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 Naslov: Bijeli prah zlata - White Powder Gold
PostPostano: ned jan 08, 2006 6:17 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri nov 16, 2005 4:55 am
Postovi: 114
Lokacija: another world
The White Powder of Gold is a multitude of things. It is in essence, the Elixir of Life. It is likewise, The Philosopher’s Stone of Alchemy, the “manna” of the ancient Hebrews, and even the “What is it?” of the ancient Egyptians. In science, the white powder of gold is the ORME -- i.e. gold (or any of the Precious Metals) in a monoatomic form -- which can result in Superconductivity within an organic body.

When the white powder of gold is mixed in water, it becomes the Elixir of Life, the alchemist’s dream -- also known as The Golden Tear from the Eye of Horus, or “That which issues from the mouth of the creator.” It was also called as the “spittle of God” -- not the word of God, but the spittle. Others referred to it as the semen of the father in heaven. [Putting the white powder in water doesn’t result in it dissolving. Instead, it forms a gelatinous suspension, and looks very much like a vial of semen.]

For the alchemists, the goal had always been to make the white powder of gold, to make “the container of the light of life.” Thereafter, if you stood in its presence, you wouldn’t age. If you partook of it, you would live for ever. It’s history goes back to Enoch, Thoth,

Hermes Trisgetimus, the same man by any other name, who ascended to heaven by partaking of the white drops, and thereby avoided death.

In The Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Papyrus of Ani, by Budge [1] -- based on a papyrus from Old Kingdom Egypt -- there is a curious repetition of the phrase, “What is it?” Samples from the papyrus reads, “I am purified of all imperfections. What is it? I ascend like the golden hawk of Horus. What is it? I pass by the immortals without dying. What is it? I come before my father in Heaven. What is it?” The latter question repeats itself for hundreds of times throughout the lengthy ancient document.

The “What is it?” literally translates into Hebrew as “manna”. Even a modern dictionary may define manna as “What is it?”. The manna was the “bread” taken by the high priest, the Melchizedek priest. Moses told the Hebrew people at one point, “You have not kept the covenant, and so the manna is being taken from you. But it will come back in the end times. When we will be a nation of high priests, not an elect high priesthood.”

The manna, the white powder of gold, is the food, the light, one takes into their body. It is the Food of the Gods. A modern day Rabbi might tell you that no one has known how to make the manna, the white powder of Gold, since the destruction of the Temple of Solomon. The technique is, supposedly, a lost art or lost knowledge. But others argue that when the high priests left the Temple (when it was destroyed), the took the secret out into the desert and organized a commune called Qumrun. There, they became the Essenes. Eventually, the white powder was used to nourish a woman named Mary, and eventually, she gave birth to a man named Jesus. Some claim that it was the white powder of gold which allowed Jesus his many gifts, including his ascension into heaven.

These gifts include: perfect telepathy, the ability to know good and evil when it’s present, and to project thoughts into another person’s mind. There is also the ability to levitate, or to walk on water. By excluding all external magnetic fields (including the Earth’s gravity), the white powder of gold takes one beyond the four dimensional space time continuum, and the individual becomes a fifth dimensional being. They can literally think where they would like to be, and go there. They can heal by the laying on of hands, and can cleanse and resurrect the dead within two or three days after they died. They have so much energy that they can literally embrace people and bring light and energy back into them.

In Revelations, it says, “Blessed be the man who shall overcome, for he shall be given the hidden manna, the white stone of the purest kind upon which will be written a new name.” He will not be the same person. [Obviously!]

(6/1/05) Note that the white powder of gold is not the yellow stuff we normally think of as gold. And yet we are told of many cultures which placed uncommon value on gold -- even if the average individual was blissfully unaware of the critical distinction. For example, it has been said that many Chinese traditionally cooked their rice with a gold coin in the mix. This was done in order for the consumer of the rice to somehow obtain the benefits of the golden elixir. Inasmuch as sacred geometry can also be of enormous benefit, it might make sense to include a golden art object -- for example, a Seed of Life pendant -- in your next bowl of rice, soup, Texas style chilli, or whatever. Just don't eat it! Save it for the next meal.

In the modern parlance, the white powder of gold is the ORME -- Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements. The ORME is obtained from the Precious Metals (Gold, Platinum, Silver, Palladium, Osmium, Ruthenium, Rhodium and Iridium). Superdeformation of Nuclei of these precious elements, results in a monoatomic, superconducting, high spin, low energy state, wherein -- in accordance with ORME Physics and ORME Biology -- the extraordinary characteristics of the white powder of gold can be manifested.

Basically, everything is encoded in each individual’s DNA, waiting to be activated. Care for a cup of life?

Pokrenute su teme o koloidnom bakru i srebru ali ova nije. Oni koji znaju vise o bijelom zlatnom prahu neka napisu, pogotovo ako je to neko koristio ili ga mozda pravi.
web Davida Hudsona
web pisca Laurenca Gardnera

White powder of gold - spice for human?


PostPostano: ned jan 08, 2006 1:03 pm 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4229
Ne bih nikome preporučio da ovo koristi. Mislim da je stvar prilično opasna.


PostPostano: ned jan 08, 2006 4:02 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned sep 19, 2004 9:39 am
Postovi: 463
Lokacija: Offline
mozes li malo detaljnije iznijeti svoje misljenje jer i ja sam jako zainteresiran za gore navedeni prah kao i za koloidno zlato.

PostPostano: ned jan 08, 2006 4:25 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
Ovaj zlatni prah je pravo primamljivo sredstvo !!!

Rađe šmrči kokain... mislim, ne preporučam ti ni to, ali ja koka beba prema ovome...

Naime, većinom što kažu za zlatni prah je ok, ali nisu rekli najbitniju stvar koju ono čini: POSTAJEŠ JAKO SKLON MANIPULACIJI !!! Lako te se programira, lakše nego i u ovom prirodnom stanju! Podložniji si ELM zračenjima, ELP-ovima, stroboskop-efektu i ostalim zvučnim frekvencijskim sranjima kojima se može kontrolirati ljudsko razmišljanje - a time i SVE, SVE, SVEEEEEE ostalo!!!

Hej, jel netko za malo žive?!? Ma beba, super je... užas!!!


PostPostano: ned jan 08, 2006 6:05 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri nov 16, 2005 4:55 am
Postovi: 114
Lokacija: another world
galaksija je napisao/la:
Ne bih nikome preporučio da ovo koristi. Mislim da je stvar prilično opasna.

Jack987 je napisao/la:
POSTAJEŠ JAKO SKLON MANIPULACIJI !!! Lako te se programira, lakše nego i u ovom prirodnom stanju!

Mislim da njusim kukavicluk, i vi bi u 4D!? Bojite se upoznat sebe i svoje mogucnosti, imate klasican mentalitet zrtve. Jos da je neko to isprobao pa da daje savjete ali ne, stvar je jaaaako opasna. Ali sta nije opasno!? Jesti goleme kolicine zagadjene, hormonski tretirane i GM hrane, i shodno tome cijeli zivot producirat govna? Sto je priznajem vrhunski alkemijski proces kojim onemogucavas bilo kakvu manipulaciju.

Jel imate vi uopce ikakvu kontrolu nad svojim tijelom-umom, cemu svo to znanje sta ste ga prikupili.. Kratite vrijeme do dolaska Velikog Vala?
Samo vi zderite meso i ostalu "neprogramiranu" hranu, ako se nesto i poremeti u proizvodnji sranja, uvijek to mozete popravit koloidnim srebrom.


PostPostano: ned jan 08, 2006 7:03 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned sep 19, 2004 9:39 am
Postovi: 463
Lokacija: Offline
Evo jos par zanimljivih tekstova: ... p?p=37078&

pyramid energy to transmute gold: ... dgold.html

PostPostano: pon jan 09, 2006 9:21 am 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4229
chaos engine

Mislim da se previše uzdaš u svoje „njušenje“. Možda ne bi bilo bilo loše uključiti i malo mozga?!? Uostalom, to je ono što se preporučuje u gnostici.

Oni koji do sada nisu shvatili da od kojekakvih „čarobnih napitaka“ ili magijskih rituala i merkaba meditacija nema ništa, ne vjerujem ni da će shvatiti.

U svakom slučaju svima koji se odluče za „čarobne napitke“ ili neku drugu prečicu, želim – dobar tek i sretan put.

Mono Atomic Gold -Think Twice

From Ken Adachi <> ... ug05.shtml

August 15, 2005

A few years ago, I've inserted the following Precautionary Note into Chapter 10C of Fritz Springmeier/Cisco Wheeler's on-line book , The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave in a section that touched upon David Hudson and the promotion/use of mono atomic gold. Since writing that note, my concerns about taking mono atomic gold have only grown as I continue to stumble upon more and more indications that the entire promotion of mono atomic gold is an Illuminati deception.

Today (August 15, 2005), I found yet another article cautioning against mono atomic gold posted at (re posted below). The anonymous author of the article poses the following question:

"Are we possibly dealing with a very long-term agenda somehow extending all the way back to the days of the Roman Empire -- and beyond?"

You should be asking yourself the same question and think twice about mono atomic gold

Ken Adachi

***** ... chap.shtml
Precautionary note from Ken Adachi:

[Readers should be aware that Anna Hayes mentions in her books that taking mono atomic gold is ultimately harmful. She claims that the initial growth of psychic awareness is not permanent, but rather levels off and later declines. Further, she says that the promotion of mono atomic gold is an Illuminati deception. While attracting the public with sugar plums of enhanced psychic clarity and improved health, the ulterior purpose of promoting mono atomic gold is to cause the destruction of the ten virtual DNA strands which all humans possess and which are now manifesting into 3D reality as seen with the 3, 4, or even 5 strands of DNA that now show up in the blood of Blue Indigo (Millennium) children.

The destruction of the ten virtual DNA strands (unseen with 3rd dimension microscopes, but nevertheless still there in the higher 4th dimensional vibratory plane) prevents a human from activating these higher dimensional DNA strands and prevents access to higher spiritual awareness and telepathic abilities, as humans and mother Earth gradually increase our base vibratory frequency and ascend into the fourth dimension (a process that began in 1987 and will likely reach completion somewhere between 2018 and 2025). The activation of more than two strands of DNA is apparently necessary to exist in physical form in the fourth dimension. So now, the hidden purpose behind the promotion of mono atomic gold is perhaps becoming more evident: the Illuminati, the militarists, the satanists, the corrupt politicians, etc., and all those who serve the Dark Master, Lucifer, will not be allowed to reincarnate on a fourth dimensional Earth.

Thus, being confined to the 3rd dimension, the Illuminati wishes to keep their human slaves with them and not lose them to the joy, peace, and freedom of a higher dimensional Earth. When you consider that Sir Laurence Gardner, a high Illuminati insider (and full blooded Reptilian) has been continuously touting the glories of mono atomic gold in every radio interview show he's appeared on for the past few years (along with William Henry), you have to ask yourself, "should I embrace the recommendations of a satanist and high Illuminati front man or should I be running in the opposite direction as fast as I can?"]

Excerpt from Chap. 10C, The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave ... chap.shtml


One of the major goals of Alchemy was “The preparation of aurum potabile, liquid gold, a sovereign remedy, because gold being itself perfect could produce peffection in the human frame.” -quoted from The History of Chemistry as quoted by Manly P. Hall in his The Secret Teachings of All Ages, p. CLV. Gold has long been called the metal of wisdom by the Illuminati. The Illuminati are well aware of the alchemical quest to create the correct type of gold which will bring enlightment to the world. The Rabbi’s, who know the Cabala, have considered the secret of white powdered gold the greatest secret of all times. Somehow the Egyptian Pharaoh’s had learned the secret of how to make white powdered gold which when seen up close is transparent--like the gold described in the Bible as making up the streets in heaven.
This gold is monotonic (with molecules in a high spin state), and looks like baking flour. It greatly enhances the pineal gland, and a similar substance of iridium greatly enhances the pituitary gland. Regular yellow gold or gold salts will cause the hair of the subject to fall out, but white gold is safe to ingest. After ingesting the white gold for over 9 months, a subject will become extremely psychic and disease free. The person’s body will also glow. Whether the Illuminati discovered this white gold, and have been using it secretly when their adepts went into hiding for months of long training, or whether they were only playing with substitutes we cannot say. (By the way, some occult groups groom slaves in the craft for 24 hours a day for a year.) At any rate, in recent years a man named David Hudson, who is of the Holy Blood line (13th Illuminati Bloodline, of the de Guise lineage), discovered and patented white gold. He named the white gold Ormus, which is the occult name for the Prieure de Sion.
Ormus also pertains to Gnosticism in the ancient world. Ormus is also the Hebrew words for “golden tree”, which David finds appropriate since this white gold is the elixir of life that the sho-bread (& manna) was made from. This is said to be the reason the Priest glowed when he came out of the Holy of Holies, after eating the sho-bread. David Hudson, told co-author Fritz that he was supportive of the cabalistic goal of Adam Kadmon. Because Hudson knew the cabala very well, it seems likely that he understands what Adam Kadmon is really all about. Monarch slaves of the House of Rothschild have revealed how the Illuminati are able to do what they call Proxying.

This is a Mind-Spirit transfer, done by the 1.twinning traumas, 2. channeling, 3. telepathic communication, and 4. astral projection so that all slaves worldwide are being pulled into one single interlinked Demonic One World Mind [this is the so called 'hive mind' characteristic of the Reptilian alien groups that dominate and interbreed with the human Illuminati..Ken Adachi]. We do not understand how white gold and iridium help the body become a semi-conductor so that the body is highly psychic, but it does. We hope to find out more. David Hudson has the patent (U.S. patent and some international patents) on white gold. There are a number of scientific studies on white gold which verify the power of white gold on the human body. When the co-author Fritz Springmeier talked to David Hudson, he certainly knows the occult world exceptionally well, besides being skilled in the Cabala. He claims he has nothing to do with the occult world, and that he stays away from the Illuminati. He says that he took what was occult and turned it into science. The co-author’s talk with him left many questions. David Hudson has given mankind the most important secret that has captivated the best minds of the occult world for centuries, the Quest for the Philosopher’s Stone.


Covalent Attachment Of Gold Nanoparticles To DNA
From Anonymous


In view of the discussion in recent years in the alternative press and websites of the use of monoatomic gold for esoteric purposes by secret societies and shadowy military-industrial alchemists -- WELL -- please note the following research which involves the covalent bonding of gold nanoparticles to replicable DNA templates at Oak Ridge National Labortaories in Tennesse.

Note the URL as well -- CESAR.

Are we possibly dealing with a very long-term agenda somehow extending all the way back to the days of the Roman Empire -- and beyond? Who or what is the real power behind the the military-industrial complex and its many compartmentalized, high-tech projects?

Are there currents and players in history that conceal themselves down through the millennia, but that have front personnel and agencies that they use to further their plans in every age?"

The story -
Covalent Attachment of Gold Nanoparticles to DNA Templates
Highlight Current Research Research Accomplishments

Fig. 1

AFM images of thioctic acid-coated gold nanoparticles bound to ligated DNA on a mica substrate.

Fig. 1: Typical products of the reaction between DNA and gold particles.
The ability to assemble nanoparticles into arrays, networks, and circuits in a precise and controlled manner is key to the fabrication of a variety of nanodevices. Networks of nanometer-sized metal or semiconductor islands, or quantum dots, may exhibit a variety of quantum phenomena, with applications in optical devices, nanometer-sized sensors, advanced computer architectures, ultra dense memories, and quantum-information science and technology. The challenge is that fabrication with nanoscale precision of nanoparticle arrays in a time and cost effective manner remains a formidable task. Interest in the concept of self-assembled nanostructures led to the idea of using DNA as a scaffold or template for the programmed assembly of nanoscale arrays. DNA can be modified with functional groups at predetermined sites to allow for the attachment of other molecules in a specific manner. We have designed and demonstrated a new approach for binding nanoparticles to DNA.

Functionalized nanoparticles are covalently bound to internal, chemically modified bases on double-stranded DNA without the presence of destabilizing "nicks" along the DNA backbone. In addition, we report an approach for thiolating one end of the DNA/nanoparticle product and attaching it to a gold surface. The ability to attach one or both ends of the DNA/gold complex, after generation of the desired pattern, to fixed contacts or electrodes is necessary for nanodevices fabrication.

Fig. 2

Fig. 2: Close-up of DNA bound to gold particles.

DNA oligonucleotides were designed with amino-modified bases for attachment to carboxylic acid functionalized gold particles. Two double-stranded DNA sequences were used for binding nanoparticles. Sequence 1 DNA was 22 base pairs long with two binding sites for gold per DNA molecule. The separation between gold binding sites was 3.7 nm.

Sequence 2 DNA was 30 base pairs long, had one gold binding site per DNA molecule, and, after ligation, a 10.5 nm separation between binding sites. For AFM imaging, the DNA was ligated to produce longer molecules that would be easier to image. Gold nanoparticles with two different passivating coatings were tested. Particles with an average diameter of 1.5 nm were synthesized with a mercaptosuccinic acid coating, and particles approximately 2.5 nm in size were coated with thioctic acid Each particle has multiple reactive carboxyl groups on its surface. In order to decrease the probability for one particle binding to many amino groups on the DNA, methylamine was used to block some of the carboxyl groups on the gold. Methylamine was chosen for this purpose because of its small size and similarity to the methylene side chain containing the amino group on the DNA. The reaction between the amino group on the DNA and the carboxyl group on the gold particle was facilitated using a standard chemical method for joining carboxyl groups to amino groups. Analysis of the products by gel electrophoresis and atomic force microscopy (AFM) showed the gold particles bound to the DNA. In addition, absorbance spectra of the gold nanoparticles in the presence of DNA provide evidence of binding. This technique addresses a basic need to assemble nanometer-scale objects in a programmable manner and in a parallel fashion, from the bottom up.

Research by K. A. Stevenson, G. Muralidharan, L. Maya, J. C. Wells, J. Barhen, and T.G. Thundat, Center for Engineering Science Advanced Research, ORNL; for details see "Covalent Attachement of Gold Nanoparticles to DNA Templates", J. Nanosci. Nanotech (submitted, 2002).


Evo malo i Kasiopejskog materijala na tu temu, pa ako neko ne vjeruje, neka izvoli pa provjeri:


P: (L) Sada ćemo morati malo da stanemo jer bih željela da vam kažem nešto. Poslednjih par mjeseci ja sam stvarno pažljivo gledala nebo, kad god sam imala priliku. Tri ili četiri puta vidjela sam nešto za šta sam mislila da je jedan najobičniji avion, i ja bih ga onda pažljivo promatrala gledajući takođe ljijevo i desno od njega, i kada sam se vraćala nazad na mjesto gdje bi on trebao da bude, imajući u vidu njegovu brzinu i pravac kretanja, tamo nije više bilo ničega. Ja bih tada pažljivo pretraživala nebo u tom regionu, međutim, ti “avioni” kao da se jednostavno ispare. Znam da sam ih vidjela, i znam da nisam poludila i sigurna sam da se ti avioni nisu mogli tako brzo udaljiti iz mog vidokruga – i s obzirom da mi se to događalo nekoliko puta, to me je na kraju veoma frustriralo. Kakve su implikacije svega toga, osim činjenice da nas oni možda stalno nadleću iz bogznakakvih razloga, dok smo mi jednostavno nesvjesni njihovog prisustva?
O: Da, monoatomsko zlato!
P: (L) I kakve veze sada to ima sa monoatomskim zlatom?
O: Totalno zarobljavanje bića, uma tijela i duše. Trepereća svjetla koriste sićušne zlatne filamente.
P: (L) Kakve to može imati implikacije kod konzumiranja monoatomskog zlata?
O: Šta mislite od čega se sastoje te sićušne niti?
P: (T) Od monoatomskog zlata.
O: Bingo! Vidite, ono ima izvanredne osobine.
P: (T) Sigurna sam da ima! Stvar je u tome, ako je stvarno istina ono što David Hudson tvrdi, onda bi ga kontrolni sistem odavno eliminisao – hoću da kažem da on ne bi stigao daleko s tim. Znači, ako su ga pustili da se bavi s tim, onda to monoatomsko zlato nema one osobine koje on tvrdi da ima – nego upravo suprotno. Kad uzimate tu stvar određeno vrijeme, vi onda kompletirate program i restruktuišete svoje gene. Zar nam se tako nešto nije već prije desilo? Da li mi treba to opet da činimo? (L) I nije li već rečeno da je SVJETLOST korištena da bi se uništili određeni elementi naše DNA? (J) Tačno tako! (L) Dobro, kako mi blokiramo ovu kontrolu?
O: Vi ne blokirate. Znanje štiti.


Q: (L) And what does the reference to monoatomic gold mean? We have wondered about obtaining and taking some of this Monoatomic Gold.
A: Are you serious? How about some small helpings of arsenic, anyone?
Q: (L) OK, my feeling is that there is some negative energy behind that, even though David Hudson is trying to be a positive person and do positive things, and that... It may be that he is being manipulated.
A: This is often true!
Q: (L) I think that taking something like that to transform your consciousness without doing the work or having it occur naturally is a violation of the Free Will of the Higher Self. That's what I think. (F) Well, did Jesus or other great masters take this gold powder?
A: No.
Q: (L) Did Adolph Hitler take this kind of powder, or something similar?
A: Yes.
Q: (F): That paints a rather bleak picture, doesn't it? (L) Could this powder be utilized to transform a person to a very positive entity doing great good?
A: Or could it be utilized to transform an entire race of beings into hypnotic submission!!!!!!!!!!!
Q: (F): Wow! (L) Put it in the water. (F) Or even just advertise it as the "Manna from Heaven" and get the biggest corporations in the world to ... I mean, you know that if this guy were not meant to spread this stuff all around, by now he'd be running into roadblocks, you wouldn't be allowed to get tapes like that out there. That was one thing I was suspicious of, like why he hasn't even been stopped, if it's really as wonderful as he claims... I mean it just doesn't fit. Anything that's really, really good, and it's going to go against the control system... Are they just going to sit back and say "Oh, yeah, we'll just let this gold powder get spread round everywhere, and everybody will take it and develop super psychic powers and wake up," just like that? I don't think so! The fact that it is being promulgated from the "other side" tells us that there is a plan here...
A: Total entrapment of the being, mind, body and soul. Strobes use minute gold filament.
Q: (L) How can that compare with taking monoatomic gold internally?
A: What composes minute filament, do you suppose? Hint, it ain't from Fort Knox!
Q: (T) Monoatomic gold.
A: Bingo. You see, this has extraordinary properties.
Q: (T) I'm sure it does! The thing is, if it does what Hudson says it does, the power structure would have shut him down - he wouldn't have gotten this far with it. So, if they are letting him do it, it's because it doesn't do what he says it does, it does the opposite. When you take the stuff for so many days, you complete the program, it restructures your genes. Isn't that what happened to us before? Do we want to do it again? (L) And, wasn't it said that LIGHT was used to cancel certain DNA factors? (J) Exactly! (L) Okay, how do we block this kind of control?

A: You don't. Knowledge protects.


P.S. Dakle, Znanje Štiti, a ne - "njuh"!!!

PostPostano: pon jan 09, 2006 1:18 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
Tko hoće nek uzme, tko neće - nemora!

Odlučuje svatko za sebe ionako. Hehe!


PostPostano: pon jan 09, 2006 10:04 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet apr 08, 2005 9:11 am
Postovi: 90
e da upotpunimo to sve evo što kaže čika IckeMONO-ATOMIC GOLD:

by David Icke

I just want to pass on some information I have come across which may well
explain shapeshifting and much else, too.

I have been chatting today to Brian Desborough, my scientist friend in
California, and we have been discussing mono-atomic gold. This comes in
the form of a white powder and has a two-dimensional atomic structure (one
or two atoms working together) while regular gold has a three-dimensional
structure (ten or more atoms working together).

Without going into all the scientific detail, when you consume this
mono-atomic gold by mouth or injection, it increases the current carrying
capacity of the nervous system by ten thousand times.

This would allow a person to process fantastic amounts of information like
a super computer and when enough has been absorbed it would allow them to
consciously move through other dimensions and shapeshift because suddenly
the brain is activated to open those vast areas that we do not use in
today's world. It aligns the brain cells so they all start talking to each
other again.

More than that, if you consume enough of this mono-atomic gold your
physical body would become luminous, I'm told, so explaining the ancient
accounts of the reptilian gods and children of the gods who "shone like
the Sun". Mono-atomic gold can be made from regular gold and it can be
processed from certain ores, many of which are found in places like
Arizona in the United States. This, I suggest, is the true meaning of the
references to gold and gold mining in the Sumerian Tablets and not
literally mining for normal gold, unless that was done to create the
mono-atomic variety.

This substance gave - gives - the reptilians amazing abilities to process
information and shapeshift because of the staggering amounts of energy
they can hold and process. I am sure the ancient Egyptians, Sumerians,
Babylonians, and Phoenicians etc. used this, or more accurately, their
ruling elite did, thus giving them a mental potential denied the general

The same continues today. This was one of the big secrets held within the
Mystery Schools and passed on into the top levels of the modern secret
society network. Mono-atomic gold also has unbelievable healing properties
in that it aligns the cells to carry phenomenal amounts of light energy,
thus dispersing the blockages and imbalances we call disease or illness.

ME THROUGH THE WEBSITE. WebSite Contact Page Here

David Icke

Bridge of Love - United Kingdom

PostPostano: pon jan 09, 2006 10:16 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri dec 21, 2005 8:37 pm
Postovi: 260
Lokacija: Na glogu
Daj manite se corava posla nema kruva od tog :!:

Absense of evidence is not evidence of absence.

PostPostano: pon jan 09, 2006 11:19 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri nov 16, 2005 4:55 am
Postovi: 114
Lokacija: another world
galaksija je napisao/la:
Mislim da se previše uzdaš u svoje „njušenje“. Možda ne bi bilo bilo loše uključiti i malo mozga?!? Uostalom, to je ono što se preporučuje u gnostici.

Uzdam se u sva osjetila, a ponajvise u direktan uvid. To mi se cini boljim rjesenjem od koristenja "malo mozga", koliko ga trenutno imamo na raspolaganju.

P.S. Dakle, Znanje Štiti, a ne - "njuh"!!!

Da, znanje stiti a znanje su naravno kasiopejci. To je neoborivi argument i tu se nema sta vise reci. Ako me mozes uclanit u klub malih kasiopejaca, ono hvala unaprijed.. :twisted:

Dakle svi se slazu da monoatomsko zlato potice pituarnu i pinealnu zlijezdu sto znaci da otvara trece oko (ali za neke je i to lose).

Medjutim unistava virtualnu DNA(?) koja bi trebala omoguciti fizicki zivot na 4D zemlji (LOL..svakako zelim tako nesto), za one koji se nadaju "sretnom ishodu" u neodredjenoj buducnosti..

Ono sto je sigurno je da daje moc, a sad sta neki tu moc ne zele ili neznaju korisit to je druga stvar. Sa kapacitetom mozga koji ljudi posjeduju ostat ce zrtve zauvijek i nema tog znanja koje ce im pomoc kad su kukavice.

Ja ne preporucujem Davida Hudsona ni Laurenca Gardnera, linkove sam stavio jer su najeksponiraniji. Osim njih postoje mnogi drugi sta sami rade zlatni prah za vlastite potrebe i to smatram najboljim rjesenjem. Ako neko to ima ili radi slobodno moze dostavit meni da isprobam za sve, pa ako se pretvorim u reptila eto vam neoborivog dokaza.


PostPostano: uto jan 10, 2006 1:25 am 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
Da, znanje stiti a znanje su naravno kasiopejci.

+ svi ostali tekstovi + razne knjige + razni autori ( od Castanede, preko bilo kojeg Davida Ickea, Valeriana, Coopera ili slično ) + razni drevni spisi/knjige + čak i ovo što mi tu ( i drugdje drugi na netu, uključujući i katolički forum i razne budističke i alahove škole ) črčkamo i pišemo + tko zna koje još sve znanje... itd.

Nisu SAMO Kasiopejci znanje.

Be clever!


PostPostano: uto jan 10, 2006 5:09 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pon dec 13, 2004 10:24 pm
Postovi: 698
Lokacija: Hmrgh
OVaj link koji je Grunfer ostavio u kojoj tip opisuje nacin na koji piramida djeluje na metal i pojavu monoatomnog zlata mogu potvrditi.
Doduse taj nacin je sasvim nepraktican jer su to minimalne kolicine.

Ja sam jos prije trazio nacin da to napravim u kucnoj radinosti ali sam dosao do toga da je to vrlo tesko.
Jedino da proces sa piramidom dovede covjek do savrsenstva.

Kako god bilo bilo koji izvor gore ne znam zasto bi bio gori od bilo kojeg drugog izvora.
Ovaj kaze, onaj kaze...sve su to price.
Isto tako mogu pomisliti da zbog toga sta se toliko odvlace ljudi od konzumacije te stvari da je ona izvor ogromnog znanja i sposobnosti.
Zasto recimo koloidno srebro nije tako iskomentirano. Ako se uhvatim u tome da tako razmisljam jasno je da to nigdje ne vodi.

I ti argumenti koji se podastiru ja ne znam dal ti ljudi uopce znaju sta pricaju. Ja se jos vise zbunim kad to citam.
Evo citam Icke-a. Ako je zlato monoatomno kako djeluju dva atoma zajedno? Zar to nije biatomno zlato? Normalno zlato je u resetci. Zasto tamo djeluje 10tak atoma zajedno? To uopce nije informacija nikakva nego nabadanje.
Ok ajde recimo da se covjek neprecizno izrazio a da sam ja picajzla ali ipak...Kasiopejci sa druge strane izjavljuju da je 666 simbolicki prikaz za VISA karticu.

Ne ostaje nista drugo nego da napravim vecu kolicinu tog zlata, obzederem se toga i zadnjim snagama ako budem padao u globalnu demonsku sotonisticku mrezu ostavim ovdje poruku da se manete toga.

Your God is KROM, and KROM, he lives in the Earth....

PostPostano: uto jan 10, 2006 8:03 am 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4229

vrlo interesantna "logika"!?

Kada sam rekao da to nikome ne preporučujem, rekao sam to na osnovu toga što sam poznavao i poznajem neke koji to već odavno uzimaju a ne na osnovu ovih informacija koje sam poslao. Ove informacije sam poslao zato što smatram da se uklapaju s onim što sam primjetio kod osoba koje to uzimaju. Odmah da vam kažem, oni su još uvijek čvrsto u 3D i ako gdje odu, to može samo biti direktno u 5D, bez svraćanja u 4D ili u neku najobičniju - 3D ludnicu.

Moje je bilo da upozorim, pa ko voli - nek izvoli. Tek toliko, da ne bi bilo kasnije ...nisam znala...ja sam mislila...


PostPostano: uto jan 10, 2006 8:22 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pon dec 13, 2004 10:24 pm
Postovi: 698
Lokacija: Hmrgh
Pa, galaksija hvala na upozorenju.
Mada ja sam osoba koja nikakva upozorenja ne shvaca previse ozbiljno.
Takoder mislim da sta god bilo, ovo nisam znala i nisam mislila nece biti sigurno.

Inace samo da napomenem vezano uz temu da alkemijsko dobivanje bijelog praha od zlata jako podsjeca na proizvodnju bhasmas supstanci iz Ajurvede gdje se inace toxicni metali pretvaraju u lijek.

PS. Ja kao osoba nemam bas neke posebne poveznice sa logikom niti je previse cijenim i u nekoliko sam navrata vec zamolio ljude da moje postove i shvate i evaluiraju na taj nacin hehe.

Your God is KROM, and KROM, he lives in the Earth....

PostPostano: uto jan 10, 2006 12:17 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned sep 19, 2004 9:39 am
Postovi: 463
Lokacija: Offline
Jako mi je drago sto ste prokomentirali white powder of gold jer smatram da je to izuzetna tema kojoj treba dublje pristupiti. Vrlo je moguce da je opasno ali mislim da to ne bi trebao biti razlog ne proucavanja i ne izucavanja istoga. Ne moramo mi to odmah trpat u sebe ali naucit vise o tome to svakako.

Mnogi tvrde da je sir Gardner shapeshifter i da je prisutan na iluminatskim ritualima, bilo kako bilo, jako je zanimljiv video koji je na hrvatskom.

File size cca 9.36 MB

PostPostano: sub jan 14, 2006 2:31 am 
pod moderacijom

Pridružen/a: uto apr 12, 2005 12:10 am
Postovi: 109
meni se doslovno povraća kad netko kaže da je bilo ORME ili nešto treće plasirano od strane 'tih i tih' da bi se uspostavila nekakva 'kontrola'!?

kontrola koga?
zanemarljivo malog broja individua čije ne podlijeganje zakonima sveprisutne kontrole se ni uz najbolju volju ne može ni zamijetiti u oceanu 'kontroliranih'

zatim 'to nije dobro'!

nekome nije.meni je.
ne mogu tvrditi da sam ovladao levitacijom ili hodanjem po vodi 'trošeći' ORME.
niti da su nastupile ne znam kakve spektakularne promijene.
intuicija i opažanje su mi urođeni a poboljšao sam ih u velikoj mjeri i bez ORME-a,iza čega stoji krvavi,dosadni i dugogodišnji rad.
uz ORME stvari se brže kreću,ponekad i prebrzo.
ne jednom mi je palo na pamet da je u pitanju placebo efekt.
bilo kako bilo,nitko od nas nije maloljetan ni malouman da ne bi znao da sve nepoznato krije u sebi određenu dozu rizika

PostPostano: sub jan 14, 2006 4:30 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
sve nepoznato krije u sebi određenu dozu rizika



PostPostano: čet jan 19, 2006 12:59 pm 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4229
Već sam negdje pomenuo da sam jednom prilikom prisustvovao jednom predavanju koje su održali autori knjige Trance-formation in America, Cathy O’Brien i Mark Philips. Predavanje je bilo na temu kontrole uma. Nakon što je predavanje završilo, neko je upitao M. Philipsa, - da li čovjek čiji je um kontrolisan može to da zna? Ovaj je odgovorio, - “to se onda ne bi moglo nazvati kontrolom uma, nego ruku, nogu ili nečega trećeg”.

Čovjek koji potpadne pod kontrolu uma, ne može to znati. Kako će to on, odnosno, - čime, odrediti kad ima na raspolaganju samo um koji je kontrolisan od strane određenih sila izvan njega?!

Recimo, ako uzmemo da čovjek čuje iz “pouzdanih” izvora da će mu monoatomsko zlato obezbjediti brz duhovni napredak, vidovnjačka svojstva itd. i tako počne da ga uzima. Međutim, šta ukoliko je to dezinfomacija, odnosno, taj “čarobni napitak” ima svojstvo da učini čovjeka prijemčivim za ‘patološki materijal’ koji mu se servira ‘odozgo’ ili ‘sa strane’ i da mu tako izmjeni stanje svijesti?!

Činjenica jeste da u početku čovjek dobija ‘proširenu percepciju’ ali to je možda upravo ono što ga i navuče? Zar nije slična stvar i sa drogama?!

Tako, način rezonovanja u smislu “ukoliko primjetim da nešto krene loše…” je stvarno tragikomičan. Čime će se to primjetiti ili odrediti? Da čovjek ima dva uma, pa da može da ostavi jednog kao čistog, koji je u stanju da objektivno promatra i prosuđuje onog drugog koji koristi monoatomsko zlato, u redu.

Isto tako, mislim da Ken Adachi nije slučajno objavio ove informacije. Koliko znam, jedan od ljudi čije je tekstove on prije objavljivao na educateyourself vebsajtu je “odljepio” nakon nekoliko godina korištenja monoatomskog zlata. U početnom periodu on je takođe imao proširenu percepciju i pojačane vidovnjačke sposobnosti.

S obzirom da mi se on još uvijek javlja, iz poslednje njegove poruke saznao sam da mu “silfe redovno pjevaju na uho neku Odu Bogu (Glory to God) kad on ide da otvara ili zatvara interdimenzionalne portale”. Isto tako, on redovno prima vizije o principima funkcionisanja kosmosa, isto kao što su ih primali članovi društva Thule. Horbinger nas je tako počastio teorijom vječnog leda, Bender teorijom šuplje planete, Hitler i neki drugi su bili u direktnoj vezi sa supermenima i bili su puni kojekavih vizija i vidovnjačkih sposobnosti. Vrlo je vjerovatno da su oni takode koristili monoatomsko zlato, s obzirom da je ono poznato hiljadama godina.

Međutim, za individuu o kojoj pričam, Horbinger i Bender su mala djeca. Ovaj je dobio seriju vizija u kojima mu je ‘objašnjen’ princip funkcionisanja svega u našem univerzumu, odozgo prema dole. Čisto ne može stići da sve to stavi na papir, ukuca u kompjuter ili ispriča drugima.

Istovremeno, kaže da ne može više ništa da jede i da stalno ima proljev. Kaže da je razlog za to što se “toliko tjelesno i duhovno pročistio da njegov organizam više nije u stanju da primi u sebe bilo šta što u sebi ima i najmanje zaostatke pesticida, herbicida itd.” S obzirom da je danas skoro nemoguće kupiti 100% čistu hranu, on više ne može ništa pojesti a da se ne dobije proljev.

I šta da mu čovjek kaže?! On sebe sada smatra iznad većine ostalih, on se sada druži sa silfama, anđelima i bogom a mi mu ne možemo ništa reći jer smo ostali daleko ispod njega. Jedino je on taj koji treba da priča a mi smo ti koji treba da ga slušamo.
Sada samo trebamo zamisliti da je i on rekao “hajde da probam”, pa ako nešto ne bude u redu, ja ću prestati sa tim. Međutim, zaboravio je na to da neće imati čime da procjeni ukoliko “nešto ne bude u redu”, niti uz pomoć čega da se koriguje.

Sredstva koja na vještački način mijenjaju čovjekovo stanje svijesti mogu biti opasna. Prirodne psihopate su omiljeni ljubimci reptoida i greysa jer njih veoma lako mogu da manipulišu tj. dounlodiraju. Međutim, sada se postavlja pitanje da li to željeno stanje svijesti može kod normalnog čovjeka da se izazove takođe na vještački način?

Na primjer, postoje neke indikacije da i određeni antidepresivi SSRI tipa (Selective Serotonine Reuptake Inhibitors) koji se danas naširoko koriste (Prozac/fluorexine, Zoloft, Luvox, Paxil, Celex itd.) takođe čine čovjeka prijemčivim za manipulaciju od strane ovih entiteta. Dakle, šta ovdje imamo? Čovjek padne u depresiju, hoće da poduzme nešto u vezi toga, te ode kod doktora, kojeg on smatra stručnjakom. Stručnjak mu propiše Prozac. Čovjek na osnovu uputstva iz kredibilnog izvora počne da pije ono što mu je ovaj propisao i na kraju završi tamo gdje nije mislio.

Čak je primjećeno da i Ritalin kojim kljukaju djecu nakon što su izmislili fantomsku bolest pod imenom - poremećaj nedostaka pažnje, odnosno, hiperaktivnost, djecu bukvalno pretvara u - zombije. Mislim da ta Ritalin-kampanja takođe nije slučajna.

S tim u vezi, jedna žena koju poznam mi se jednom pohvalila kako je kao lokalni aktivista u mjestu u kojem živim organizovala predavanje dvojice doktora na temu poremećaja nedostatka pažnje i hiperaktivnosti kod djece. Njena propagandna kampanja je bila veoma uspješna tako da je sala bila puna. Nakon što su ti doktori (koji su, uzgred rečeno, plaćeni od firme koja proizvodi Ritalin) održali predavanje, mnogi roditelji su postali 100% sigurni da njihova djeca pate od tog oboljenja, međutim, zahvaljivali su Bogu što postoji lijek (jedno od pitanja za uspostavljanje dijagnoze bilo je: da li vaše dijete ponekad gleda kroz prozor za vrijeme nastave?!?) Dakle, ta žena je bila ponosna time što je pomogla mnogim roditeljima i djeci. Kad sam joj prezentirao drugu stranu medalje u smislu svih sporednih dejstava Ritalina i cijele pozadine te manipulacije (koristeći takođe stručnu literaturu) došlo je do one klasične reakcije: “…nisam znala…ja sam mislila”. Međutim, problem je u tome što to: “…nisam znala…ja sam mislila…” može i nekoga drugog skupo da košta! Da se radi samo o odraslima ne bi bio toliki problem ali i naša djeca su stalne žrtve naše vlastite ignorantnosti.

Ako se nešto radi ili promoviše, onda se za isto to treba preuzeti i - potpunu odgovornost.


PostPostano: pet jan 20, 2006 1:43 am 
pod moderacijom

Pridružen/a: uto apr 12, 2005 12:10 am
Postovi: 109
nemam pojma tko gore navedenom tipu pjeva u uho niti šta se s njim dešava,samo kažem da se meni nakon dvije ispijene boce ništa spektakularno nije desilo.
sitnica koja mi se desila,a koju sam zaboravio spomenuti u svom prethodnom postu na ovu temu je da sam primjetio pojavu laganog debalansa između fizičkog i eteričnog tijela.
na momente mi se činilo kao da sam zakoračio ne znajući da je ispred mene stepenica.
nisam ORME više koristio,ali nisam siguran mogu li tu pojavu i pripisati njemu.
netko reče "Ako želiš da nešto bude učinjeno kako valja,uradi to sam"
ja bih dodao "Ako želiš znati kako nešto djeluje,probaj to sam"

Čak je primjećeno da i Ritalin kojim kljukaju djecu nakon što su izmislili fantomsku bolest pod imenom - poremećaj nedostaka pažnje, odnosno, hiperaktivnost, djecu bukvalno pretvara u - zombije. Mislim da ta Ritalin-kampanja takođe nije slučajna.

moj mlađi sin je hiperaktivno dijete.
temperatura od 39,5 ga ne smiruje,šta da kažem?
upisali smo ga u jaslice da bi nakon nekoliko dana bili pozvani na razgovor gdje nam je predloženo da posjetimo psihologa koji će nas uputiti kako da izađemo s djetetom na kraj.
rekao sam da ja na djetetovu tvrdoglavost,hiperaktivnost i želju da se sam igra gledam kao na nešto pozitivno i da ne vidim problem u tome,na što nam je rečeno da ćemo ako se to nastavi još nekoliko sedmica morati ispisati dijete iz jaslica.
ispisao sam ga isti dan.
od tada ga ja čuvam,a ženi sam cijelu firmu svalio na leđa :twisted: i mogu reći da mi nikad u životu nije bilo ljepše(možda i ja malo odrastem čuvajući ga,tko zna?)pozdrav

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