, I started to see some strange transparent geometrical shapes and forms, which were shining with all sorts of colored auras around them.

Those geometrical shapes were in many sizes and some of them were much bigger than I was. They moved in all directions and after a while, they started to take different colors and their shinning glow changed into even more intensive.

“Impressive” – I thought to myself. I remember my consciousness was strongly focused to find out the meanings of the hologram projections that were flying all around me in complete whiteness. After a while, the whiteness changed and the ambient became black and blue. Some strange lights started to appear and the moment I saw them I felt some strong pain, which made me think that I was going to lose my consciousness.

The sudden instability of my consciousness caused my expelling from that strange astral place. I found myself in a different geographic location from where I was before I entered the blackness. Because of the fact that it was morning before I went into the blackness and now it was a starry night, I determined I was on a completely different side of the planet.

However, at that point I was flying with the speed of about 200Km/hour and I was not above the sea anymore but close to some big city. Again, I increased the speed and flew towards the big city. After a while, I reached the city and started to fly above the buildings.

The city was very nicely illuminated. I got closer to the buildings and started to fly between them. Down, below me, I could hear loud noise and when I looked down I saw the streets were suffering a heavy traffic-jam. At one point, when I was flying between the buildings and my attention was diverted down, below me, a high building got in my way.

There was still time to go around, but I went right into the building. I managed to pull some interesting maneuvers while I was inside. Still not slowing down, I went through the glass, which was on the front side of the building, and encountered one wall in front of me but in a split of a second I made a strong maneuver to the right and found myself in a floor passage.

The passage had many doors and one of them was open. The moment I passed through the door, I saw a man cleaning the carpet. Again, I made a strong maneuver and before I went through the cleaner I turned left and went outside through the windows. I pulled all that in less than a second as if I had already known each corner of the building.

Note: It was interesting because in the beginning of my astral excursions I did not possess this ability, but in time it developed to a superb level. As far as I could learn from my experiences, I would say that this ability was all about the constant connection of one’s consciousness with the environment. Imagine that you are flying in your astral body at great speed through a deep forest which you have never visited before. Despite the fact that you are there for the first time, you feel as if you have known every tree, brook, the plants, even every stone for many decades.

Basically, this quality of the astral body varies from the level of the awareness of the astral consciousness, as there are different levels of symbiosis starting with the weak symbiosis with the environment to a perfect symbiosis. The secret is in the sharing of the astral substance. The astral substance exists in every living or non- living form connecting all things in a special way.

Everything that should be done while we are out of our physical bodies is to become aware of its presence. I see this ability as a very important one in the process of astral development.
However, people usually think that as soon as they separate from their physical body, all of the capabilities of the astral body will be under their control and ready for use. Unfortunately, that is not how things work here. Usually, it takes some time before basic things are learned, but for those more advanced abilities of the astral body certainly years have to pass by. So everything depends on our natural gift for accommodation of our consciousness to function out of the physical body.

After I left the building, I carried on flying over the city. When I was above some huge football stadium, I felt sudden weakness. I sensed that my time in the astral plane is up and that I would join with my physical body in a few seconds. I was correct and it happened almost instantly. I felt the reunion with my physical body and as soon as I regained the physical control, I opened my eyes and noticed that it was late morning in Skopje.

I thought: “What a great ride!” I went to the bathroom and after a while, my mother made me a cup of coffee. I took the coffee and while I was drinking it, I wrote down my astral trip.

Comment: I had encountered the phenomenon from this astral experience many times during the years that followed. In time, I learned that the place that contained those hologram projections was in fact a part of the astral plane where Acasha records were kept.

To the best of my knowledge, these Acasha records contain the whole history, present and the future of all life forms that were, are or will be present in this galaxy and further. In fact, The Acasha is a library and although it can be accessed from the astral plane, it can be visited from a special place in the physical plane as well. That special place is the city of Shambala, which in fact is the capital of the underground kingdom known as Agharta. In Shambala, there is an entrance to the Acasha library and the citizens of Shambala can enter through it and acquire the true knowledge, no matter the subject.

Just for the record, the city of Shambala is situated deep in the center of Earth, and technologically and spiritually, it is far more advanced from the human civilization that lives on the surface of the Earth. Before I go further about Agharta, I will distant myself from the subject for short. According to the scientists, Earth is divided into four main layers: the crust, mantle, outer core and inner core.

The crust is much thinner (0-30Km) than any of the other layers, and is composed of the least dense calcium (Ca) and sodium (Na) aluminum-silicate minerals. Most of the Earth's mass is in the mantle (30-2900Km), which is composed of iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), aluminum (Al), silicon (Si), and oxygen (O) silicate compounds. In basic, the mantle is solid at over 1000 degrees C but can deform slowly in a plastic manner. The outer core (2900-5200Km) is composed mostly of iron (Fe) and about 10% of sulfur (S) and again, according to the scientists, it is so hot there that this layer is molten. The inner core (5200-6350Km) is under such extreme pressure that it remains solid (Fe).

Nevertheless, most of the scientists agree with this simple fact: “We know more about the surface of the Sun than the depth of the Earth!”
To the best of my knowledge, the Earth’s outer and the inner core do not exist at all because our planet is hollow. The space that belongs to the interior of the Earth and corresponds to the outer and inner core of our planet is not what scientists make us believe.

The truth is that one of the most advanced civilizations ever present on this planet lies there. If you do not believe me, go research the subject and you will find out that there are many anomalies, which concern scientific facts about the Earth’s core. I know this from my own experience, because I have been there astrally many times and I have communicated with many of those who belong to their civilization.

Generally speaking, the civilization of Agharta is so far more advanced than ours seen from all directions of evolution. I had a chance to admire the wonders of this underground civilization many times through my astral trips.

Still, the library that contains Acasha records has been constructed on the foundations of a much older civilization than Agharta once present in our solar system. That happened millions of years ago and they recorded the Acasha records in the form of holograms. One can find recorded data about the long forgotten history of Earth in this library, and among them data about the rising and fall of the Lemuria, Atlantis and Mu are just a tiny part of the whole.

The most fascinating thing of all is that there is a record of the whole history of this part of the Cosmos, with rising and falls of many civilizations that once existed. There are also many records about all life forms that existed, their present incarnation and their future incarnation if there is any.

I had never seen anything similar to that and to me it looked like a pulsating knowledge that was so alive and vital because it contained more data than any physical computer could ever handle. It might sound contradictory, there are more data about civilizations that have once existed on Mars, Venus and the only planet between Mars and Jupiter that has been destroyed while orbiting the Sun, than about all other civilizations that have risen and fallen here on Earth.

Unfortunately, not everybody can reach the library with the Acashic records from the astral plane. In contrast to the people that live on the surface of Earth, the citizens of Agharta have constant access to the library. Many times during my astral excursions into the library, I had had a chance to encounter many astral beings that belonged to Agharta but they had always been busy watching the holograms and in the beginning, they did not pay any attention to my presence there.

Anyway, despite the fact that scientists represent their standpoints that our planet’s interior is full of lava, from my point of view, that is true only to a certain point. In fact, the origin of the lava flows is so much closer to the surface of the planet than to the center of our planet. A very advanced civilization, which is the keeper of the true knowledge existed and still exists in the center of our planet. From all the data I brought from the Acasha records I learned that in ancient times there had been a massive destructive war between the alliance of Atlantis and the negative alien civilizations that had come from deep space on one side, and the alliance of Lemuria, Mu and the other positive alien civilizations on the other.

After the war that caused a great mass destruction to our planet and a global flood, the survivors of the Lemurian race retreated safely, deep underground and built an electromagnetic shield for protection. Today that protective electromagnetic shield is on the border of the outer and the inner core and it is the main reason for those readings to the scientists’ equipment.

Anyway, apart from the seismologic science, my point is this: Despite the fact that many thousands of years have passed since then, the electromagnetic shields around Agharta still stand because the negative alien forces (among which the Reptoids and the Grays are majority), had never left our solar system truly. They still present danger for people who live on the surface of the Earth unaware of their presence and for the underground people of Agharta as well.

If you read in some report that some witnesses had seen the battle between two or more UFOs, be sure that at least one of the UFOs belongs to Agharta. When a human attends the astral plane regularly, he/she gets a picture that many things are not as they seem, or at least not the way they are presented to him or her scientifically. In time, a human capable of astral excursions understands that somewhere in his/her past incarnations he/she possessed much greater psychic powers and knowledge about the forces of the nature and starts to work hard to regain what naturally belongs to him or her.

Unfortunately, alien influence on people reduces the chances of changing things for the better. The Grays have the technology to easily trace and control most of the human population. The worst part is that they possess the knowledge to do that on the astral plane, too.

To achieve fulfilling of their purposes, the Grays abduct humans and implant the micro devices into our physical bodies with their advanced technology. With those implants, which are usually put through the nose into the head, the Grays can easily trace the humans any time, change their actions or abduct them for conducting genetic researches, which are part of their global genetic program. Well, almost the same we do with animals, but the Grays do it in a more sophisticated way.

I know it sounds like science fiction, but believe me it is happening all the time. Moreover, the worst part is that government divisions throughout the whole world have been more or less aware of the fact for more than fifty years and with terms similar to “Top Secret” have been hiding the truth from the public.

 Naslov: Astral Projection
PostPostano: uto aug 26, 2008 1:42 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri aug 20, 2008 2:48 pm
Postovi: 32
Subchapter 4.9

My second contact with a creature that belongs to the alien race known as Grays, happened to me on January 24, 1993. It was early in the morning when I managed to project my astral body and after I left my apartment, I went flying in the direction of the natural border of Skopje - the Vodno Mountain.

The Vodno Mountain (with its highest peak Krstovar 1,066m) is one of the mountains that surround the Skopje valley. It was sunrise and very beautiful. I felt great sensation because more than two weeks had passed from my previous astral excursion. I was flying at solid speed already, and a few moments later I left the Vodno Mountain far behind me.
I was flying at the altitude of about 800 meters and passing over a huge field area. I saw rare village houses here and there.

Although it was winter, there was not any snow there, but the area was wonderful anyway. I flew on the left side of my astral body with my hands clenched into fists. I was not moving fast enough in my opinion, so I rapidly increased and reached the speed I estimate was about 600Km/hour.

I fully enjoyed the huge panoramas I was passing over and felt as if I possessed a rocket engine. At that speed, it was difficult for me to follow all the activity below, and the ambient was changing rapidly because Macedonia is so rich with mountains and valleys. I flew over the mountains, rivers, and valleys, on and on. During the flight, I pulled some acrobatic maneuvers, which pushed me up all the more. From a physical perspective of speaking – my adrenaline went up.

After a while, I lowered my altitude to about 100 meters above the ground. I was above some rocky area when I noticed some hills straight ahead covered with snow. The next second, I flew over them and encountered a wonderful huge valley. It was covered with snow and I remember it as one of the most beautiful valleys I had seen on my astral trips. Ten seconds later I flew over it and again encountered a new area of snowy mountains.

I continued flying not knowing anymore if I had been over Macedonia, Bulgaria or Turkey. I also did not know what distance I had traveled because I had changed the direction of my flight many times, but judging from the Islamic structures below, I assumed I was somewhere above the Turkish territory. After I spotted the Islamic structures on the ground, I wished to return to Skopje.

I made a semicircle maneuver to the left and I flew to the direction I had arrived from. I felt very strong and I increased my speed to the point where you get the impression that everything around you is moving in indescribable speed beside you and you are the one that stands still. The truth is, I did not really know the exact path back home, but I relied on my inner compass to guide me.

However, after five seconds or less, moving with that speed I felt I was nearing Skopje. I decreased my speed instantly, and the moment I did that I flew over the Skopska Crna Gora Mountain. I arrived from the north side and at the speed of 200Km/hour; I entered the air space of Skopje. In my consciousness, I started to analyze:

“When I left Skopje, I did that from south, and now I came from the north side, which means that my flight was in semicircle way. Anyway, that is not so important to me compared to the fact that I arrived from Turkish territory in just a few seconds, which is solid time for that distance. However, I still have not tested the real limits of my astral body.”

As I flew over the Vardar River, I intentionally started to decrease the altitude and soon I landed in “Karposh 4” (one of Skopje’s settlements), close to the primary school. I used to study in this school. The name of the school was “Ivan Goran Kovachich”, and I knew each corner of it by heart. I came closer to one of the walls, which was on the front side of the school and slowly passed through it. I elevated again and slowly started to fly through the halls and classrooms. The school was empty because it was still early for classes.

After two minutes of flying in and out of the classrooms, I went to the gym where I remember playing basketball with my classmates. Then I lifted my astral body to the ceiling and went outside. From that altitude (which was about 30 meters from the ground), I saw the sun rising from the East and when I turned my look to see what was going on around the school, I saw some people probably hurrying to work.

Everything seemed perfectly normal to me, so I chose to make a somersault and softly landed in the schoolyard. The schoolyard was large and nicely arranged and decorated for a change in contrast to the days I was a student there.

Then all of a sudden, I noticed something that did not fit into the ambient. Some creature was standing at about 15 meters from me, with its back towards me. It was almost totally transparent. It looked as exactly the same alien creature I had encountered on my astral excursion on May 7, 1992.

Although I recalled all the things that happened on our last meeting, I did not fear the creature. I started to walk in its direction slowly, intending to come closer to it and start a possible communication with it. I succeeded to near it and it was obvious that it happened to be the same creature I had met the first time or at least it belonged to the same species. Despite the fact that it was humanoid, it did not look human at all.

The head of the alien was very big compared to the proportions of its body, and its eyes (although focused on something else on the other side) were completely dark and gave bad impression. I found it so strange that the whole astral body of the alien was transparent except for its eyes, so I wondered how that could be possible.

Anyway, when I reached the distance of about one-meter from the Gray, I stretched my transparent arm with the intention to touch it on its shoulder.

It turned out to be a bad mistake. Its astral body felt as cold, almost as touching ice. The Gray turned around and looked at me with its big eyes. Instantly, I felt something was not right. The black eyes of the Gray started to flash with white light and I felt as if hurricane was striking me when I sensed its extraordinary mental power coming from its eyes. The last thing that I recall in my memory was sharp and strong pain and I woke up in my physical body in an instant.

Comment: From one point of view I felt great joy because of the success of the fast flight I had pulled off, but from another I felt embittered in my soul because of the second contact with the alien. It became clear to me that despite all the extraordinary abilities I possessed, I was no match for that creature. It expelled me from the astral plane so easily, just like the first time, if I assumed the fact that it was the same alien.

Compared to the first time, I found out that at least I managed to see it from a very close range. The thought that it was not going to end like this annoyed me a lot. If it was the same creature, it was certainly following me for some reason. Usually, when I was present on the astral plane, my telepathy scanning was so well developed, or at least I thought that it was, but this time I did not even manage to touch the consciousness of the alien as if it simply had not been there.

I remember I felt somebody watching me during the first contact, so I felt something, but this time I felt absolutely nothing. In addition, the “Haragei” – the feeling of potential danger in my environment, was alarming me in many situations when I encountered all kinds of astral entities, but not this time.

Note: “Haragei” is a term that has its root in ancient Japan, and it denotes a special ability, which once fully developed, starts appearing in the mind of the samurai or ninja, like a strong alarming sensation when potential danger is somewhere very close to him.

However, the conclusions came to me by themselves. It was as if the alien did not possess any emotions at all. If he had bad or good intentions, I believe I would have felt something, but I sensed nothing and that upset me a lot. Obviously something was going on and I felt like a part of an experiment I did not want to participate in at all. Anyway, one thing was certain.

If the alien wanted to hurt me, it probably would have. Yet, he just expelled me from the astral plane. In my mind, all kinds of questions started to appear. What was really going on there? The astral plane started to look to me more vital and alive than ever. It was obvious that I was on the beginning of my astral science studies and I had so much more to learn.

 Naslov: Astral Projection
PostPostano: uto aug 26, 2008 1:47 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri aug 20, 2008 2:48 pm
Postovi: 32
Subchapter 4.10

This was a sensational astral trip. For the first time, a higher rank Gray communicated with me almost as with an equal. Until this astral trip, I was always under the impression that the Grays were considering me a lower creature with no potential to harm them. But, I was wrong. This time I discovered that they were considering me potential danger for them, and they revealed to me much more than they wanted to.

It happened on February 8, 1993, and here is what the whole astral experience was like:

That afternoon I decided to make the astral trip to one small city in Croatia known as Lepoglava. The city of Lepoglava is about 700Km away from Skopje, and it belongs to the region of Croatia called Zagorje. The area is one of the most beautiful places in Croatia. My mother was born there and I had many relatives that I had not seen for a very long time. That is why I wanted to make the short astral excursion and visit them.
I went to sleep somewhere around 00:05 AM.

I finished the whole technique and entered the well-known Trance from which I was able to easily achieve astral projection. After I successfully projected my consciousness into my astral body, I left my apartment. I passed through the windows and after I jumped over the balcony and took off, I decided to go straight up. As soon as I thought about that, I found myself about hundred meters above my building. I took a short look to my neighborhood and thought to myself: “Novo Lisiche is always beautiful at night”. From the still position, I greatly accelerated my speed and flew northwest. In my consciousness, I knew where I was going because I had only one destination – Lepoglava.

I was moving so fast that in about five minutes I reached Zagreb, keeping the same altitude as before. I did not decrease my speed a bit and flew over Zagreb joyously, watching the city from the superman’s perspective. After I left the capital of Croatia, I increased the speed even more and soon I encountered a deep forest region. It was very dark. The only light was the moonlight, so I would say I was blind flying.

Still, I did not pay any attention to the direction I was flying, because I relied on my inner compass completely and just followed its guiding impulses. I simply knew that I was going to arrive where I wanted to.
Soon, I arrived above the area that was recognizable to me. I slowed a lot because I felt I was close to my final destination. I arrived above Lepoglava from southeast and immediately dropped altitude to about ten meters above the ground. Although it was February and this area is usually covered with deep snow at this time of the year, there was not any. The night sky was very beautiful and crystal clear.

I spotted the highway passing through Lepoglava and flew parallel to and above it. I followed the road until I reached the point where I should turn, so I turned and continued further. The road leading to the house of my relatives was not asphalted; it was a kind of macadam road but with miniature rocks and in very good shape.

There was a high hill on the right with vineyard and a small brook on the left. I flew two meters above the brook because I knew that it led to the house of my relatives. The excitement for visiting my relatives was surprisingly big. Straight ahead, I recognized the house I was searching for and a smile lit my astral face.

The house was very big and had a huge cellar, ground floor and two other floors. My relatives had a big courtyard on the front side of the house with a beautiful flower garden and a large vineyard in the back, which extended to the top of the hill. I was devoted to that place. As a little boy, my Mom used to bring me here in summer time to play with my female cousins, and the memories flooded me and gave me a warm feeling.

After I flew above the large iron fence, I noticed that the garage was not finished yet. It was just the same as it was when I last saw it during my last visit to the place physically. I had not visited my relatives for more than 10 years, and many things (except for the garage) had changed.

The house was finished, and the court was even more beautiful.
I approached the balconies of the house and went straight up to the second floor. I entered the living room through the wall. The room was in semidarkness, but I clearly recognized the counters of the commode, the sofa, the luster, etc. Many years after, they were still in the same place. The moment I entered the living room I noticed somebody was sleeping on the sofa.

The man was covered with a blanket and his head was turned towards the wall, so I could not recognize who it was. The next moment I slowly walked closer to the sofa and bent to see who it was. It was Pero, the husband of my once removed cousin Seka. I went through the wall into the passage between the rooms. The door of the room on my left was half-opened and I noticed a pleasant smothered green light of a table lamp coming from there.

I thought: “Fascinating! While everybody else is asleep, I am wandering around in my astral body and paying visit to my distant relatives.”
Very excited, I elevated myself 20 centimeters above the passage carpet and moved closer to the half-opened door. I encountered an interesting site.

The physical bodies of my twice-removed cousins Sanja and Sneshka were in their beds, sleeping. I felt warm at heart because they were the daughters of Pero and Seka, and they were the ones I had played with as a little boy. The air coming from their exhaling proved it was very cold in the room. It did not surprise me, because as far as I could remember they always liked to sleep in a cold room.

It was an extraordinary thing to see their astral bodies three meters from their beds, sitting on the carpet preoccupied in funny conversation. Both of them were very exited but unaware that they were out of their physical bodies and shared the same dream.


I will have to simplify this as possible as I can. Every one while dreaming leaves his/her physical body, usually unaware of the astral plane. Because of one’s unawareness, his or her astral body can often be streamed by all kinds of natural astral currents.

In this case, the astral body floats around swept away by these astral currents, constantly changing the level of the awareness from totally unaware to partly aware and rarely one is completely aware of the presence on the astral plane. However, his/her astral body mostly stays more or less close to the physical body but sometimes it can float away very far.

During this process, the astral body is fully capable of receiving all kinds of expressions from a positive or a negative character, who in fact are the basic creators of the phenomenon that we call dream.

The situation changes when under certain circumstances, one becomes aware that he/she is dreaming. If the consciousness is even half-calmed and not caught by panic, one has a good chance to remain in the astral body during the process of awakening. If we assume that one has succeeded to pull that off and become aware of the astral plane, the clearness of his or her astral vision will vary from totally foggy to total clear which will be determined by his/her mental strength.

The duration will be determined by one’s wish to stay active in the event and by the stability of one’s thoughts. However, the memory of all the things one has managed to hear and see there, will vary from the level of total and clear recall to the level of total amnesia of his/her out of the body experience.

So, it is not a miracle when some astral traveler encounters a transparent astral body close to his/her physical one, floating totally unaware or doing some half-aware activity thinking that he or she is still in the physical dimension. Even if some advanced astral traveler comes up with the idea to try to awake a different astral body unaware of the astral plane during the dreaming process, he/she will rarely achieve his/her goal.

Even if the advanced astral person manages to awake the sleeping astral body, the chances for remembering the event after returning to the physical body are usually very small, because of the low level of psychic development.

Since my astral body vibrated with much higher astral vibrations than the two unaware astral bodies of my cousins, I was invisible to their dream appearance. More levitating than flying, I came closer to their transparent bodies. I landed on the carpet and I thought: “I am standing in front of them, yet still they can not see me.”

Their astral bodies were identical to mine but the aura around them was smaller. I turned around and walked to the window to see what was going on outside. The moment I approached the window, I bent and the higher part of my astral body went through the glass of the window while my lower part remained in the room. It was an amazing experience. I was partly in the room and partly outside enjoying the view of the vineyard and the blue velvet sky. On the right, I saw the forest that is near Lepoglava and on my left there were other houses situated at the top of the hill. Words cannot describe the amazing feeling of experiencing such a thing.

In slow motion, I returned into the room. I turned toward my cousins again because I wanted to gently touch them instead of saying goodbye before I left. I stretched my arm and touched Sneshka tenderly on her shoulder. When my hand touched her astral body I felt very cold and the very same moment Sneshka astrally awoke. She looked at me, and the expression on her transparent face gave me the impression she was very confused.

Two seconds later she disappeared and a moment later, she woke up physically. Sanja was still in her dream sitting on the carpet, obviously seeing something in her consciousness. Sneshka got up from her bed and when she saw that everything was OK in the room and that she was dreaming, she went back to sleep.

I did not want to cause any more trouble and decided to leave their room. As soon as I passed through the wall, I found myself in the kitchen. The moonlight coming from the window helped me notice the kitchen was so nicely fixed and everything was in perfect order. I saw a newspaper and a pair of glasses (probably belonging to Pero) on the table. I walked towards the wall that separated the kitchen from the hallway and went through it.

Then, something strange happened. With absolutely no idea that it would happen to me here, in my relatives’ house, I saw a little Gray standing in the hallway. I saw his black eyes focusing directly on me. That lasted for about three seconds. Then, its whole appearance changed. It took undetermined form that grew, and in a second it took the form of my good friend Dejan.

Many thoughts crossed my consciousness in an instant: “Calm down Pane! Do not panic and act wisely! How can this be possible? It must have used telepathy to read my thoughts and chosen to take the human form of Dejan. Why him? What is this Gray trying to pull of me? Is it going to expel me from the astral plane like before or what? I do not feel comfortable in this hallway, so I will go outside and then, depending on the situation, I will see what I will do next.”

I felt something was cooking up against me, so I moved my astral body to leave the house immediately. I jumped from the hallway through the bathroom that was on the right to the floor entrance door and went outside. I did not intend to run away, so I stayed close to the roof of the house, hovering in thin air. I was curious to see what would happen next.
After a second or two, the alien that took human astral form of my friend appeared from the house. He flew around me, sat on the boundary of the roof and started to look at me again as if scanning me. I telepathically asked it: “Can you see me?”

First, it made an expression on its face as if I had asked a stupid question and then it replied that it was true and it could see me. Although it had that expression on its face, I knew well it was probably nothing more than good acting because the Grays either rarely had feelings or they did not possess any.

No matter how perfect the astral body of Dejan looked to me, I was always aware that an alien entity was in front of me, and obviously it wanted something from me or was just testing me, because if the Gray wanted a fight it would have started it already.

At that point, I noticed a very strong bright light somewhere behind me. It was coming from above and it was so strong that even shadowed my astral body. I noticed that the light was moving by the moving shadow that was on the tiles of the roof and the two for me visible sides of the house. I wanted to find out what the source of the strange light was, but I did not dare turn my back on the alien that was still producing the hypnotic illusion of my friend Dejan. I thought to myself:

“It’s probably an object that is moving up in the sky and judging by my inner sense it is at least 50 meters above us.”

I knew my time was running out, so I focused on the alien and tried to find out something more. That turned out to be a failure. I could not touch its consciousness because the alien was blocking me all the time. I concluded that it used mental methods not familiar to humans because I noticed that its thoughts were streaming on a completely different frequency from ours.

However, it looked as if it had a very high opinion of itself and it was obvious to me that it was not just an ordinary Gray, it was one with a higher rank. Also, it did not show any interest in my scanning and without sensing it was coming, it asked me a question: “Where do you intend to go?”

I did not want to answer its question because I was aware the Gray already knew the answer. I was just levitating two meters away from it, watching it disdainfully. Still not answering its question, I transmitted a thought that I was perfectly aware that it was not who it appeared to be, so why the masquerade?

The seconds were passing by and the light was coming closer. Now, the whole court and the house were illuminated. I was on stand by to move out of there as fast as I could, when I sensed a telepathic communication between the alien and the object in the sky. Suddenly, as if the show was over, the alien gave a sign with its head and in an instant a light turned off and then on again. In my consciousness, a voice was screaming: “Get the hell out of here, you stupid fool!”

Still, I was not ready to leave the place yet, risking the possibility of my astral abduction. There were many questions about hidden activities on our planet, so I promised myself to find out as much as I could. The next moment I sensed that approval for ending of my astral duration had been given. Then, for the first time I felt that the physical body of the alien was on that flying object. The next moment the Gray took its original form back. The look of its big black eyes gave me an inexplicable creepy feeling. The last thing I saw on its face before it disappeared from the roof was something close to despair and that gave me a feeling that things did not work out the way the alien wanted.

A second after its disappearance, I felt that my consciousness had been cut off by some strong force and I started to sink into total blackness. For a few long moments I did not know whether I was falling, flying or teleporting. I felt that they were doing something to me, but the next moment I was relieved to see my physical body in my bed. The next moment I returned to my physical body and that felt so good. I remained motionless, because I was repeating the whole astral event in my mind. That used to be the standard procedure I had gone through each time when I had experienced something very important on the astral plane. When I became sure that nothing had been deleted from my memory during the connecting process with my physical body, I opened my eyes.
I got up from the bed and noticed that the light in the kitchen was still on. When I opened the door I saw my Mom still reading a book. I looked on the display of the stereo to see what time was it. It was 1:07 AM.

She asked me why I woke up, but I just waved an empty gesture with my hand and thought to myself: “You would not understand even if I told you.” I returned to my room and closed the door. What was I supposed to say to her? “Mom, I had just returned from Lepoglava, I saw our relatives, encountered an alien in their house and I was so close to a shining UFO that was above me while I was levitating over the roof!” – She would think I was nuts.

The next day, while I was out of home, Sneshka called and talked to my mother. She told her that last night she had seen me in her dream and that she wanted to know if we were fine. Sneshka also told my Mom that last night everybody in the house had been forced to wake up by some strange light, which had illuminated the whole area around the house like daylight.

She revealed that everybody was so scared because the electrical equipment in the house stopped and the moment her father encouraged himself to go out on the balcony to see what was going on, the bright light was suddenly gone. Luckily, as soon as the strange light disappeared, the electricity was back to normal. At first, my mother thought she was just joking, but when she realized that Sneshka was dead serious, she began wondering what that light could be. In the end, Sneshka concluded that her father believed a UFO passed over their house the previous night.

Comment: The question that the Gray asked -“Where do you intend to go?” had connected many segments into one big picture. Perhaps the aliens discovered to me more than they had planned to, or they considered my intelligence low. I was not sure, if that was their mistake or just an extraordinary deception created with the purpose to deceive me.

Five days before this astral trip happened, another out of the body experience happened to me that had changed my plans for the future. Astral entities from Shambala came to visit me while I was out of my physical body. They explained to me what should I do and where to go if I wanted to fulfill the purpose of my physical incarnation.

I felt honored because they actually invited me to come to Shambala from the secret entrance that still exists in the region of Gobi Desert in Mongolia. They told me there were other gates leading to their territory but the one in the Gobi Desert was the safest one and closest to Shambala. When I asked how I would know where the entrance to their kingdom was, they answered that as soon as I reached my destination in the north region of Gobi it would be visible to me and to nobody else. They also promised they would protect me on my way there because the Grays would surely try to stop me.

I told them that I was curious to find out why the Grays were so interested in me and they replied that it would be something that was in my DNA, which was connected to the rare ability to change the reality of dimensions. When I asked what that exactly meant, they said that once I had reached Shambala it would be explained to me. Normally, I did not miss the opportunity to ask what the Grays were doing here, to which they answered that their race was just an emissary of another race known as Reptoids. They said that the race of Reptoids was what the surface people would call “the incarnation of Evil”.

So, the Grays were aware of my contact with Shambala, my potential physical trip there and they wanted to prevent it. Still, my spirit was determined to complete the training and change so many things that were happening on the surface of the Earth. Nevertheless, I was perfectly aware that the only way I could make a difference was by using an extraordinary force that I would have to develop over there, on Shambala. This astral experience helped me understand many things that were not clear to me. However, the mystery ball was rolling on and all I had to do was to wait and see what future events would bring.

 Naslov: Astral Projection
PostPostano: uto aug 26, 2008 1:48 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri aug 20, 2008 2:48 pm
Postovi: 32
Subchapter 4.11

After having consulted some astral travelers throughout the world (whom I respect as experts in the astral projection field), I have concluded that the astral ability I am about to mention next is so rare that even some of them have never heard of. Thus, this out of the body experience has been put in this book primarily for understanding the rare ability of the astral body to scan an electric circuit to the level of observing the stream of electrons in it.

It happened on February 23, 1993. After leaving my physical body, I moved myself about hundred meters away from my building in thin air for about 15 meters above the ground and watched my neighborhood. From the levitating position, I was clearly able to see the small power plant straight ahead, the buildings of Novo Lisiche on my left and the Skopska Crna Gora Mountain on my right.

While enjoying the view, I remained completely still for about one minute with a purpose to collect as much inner astral force as I could – something like a battery charge. When I sensed that I had enough amount of the astral force in me, I strongly addressed myself with a strong mental command - Now!

I had not even finished my thought yet, when I found myself flying with the speed of more than 700 Km/h. The feeling was similar to a suddenly turned on rocket drive in my astral body. In less than three seconds, I passed above the region of Skopje known as Petrovec and started to increase altitude. The next second I was around 200 meters above the ground and after I left the valley of Skopje I made one big semi-circled maneuver to the right and moved again towards the city. I prefer not to bother you with explaining the pleasure and excitement the movement at that speed gives, so I will only say that it is something you have to experience yourself. As soon as I arrived above the Vodno Mountain I made one big semi-somersault, gained a little on altitude and pushed my self in flying to southeast.

I wanted to have fun with high-speed maneuvers and I was doing just that. When I came above the area where the river Vardar leaves the city, I made a sharp turnover to northwest. Just for the record, the river Vardar enters the Skopje region at the Derven canyon from northwest and leaves it at the Taor canyon southeast from the city.

Flying at that speed, in about 5 seconds I was very close to leaving the region of Skopje. I wanted to fly above the Treska Lake, an artificial lake used only as a bathing beach for citizens. For the record, the lake itself is about 9 km away from the city center and it is 700m long, 300m wide and 2,5m deep. Anyway, the next moment I greatly decreased my altitude and speed. Almost instantly I saw the lake in front of me and I nearly touched the surface of the water as I flew. Then, with the smile on my face, I returned to the same altitude but increasing my speed rapidly just in time to fly over the mountain that was on my way.

After about 30 seconds of non-stop flying, I reached the city Tetovo and continued to the West even faster. Soon, I left the air space of Macedonia and entered the Albanian air space. I rapidly decreased speed and in a while I was flying at the speed of about 200 Km/h., I saw some settlement in the distance. When I got closer to that inhabited place, the structure of some building still in its construction phase, grabbed my attention.

It was at the end of the settlement and to the left of the construction site there was a yellow crane. I arrived at the top of the building and sat there to take a view. There was a wonderful valley in the distance. I thought to myself: “Although it is February, the nature here is so beautiful”.

There was a nice river in the middle of the valley, which made the valley even more beautiful. “Nice place” – a thought crossed my consciousness. I wanted to see the river from a close distance and as I was sitting on the top of the building, I suddenly jumped into free fall. About 5 meters before I touched the ground I gave myself a little boost and flew towards the river. It was very beautiful, so I landed by the river intending to enjoy the pretty site. After I sat on the bank, I looked at the sky, so clear and full of stars. The sounds coming from the water were so calming and gave a mystical note to the whole experience.

I thought: “The astral body offers me infinite chances to go and visit so many beautiful places that I have never dreamed about.” Strangely, but I remained there for more than 15 minutes enjoying the peaceful nature and I rarely stayed long somewhere while on the astral trip. A thousand words would not be enough to describe the sensation I felt. I would just say I had not felt so fulfilled for a very long time. Before I left, I stood up and gave one last look to the river.

The next moment I said to myself – “Up” and I felt some strong force lifting me up, almost like catapulting. When I reached the altitude of almost 300 meters above the valley, I changed the direction of my flight and flew parallel to the ground.

Soon, I increased the speed to about 600 or 700 Km/h and redirected myself south. Down, below me, sites were changing fast. To be more precise, they were changing every second because I pushed the speed of my astral body even harder. I had changed the directions of my course a few times, and I did not really know which territory I was above. However, the flight took me above some forest region when something bigger than me passed me by. It was some air force plane.

The visual contact with the plane was so short because it was flying to the west and in that particular moment I was flying to the southeast. Still, in that split of the second I noticed that the military plane was carrying big missiles under its wings. Almost instantly, an idea to turn around and chase the airplane seized my consciousness, but on the other hand, I realized there was not much sense in doing that. I decided not to chase it and remained the same course.

Twenty seconds later, the need of even higher speed took me over. I felt my consciousness so powerful and vital and knew it could take much higher speed. In fact, it wanted more. While thinking about that, I felt a strong boost and the speed rapidly increased. Then, a few other boosts came out of me and I clearly saw my astral body becoming different. It seemed as if some strange liquid was flowing on its surface. The ambient bellow me had disappeared from my sight and the constant changing of the ground appearance took place. I cannot explain clearly, but it felt so amazing since everything in front of me was now moving towards me.
The experience was so vivid that I thought to myself: “I’m moving too fast and I can not clearly see what I am flying above. Should I lower my speed or should I go up toward the stars?”

I was not in the mood for space exploring because I enjoyed the things I actually was experiencing, so I slowed instantly. The ambient bellow became clear and I noticed that I was above some steppe region. I flew over the steppe for a while and I noticed some big mountains straight-ahead in the distance. Before I got closer to the mountains, I slowed even more. I had enough from high speed, so now I was flying at about 30 Km/h. I spotted some road with telephonic poles near by. I approached closer to the road and flew in straight line above the poles, which carried telephone cable.

Here comes the new element. While I was watching the cable with no special intention to do anything in particular, my astral vision suddenly changed. I felt something new in my consciousness; something I never knew existed in me. (The best I can describe it is as if the normal astral vision has been upgraded with a new quality, which provides you with a new dimension of electronic perception). I was completely surprised by that, so I thought:

“Wow! I can see electronically, too. This is interesting.”

It hit me as a very strange thing. Until then, I knew how to change my astral perception (which also lies hidden from the normal astral vision) to see the deeper levels of the aura that surrounded life forms, objects and places, but I did not know that something like that was possible.
During the first few seconds I was staring at the cable still not believing how that could be. I was able to see so much more clearly as the tiny electrical impulses were moving along the cable. Another amazing stuff hit me when I realized that when I was looking at the sky and the stars I could see normally, but when I was looking at the cable, I could see the electrons flow.

I could see completely normally; in addition, I had the ability to see electronically. I tried to sharpen my astral vision to prove to myself that this was not some kind of anomaly in the astral perception, but nothing changed. I experimented with the new ability for about five minutes and I discovered that I could switch it off and on again if I wanted to. That was a final proof that this kind of visibility is not an anomaly of the astral vision but a real part of it.

When I turned around, I saw that the road, which I was above, was going beside the mountains. I traced the cable, which was actually disappearing in the horizon. It was amazing to see the tiny lights moving along the cable. However, it turned out that this kind of concentration sucks a great amount of astral energy and at one point I felt my strength was becoming weaker.

I allowed loosening myself. The next moment I fell into complete darkness and I knew my astral journey was over. I did not want to resist the force that was pulling me back to my physical body, because I really had enough. A few moments later, I opened my physical eyes and a smile lit up my face. I was completely satisfied because not only I had a great astral flight, but I also had discovered a new ability of the astral body.

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