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 Naslov: Re: Keshe Foundation - Plasma Technology - Free Energy
PostPostano: uto nov 15, 2016 4:12 am 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4230
snoopy je napisao/la:
Sta se desava ?

Ništa, za sada. Potrošnja stoji na oko 20KW kao i prije. Prije par dana, jedan od aparata sam priključio na akumlator auta da napravi nanosloj na električnoj instalaciji (tj. tako bi teoretski trebalo da bude). Preksutra ću ga prebaciti na izvod za upaljač, pa ću onda napraviti malo dužu vožnju, da vidim hoće li biti kakve uštede na benzinu. Doduše, Keshe je na jednom od zadnjih predavanja rekao da ne preporučuje to, jer imaju posebni uređaji za aute koji su nešto slabiji ali nema veze tj. ne vjerujem da može napraviti neku štetu ako već ne bude koristi. Do sada nisam nigdje našao informaciju koliku konkretno, ti uređaji za auto, prave uštedu na benzinu. Neki pričaju kako se osjećaju upola lakšim dok voze, drugi tvrde da uređaj pojačava snagu motora, te manje moraju pritiskati pedalu za gas, pa ušteda dolazi odatle. (He, he, ako olakša auto i ljude u njemu a pojača motor, onda mora doći do neke uštede!?) U svakom slučaju, vidjećemo. Do kraja ovog mjeseca bih trebao biti načisto s tim da li ovi uređaji funkcionišu prema navedenoj specifikaciji i da li se isplati ulagati vrijeme i novac u to.

 Naslov: Re: Keshe Foundation - Plasma Technology - Free Energy
PostPostano: sri nov 30, 2016 3:21 am 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4230
Nakon par mjeseci testiranja univerzalnih Magravs uređaja, smatram da oni ne rade prema navedenoj specifikaciji (2KW/sat) i da ih se ne isplati kupovati, po cijeni od nekih 500 Eura, po komadu. U mom slučaju, prvi uređaj je smanjio potrošnju struje kako sam već naveo, međutim, dodatni uređaji nisu, za sada, pokazali nikakav rezultat.

Takođe, nakon nekih 1500 km vožnje, univerzalni Magravs uređaj, priključen na automobil, nije doveo ni do kakvih promjena u potrošnji benzina ili radu motora.

Postoje i drugi uređaji kao što su Adapter za univezalni magravs uređaj koji ga, navodno, odmah pretvara u generator s nekom specifikacijom od 3KW koji košta 1200 Eura i samostalni uređaj koji navodno proizvodi takođe 3KW a košta 2000 Eura. Trenutno mislim da je prilično rizično kupovati te uređaje.

U međuvremenu sam diskutovao ovu tematiku sa Richardom Pressner-om koji je počeo da prodaje u Australiji neke od Keshe-ovih proizvoda ( i on reče da za sada ne prodaje magravs uređaje iz razloga što ne postižu konzistentno dejstvo. U nekim slučajevima rade dobro, u nekim polovično a u nekim, ne rade nikako. On uzima u ozir i mogućnost „sabotaže“ i za sada prodaje samo neke uređaje ili sredstva za medicinsku primjenu kao što su ’Pain pen’ i ’pad’ („opasač“) koji ublažavaju bolove na nekim mjestima tijela uz pomoć plazme. Prema mojim iskustvima, kao i nekih prijatelja koji su to isprobali, Pain pen ("pinkalo za bolove") je relativno funkcionalniji od „opasača“.

Trenutno čekam na isporuku CO2 Gans-a, pa ću i to testirati kad mi stigne.


 Naslov: Re: Keshe Foundation - Plasma Technology - Free Energy
PostPostano: čet dec 01, 2016 6:07 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned dec 09, 2012 2:34 am
Postovi: 788 ... onov-zakon

 Naslov: Re: Keshe Foundation - Plasma Technology - Free Energy
PostPostano: uto dec 13, 2016 11:59 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub mar 31, 2007 8:27 pm
Postovi: 300
Lokacija: 7D
Evo izvoda iz poslednje sesije Kas. od 10.12.2016 u vezi Keshe-a. Lično meni je to bilo sumnjivo od samog početka jer Vladari u tamnim majčicima ne bi to nikako dozvolili, ili bi to skrenuli na jedan drugi pravac.... Sad, šta je tu je pa da vidimo šta su Kass. rekli o tome...

P: (L) Dajte da postavim jedno pitanje na brzinu o tome što mi je na pameti... Postoji taj gospodin koji je član naše grupe i koji objavljuje na našem forumu, i čini se da je opsednut s nekom vrstom stvarčice pogonjene slobodnom energijom? Da li se o tome radi, Data? (Data) Da, Keshe tehnologija. (L) I možeš li to objasniti čitaocima? (Data) Postoje različite naprave za koje se tvrdi da proizvode energiju bez unosa. Znači, pitanje je: da li te naprave proizvode energiju bez unosa energije?
O: Ne.
P: (Data) Osim toga, tvrdi se kako te naprave proizvode električnu energiju koja je manje štetna ljudima ili prirodi. Da li je to tačno?
O: Ne.
P: (L) Da li je to prevara?
O: Da.
P: (Data) Imam dodatno pitanje. Masa ljudi gleda te snimke i replicira te mašine. Kakva je to fascinacija koju je stvorila ova tehnologija, da je tako puno ljudi palo na to? Zašto?
O: Delimično zbog programiranja.
P: (L) Znači, to je deo njihove programiranosti?
O: Da.
P: (L) Fasciniraju ih stvari koje su navodno ilegalne, ili potiskivane, ili revolucionarne, ili misle da će uštediti masu novaca ili zaraditi masu novaca, ili pronaći čudotvorni lek, ili tako nešto? Deluju na njih te muljaže? (Pierre) Radi se o jako moćnoj privlačnosti, to s Kesheom. Naposletku, to nudi neograničenu energiju. Radi se o jakom arhetipu. (L) Radi se o privlačnosti moći? (Pierre) Slobodna, neograničena energija. (L) Da. (Pierre) Čak i u medijima u našoj kulturi, može se videti kako se moć slavi, i to rezonira u ljudima. (L) Bez obzira da li to razumeju ili ne, radi se o moći?
O: Da.
P: (Data) Da li je to slično onome kako su alhemičari pogrešno shvaćeni. Alhemičari su nešto radili, ali svi neobrazovani ljudi su to interpretirali kao nešto drugo, recimo mislili su da se radi o pravom zlatu. Ali alhemičari su „zlato“ koristili samo kao metaforu.
O: Da.

Koga zanima zadnja sesija postavljena je u delu gde su kanalizirani materijali pod Kasiopejski transkripti...


 Naslov: Re: Keshe Foundation - Plasma Technology - Free Energy
PostPostano: sri dec 14, 2016 6:01 am 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4230
Ja ne uzimam kasiopejske informacije kao „sveto slovo“ i ne donosim nikakve zaključke na osnovu njih. Prema mojim dosadašnjim opervacijama, na koje se više oslanjam, Keshe-ov Magravs Universal Unit, dovodi do određene uštede električne energije, međutim, ne radi prema navedenim specifikacijama tj. bar u ovom mom slučaju, kako sam to prethodno i naveo. To, o kakvoj se tačno uštedi radi, za sada ne mogu odrediti jer sam prvi uređaj počeo koristiti kad je ovdje prošlo ljeto, tokom kojeg sam imao veći prosijek dnevne potrošnje, vjerovatno usljed toga što je klima uređaj radio kad su bile veće vrućine. Međutim, koliko je klima uređaj tačno uticao na dnevnu potrošnju, pojma nemam. To ću vjerovatno znati tokom idućih par mjeseci jer je sada kod mene opet ljeto. Nadalje, za isti magravs uređaj, za razliku od ona druga dva prethodno pomenuta, ne može se reći da nema „input-a“ jer je uključen u struju i navodno, mora imati električni impuls da bi radio. Sa ostala dva uređaja koja navodno ne moraju biti uključena u struju, dakle rade bez input-a, nemam za sada nikakvog ličnog iskustva.

Kad se radi o uređajima kao OFF-GRID Magravs-Power Plasma Generator, koji navodno radi bez input-a, mislim da je apsolutno nemoguće da se tako nešto proizvodi i prodaje a da ne radi nikako. To bi bilo krivično djelo.

Na primjer, u ovom donjem slučaju predstavljen je off-grid generator koji, navodno, proizvodi više od 7kw (mada je specifikacija 3kw):

Znači, prema kasiopejcima-Lauri, Keshe je sve ovo isfolirao?! Kontrola uma?! Dobro, možda i jeste ali ako se stvar svede na vjerovanje, onda ću prije povjerovati da ovaj uređaj na snimku jeste proizveo preko 7kw energije, nego u kasiopejske navode da taj uređaj ne može proizvesti ništa.

Mislim da trebamo imati na umu i to da Keshe-ovi proizvodi takođe dolaze sa garancijom a kasiopejski ne.

U ovom mom slučaju, ostaviću ova dodatna 3 uređaja još par mjeseci zbog razuđenosti el. mreže između nekoliko objekata na farmi što bi trebalo biti dovoljno za formiranje nanosloja koji navodno omogućava proizvodnju plazme.


(Ovdje treba dodati još 2x70m kabla koji vode od kuće, ispod zemlje, do pumpi za vodu koje se ne vide na ovoj mapi.)

I naravno, ukoliko dodatni uređaji ne pokažu nikakvu uštedu, onda ću ih vratiti jer imaju garanciju od godinu dana ili ću ih zamijeniti za neke od onih drugih koje sam pomenuo.

Što se kontrole uma tiče, sasvim je moguće da su ljudi okupljeni oko Keshe-a potpali pod to, međutim, sličan bi slučaj bio i sa onima okupljenim oko Laure?! Razlika bi bila u tome što će ovi koji su okupljeni oko Keshe-a imati priliku da kad-tad, uz pomoć mjerenja i opervacija utvrde istinu, dok ovi što su okupljeni oko Laure – neće, jer u ovom drugom slučaju, sve je bazirano na - vjerovanju.

Članovi jednog klasičnog „kontejnera“ nemaju tendenciju da sadržaje koji su zastupljeni u kontejneru dovode u pitanje dok, koliko sam imao priliku vidjeti, ljudi koji se bave Keshe-ovom tehnologijom, konkretno rade s njom, ispituju je, razmjenjuju iskustva i opservacije, tako da mislim da ćemo uskoro biti u stanju odrediti to, ko u ovom slučaju presipa iz šupljeg u prazno.

U slučaju Keshe-ove tehnologije, postavio sam se tako da smatram da je stvar vrijedna provjere i to je ono što radim, bez ulaska u njegov „kontejner“. Isto tako, smatram da je Tesla davno proizvodio struju bez input-a, odnosno, da je tako nešto moguće, pa me ne bi čudilo da postoje i drugi načini. Pored toga, već sam pominjao da smatram kako je ono što Keshe naziva "plasma", isto kao i ono što neki nazivaju "orgon", koji se može proizvoditi uz pomoć orgonskih uređaja i da su ovi Kesheovi proizvodi u stvari orgonski uređaji. Od ranije mi je poznato i to da orgonski uređaji nemaju konzistentno dejstvo, tako da sam i to uzeo u obzir, prije nabavke tih uređaja.


 Naslov: Re: Keshe Foundation - Plasma Technology - Free Energy
PostPostano: sri dec 14, 2016 2:34 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned dec 09, 2012 2:34 am
Postovi: 788
galaksija je napisao/la:
Ja ne uzimam kasiopejske informacije kao „sveto slovo“ i ne donosim nikakve zaključke na osnovu njih. Prema mojim dosadašnjim opervacijama, na koje se više oslanjam, Keshe-ov Magravs Universal Unit, dovodi do određene uštede električne energije, međutim, ne radi prema navedenim specifikacijama tj. bar u ovom mom slučaju, kako sam to prethodno i naveo. To, o kakvoj se tačno uštedi radi, za sada ne mogu odrediti jer sam prvi uređaj počeo koristiti kad je ovdje prošlo ljeto, tokom kojeg sam imao veći prosijek dnevne potrošnje, vjerovatno usljed toga što je klima uređaj radio kad su bile veće vrućine. Međutim, koliko je klima uređaj tačno uticao na dnevnu potrošnju, pojma nemam. To ću vjerovatno znati tokom idućih par mjeseci jer je sada kod mene opet ljeto. Nadalje, za isti magravs uređaj, za razliku od ona druga dva prethodno pomenuta, ne može se reći da nema „input-a“ jer je uključen u struju i navodno, mora imati električni impuls da bi radio. Sa ostala dva uređaja koja navodno ne moraju biti uključena u struju, dakle rade bez input-a, nemam za sada nikakvog ličnog iskustva.

Kad se radi o uređajima kao OFF-GRID Magravs-Power Plasma Generator, koji navodno radi bez input-a, mislim da je apsolutno nemoguće da se tako nešto proizvodi i prodaje a da ne radi nikako. To bi bilo krivično djelo.

Na primjer, u ovom donjem slučaju predstavljen je off-grid generator koji, navodno, proizvodi više od 7kw (mada je specifikacija 3kw):

Znači, prema kasiopejcima-Lauri, Keshe je sve ovo isfolirao?! Kontrola uma?! Dobro, možda i jeste ali ako se stvar svede na vjerovanje, onda ću prije povjerovati da ovaj uređaj na snimku jeste proizveo preko 7kw energije, nego u kasiopejske navode da taj uređaj ne može proizvesti ništa.

Mislim da trebamo imati na umu i to da Keshe-ovi proizvodi takođe dolaze sa garancijom a kasiopejski ne.

U ovom mom slučaju, ostaviću ova dodatna 3 uređaja još par mjeseci zbog razuđenosti el. mreže između nekoliko objekata na farmi što bi trebalo biti dovoljno za formiranje nanosloja koji navodno omogućava proizvodnju plazme.


(Ovdje treba dodati još 2x70m kabla koji vode od kuće, ispod zemlje, do pumpi za vodu koje se ne vide na ovoj mapi.)

I naravno, ukoliko dodatni uređaji ne pokažu nikakvu uštedu, onda ću ih vratiti jer imaju garanciju od godinu dana ili ću ih zamijeniti za neke od onih drugih koje sam pomenuo.

Što se kontrole uma tiče, sasvim je moguće da su ljudi okupljeni oko Keshe-a potpali pod to, međutim, sličan bi slučaj bio i sa onima okupljenim oko Laure?! Razlika bi bila u tome što će ovi koji su okupljeni oko Keshe-a imati priliku da kad-tad, uz pomoć mjerenja i opervacija utvrde istinu, dok ovi što su okupljeni oko Laure – neće, jer u ovom drugom slučaju, sve je bazirano na - vjerovanju.

Članovi jednog klasičnog „kontejnera“ nemaju tendenciju da sadržaje koji su zastupljeni u kontejneru dovode u pitanje dok, koliko sam imao priliku vidjeti, ljudi koji se bave Keshe-ovom tehnologijom, konkretno rade s njom, ispituju je, razmjenjuju iskustva i opservacije, tako da mislim da ćemo uskoro biti u stanju odrediti to, ko u ovom slučaju presipa iz šupljeg u prazno.

U slučaju Keshe-ove tehnologije, postavio sam se tako da smatram da je stvar vrijedna provjere i to je ono što radim, bez ulaska u njegov „kontejner“. Isto tako, smatram da je Tesla davno proizvodio struju bez input-a, odnosno, da je tako nešto moguće, pa me ne bi čudilo da postoje i drugi načini. Pored toga, već sam pominjao da smatram kako je ono što Keshe naziva "plasma", isto kao i ono što neki nazivaju "orgon", koji se može proizvoditi uz pomoć orgonskih uređaja i da su ovi Kesheovi proizvodi u stvari orgonski uređaji. Od ranije mi je poznato i to da orgonski uređaji nemaju konzistentno dejstvo, tako da sam i to uzeo u obzir, prije nabavke tih uređaja.


 Naslov: Re: Keshe Foundation - Plasma Technology - Free Energy
PostPostano: čet dec 15, 2016 11:05 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub mar 31, 2007 8:27 pm
Postovi: 300
Lokacija: 7D
Sad, Galaksija, svakako ima SVOJ kontejner.... Vidim da si u prošlim obaveštenjima spominjao dosta toga DA NE RADI KAKO TREBA.... Zato sam i postavio ovo radi tebe da ne gubiš vremena i novca....

Vidi sad, to se zna sve odavno(nije teorija zavere) da ONI već odavno imaju nazovi to slobodnom energijom, energijom nulte tačke, ili kako već hoćeš... Zar stvarno veruješ da bi oni tako nešto pustili u javnost! Čak i deo toga kako bi se građanstvo oslobodilo od plaćanja troškova i bilo slobodnije...
Ja ne mislim tako, kao i mnogi drugi...

Da li je Tesla bio njihov čovek? Možda? Ako se već družio sa njima i bio u njihovim krugovima kako nije mogao takav um da predvidi tako nešto, da bi bila slobodna energija zabranjena... U tom slučaju, završio je posao i pogurao industrijsku i tehnološku revoluciju ka još većem i sofisticirijanijem zatvoru, a ne ka slobodi... Taj Keshe ne pokazuje nikakvu duhovnost u svom radu, ali je vrlo sladak i obećavajuć o društvu koje dolazi, zovu ga novim Teslom, međutim, od toga neće biti ništa dok su Psihopate na vlasti, to se podrazumeva i za industrijsko tehnološki miljee, kao i za celokupno ustrojstvo društva....

To što bi čovečanstvo dobilo upotrebom neograničene energije, nije samo sloboda, ali prvo SMRT ovog monetarno ekonomsko sistema, sa sve psihićima i njihovim kontejnerima kako ti voliš da spomeneš... To je zasad nemoguće dok su ONI na vlasti i dok diriguju ostalim KONTEJNERIMA kroz programirenost i silu...

Prave slobode ne može biti bez istinske spiritualnosti, sad, ulazimo u zonu kontejnera jer će svako vikati o svojoj Istini....

Smatram da u ovom psihopatskom realitetu prava istina o neograničenoj energiji može da kruži kroz alternativno, zatvoreno društvo ili grupe pojedinaca koje znaju da se čuvaju, a ne ovako uspostavljeno od strane psihopata i uvijeno kao za dobro čovečanstva, kako bi oni to nadgledali i dali moć kome žele...

Sa više tehnologije a manje spirita idemo u definitivno ropstvo.... i to se već uveliko dešava...

Na kraju, Laura i ekipa RADE svoj posao odlično, na žalost, u zadnje vreme kritike na njihov račun su na ovom cenjenom Forumu vrlo, vrlo deprimirujuće. Da li je ovaj Forum kontaminiran ili nije, ostavljam svakome na lični uvid i pažnju...

Pozdrav za ekipu i svako dobro....

 Naslov: Re: Keshe Foundation - Plasma Technology - Free Energy
PostPostano: čet dec 15, 2016 11:24 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned dec 09, 2012 2:34 am
Postovi: 788
Ma da.
Tesla: psihopat, iluminat, zavjerenik, zato nije ni ubijen.
Isto su i Ickeu pripisali kada ga, nakon dugoga proučavanja, nisu uspjeli do kraja shvatiti.
Nisam nigdje ovoforumski pročitao da neko uspoređuje Keshea sa Teslom, što bi, zaista, bio apsolutni nonsens, nego smo mogli pročitati, vrlo iskreno i informativno, koji su sve to nedostaci Kesheovog rada.
Keshe je samo jedan u nizu sjajne i duge generacije, možda već 3. po redu :mrgreen:, suvremenih iranskih fizičara.

 Naslov: Re: Keshe Foundation - Plasma Technology - Free Energy
PostPostano: pet dec 16, 2016 6:28 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub mar 31, 2007 8:27 pm
Postovi: 300
Lokacija: 7D
Nisam napisao da je Tesla psihopata, već da je izgleda nesvesno završio posao za kontrolni sistem....

Evo članka.... ... revoluciju

Ima dosta linkova u tom fazonu pa na mreži može da se proveri...

Bilo bi lepo da je istina i da je izdvodljivo....


 Naslov: Re: Keshe Foundation - Plasma Technology - Free Energy
PostPostano: sub dec 17, 2016 1:39 am 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4230
Prethodno sam pomenuo da sam već neko vrijeme u korespodenciji s Dr Richardom Presser-om, kojeg možemo vidjeti na gornjem videu. Ovaj mejl sam dobio od njega prije par dana:

Richard Presser via

Dec 15 (2 days ago)

to me

Dear Boris,

It’s my experience that all of us want to know what’s happening with the exciting technology from the Keshe Foundation that enables us to supplement or completely replace our electricity supply from the grid.

As you probably know, I have stopped selling the original Magravs unit for the moment until I am clear about the reliability and performance of these units. I have no concerns about the underlying technology. I just want to be satisfied that this technology is delivering reliably into the hands of my customers. Currently, my experiences do not support this objective. When I am, I will add pricing again for these units. Also, for the US and Canada, these units will only be supplied when local manufacturing is up and going and local approvals obtained, and this is unlikely to be completed before February, perhaps March, 2017. The first American factory is in Arizona and it has begun to supply products. This includes the Magravs on grid unit in raw kit form as they work their way through the approvals process, so if you’re in the US or Canada and this interests you, please reply to this email. I do not plan to actively sell these on my store front for the US and Canada.

My current primary focus is on the Generator unit, which is currently in the final development phase, with the Keshe Foundation planning to supply these out of the Italian factory from around the beginning of the year. This exciting advance will be able to fully supply the power needs of your house from the day it arrives. Reportedly it will work wirelessly, which means it will not need to be connected into the wiring of your house. This is hard for most of us to get our heads around…

The unit will be rated at 3KW but is expected to comfortably supply 7-10KW if needed. 3KW will support most houses. If it does work wirelessly (nothing to do with wifi connectivity), I anticipate it will address the issues of multiphase supply. Some countries, notably 240V countries (though not all) usually have a single phase supply. However, for example, with the 110V supply in the US, 2-phase supply is normal, so that more energy hungry devices such as washing machines, dryers, stoves, air conditioners, etc. can be comfortably supported, 2-phase supply giving them 220V. This makes supply from a single Magravs unit that’s plugged into one phase complicated. Also, in Germany where there is 240V, you usually have 3 phase power. Now, I’m doing a bit of an engineer’s extrapolation here, but my guess is a wireless supply, if it’s accurate, will sweep all of these issues away. If it will wirelessly supply a single phase, it will do the same for a multi- phase situation.

And according to Mr. Keshe, the issue is not generating power; it’s getting the power output low enough for household use. Megawatt production is easy!!! As I said, it can be hard for us to get our heads around this when we’ve been persuaded that we live in an environment of scarcity and limited resource, so we can be “harvested”.

Outside of the US and Canada, I suspect I will only supply the Generator unit, for several reasons. And when I’m satisfied it’s working as intended, I will look at how best to upgrade my existing Magravs customers to the Generator. But that’s not today’s problem.

For the US and Canada, I will assess the existing Magravs unit as supplied by the Arizona factory when they have the approvals in place or are close to. As I said above, I expect we’re looking at February/March 2017 for this. I’m not yet across their plans for the Generator, but I have a dialog with the Manager of the facility in Jon Bliven, so I’ll update my North American customers when things begin to move forward on that front. As I’ve said previously, all supply of these units for North America will be from a local manufacturing facility that has the required approvals in place.

I still have no update on the car unit, though I know there is work going on in the background on this. I will provide an update when I know more.

I hope you find this update helpful. I empathize with my long suffering North American customers who have ordered units, as this process has had the gestation period of an elephant!!!

If you wish to discuss this further, please call me on the number below that is most readily accessible to you or send me an email by reply.

Kind Regards,


Dr. Richard Presser

Magravs Plasma Products

+1 443 769 1752

+44 1212 840 929

+61 3 9021 6920

Store for US & Canada

Store for Australia & New Zealand

Store for Europe and countries not listed elsewhere

Ništa, sada ću mu odmah odgovoriti da kaže onima u Italiji da mogu slobodno zatvoriti fabriku a ovima koji su upravo napravili fabriku u Arizoni, da ne počinju prizvodnju jer su kasiopejci rekli da ti uređaji ne rade.

Dakle, kad se u ove Off-grid generatore o kojima Richard ovdje priča, uključi neki električni uređaj i kad onda vidimo da on stvarno radi, to je u stvari, rezultat kontrole uma a ne neke stvarne proizvodnje električne energije od strane istog uređaja!? Richarda ću prijateljski posavjetovati da ništa sam ne zaključuje i ne poduzima, nego da prvo pita Lauru-kasiopejce. I naravno, reći ću mu da Keshe i on trebaju hitno početi s programiranjem kristala prema Laurinim instrukcijama jer će im oni pružiti najbolju zaštitu od vanjskih napada koji će sada uslijediti od strane svih onih bijesnih klijenata koje su prevarili. (Koliko “znamo” na osnovu kontejnerskih sadržaja, najbolju zaštitu nam treba obezbijediti – neko/nešto drugo, tako da se lična zaštita kao i odgovornost za nju, nipošto ne smiju preuzimati u vlastite ruke!)

Za jednog klasičnog kasiopejskog kontejneraša, ovakva vrsta logike je sasvim normalna, međutim, ne znam koliko će stvar proći kod ovih koji se bave Keshe-ovom tehnologijom?! Nešto mi se čini da ovi drugi imaju tendenciju da više razmišljaju svojom glavom?!


 Naslov: Re: Keshe Foundation - Plasma Technology - Free Energy
PostPostano: sub dec 17, 2016 8:26 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub mar 31, 2007 8:27 pm
Postovi: 300
Lokacija: 7D
„Vi imate puni potencijal da postignete sve u Svemiru. Nema potrebe ni razloga da se razmišlja da Čovjek nešto ne može postići.

Moć Plazma tehnologije je iznad svega što smo zamišljali. Mi sad možemo kreirati Plazmu, koja je Majka Kreacije Svemira. Dato nam je sjeme Esencije Kreacije.

Zaklada ne pripada nikome i nitko ju nije napravio. Vi je razvijate i izgrađujete. Divno je vidjeti kad Kršćani, Muslimani, Židovi i pripadnici svake druge vjere, rade zajedno da bi izgradili nove sisteme. Zajedno možemo okončati ratove, glad i patnju. Već smo postali jedna vjera. Već smo postali jedna nacija i jedan planet.“

Mehran Tavakoli Keshe

Vidi ovo....

Radionica: Keshe Foundation Hrvatska, 15.4.2016.
Posted on 02/04/2016 by Udruga Nebadonia
Petak, 15.4. 2016. od 18.00 do 20.00 sati

Mjesni odbor Donji Grad, Preradovićeva 29, Zagreb

Cijena radionice: 150 kn u što je uključena i olovka za uklanjanje bolova.

Za radionicu se obavezno prijaviti putem maila:

Pozivamo vas da se pridružite na treću po redu Keshe radionicu suvremenih tehnologija u organizaciji Keshe Foundation Hrvatska i Udruge Nebadonia.

Na radionici će biti prezentirana najnovija istraživanja koja se trenutno provode u Hrvatskoj bazirana na plazma tehnologiji što uključuje i sljedeće:

Detalji, novosti, kako kupiti ili sami proizvesti generator besplatne energije nazvan Magrav.
Prikaz razvoja nove olovke za uklanjanje bolova kojoj su dodani kristali za još bolju učinkovitost. Osim za uklanjanje bolova olovka se koristi i za energiziranje vode, voća, povrća i ostalih namirnica. Svi sudionici radionice će na dar dobiti olovku za uklanjanje bolova.
Sve novosti vezano za Keshe tehnologiju možete također pratiti na sljedećim web stranicama:

Prikaz razvoja nove olovke za uklanjanje bolova kojoj su dodani kristali za još bolju učinkovitost. Osim za uklanjanje bolova olovka se koristi i za energiziranje vode, voća, povrća i ostalih namirnica.

Jel Borise el ovi kopiraju Cass.,Ili Hari Potera?

Zajedno možemo okončati ratove, glad i patnju. Već smo postali jedna vjera. Već smo postali jedna nacija i jedan planet.“
El to neka zajebancija ili novodobsko sranje Kontrolnog Sistema u vidu Keshea....

I sad malo...

Keshe: no science, but another non-event

April 22, 2016 KesheFacts
Incredible! What many people predicted has happened. No, not the earthquake. LOL!!!

As predicted, Keshe did NOT do a live demonstration of his flying car in Dubai. In fact, KESHE WASN’T EVEN PRESENT IN DUBAI! Which confirms he has nothing to show, AND it was legally impossible for him to be there. After another HUGE ongoing announcement about the Dubai conference, Keshe was NOT in Dubai, but in Barletta, while the conference went on in Dubai without him.

So we were right when we said that Keshe cannot go back to Dubai. The police would have arrested him for fraud and blasphemy, so he had to stay away, even though he could easily impress the police during an interrogation, because he is a well-trained liar. He might also be afraid of Iranian or other agents who are fed up with his sinister deceptions and false accusations.

We heard heavy complaints from angry people because they spent a lot of money to meet Keshe in Dubai, to kiss the hand of the Mehdi and to be blessed by him, only to find out that the self-proclaimed main attraction and Messiah wasn’t there. Then there were reports of 250 attendees, but according to the photos there were only about 50, maybe 100. And speeches and big words like “creator” or “temple”. There were some familiar faces, but unfortunately no Barack Obama and no Vladimir Putin. But Keshe will probably say that other world leaders from… other worlds… were present (but not visible, because they are in advanced plasma state).

When people realized that Keshe was in Italy, he put a spin on the story by saying “If it wasn’t about the safety alerts, which the governments were concerned about our safety, we would be in Dubai.” Right. Safety concerns yes, but only his own, not those of the governments. Before that, Keshe said he isn’t in Dubai because he doesn’t need to be. A few minutes later he said he needs to go back to the Dubai conference via internet. So again, nothing but contradictions.

So why is Keshe safe in Italy ? Who protects him there ? His “correct” mafia buddies ?

Once again Keshe talked A LOT of BS to distract from the obvious: Keshe was NOT in Dubai! (did we already mention that ? LOL)

To show the level of Keshe’s delusion, we would like to remind everyone of what he predicted not long ago. Keshe basically said that an earthquake of magnitude 24+ will hit the west coast of the USA on the 21st of April or before. Just to clarify: An earthquake of such strength could wipe out half of the universe, not just a continent or a planet. This shows how much Keshe understands about science.

In the 110th knowledge seekers workshop, Keshe actually said he was correct about his earthquake prediction, even though nothing happened!

“We have been correct in every step about the earthquakes around the world.”

“Whatever we said has happened.” <— RIDICULOUS!!!

NOTHING Keshe ever said has happened. NOTHING! Please go back to this article (German/English) which shows how many of Keshe’s promises have come true: ZERO.

But according to Keshe, the magnitude 24+ earthquake in California did happen. I guess we missed it then, along with all the thousands of millions of people he predicted would die during that tragedy. Keshe must really be living in his own parallel universe. Only a 7.8 earthquake happened in Ecuador a few days ago (which is “normal” for that area), but no 24+ in California.

In order to sound less ridiculous than usual, he then tried to downplay his false prediction by (surprise!) predicting more earthquakes at magnitude 10+, later talking about 10-12, and finally once again going fully delusional by saying “If it doesn’t happen now, if it goes into autumn, 20 is imminent.”

He throws such numbers around exactly like the “129” that was measured in Desenzano due to a defective meter. Always exaggerating, never making any sense, just trying to impress people with nonsense. Keshe is a true carpet seller.

Then followed a lot more earthquake fearmongering, which confirms what we wrote in our previous post: Keshe wants to create fear all the time, which is a typical Illuminati tactic to control people.

“Our warning goes to the American government: please be prepared for a major disaster.”

“We see Japan under the water.”

(If that happens, it’s because of global warming and melting of arctic ice, but Keshe denies that. Keshe always denies the truth, while promoting lies and conspiracy nonsense.)

Then of course SOME kind of outside confirmation HAD to come, and OF COURSE it’s fake. Some brainwashed followers posted this article as an alleged confirmation of Keshe’s claims, but ANYTHING that is written by “Sorcha Faal” (which is a fake name) is a confirmed HOAX. This has been known for years. Then all this talk about “lightworkers” and “5D” conferences which is exactly the same kind of FRAUD as Keshe, Camelot, and other “alternative” cult-minded societies.

And then Keshe added the inevitable advertisement for the KF, which is supposed to undo the effects of the possible earthquake:

“If you need help, at any time during the disaster, reach the Keshe Foundation support system, we try to make it accessible.”

But as we have heard from numerous witnesses and customers, nobody is ever reachable there! So anyone who turns to the KF in case of emergency IS LOST. The reason: the KF was never set up to help people, it was set up as a scam to fill Keshe’s pockets and to deceive people.

Here is a new video by Hopegirl in which she talks about Keshe. And here is another testimony by Hector, who is very upset about the fact that nothing in or from the KF works.

In this video, Hector rightfully calls Keshe a crook, but also falsely accuses me of having prepared the scam for Keshe, as Hector obviously doesn’t know that Keshe used me the same way he used everyone else, and back then it wasn’t clear to me that Keshe is a scammer. I believed him, so I helped him write his books, but meanwhile I distanced myself from Keshe and regret having helped him.

The biggest mistake Keshe’s followers (especially the newcomers) make is that they think the whole Keshe thing is something big, something that is new and being done for the first time in history, something that will bring a positive change for humanity, but they only think so because Keshe has been repeating this mantra over and over again in his workshops.

In reality Keshe is just a nobody with little understanding of technology, a scammer on the level of a little kid who inflated a balloon, a giant lie, based on absolutely NOTHING. He is the Baron Munchhausen of free energy, a creator of giant false stories. While Munchhausen claimed to be able to fly to the moon on a cannonball, Keshe claims to be able to fly to Mars in a non-material spaceship THIS YEAR. We hope he will take Gordon Duff, Kerry Cassidy and her whole Camelot/Ufology cult, and all his followers with him, so they can’t do any more damage to people on this planet.

Keshe is the perfect example of how people can so easily be mislead and deceived, by simply telling them what they want to hear. But it would save them a lot of time, if they used this tool instead: The New Age Bullshit Generator. It gives them the same kind of “teachings” in much shorter time. Here they explain how such empty words make cult followers fall for nonsense. (also see here and here)

Such KF cult followers are “alternative” or “esoteric” people, some of whom consider themselves to be archangels or 21st century superhumans, conspiracy theorists, and hurt, unhealed, traumatized people who are looking for a strong leader… and Keshe takes advantage of that. But where and when has that happened before ? And how did it end ? People who run after someone who gives them false hope will always be hurt more in the end.

Everyone gets hurt at some point, some more, some less, but we always have a choice about what we want to do with such experiences. We can break the circle of violence and decide to REALLY help others, or we can decide to become ruthless egomaniacs who are only out to hurt and deceive people, to get some revenge or satisfaction… such people like Keshe who not only take as much as they can without ever really helping anyone, but also blame others for their own actions while portraying themselves as good people or even saviours… in order to keep their disguise intact.

Please everyone, take this advise from us. We are not here to take your dreams away, but Keshe really has nothing to offer. If you look for energy, healing, radiation cleanup, world peace, whatever… look elsewhere, because you certainly won’t find it in the Keshe Foundation (or in any other cult). It’s one huge scam, and we should know, as we supported Keshe ourselves, only to find out later that he lies whenever he opens his mouth.

Yes, some of us “Keshe Victims” supported Keshe too, and we apologize to all of you. Keshe fooled us, that’s what he does best. But we stopped supporting him as soon as it became clear he was running a scam. Others are still supporting him though, and we wonder what in the world could cause them to do so. Payment ? Bribe ? Do they not see what is going on ? Or have they lost their mind, due to Keshe’s constant brainwashing ? They don’t seem to be able to step back for a moment to realize: “Wait a minute, what am I actually doing here ? Has Keshe delivered anything he promised ? Why am I following him at all ? All his hate speech, empty promises and big words about everything, but no result for 10 years ? Am I supposed to support this person ?”

The essential thing that people haven’t understood yet:

Keshe talks random BS. Whatever he says, there is no reason, no logic and no science behind it. It literally is just BS. Eventually he picks up some stuff here and there, twists it around, and then spews it out again. And yes he is good at it. But he has no theory, only very little knowledge, and no good intentions. He is like a perpetual scam robot, just like his wife Caroline is like a perpetual spam robot, spreading all this BS on Facebook. That’s why we call them SR2 (scam robot + spam robot), also known as the Deceiving Duo, or the Bonnie & Clyde of free energy. Keshe uses any information he can find for his own benefit, that’s how he works. Stealing, copying, making up stories, and playing important.

Someone wrote: “The facts that some accuse Keshe of fraud AND that Keshe is not arrested, tried, convicted & sentenced to prison are also some ‘evidence’ that Keshe physics *IS* real and that Keshe tech really works.”

False. It is evidence that Keshe is a lot more skilled at lying, deceiving and escaping than anyone thinks, and it is also evidence that he must have major support from the bad guys in the background. Keshe has no technology, he only stole a patent, and built a huge web of lies around it.

So many people around the world have been mislead into thinking that they are working with a new technology, when in reality they only create oxide. And now that this scam has been exposed, Keshe switches to IMAGINARY, INVISIBLE technology (liquid plasma, vapor plasma, field plasma), so people don’t even SEE what they are experimenting with. And still some are so naive that they don’t realize they are being fooled on a major scale.

The problem is that scamming is the only way for Keshe to make money, as he has no real knowledge of anything, so scamming is his way of survival. That’s the only REAL reason for him being so persisant.

More hypocracy about earthquakes on KF Italy Facebook:

“It is not to scare anyone, just to analyze.
You are free to make your choice of what to do next.
If you are not in affected areas.
Then the only purpose is to inform others that are located in affected areas and if possible offer them any kind of help if you are able to offer.
Let your heart speak when needed.
Take a stock of health gans pens and anything that can help someone if necessary.
Teach them so they can look after themselves.
The only reason the teachings of Dr. MT Keshe was to explain and to know where and what to expect from our planet.
MT Keshe never said anything that has to do with the solar flares.
They are the two plates that separate this is what is going to happen, and when the tear comes it will be very strong. This could happen 21/4 hours before or immediately after.
Or we will have a little more time up to October this year, when the temperature and the seasons change again.
This will push the two tectonic plates to move in complete separation.
More pressure is generated by the volcano erupting more the pressure increases and not the opposite, then you will have more pressure between tectonic plates.
Best regards Carolina De Roose”

So AGAIN Keshe advertises his “health pens”, as if they could protect anyone from the dangers of earthquakes. This clearly shows that Keshe only cares about money.

But let’s look at these health pens a little bit closer. The technology inside is not Keshe’s. It is based on someone else’s nano-coated needle concept.

Last year Keshe attacked the original researcher and explained that the nano-coating transports the plasma so deep into the body that it is dangerous for people’s health. He spoke about how the needles pinch nerves and cause cancer, and how plasma fields which pass through nano-coated material (especially metal) are harmful because they are focused and therefore much stronger.

Here are Keshe’s own words (taken from an older transcript):

“Yesterday, in the recording what came, we asked when we announced that when you mix ganses with amino acids it can create new germs, new viruses, because of the combination of fields. And I warn you categorically, anyone who uses, or contemplates to use, to develop, to manufacture needles as part of the structure of acupuncture, you are playing with people’s lives and Keshe Foundation stays totally independent from this find.

We taught the technology, if anyone develops with categorically. Because I can explain how you create diseases in people, you don’t understand, and people look for their own private… what you call it profit pocket, you are responsible for people’s lives, especially if you are in the medical field and you do it with the warning I give. So, if any new diseases or deaths caused it stands responsible by you and not by the Foundation.

We are very categoric about this, because we know that there are people around the Foundation who are developing, or trying in China, especially Dr. Eliya Kostova, to develop needles in acupuncture. I warn her, she has nothing to do with the Foundation, she is categorically beyond the limits we have warned. That if such a step was taken, I hope I am wrong, but it is for people to understand and authorities to understand, we separate these kind of actions from the Keshe Foundation.

These kind of needles, nanocoated in any shape or form, delivers energies on the layer which the body has no immunity for. A skin cancer and different kind of cancers are inevitable. We warn and anything to intrude, and I give this categoric warning to Dr. Kostova: It is beyond the limitations of the medicine while you are warned to practice and develop such a technology. And it has nothing to do with the work of the Keshe Foundation, and this can create huge damages to people who use it, long term and short term. Time will tell, and we stay independent from this.”

And now Keshe sells these “health pens” which are a combination of exactly the same nano-coated needle concept and GANS, meaning they combine the (according to Keshe) harmful, almost LETHAL effect of the needles, which he wants nothing to do with, with the equally harmful GANS, which leads to internal bleeding (according to proof provided by hardcore KF follower Mark House and others).

After Keshe gave all these warnings about this needle/pen technology, he now sells it himself!!! So we ask ourselves: what is the actual purpose of these “health pens” which (according to Keshe’s own explanation) cause cancer and are as harmful as the mercury in vaccines ? IS IT TO INTENTIONALLY KILL PEOPLE ??? Actually we wouldn’t even have to ask, the answer is clear.

While the original researcher of the needle concept never manufactured or sold the needles, Keshe does sell these pens behind the back of the researcher, based on the idea he stole in the first place. And yet he falsely accused the original researcher of patenting and selling the needles.

In the same workshop Keshe also said: “Nobody in their right mind should touch the nanomaterial”… and now he sells it ILLEGALLY as a HARMFUL SUPPLEMENT… for CONSUMPTION!!!

You see how Keshe twists things around to fit his needs and to fill his own pocket ? At the same time he causes damage to innocent people and to scientists who make real discoveries. He accuses them of what he does himself. Same old story over and over again. THAT’S HOW KESHE WORKS.

Again we ask Keshe’s followers: is THIS what you want to support ? Constant betrayal, lies, and crooked ethics ? If this is what you want to do, how can you believe that the KF will make peace or bring ANY change when the alleged bringer of the change is more corrupted than the current elite ?

Someone from Switzerland performed in-depth tests of all things Keshe. The original PDF can be found here.

Here is the English translation:

Dr. Keshe – Genius or Failure ?

Greetings to you, dear visitors and fellow researchers.

One thing right away: If I have to believe in something in order for it to work, then it doesn’t really work.

Because then the belief worked, but not the experiment. This is the mindset we use to do our research. Even though belief can move mountains. Many tried, but in the end there has always been disappointment.

We run a well-equipped research laboratory and would like to know if the claims of the Keshe Foundation can be verified. We use neither negative nor positive prejudice, we build, we test, we measure, we try, we make experiments, and then we publish our results based on facts. (…)

In Mr. Keshe’s quantum physics based world there are some remarkable views. Should they be proven correct, it would lead to a huge worldwide change. Let’s take a close look, when something like this, which seems to be too good to be true, catches our attention. Even if it would be easy to just believe, it is still better to KNOW for sure. It is our responsibility to find out for ourselves.

Addendum – a few months later (March 10, 2016):

I am sorry to inform you that none of our experiments were fully able to confirm Mr. Keshe’s statements. We are afraid that Mr. Keshe is wrong in all his essential claims. Our experiments were detailed and even incorporated Mr. Keshe’s unusual views of science. Another group of scientists we are in touch with came to the same conclusions.

The effect of the Healing Pads was never more than just a placebo effect. (We produced them, passed them on to others, and tested if, with whom, and how they work)

Magnetic fields of static magnets, under certain circumstances, always had a slightly pain-reducing effect, but for that it doesn’t require the new world view of Mr. Keshe. (referring to the magnetic pads we purchased from Mr. Keshe) This effect is simply the result of electrically charged particles and inflamed tissue being influenced by magnetism.

The Magrav units we replicated also didn’t work. (It has long been known that oxidated copper, under influence of light, delivers small voltages. It has also been known that copper, which has been treated with caustic, does that same, because the caustic dissolves the copper)

Part of Mr. Keshe’s world view seems to be similar to old alchemy, except that his idea of plasma is new. The GaNS substances are similar to monatomic subtances (Ormus, M-State, etc.) The substances of Mr. Keshe showed no positive effect whatsoever, the same goes for our free energy experiments.

Too bad, it would have been great and we would have been happy if it had worked. It’s a pity. We keep watching the scene, and are interested in what Mr. Keshe has to say about the current situation.

With best regards, Beatus Gubler and fellow researchers, Basel (Switzerland).

Projekte Streetwork Basel

(We know what Keshe would say: “You’re too stupid, you don’t understand, you’re not mature enough”)

(Some humour…)

YAY!!! We are starting our first poll! 2 questions!

First question: Is Keshe the biggest crook in the universe ?

Second question: Keshe once said he copyrighted his name. So in case we are no longer allowed to call him by his name, which name should we use instead ?

1. The Liar King (Disney edition)
2. Tehran Apocalypse Ca$hee (Iranian Stallion edition)
3. Scam Robot (Futurama edition)
4. Empty Ca$h (Clear Viewpoints edition)
5. M.T. Boxes (Surprise Inside! edition)
6. Mehrano Miracoli Monetario (Pizza del’Mare edition)
7. Vehry Ridikuli Ca$h (The obvious edition…)
8. Mayhem Terrifikkli Ca$h (The Turkish Devastator)

Please send your vote (or your own suggestion, if you have one) to the following email address: …….@……………..

Please note: Due to security reasons, and because we are technically advanced, we decided to use a plasma based email address, rather than a matter based one. You can’t see it fully, but we promise you it’s there. You can only see a few dots because that’s where the plasma interacts with the environment of your screen. If you can’t see the full email address, it means you haven’t reached the point of maturity yet. So please, email us anyway! Because if you don’t, we will enforce it. Not by force, but by the beauty of our technology!

The results of our poll will be revealed in the coming time. And if not, then hopefully later.

Najgore je kad se kontejner nalazi u drugom kontejneru, pa dva u trećem, pa tri u četvrtom... Ima tu kontejnera obloženih svetlom, znanjem, sranjem, blatom i tako dalje, ali najgore je kad se u kontejneru ne nalazi ništa, taj se baš može napuniti naknadnim sranjem....

Ma da pitam ja Lauru i Kasiopejce za svaki slučaj.... Sad se javim...

Pozdrav i svaka plazma što veriža neka vas čuva....

 Naslov: Re: Keshe Foundation - Plasma Technology - Free Energy
PostPostano: ned dec 18, 2016 2:46 am 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4230
Mislim da je činjenica to da na ovaj način ne možemo ništa dokazati a takođe i da bi pri tome, trebali odvaditi kojekakve duhovnjače kosmologije, dolazile one s Keshe-ove ili bilo koje druge strane. Kako sam to prije navodio, radi se o utvrđivanju toga da li Keshe-ovi uređaji mogu proizvesti električnu energiju bez input-a ili ne mogu, na navedeni način. U vezi s kontrolom uma, nema problema da usput utvrdimo i to da li je ima i gdje. S tim u vezi, rado ću finansirati taj projekat.

Pošto je ovaj Off grid magravs power generator najpogodnija sprava za to, ja ću ga naručiti i kad mi stigne vidjeću da li radi, minutu nakon što ga otpakujem. Ukoliko on ne bude radio, javiću to odmah ovdje i uredno čestitati Keshe-u na prevari uz pomoć kontrole uma. (U jednom takvom slučaju, vjerujem da bi mu i David Copperfield pozavidio, pa me uopšte neće biti sramota da priznam da sam se i ja našao među prevarenim).

Ukoliko, prema mojoj percepciji, taj uređaj bude radio, s obzirom na to da znam da u Laurinoj grupi ima članova iz Brisbejna i Sidneja, rado ću dvojici od njih finansirati put do mene a takođe ću im obezbijediti hranu i smještaj, sve dok sami ne utvrde da li taj uređaj radi ili ne.

Tako će biti najpoštenije.

P.S. Uređaj ću naručiti čim Keshefoundation proradi, nakon božićnih paznika a takođe ću insistirati na tome da skrate rok isporuke koliko god je to moguće.

 Naslov: Re: Keshe Foundation - Plasma Technology - Free Energy
PostPostano: čet dec 22, 2016 11:47 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri aug 18, 2010 2:07 pm
Postovi: 810
JA da ponovim :

Isecak iz "uslova koriscenja" u sekciji webshop. Ovo je duhovito ali prqavno korektno:

"Foundation does sell products for children, but it sells them to adults, who can purchase with a credit card or other permitted payment method. If you are under 18, you may use Keshe only with involvement of a parent or guardian.

Ovo je samo delic, ali kako sam i pretpostavio, oni su se savrseno ogradili od pravnih konsekvenci.

Izmedju ostalog stoji da, ukoliko neko pokrene tuzbu, slaze se da tuzba bude arbitrarnog karaktera i da ne moze zavrsiti kao sudski proces u sudnici. U slucaju odluke u korist tuzioca,
novcana naknada ne moze biti veca od 10 000 $.

 Naslov: Re: Keshe Foundation - Plasma Technology - Free Energy
PostPostano: pet dec 23, 2016 9:20 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri okt 14, 2009 2:53 pm
Postovi: 512
Ne mogu vjerovati da postoji netko naivan i misli da ovo radi. I to još tzv "osviješteni". Jednostavno me to fascinira. Ti uređaji nebi radili ni da bi u njima bio zarobljen Duh sveti, ako tak nešto postoji.
Nema besplatne energije osim solarnih panela i vjetrenjača, eventualno Peltiera u kombinaciji grijanja hlađenja.
Eto ja imam nekih pola kilowata free energy uređaja u obliku solarnih panela.
I ima ih jako jeftinih za nabaviti, samo treba naletjeti

Bacate novce , a za te novce se da složiti free energy koji će pokriti rasvjetu posebno štednu preko koje nas američki prisluškuju i truju, tv za manipuliranje mozgova subliminarnim porukama, frižideri koji isto s nama manipulira, samo još nije otkriveno kako, pa do čak i grijanja recimo boljim klima uređajem sa visokim COP/SEER koeficijentima koji nas isto vjerojatno manipulira nekako, samo treba još otkriti kako.

Jedino je problem veći potrošaći kao vešmašina koja nas isto programira ako ju gledate predugo dok se bubanj vrti, posebno dok centrifugira :toothy2: :toothy2: :toothy2:

Long live and prosper!

 Naslov: Re: Keshe Foundation - Plasma Technology - Free Energy
PostPostano: pon dec 26, 2016 9:20 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub okt 17, 2015 12:36 pm
Postovi: 80
Čini mi se da kad kažemo da nešto jest ovako ili nije ovako, mi zapravo poklanjamo nečemu povjerenje, ali zapravo ne znamo istinu. Kad netko pokuša vlastitim iskustvom utvrditi istinu, mi mu se izokola sprdamo. Ne vidimo da je on mudar. Mada olakšan za izvjestan novac, platio je cijenu svoje potrebe da ZNA, a ne da poklanja povjerenje kojekakvom svojem "znanju" ili "autoritetima". Na duhovnom putu se računa samo ono što ZNAMO, a ne i ono što "znamo" iz treće ruke. A većina našeg znanja je posljedica ropskog povjerenja, a ne ZNANJA.
Ako biram kome ću pokloniti povjerenje, onda ću privremeno pokloniti povjerenje onome tko ima izravno iskustvo, a ne onome tko bez znanja pokušava na temelju sporednih činjenica suditi nekome. Ako je "sudac" u pravu, to ćemo saznati i bez "pljuvakanja" po "osuđenom". Itd.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro

 Naslov: Re: Keshe Foundation - Plasma Technology - Free Energy
PostPostano: čet dec 29, 2016 12:12 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri okt 14, 2009 2:53 pm
Postovi: 512
Još nismo duhovi, nego "zemljani" pa povjerenje koje poklanjamo "znanju" možemo vrlo lako i besplatno provjeriti i prije nego nas operu za neku sumu novaca.

"Čuvajte se lažnih proroka"

Long live and prosper!

 Naslov: Re: Keshe Foundation - Plasma Technology - Free Energy
PostPostano: pon jan 09, 2017 11:03 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
Nema "besplatne" energije, barem ne za većinu ljudi. Jer i solarne ploče moraš platiti, ili barem platiti pivo ili rakiju onom tko ti ih pokloni. Onda trebaš "nabaviti" ( kupiti? ) barem kablove da to spojiš sve... i još puno sitnica koje ipak - plaćamo nekako.

Niti vjetroelektrana nije besplatna - moraš ju kupiti. Niti neka mini-hidrocentrala... potok teče, a ti turbine postaviš... i "radiš" struju - opet to sve košta i upitno je gdje i kako to smijemo postavljati da te "vlasti" ne zezaju da to nije po nekim njihovim zakonima.

Dakle - "besplatno" je jedino ako to nekom ukradeš i da te ne vide... hehe... jer inače "plaćaš" kaznu ili zatvor... što je opet neka vrsta "plaćanja".

Možda bi sve ove alternativne ( i konvencionalne ) načine "dobivanja" ( zapravo pretvorbu ) energije trebali gledati omjerom uloženog novca i "dobivene" ( transformirane ) energije koja nama odgovara ( npr. električna struja ).

Znači, ne da se svađamo radi ili ne radi, već:

1. taj i taj uređaj košta X novaca
2. iz tog uređaja dobio sam Y kWh struje ( ili adekvatne energije )
3. znači da se uređaj isplati za Z vremena ( ako je cijena kWh struje tolika i tolika )
4. ne zaboravi uračunati održavanje istog uređaja ( ako on to zahtjeva, kvarove, itd. ) i to ubaciti u računicu

Eto, i onda vidimo "radi" li to ili ne.

- Drva su besplatna energija ako slobodno uđeš u šumu i nacijepaš drva da te nitko ne vidi ili si vlasnik neke šume
- Voda je besplatna energija ako postaviš centralu na jezero s branom ili neku rijeku ( da te nitko ne vidi i otkrije ) ili si vlasnik rijeke, jezera ili tog čitavog područja
- Termalni izvor je besplatan ako si vlasnik tog područja
- Vjetroelektrana je besplatna energija ako već sve imaš za napraviti ju
- Solarne ploče su besplatna energija ako ih već imaš i sve što treba uz njih
- Nuklearno gorivo je isto besplatno ako ga imaš i sve uz to što treba da se "dobije" struja iz njega

Biti "vlasnik" područja ne znači i da je gradnja tih gore navedenih varijacija "legalna"... a "besplatno" je vrlo nezgodna riječ u današnja vremena.

Uglavnom, kako dobra stara narodna kaže: "Nema džabe ni kod stare babe!"

:mrgreen: :wink:


 Naslov: Re: Keshe Foundation - Plasma Technology - Free Energy
PostPostano: uto jan 10, 2017 7:50 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned dec 09, 2012 2:34 am
Postovi: 788
Bojan71 je napisao/la:
Nisam napisao da je Tesla psihopata, već da je izgleda nesvesno završio posao za kontrolni sistem....
Ozbiljna je to optužba, usto i apsolutno neutemeljena.
Tesla je bio daleko ispred svog vremena: disao je i južnoslavenstvom i Južnoslavenstvom, pa je, još od 1892. god., uvijek govorio da je bio u svome domu Jugoslaviji.
Energiju SAD-a je smatrao blagorodnom, pa vidimo da ga danas, na istoj teritoriji, nasljeđuje nekadašnji Južnoafrikanac Elon Musk koji surađuje sa Pentagonom.
I Tesla je učestvovao u vojno-vladinim amer. projektima, sve dok je to imalo praktično-kreativnu svrhu.
Nakon toga nije napustio SAD, poput Keshea koji luta svijetom, jer je, kao što već napisah, smatrao da, za razliku od nekih drugih teritorija, gdje i dan-danas vladaju četničke pjevaljke te opanci i čvarci, Sjedinjene Države zrače pozitivnom i razvojnom kreativnom energijom.
I nakon prestanka suradnje sa amer. vladom, Tesla je nastavio naučno raditi, samo što nije toliko mnogo to javno prikazivao, i manje je putovao izvan SAD-a.
Svaki eminentniji naučnik, i onaj u Švicarskoj i onaj u Iranu, mora položiti račun i obavještajnoj zajednici i vladi.
To ima svoje i prednosti i nedostatke, ali je, sigurno velikim dijelom, i opravdano jer državni projekt nije nešto što je tvoja prćija.
Bojan71 je napisao/la:
Evo članka.... ... revoluciju

Ima dosta linkova u tom fazonu pa na mreži može da se proveri...

Bilo bi lepo da je istina i da je izdvodljivo....

Stari link, čiji sadržaj davno pročitah.
Keshe se izgubio, zapravo, u toj svojoj cijeloj priči, a imao je i nesreću da je Iranac :toothy2:, pošto su njihovi diplomati, i mnogo rjeđe naučnici, ujedno i špijuni, što i nije čudno, pošto se radi o populaciono-teritorijalno velikoj zemlji koja se ubrzano razvija.
Keshe je, nakon iranskih vladinih, a moja malenkost bi dodala i vojnih, projekata, odlučio da djeluje samostalno, pa je morao prihvatiti i cijenu toga.
Države se i naukom nadmeću, stoga nije čudno da mu je bila onemogućena internacionalna naučna prezentacija, nekoliko puta, ali je prijespomenuto, svakako, nenaučno jer bi bilo prirodno da globalno težimo prosperitetu.
Svemirska letjelica koja ima vlastito gravitaciono-magnetno polje je sci-fi, koji Mehran, kroz većinu svojih kvazinačunih djela, nije naučno potkrijepio.
Ali je činjenica da, s obzirom na sve blokade koje je doživio (sigurnosne, materijalne, naučne, vojne, diplomatske), postoji, ipak, nešto što je istina i što ne smije biti, barem ne trenutno, otkriveno.

Zadnja izmjena: autentika; sri jan 11, 2017 3:02 pm; ukupno mijenjano 1 put/a.

 Naslov: Re: Keshe Foundation - Plasma Technology - Free Energy
PostPostano: uto jan 10, 2017 8:01 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned dec 09, 2012 2:34 am
Postovi: 788
Bojan71 je napisao/la:
„Vi imate puni potencijal da postignete sve u Svemiru. Nema potrebe ni razloga da se razmišlja da Čovjek nešto ne može postići.

Moć Plazma tehnologije je iznad svega što smo zamišljali. Mi sad možemo kreirati Plazmu, koja je Majka Kreacije Svemira. Dato nam je sjeme Esencije Kreacije.

Zaklada ne pripada nikome i nitko ju nije napravio. Vi je razvijate i izgrađujete. Divno je vidjeti kad Kršćani, Muslimani, Židovi i pripadnici svake druge vjere, rade zajedno da bi izgradili nove sisteme. Zajedno možemo okončati ratove, glad i patnju. Već smo postali jedna vjera. Već smo postali jedna nacija i jedan planet.“

Mehran Tavakoli Keshe

Vidi ovo....

Radionica: Keshe Foundation Hrvatska, 15.4.2016.
Posted on 02/04/2016 by Udruga Nebadonia
Petak, 15.4. 2016. od 18.00 do 20.00 sati

Mjesni odbor Donji Grad, Preradovićeva 29, Zagreb

Cijena radionice: 150 kn u što je uključena i olovka za uklanjanje bolova.

Za radionicu se obavezno prijaviti putem maila:

Pozivamo vas da se pridružite na treću po redu Keshe radionicu suvremenih tehnologija u organizaciji Keshe Foundation Hrvatska i Udruge Nebadonia.

Na radionici će biti prezentirana najnovija istraživanja koja se trenutno provode u Hrvatskoj bazirana na plazma tehnologiji što uključuje i sljedeće:

Detalji, novosti, kako kupiti ili sami proizvesti generator besplatne energije nazvan Magrav.
Prikaz razvoja nove olovke za uklanjanje bolova kojoj su dodani kristali za još bolju učinkovitost. Osim za uklanjanje bolova olovka se koristi i za energiziranje vode, voća, povrća i ostalih namirnica. Svi sudionici radionice će na dar dobiti olovku za uklanjanje bolova.
Sve novosti vezano za Keshe tehnologiju možete također pratiti na sljedećim web stranicama:

Prikaz razvoja nove olovke za uklanjanje bolova kojoj su dodani kristali za još bolju učinkovitost. Osim za uklanjanje bolova olovka se koristi i za energiziranje vode, voća, povrća i ostalih namirnica.

Jel Borise el ovi kopiraju Cass.,Ili Hari Potera?

Zajedno možemo okončati ratove, glad i patnju. Već smo postali jedna vjera. Već smo postali jedna nacija i jedan planet.“
El to neka zajebancija ili novodobsko sranje Kontrolnog Sistema u vidu Keshea....

I sad malo...

Keshe: no science, but another non-event

April 22, 2016 KesheFacts
Incredible! What many people predicted has happened. No, not the earthquake. LOL!!!

As predicted, Keshe did NOT do a live demonstration of his flying car in Dubai. In fact, KESHE WASN’T EVEN PRESENT IN DUBAI! Which confirms he has nothing to show, AND it was legally impossible for him to be there. After another HUGE ongoing announcement about the Dubai conference, Keshe was NOT in Dubai, but in Barletta, while the conference went on in Dubai without him.

So we were right when we said that Keshe cannot go back to Dubai. The police would have arrested him for fraud and blasphemy, so he had to stay away, even though he could easily impress the police during an interrogation, because he is a well-trained liar. He might also be afraid of Iranian or other agents who are fed up with his sinister deceptions and false accusations.

We heard heavy complaints from angry people because they spent a lot of money to meet Keshe in Dubai, to kiss the hand of the Mehdi and to be blessed by him, only to find out that the self-proclaimed main attraction and Messiah wasn’t there. Then there were reports of 250 attendees, but according to the photos there were only about 50, maybe 100. And speeches and big words like “creator” or “temple”. There were some familiar faces, but unfortunately no Barack Obama and no Vladimir Putin. But Keshe will probably say that other world leaders from… other worlds… were present (but not visible, because they are in advanced plasma state).

When people realized that Keshe was in Italy, he put a spin on the story by saying “If it wasn’t about the safety alerts, which the governments were concerned about our safety, we would be in Dubai.” Right. Safety concerns yes, but only his own, not those of the governments. Before that, Keshe said he isn’t in Dubai because he doesn’t need to be. A few minutes later he said he needs to go back to the Dubai conference via internet. So again, nothing but contradictions.

So why is Keshe safe in Italy ? Who protects him there ? His “correct” mafia buddies ?

Once again Keshe talked A LOT of BS to distract from the obvious: Keshe was NOT in Dubai! (did we already mention that ? LOL)

To show the level of Keshe’s delusion, we would like to remind everyone of what he predicted not long ago. Keshe basically said that an earthquake of magnitude 24+ will hit the west coast of the USA on the 21st of April or before. Just to clarify: An earthquake of such strength could wipe out half of the universe, not just a continent or a planet. This shows how much Keshe understands about science.

In the 110th knowledge seekers workshop, Keshe actually said he was correct about his earthquake prediction, even though nothing happened!

“We have been correct in every step about the earthquakes around the world.”

“Whatever we said has happened.” <— RIDICULOUS!!!

NOTHING Keshe ever said has happened. NOTHING! Please go back to this article (German/English) which shows how many of Keshe’s promises have come true: ZERO.

But according to Keshe, the magnitude 24+ earthquake in California did happen. I guess we missed it then, along with all the thousands of millions of people he predicted would die during that tragedy. Keshe must really be living in his own parallel universe. Only a 7.8 earthquake happened in Ecuador a few days ago (which is “normal” for that area), but no 24+ in California.

In order to sound less ridiculous than usual, he then tried to downplay his false prediction by (surprise!) predicting more earthquakes at magnitude 10+, later talking about 10-12, and finally once again going fully delusional by saying “If it doesn’t happen now, if it goes into autumn, 20 is imminent.”

He throws such numbers around exactly like the “129” that was measured in Desenzano due to a defective meter. Always exaggerating, never making any sense, just trying to impress people with nonsense. Keshe is a true carpet seller.

Then followed a lot more earthquake fearmongering, which confirms what we wrote in our previous post: Keshe wants to create fear all the time, which is a typical Illuminati tactic to control people.

“Our warning goes to the American government: please be prepared for a major disaster.”

“We see Japan under the water.”

(If that happens, it’s because of global warming and melting of arctic ice, but Keshe denies that. Keshe always denies the truth, while promoting lies and conspiracy nonsense.)

Then of course SOME kind of outside confirmation HAD to come, and OF COURSE it’s fake. Some brainwashed followers posted this article as an alleged confirmation of Keshe’s claims, but ANYTHING that is written by “Sorcha Faal” (which is a fake name) is a confirmed HOAX. This has been known for years. Then all this talk about “lightworkers” and “5D” conferences which is exactly the same kind of FRAUD as Keshe, Camelot, and other “alternative” cult-minded societies.

And then Keshe added the inevitable advertisement for the KF, which is supposed to undo the effects of the possible earthquake:

“If you need help, at any time during the disaster, reach the Keshe Foundation support system, we try to make it accessible.”

But as we have heard from numerous witnesses and customers, nobody is ever reachable there! So anyone who turns to the KF in case of emergency IS LOST. The reason: the KF was never set up to help people, it was set up as a scam to fill Keshe’s pockets and to deceive people.

Here is a new video by Hopegirl in which she talks about Keshe. And here is another testimony by Hector, who is very upset about the fact that nothing in or from the KF works.

In this video, Hector rightfully calls Keshe a crook, but also falsely accuses me of having prepared the scam for Keshe, as Hector obviously doesn’t know that Keshe used me the same way he used everyone else, and back then it wasn’t clear to me that Keshe is a scammer. I believed him, so I helped him write his books, but meanwhile I distanced myself from Keshe and regret having helped him.

The biggest mistake Keshe’s followers (especially the newcomers) make is that they think the whole Keshe thing is something big, something that is new and being done for the first time in history, something that will bring a positive change for humanity, but they only think so because Keshe has been repeating this mantra over and over again in his workshops.

In reality Keshe is just a nobody with little understanding of technology, a scammer on the level of a little kid who inflated a balloon, a giant lie, based on absolutely NOTHING. He is the Baron Munchhausen of free energy, a creator of giant false stories. While Munchhausen claimed to be able to fly to the moon on a cannonball, Keshe claims to be able to fly to Mars in a non-material spaceship THIS YEAR. We hope he will take Gordon Duff, Kerry Cassidy and her whole Camelot/Ufology cult, and all his followers with him, so they can’t do any more damage to people on this planet.

Keshe is the perfect example of how people can so easily be mislead and deceived, by simply telling them what they want to hear. But it would save them a lot of time, if they used this tool instead: The New Age Bullshit Generator. It gives them the same kind of “teachings” in much shorter time. Here they explain how such empty words make cult followers fall for nonsense. (also see here and here)

Such KF cult followers are “alternative” or “esoteric” people, some of whom consider themselves to be archangels or 21st century superhumans, conspiracy theorists, and hurt, unhealed, traumatized people who are looking for a strong leader… and Keshe takes advantage of that. But where and when has that happened before ? And how did it end ? People who run after someone who gives them false hope will always be hurt more in the end.

Everyone gets hurt at some point, some more, some less, but we always have a choice about what we want to do with such experiences. We can break the circle of violence and decide to REALLY help others, or we can decide to become ruthless egomaniacs who are only out to hurt and deceive people, to get some revenge or satisfaction… such people like Keshe who not only take as much as they can without ever really helping anyone, but also blame others for their own actions while portraying themselves as good people or even saviours… in order to keep their disguise intact.

Please everyone, take this advise from us. We are not here to take your dreams away, but Keshe really has nothing to offer. If you look for energy, healing, radiation cleanup, world peace, whatever… look elsewhere, because you certainly won’t find it in the Keshe Foundation (or in any other cult). It’s one huge scam, and we should know, as we supported Keshe ourselves, only to find out later that he lies whenever he opens his mouth.

Yes, some of us “Keshe Victims” supported Keshe too, and we apologize to all of you. Keshe fooled us, that’s what he does best. But we stopped supporting him as soon as it became clear he was running a scam. Others are still supporting him though, and we wonder what in the world could cause them to do so. Payment ? Bribe ? Do they not see what is going on ? Or have they lost their mind, due to Keshe’s constant brainwashing ? They don’t seem to be able to step back for a moment to realize: “Wait a minute, what am I actually doing here ? Has Keshe delivered anything he promised ? Why am I following him at all ? All his hate speech, empty promises and big words about everything, but no result for 10 years ? Am I supposed to support this person ?”

The essential thing that people haven’t understood yet:

Keshe talks random BS. Whatever he says, there is no reason, no logic and no science behind it. It literally is just BS. Eventually he picks up some stuff here and there, twists it around, and then spews it out again. And yes he is good at it. But he has no theory, only very little knowledge, and no good intentions. He is like a perpetual scam robot, just like his wife Caroline is like a perpetual spam robot, spreading all this BS on Facebook. That’s why we call them SR2 (scam robot + spam robot), also known as the Deceiving Duo, or the Bonnie & Clyde of free energy. Keshe uses any information he can find for his own benefit, that’s how he works. Stealing, copying, making up stories, and playing important.

Someone wrote: “The facts that some accuse Keshe of fraud AND that Keshe is not arrested, tried, convicted & sentenced to prison are also some ‘evidence’ that Keshe physics *IS* real and that Keshe tech really works.”

False. It is evidence that Keshe is a lot more skilled at lying, deceiving and escaping than anyone thinks, and it is also evidence that he must have major support from the bad guys in the background. Keshe has no technology, he only stole a patent, and built a huge web of lies around it.

So many people around the world have been mislead into thinking that they are working with a new technology, when in reality they only create oxide. And now that this scam has been exposed, Keshe switches to IMAGINARY, INVISIBLE technology (liquid plasma, vapor plasma, field plasma), so people don’t even SEE what they are experimenting with. And still some are so naive that they don’t realize they are being fooled on a major scale.

The problem is that scamming is the only way for Keshe to make money, as he has no real knowledge of anything, so scamming is his way of survival. That’s the only REAL reason for him being so persisant.

More hypocracy about earthquakes on KF Italy Facebook:

“It is not to scare anyone, just to analyze.
You are free to make your choice of what to do next.
If you are not in affected areas.
Then the only purpose is to inform others that are located in affected areas and if possible offer them any kind of help if you are able to offer.
Let your heart speak when needed.
Take a stock of health gans pens and anything that can help someone if necessary.
Teach them so they can look after themselves.
The only reason the teachings of Dr. MT Keshe was to explain and to know where and what to expect from our planet.
MT Keshe never said anything that has to do with the solar flares.
They are the two plates that separate this is what is going to happen, and when the tear comes it will be very strong. This could happen 21/4 hours before or immediately after.
Or we will have a little more time up to October this year, when the temperature and the seasons change again.
This will push the two tectonic plates to move in complete separation.
More pressure is generated by the volcano erupting more the pressure increases and not the opposite, then you will have more pressure between tectonic plates.
Best regards Carolina De Roose”

So AGAIN Keshe advertises his “health pens”, as if they could protect anyone from the dangers of earthquakes. This clearly shows that Keshe only cares about money.

But let’s look at these health pens a little bit closer. The technology inside is not Keshe’s. It is based on someone else’s nano-coated needle concept.

Last year Keshe attacked the original researcher and explained that the nano-coating transports the plasma so deep into the body that it is dangerous for people’s health. He spoke about how the needles pinch nerves and cause cancer, and how plasma fields which pass through nano-coated material (especially metal) are harmful because they are focused and therefore much stronger.

Here are Keshe’s own words (taken from an older transcript):

“Yesterday, in the recording what came, we asked when we announced that when you mix ganses with amino acids it can create new germs, new viruses, because of the combination of fields. And I warn you categorically, anyone who uses, or contemplates to use, to develop, to manufacture needles as part of the structure of acupuncture, you are playing with people’s lives and Keshe Foundation stays totally independent from this find.

We taught the technology, if anyone develops with categorically. Because I can explain how you create diseases in people, you don’t understand, and people look for their own private… what you call it profit pocket, you are responsible for people’s lives, especially if you are in the medical field and you do it with the warning I give. So, if any new diseases or deaths caused it stands responsible by you and not by the Foundation.

We are very categoric about this, because we know that there are people around the Foundation who are developing, or trying in China, especially Dr. Eliya Kostova, to develop needles in acupuncture. I warn her, she has nothing to do with the Foundation, she is categorically beyond the limits we have warned. That if such a step was taken, I hope I am wrong, but it is for people to understand and authorities to understand, we separate these kind of actions from the Keshe Foundation.

These kind of needles, nanocoated in any shape or form, delivers energies on the layer which the body has no immunity for. A skin cancer and different kind of cancers are inevitable. We warn and anything to intrude, and I give this categoric warning to Dr. Kostova: It is beyond the limitations of the medicine while you are warned to practice and develop such a technology. And it has nothing to do with the work of the Keshe Foundation, and this can create huge damages to people who use it, long term and short term. Time will tell, and we stay independent from this.”

And now Keshe sells these “health pens” which are a combination of exactly the same nano-coated needle concept and GANS, meaning they combine the (according to Keshe) harmful, almost LETHAL effect of the needles, which he wants nothing to do with, with the equally harmful GANS, which leads to internal bleeding (according to proof provided by hardcore KF follower Mark House and others).

After Keshe gave all these warnings about this needle/pen technology, he now sells it himself!!! So we ask ourselves: what is the actual purpose of these “health pens” which (according to Keshe’s own explanation) cause cancer and are as harmful as the mercury in vaccines ? IS IT TO INTENTIONALLY KILL PEOPLE ??? Actually we wouldn’t even have to ask, the answer is clear.

While the original researcher of the needle concept never manufactured or sold the needles, Keshe does sell these pens behind the back of the researcher, based on the idea he stole in the first place. And yet he falsely accused the original researcher of patenting and selling the needles.

In the same workshop Keshe also said: “Nobody in their right mind should touch the nanomaterial”… and now he sells it ILLEGALLY as a HARMFUL SUPPLEMENT… for CONSUMPTION!!!

You see how Keshe twists things around to fit his needs and to fill his own pocket ? At the same time he causes damage to innocent people and to scientists who make real discoveries. He accuses them of what he does himself. Same old story over and over again. THAT’S HOW KESHE WORKS.

Again we ask Keshe’s followers: is THIS what you want to support ? Constant betrayal, lies, and crooked ethics ? If this is what you want to do, how can you believe that the KF will make peace or bring ANY change when the alleged bringer of the change is more corrupted than the current elite ?

Someone from Switzerland performed in-depth tests of all things Keshe. The original PDF can be found here.

Here is the English translation:

Dr. Keshe – Genius or Failure ?

Greetings to you, dear visitors and fellow researchers.

One thing right away: If I have to believe in something in order for it to work, then it doesn’t really work.

Because then the belief worked, but not the experiment. This is the mindset we use to do our research. Even though belief can move mountains. Many tried, but in the end there has always been disappointment.

We run a well-equipped research laboratory and would like to know if the claims of the Keshe Foundation can be verified. We use neither negative nor positive prejudice, we build, we test, we measure, we try, we make experiments, and then we publish our results based on facts. (…)

In Mr. Keshe’s quantum physics based world there are some remarkable views. Should they be proven correct, it would lead to a huge worldwide change. Let’s take a close look, when something like this, which seems to be too good to be true, catches our attention. Even if it would be easy to just believe, it is still better to KNOW for sure. It is our responsibility to find out for ourselves.

Addendum – a few months later (March 10, 2016):

I am sorry to inform you that none of our experiments were fully able to confirm Mr. Keshe’s statements. We are afraid that Mr. Keshe is wrong in all his essential claims. Our experiments were detailed and even incorporated Mr. Keshe’s unusual views of science. Another group of scientists we are in touch with came to the same conclusions.

The effect of the Healing Pads was never more than just a placebo effect. (We produced them, passed them on to others, and tested if, with whom, and how they work)

Magnetic fields of static magnets, under certain circumstances, always had a slightly pain-reducing effect, but for that it doesn’t require the new world view of Mr. Keshe. (referring to the magnetic pads we purchased from Mr. Keshe) This effect is simply the result of electrically charged particles and inflamed tissue being influenced by magnetism.

The Magrav units we replicated also didn’t work. (It has long been known that oxidated copper, under influence of light, delivers small voltages. It has also been known that copper, which has been treated with caustic, does that same, because the caustic dissolves the copper)

Part of Mr. Keshe’s world view seems to be similar to old alchemy, except that his idea of plasma is new. The GaNS substances are similar to monatomic subtances (Ormus, M-State, etc.) The substances of Mr. Keshe showed no positive effect whatsoever, the same goes for our free energy experiments.

Too bad, it would have been great and we would have been happy if it had worked. It’s a pity. We keep watching the scene, and are interested in what Mr. Keshe has to say about the current situation.

With best regards, Beatus Gubler and fellow researchers, Basel (Switzerland).

Projekte Streetwork Basel

(We know what Keshe would say: “You’re too stupid, you don’t understand, you’re not mature enough”)

(Some humour…)

YAY!!! We are starting our first poll! 2 questions!

First question: Is Keshe the biggest crook in the universe ?

Second question: Keshe once said he copyrighted his name. So in case we are no longer allowed to call him by his name, which name should we use instead ?

1. The Liar King (Disney edition)
2. Tehran Apocalypse Ca$hee (Iranian Stallion edition)
3. Scam Robot (Futurama edition)
4. Empty Ca$h (Clear Viewpoints edition)
5. M.T. Boxes (Surprise Inside! edition)
6. Mehrano Miracoli Monetario (Pizza del’Mare edition)
7. Vehry Ridikuli Ca$h (The obvious edition…)
8. Mayhem Terrifikkli Ca$h (The Turkish Devastator)

Please send your vote (or your own suggestion, if you have one) to the following email address: …….@……………..

Please note: Due to security reasons, and because we are technically advanced, we decided to use a plasma based email address, rather than a matter based one. You can’t see it fully, but we promise you it’s there. You can only see a few dots because that’s where the plasma interacts with the environment of your screen. If you can’t see the full email address, it means you haven’t reached the point of maturity yet. So please, email us anyway! Because if you don’t, we will enforce it. Not by force, but by the beauty of our technology!

The results of our poll will be revealed in the coming time. And if not, then hopefully later.

Najgore je kad se kontejner nalazi u drugom kontejneru, pa dva u trećem, pa tri u četvrtom... Ima tu kontejnera obloženih svetlom, znanjem, sranjem, blatom i tako dalje, ali najgore je kad se u kontejneru ne nalazi ništa, taj se baš može napuniti naknadnim sranjem....

Ma da pitam ja Lauru i Kasiopejce za svaki slučaj.... Sad se javim...

Pozdrav i svaka plazma što veriža neka vas čuva....
Mnogi Mehranovi uređaji su funkcionalni, što znači da ne odstupaju od glavnih parametara rada: to je i galaksija, ovoforumski, potvrdio.
Imaju li oni nekakav učinak, pogotovo onaj koji Keshe propagira, pitanje je neke druge diskusije.
O Lauri i kristalima ne bih: da kristali liječe sve klinike bi ih, već odavno, imale i koristile multifukcionalno.
Val, pa i ono što se prije ili kasnije pojavilo kao ova ili ona kompilacija njegovog serijala, je odlična lektirna stanica književnosti za djecu.
Ali ono u šta se cijela ta priča pretvorila, kroz posljednju deceniju, nije ni vrijedno spomena.
Možda bi i sama Laura imala nešto o tome da kaže, ukoliko je spremna priznati da svi oni koji danas kanaliziraju u njeno ime predstavljaju najobičniji cušpajz.

 Naslov: Re: Keshe Foundation - Plasma Technology - Free Energy
PostPostano: uto jan 10, 2017 8:07 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned dec 09, 2012 2:34 am
Postovi: 788
snoopy je napisao/la:
JA da ponovim :

Isecak iz "uslova koriscenja" u sekciji webshop. Ovo je duhovito ali prqavno korektno:

"Foundation does sell products for children, but it sells them to adults, who can purchase with a credit card or other permitted payment method. If you are under 18, you may use Keshe only with involvement of a parent or guardian.

Ovo je samo delic, ali kako sam i pretpostavio, oni su se savrseno ogradili od pravnih konsekvenci.

Izmedju ostalog stoji da, ukoliko neko pokrene tuzbu, slaze se da tuzba bude arbitrarnog karaktera i da ne moze zavrsiti kao sudski proces u sudnici. U slucaju odluke u korist tuzioca,
novcana naknada ne moze biti veca od 10 000 $.
I šta je tu čudno!?
U pitanju je fondacija a ne korporacija.
10.000 USD nije mnogo ali ni malo: to je više nego pošteno.
Najbolji suprotan primjer su razni međunarodni hohštapleri koji su opljačkali, bez ikakve naknade oštećenima, balkanski prostor tokom posljednjih 20 god., kao predstavnici raznih fondacija i kvazihumanitarnih organizacija...

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