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 Naslov: Zakon Privlačenja - od Abrahama s ljubavlju
PostPostano: ned apr 25, 2010 11:33 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri nov 18, 2009 3:26 pm
Postovi: 32
na svom 4sharedu sam postavio prilično lijepu kolekciju knjiga koje su diktirane izravno kroz Esther Hicks
od Nefizičkih učitelja koji sebe nazivaju Abraham.
Nego čak 70 godina poslije cenzuriranja Napoleona Hilla ništa se nije promjenilo, naime iz originalne verzije "The Secret"
riječ vibration je izbačena 37 puta, plus ključni dio intervjua sa Esther Hicks.
Predgovor Jerrya Hicksa za knjigu "The Astonishing Power Of Emotions"
u kojem je dosta toga objašnjeno:

„This is a great book! . . . For anyone who wants to know how to make their life work better—this
is a great book!” That was Esther’s exclamation a moment ago while she was evaluating the
finishing touches on this, our latest Abraham book, The Astonishing Power of Emotions. Esther and
I have been writing and publishing books as a husband-and-wife team for two decades, and this is
the first time she has told me that “this is a great book!” instead of asking me, “What do you think
of it?”
In my opinion, this is the most innovative and powerful of the series of Abraham books that we
have published up to this date. And so, perhaps there will be some readers who will feel that this
work is overly complicated, or too Leading Edge for them to grasp. But on the other hand, there
will likely be those who will feel that the information is overly simplified or maybe even
My intent in writing this Preface is to guide you around any feeling of It’s too complicated or It’s
too simple to an awareness that This is practical, Leading Edge information that you can
immediately put to use in order to create more of what you want, or in order for you to be of more
value to others.
Now, what if someone told you that you do have a purpose in this life, and that your purpose is that
of allowing more joy? And what if someone told you that the true measure of your success in life is
your joy?
What if you were told that the inherent basis of your life is freedom, and that not only were you
born free, but because you have the freedom to choose your own thoughts, you always are free?
What if it was explained to you that every time you reach for a thought that makes you feel better,
you are, in that moment, achieving your purpose? You are adding to the improvement, to the
evolution, of the Well-Being of All-That-Is.
What if you were informed that your seemingly solid beliefs are merely the coagulation of a series
of individual thoughts that you had at one time thought and then continued to think?
What if you were told that from the moment of your birth (and even before), your thoughts, and
therefore the formation of your beliefs, were largely influenced by those who came before you?
And what if you were also told that the experiences of your life are, in essence, the result of your
dominant thoughts, and that the essence of the thoughts that you focus your attention on long
enough becomes manifested into your reality? In other words, “That which I feared has befallen
me”; “It is done unto you as you believe”; “Think and grow rich”; “Birds of a feather flock
together”; “As ye sow, so shall ye reap. . . .”
So now, consider this: If you had somehow been made aware of the preceding concepts, wouldn’t
you now want to personally test their validity? Wouldn’t there be some points that you would want
to clarify for yourself? Would you not, perhaps, feel inspired to take some form of practical action?
Some of you, as you just now read those words, felt them reach back into a place within you where
you, at one time, remembered all of this. And if that was the case for you, you may be one who is
ready to immediately begin to use this book to refresh your mind regarding not only who-youreally-
are, but also regarding the value and purpose of your life experience in this current time and
That which you call your conscience is your imbued belief (fostered upon you by those who came
before you) in that which is right versus that which is wrong for you to be, do, or have. And
because this belief system has been imposed upon you from the outside, it can also be modified by
the decree of whoever is currently influencing your thoughts.
In other words, our diverse and flexible consciences have been molded by the fears, praise,
admonitions, and promised rewards or threatened punishments to be administered (either now or
later) by those generations who have come before us. And so, in order to attempt to soothe the
consciences of those who, in their fear, seek to control others, each new generation is instructed
(even by the famous cartoon character Jiminy Cricket) to “let your conscience be your guide.”
Because millions of previous cultures, societies, religions, rulers, leaders, and teachers (and parents,
too) have been attempting to pass most of their belief systems on to each newest generation, we find
ourselves sharing a world in which there is a wide range of conflicting opinions—as well as violent
warfare—relative to whose conscience we should allow ourselves to be guided by. In other words,
which thoughts, beliefs, or conscience should be your guide as to that which is right or wrong for
So, would this not be an appropriate question to ask yourself: Whose thoughts, beliefs, or ingrained
conscience should be my guide as to what is right for me? Well, this book—with its subtitle, Let
Your Feelings Be Your Guide—is being given to you in answer to that specific question. If my
purpose is to discover ways to improve the way I feel . . . and if my thoughts equal my beliefs,
equal my feelings, and thereby equal my experience . . . and if I can, by the Law of Attraction (the
essence of that which is like unto itself, is drawn) change my experience by changing my thoughts...
then how can I ascertain which of my thoughts/beliefs will ultimately attract that which will
ultimately please me?
This book is unique in many respects, but mainly in that it was written to answer that very question.
And the answer, in brief, is: I’ll let my feelings be my guide.
This work has been written in answer to your asking for more. It’s not about trying to fix or save a
world that doesn’t want or need to be fixed or saved (it isn’t broken). These Teachings of Abraham
are simply about you continuing to create the joyous, fulfilling life that you have intended to create,
while allowing all others to create as they intend.
You, no matter how wonderful you now feel, you want more. Regardless of how good you feel, you
want to feel better. That’s the mantra of the ever-expanding Universe: More! More! More! More
expansion. More expression. More exposure. More desire. More life!
Our planet Earth is populated by billions of us, each asking for an improved life, each asking for a
way to feel better than we are now feeling. You and I, individually, have the option in every
moment to allow ourselves to receive the Well-Being that is natural to us—or to resist it. And, in
like manner, the billions of others who are also asking for more have that same option. And while
there is nothing that we can desire that our abundant, unlimited Universe doesn’t have the capacity
to give, we cannot receive that which we do not allow.
This book is meant to stand on its own as another comprehensive volume of the Teachings of
Abraham. However, it does rest firmly on the shoulders of the accumulated answers to the
thousands of questions that so many of us have been asking of Abraham since they began
communication with us in 1985.
So, who is Abraham? I would describe them as an ineffable Non-Physical phenomenon. I
experience them as a “group” of extremely wise and unconditionally loving teachers of practical
uses of the natural Laws of the Universe. . . . I have described them as the purest form of love I have
ever encountered.
Abraham, in some manner, projects blocks of thought (not words) that Esther, my wife, somehow
receives (similar to a radio receiver) in answer to our questions. (They never impose themselves on
us—they only come when asked for.)
Much as an interpreter might translate a Spanish conversation into English (thought for thought, but
not word for word), Esther instantly converts the nonverbal thoughts projected by Abraham into
English, Esther’s native language. And while I don’t understand precisely how Esther is able to do
that, I do know that for more than 20 years, I have loved every minute of it . . . because not only has
it been personally fulfilling, but I have also had the ongoing pleasure of witnessing Abraham’s
value to the thousands of you who have been asking the questions that they have been answering.
At the heart of these teachings, from the beginning of our interaction with them, was Abraham’s
discussion of the Universal Law of Attraction. (If you would like a wealth of free information
regarding the Law of Attraction or the Teachings of Abraham, visit our interactive Website at
In 1985, as this phenomenon began, I asked Abraham for the Laws of the Universe by which we
could most naturally live our lives (as opposed to the unnatural laws that have been invented by
humans as a means to control or inhibit other humans). The first Law that Abraham gave us was the
Law of Attraction (the essence of that which is like unto itself, is drawn). I don’t recall having been
aware of the term before Abraham (although as I write this today, there seem to be very few in the
English-speaking world who have not recently heard of the Law of Attraction). But with the clarity
that Abraham focused on it back then, it was new and exciting to me. And so, in 1985, I began to
create a series of 20 Special Subjects cassette recordings of me asking questions of Abraham
regarding ways to improve various aspects of our lives.
Our first recording was entitled The Law of Attraction, and that information has now been available
for about 20 years—initially in the form of a free introductory recording, and then, also, as a free
download on our Website. (Recently we transcribed the first 5 of those 20 recordings and converted
them into the first [Hay House, 2006] of what is to be a series of four Law of Attraction books): The
Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham; Relationships, and the Law of
Attraction; Money, and the Law of Attraction; and Spirituality, and the Law of Attraction.
During the subsequent two decades, many authors, screenwriters, and filmmakers (often they
belonged to our Weekly Subscription Program), sensing the uniqueness, power, and value of
Abraham’s perspective of life and of the natural Laws of the Universe—especially the term Law of
Attraction—began utilizing the Abraham materials in their many projects. They changed the words
slightly and published this information under their own names (occasionally with a reference to
where they found the information), until today, the term Law of Attraction is in the minds and on
the tongues of millions of people around the world. And yet, because Abraham’s words were
always changed (probably to avoid infringement of intellectual-property-rights laws), although
many millions have now heard some version of the Law of Attraction, most have not received
sufficient clear information from those abbreviated versions to truly understand this innovative
concept well enough to deliberately utilize it. However, many authors do credit the Teachings of
Abraham for their inspiration, and Esther and I are most appreciative of those creative individuals
who do point others back to the source where they first learned the depth and power of these
principles, as they have been presented to us through Esther by Abraham.
You may find this of interest: In 1965, I discovered Napoleon Hill’s classic book Think and Grow
Rich (and I utilized it deliberately, and it worked for me gloriously!). Hill’s principles worked so
well for me that, using Think and Grow Rich as a textbook, and in conjunction with my business, I
began teaching the principles I had been learning to others.
My mission statement was at that time the same as it is today: It is my intention that the lives of all
people I interact with will either be elevated as a result of our interaction, or they will be left where
they are, but that no one will be diminished as a result of their association with me.
After a few years of teaching Hill’s principles of success, I came to realize that only a handful of
those who were studying with me had achieved the magnitude of success that I was anticipating for
all of them. And although there were many who did experience significant growth, there were also
those who appeared to have no significant financial growth no matter how many success courses
they attended.
In the first nine pages of Hill’s book, he instructs the readers to look for the secret. (He mentions
“the hidden secret” 24 times.) Well, I probably read that book over a thousand times between 1965
and 1982, but I was never certain that I never really knew what “the secret” actually was. I sensed
that something was missing. Somehow I sensed that there was another factor in the financialsuccess
equation . . . and so I began to search for the missing link.
During my continued search, even though I read through many books regarding many philosophies,
Think and Grow Rich was still as close to what I had been asking for as I had been able to find, but
much of what Hill knew he didn’t include in the book (because it wouldn’t have been accepted by
the mass market). And much of the secret that he did put in the book was edited out!
About three years ago, I discovered an unabridged Think and Grow Rich manuscript. It had been
republished by Melvin Powers’s Wilshire Book Company; and as I compared it, word for word,
with the version that I had been using for over 40 years, I was amazed to discover that the “secret”
had actually been skillfully edited out. It’s no wonder that I was not able to discover Hill’s secret: It
wasn’t there! I won’t use the space here to go into much further detail, except to tell you that among
many other potent omissions, the word vibration was edited out of the book 37 times. (Remember
that point—I’ll be referring to it later.) And so it turned out that many of the “secrets to success”
Napoleon Hill had discovered he didn’t even try to publish, and much of the “truth” he did try to
publish in his first edition was edited out.
And now, let’s move forward 70 years to where Esther and I find ourselves amusingly enlightened
regarding our experience of a publication of a “truth.”
A television producer asked Esther and me to allow her to build a television show around our work.
She brought her film crew onboard one of our Well-Being Adventure Cruises and filmed the heart
of her production around our workshop there on the ship.
However, because of a series of fortuitous events, the movie evolved into a DVD format before its
Australian network-television airing, and as a result, the project became an enormous success.
Millions of people around the world have viewed it. And although the show was named The Secret
and its advertised intention was to reveal to the world the previously hidden “secret to success,”
little did the enthusiastic viewers know that the real “secret” that they had been seeking had, once
again, been suppressed. . . . In other words, before the show was allowed to be aired, we were
informed that The Powers That Be had demanded that, among other things, Abraham’s use of the
key word vibration be edited out of the project.
Esther and I were astonished! Here, seven decades later, the public is again being “protected” from
the word vibration! And so, it turned out that the real secret behind The Secret was that “the secret”
was still being kept a secret. When you’re on the inside of an event like this, doesn’t it make you
wonder how much “truth” ever gets past the censors? However, I’ve come to believe that the reason
why most of those innovative philosophical concepts are edited out by the media is not to try to hide
the “truth” from the masses, but rather to be able to sell what the marketers believe the people will
buy. Also, well-meaning people, in their desire to make innovative ideas more acceptable, often
water down or reword new ideas to weaken or buffer the impact of their purity. Abraham has
informed us that there is never a crowd on the Leading Edge of thought. However, in this new age
of instant Internet connection, we have learned that there are always, among the crowd, Leading
Edge thinkers.
Esther and I received the delightful news from our publisher this past week (in March 2007) that
our book The Law of Attraction (transcribed from our 1985 recordings) has moved up the charts to
arrive at the number-two position on the New York Times bestseller list. Also, of the millions of
books listed on, our first Hay House book, Ask and It Is Given, has remained among
the top 100 books purchased for nearly every day since it came out three years ago. We were told
last week that our CD audio book The Law of Attraction is at the number-three position of all those
available on iTunes; and that beginning this month, the Teachings of Abraham are now on display
in Wal-Mart, Sam’s Club, Target, and Costco—in other words, they are now available at each of
more than 10,000 mass retail outlets and regular bookstores—and the list goes on.
(We even had the pleasure and honor, this month, of creating three radio shows with the brilliant—
and fun-loving—television host Oprah Winfrey.)
Why am I pointing this out here? Well, now that this information is so readily accessible to
mainstream audiences, we’re beginning to hear a wide variety of mainstream responses—via
various book reviews—and now I’ve begun reading the online reviews.
And, oh, how sweet it is to read of how much pleasure these books are bringing to so many of those
who now have the opportunity to learn from them. But ouch! The sting of one bee in a bouquet of
fragrant flowers! For instance, there are critics who denounce the message because they believe
Esther is profiting by “faking” her means of reception of these teachings—in other words, “she says
she’s channeling” so that readers will buy the books. And then there are those opposite critics who
would denounce the information because they do believe that Esther is receiving these teachings
directly from Abraham, but they have been told by the programmers of their conscience that there is
something wrong with allowing a book to be written in that manner. . . . How would you please
them all?
Well, we learned long ago that no one can please everyone, so we decided early in 1985 to selfpublish
our material so that we could make available whatever practical information we would
receive from Abraham (uncensored) in its purity to those who are asking the questions that are
being answered by Abraham.
When Louise Hay requested that we ask Abraham to write a comprehensive book and allow Hay
House to publish it (Ask and It Is Given, 2004), she stated to her executives: “We will inform our
entire staff that Abraham’s words are not to be changed during the editing process. We are going to
allow Abraham’s teachings to reach out, in their purity, into the entire world.”
Esther and I are indescribably pleased that Louise and her publishing company are in the process of
fulfilling that intention of providing this magnificent material, in its pure form, to those people of
the world who are asking for it—and we also appreciate those people of the world who are asking
for it. We do adore facilitating the publication of yet another magnificent book that will continue
the dissemination of the Teachings of Abraham, but our greatest joy is in the translation—the
creation—of the information.
There is nothing that pleases Esther or me more than providing a forum where people from diverse
environments can gather, lending their unique perspectives, asking Abraham their important
questions. To actually feel the evolution and expansion of this message—as it is honed and finely
tuned by the never-ending questions of those like you—must surely be what Esther and I have been
born to do. And the reason we know that is because it feels so very, very good to do it.
— From my heart, Jerry Hicks"

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 Naslov: Re: Zakon Privlačenja - od Abrahama s ljubavlju
PostPostano: ned apr 25, 2010 12:08 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri nov 18, 2009 3:26 pm
Postovi: 32
Dakle uz te knjige na 4sharedu u potpisu vrijedi pogledati i klipove na jutjubu:

Evo neki channeli koji su mi danas zapeli za oko sve na engleskom:

a ovdje ih ima još jako dobrih, pa sami izaberite, ima službeni od A-H...
ima jedan koji prevodi na slovenski, ima i još par jezika:

_________________ ... rrents.htm (svi A-H torrenti i stalno novi)

 Naslov: Re: Zakon Privlačenja - od Abrahama s ljubavlju
PostPostano: pon apr 26, 2010 11:52 am 
Sudeći po sajtu vidim da ima "ljubavi i svjetla" u izobilju, kreiranja svoje vlastite realnosti i ostalih "što se babi...", i naravno puno tečajeva kako istu postići.

Blago onima koji doznaše za Tajnu i napuniše džepove svoje novcima wishful thinkera

Ili bolje da završim njihovim post scriptumom:
It is not necessary for even one other person to understand the Laws of the Universe or the processes that we are offering here in order for you to have a wonderful, happy, productive Life Experience — for you are the attractor of your experience. Just you!

Dakle, zaboravimo učenje, sve je evo već rečeno (treba samo kupiti koju knjigu, otići na tečaj) i počinješ živjeti ispunjen život. Kako dirljivo.

 Naslov: Re: Zakon Privlačenja - od Abrahama s ljubavlju
PostPostano: pon apr 26, 2010 6:44 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri nov 18, 2009 3:26 pm
Postovi: 32
Ne razumijem što točno želiš reći; da ne stvaramo sami svoju realnost, ili da je Abraham
prevara zbog novca ili pranja mozga ili nešto treće...
Molio bi da citiraš bilo koju rečenicu za koju smatraš da nije istinita.

kao prvo Abraham ne drži tečajeve nego se pojavljuje tamo gdje ga pozovu i odgovara na pitanja zato jer im to pruža neopisivu radost.

Što se tiče tajne to i ističem da je Abraham iz nje u velikoj mjeri izbačen.

Sviđalo se to nekome ili ne što se čovjek bolje osjeća, to je na višoj vibraciji, više je u poravnanju sa svojim unutarnjim bićem.

Abraham čak u jednoj od knjiga kaže da pretjeruju sa svim ovim, da jednostavno nas želi
podsjetiti da život treba da bude što više ugodan i da je to jedino mjerilo uspjeha i da nismo tu
došli da bi nešto popravljali jer sve je u redu sa ovim svijetom.

Također žele nas podsjetiti da nikad ali baš nikad neće doći do te situacije da svaki čovjek ne stvara potpuno svoje osobno iskustvo svojim mislima ovisno o vibraciji koju izabire.

_________________ ... rrents.htm (svi A-H torrenti i stalno novi)

 Naslov: Re: Zakon Privlačenja - od Abrahama s ljubavlju
PostPostano: uto apr 27, 2010 12:34 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri nov 18, 2009 3:26 pm
Postovi: 32
samo da prijavim da sam postavio na 4shared najstariju knjigu od A-H iz 1988!

* A New Beginning I: Handbook for Joyous Survival, by Jerry and Esther Hicks. Published by Abraham–Hicks Publications, 5th edition, 1988. ISBN 0962121932.
* A New Beginning II: A Personal Handbook to Enhance Your Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, by Jerry and Esther Hicks. Published by Abraham–Hicks Publications, 1991. ISBN 0962121916.
* Sara and the Foreverness of Friends of a Feather, by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Published by Abraham–Hicks Publications, 1995. ISBN 0962121940.
* Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Published by Hay House, 2005. ISBN 1401907997.
* The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing, by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Contributor Louise L. Hay. Published by Hay House, 2005.ISBN 1401906958.
* The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham Esther and Jerry Hicks. Published by Hay House, 2006. ISBN 1401912273.
* Sara, Book 1: Sara Learns the Secret about the Law of Attraction, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, Illustr. by Caroline S. Garrett. Published by Hay House, 2007. ISBN 1401911587.
* Sara, Book 2: Solomon's Fine Featherless Friends, by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Illustr. by Caroline S. Garrett. Published by Hay House Inc, 2007. ISBN 1401911595.
* Sara, Book 3: A Talking Owl Is Worth a Thousand Words!, by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Illustr. by Caroline S. Garrett. Published by Hay House Inc, 2008. ISBN 1401911609.
* Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Published by Hay House, 2008. ISBN 1401918816.
* The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Published by Hay House, 2009. ISBN 1401918751.
* A New Beginning I: Handbook for Joyous Survival, by Jerry and Esther Hicks. Published by Abraham–Hicks Publications, 5th edition, 1988. ISBN 0962121932.
* A New Beginning II: A Personal Handbook to Enhance Your Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, by Jerry and Esther Hicks. Published by Abraham–Hicks Publications, 1991. ISBN 0962121916.
* Sara and the Foreverness of Friends of a Feather, by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Published by Abraham–Hicks Publications, 1995. ISBN 0962121940.
* Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Published by Hay House, 2005. ISBN 1401907997.
* The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing, by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Contributor Louise L. Hay. Published by Hay House, 2005.ISBN 1401906958.
* The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham Esther and Jerry Hicks. Published by Hay House, 2006. ISBN 1401912273.
* Sara, Book 1: Sara Learns the Secret about the Law of Attraction, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, Illustr. by Caroline S. Garrett. Published by Hay House, 2007. ISBN 1401911587.
* Sara, Book 2: Solomon's Fine Featherless Friends, by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Illustr. by Caroline S. Garrett. Published by Hay House Inc, 2007. ISBN 1401911595.
* Sara, Book 3: A Talking Owl Is Worth a Thousand Words!, by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Illustr. by Caroline S. Garrett. Published by Hay House Inc, 2008. ISBN 1401911609.
* Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Published by Hay House, 2008. ISBN 1401918816.
* The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Published by Hay House, 2009. ISBN 1401918751.

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 Naslov: Re: Zakon Privlačenja - od Abrahama s ljubavlju
PostPostano: uto apr 27, 2010 2:13 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: uto mar 07, 2006 5:11 pm
Postovi: 1310
prasimix je napisao/la:
Sudeći po sajtu vidim da ima "ljubavi i svjetla" u izobilju, kreiranja svoje vlastite realnosti i ostalih "što se babi...", i naravno puno tečajeva kako istu postići.

I na mene je ostavio slican utisak, sto naravno ne znaci da sam u pravu.

 Naslov: Re: Zakon Privlačenja - od Abrahama s ljubavlju
PostPostano: uto apr 27, 2010 5:22 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri nov 18, 2009 3:26 pm
Postovi: 32
oprostite, poštovani kolege ali ponovno ne razumijem što mislite pod "sličan utisak". Što je to točno što ne ostavlja dobar utisak i zašto, ili barem što konkretno bez da se potrudite obrazložiti?

Evo imate na channelima što sam ih postavio na svim klipovima izravno govori Abraham, ako vam je tolika tlaka čitat knjige.

_________________ ... rrents.htm (svi A-H torrenti i stalno novi)

 Naslov: Re: Zakon Privlačenja - od Abrahama s ljubavlju
PostPostano: uto apr 27, 2010 10:55 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: uto mar 07, 2006 5:11 pm
Postovi: 1310
bart je napisao/la:
oprostite, poštovani kolege ali ponovno ne razumijem što mislite pod "sličan utisak". Što je to točno što ne ostavlja dobar utisak i zašto, ili barem što konkretno bez da se potrudite obrazložiti?

Pa evo na primer ovaj citat koji je prasimix stavio, i meni ostavlja utisak principa "sto je babi milo...", odnosno OPS wishfulthinking razmisljanja:

It is not necessary for even one other person to understand the Laws of the Universe or the processes that we are offering here in order for you to have a wonderful, happy, productive Life Experience — for you are the attractor of your experience. Just you!

Ili na primer:

Sviđalo se to nekome ili ne što se čovjek bolje osjeća, to je na višoj vibraciji, više je u poravnanju sa svojim unutarnjim bićem.

Ovako kako je receno ispada da je i neko ko je progutao "ekstazi tabletu" ili neki drugi narkotik "ugodnog dejstva" takodje na "visoj vibraciji". Ili mozda kada je neko "zaljubljen do usiju" ili se "dobro oseca" dok gleda fudbalsku utakmicu u kojoj "njegova" ekipa pobedjuje takodje ima "visu vibraciju". #-o
Predlazem za citanje "sticky topic-e" na prva tri podforuma, mozda ce biti jasnije zasto bi to spadalo pod NABS, iliti takozvani "new age bullshit". Naravno, moguce je i da gresim.

 Naslov: Re: Zakon Privlačenja - od Abrahama s ljubavlju
PostPostano: uto apr 27, 2010 11:21 pm 
bart je napisao/la:
Ne razumijem što točno želiš reći; da ne stvaramo sami svoju realnost, ili da je Abraham
prevara zbog novca ili pranja mozga ili nešto treće...
Molio bi da citiraš bilo koju rečenicu za koju smatraš da nije istinita.

kao prvo Abraham ne drži tečajeve nego se pojavljuje tamo gdje ga pozovu i odgovara na pitanja zato jer im to pruža neopisivu radost.

Što se tiče tajne to i ističem da je Abraham iz nje u velikoj mjeri izbačen.

bart, imati svoju svetu kravu (ili više njih) nije ništa loše i to je dio procesa učenja, mnogima se to događa i kao što je trebalo neko vrijeme da do istih dođemo i montiramo ih u našoj svijesti (ili nesvijesti) tako će trebati opet neko vrijeme (ako zaista nastavimo putem) da iste pozdravimo i budemo pažljivi da se na nakačimo na neku drugu. Za to je potrebno neko znanje.
Ako je site na koji si nas uputio od ljudi čijom smo dobrotom čuli riječ Abrahamovu, i ja ti izvučem P.S. s njihove početne stranice i ti se dalje pitaš što nije u redu, i počneš opravdavati iste (često uz ovo ide i negiranje toga da se tu nešto brani) onda možda da razmisliš je li to tvoja sveta krava?
bart je napisao/la:
Sviđalo se to nekome ili ne što se čovjek bolje osjeća, to je na višoj vibraciji, više je u poravnanju sa svojim unutarnjim bićem.

bart, znaš li i da se ljudi koji su doživjeli stockholmski sindrom bolje osjećaju kada su sa svojim zlostavljačima, sviđalo se to ostalima ili ne? Jel to znači da su i oni tada na višoj vibraciji, poravati sa svojim unutarnjim bićem?
bart je napisao/la:
Abraham čak u jednoj od knjiga kaže da pretjeruju sa svim ovim, da jednostavno nas želi
podsjetiti da život treba da bude što više ugodan i da je to jedino mjerilo uspjeha i da nismo tu
došli da bi nešto popravljali jer sve je u redu sa ovim svijetom.

Vidiš to što Abraham priča se odlično uklapa u moje prvo mišljenje. Ako je što ugodniji život jedino mjerilo uspjeha, a da se onda upitamo po čijim kriterijima? Po meni, očito nekoga tko želi držati guske u magli, fino hipnotizirane ugodom, ne bi li ih skrenuo ili zadržao na putu. Ali i to je ok, svatko ima pravo nuditi svoje ideje pa tako i Abraham&Co, a na nama je da kažemo: da, hvala ili NE, hvala.
bart je napisao/la:
Također žele nas podsjetiti da nikad ali baš nikad neće doći do te situacije da svaki čovjek ne stvara potpuno svoje osobno iskustvo svojim mislima ovisno o vibraciji koju izabire.

Wow! Znači htjeli mi ne htjeli svojim mislima stvaramo u potpunosti svoje osobno iskustvo? Vidiš meni je taj koncept dobro sjeo za 4.densitet (i radujem se trenutku kada ću se napokon moći maknuti iz 3D), i moguće da oni koji to šapuću nama u trećem zaista govore iz vlastitog iskustva. Pitanje je samo tko šapuće i kakve su mu namjere? Ako nam netko želi pomoći a da ga to nismo zamolili onda je to samo još jedno kršenje slobodne volje, i daljnje razotkrivanje/obrazlaganje mislim da je nepotrebno.
Toliko od mene po ovoj temi, ugodno Abrahamovanje.

 Naslov: Re: Zakon Privlačenja - od Abrahama s ljubavlju
PostPostano: sri apr 28, 2010 12:00 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri nov 18, 2009 3:26 pm
Postovi: 32
druže Aragorn sve stoji što si reko. New age Bull-Shit je kategorija ovoga :))
sve stickye već proučio davno prije nego sam čuo
za Abrahama, a sad sam debelo zaglibio u abrhmovanje, nema nade za mene

prijatelju prasimix:

1. Da, Abraham je moja sveta krava, zapeo sam na niskoj stepenici razvoja

2. Osjećaju se bolje, jer im više paše jedna vrsta negativne emocije u kojoj su zapeli od druge, ali se ne osjećaju dobro, a kamoli toliko dobro da su poravnati sa unutarnjim bićem.

3. Po kriteriju koliko se dobro osjećaš općenito, a ne na trenutke je istinski pokazatelj na kojoj si vibraciji.

4. Abraham šapuće samo kad je pozvan, također ako oš ili neš Abrahamovat moš birat.

upravo sam dodao i torrente za Abrahomovanja, a ono što piše da je "The Secret Behind The Secret MP4" nema veze sa The Secret ili njenim nastavkom, nego je trosatni intervju sa
mojom svetom kravom p.s. vrlo bro se skinilo

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 Naslov: Re: Zakon Privlačenja - od Abrahama s ljubavlju
PostPostano: sri apr 28, 2010 11:35 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri nov 18, 2009 3:26 pm
Postovi: 32
Abraham-Hicks - The Secret Behind The Secret.mp4.torrent

-Trosatni intervju s ciljem prezentiranja Abrahama onima koji nisu čitali knjige.
U 57. minuti se pojavljuje Abraham, prije toga Esher i Jerry odgovaraju na pitanja.-

Evo dodao bih još par vjerskih istina od moje svete krave,
ko da sam jehovin svjedok hehehehe:

Svrha života je dobrobit, a osnova širenje.
Bilo koja želja koju čovjek ima je zato što smatra da će se onda bolje osjećati.
Ako niste toliko sebični da radite na tome da se općenito osjećate što bolje, onda nemate
što ponuditi ni drugima.
U interesu svemira je da se općenito osjećate što bolje.
Napravili su emocionalnu skalu od 1 do 22 što je niža to su negativnije emocije, a što
je viša to su pozitivnije, čovjekovo općenito stanje se može postepeno gibati na toj skali, a ne odjednom od depresije do najviše. recimo sve do skale 8 su negativne emocije i to
objašnjava stockholmski sindrom, jer negativna emocija koja je viša na toj skali pruža
osjećaj olakšanja od niže.
A prijatelju prasimix ti si ovdje na ovaj prostor/vrijeme došao izborom, a jedva čekaš 4.denzitet.


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 Naslov: Re: Zakon Privlačenja - od Abrahama s ljubavlju
PostPostano: ned maj 02, 2010 1:53 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri nov 18, 2009 3:26 pm
Postovi: 32

i slovenski kanal:

a pod torrentima onaj što piše law of attraction in action 1-7, to su sve njihovi seminari, naravno svaki je drukčiji, jer se stalno na nova pitanja odgovara.

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 Naslov: Re: Zakon Privlačenja - od Abrahama s ljubavlju
PostPostano: ned maj 16, 2010 12:33 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri nov 18, 2009 3:26 pm
Postovi: 32
the good side of a bad headache:

Abraham on Chakra system:

origin of the human race, and remembering past lives:

Abraham - Its not what you eat, its your alignment with what you are eating (Part 1 of 2):

Abraham Hicks-Collective Inner Being - Part 1

manifestional meditations vs appreciation

Abraham, why do we not remember the non-physical?

i novi čanel:

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 Naslov: Re: Zakon Privlačenja - od Abrahama s ljubavlju
PostPostano: ned maj 16, 2010 8:59 pm 

Pridružen/a: ned maj 16, 2010 7:59 pm
Postovi: 3
prasimix je napisao/la:
Sudeći po sajtu vidim da ima "ljubavi i svjetla" u izobilju, kreiranja svoje vlastite realnosti i ostalih "što se babi...", i naravno puno tečajeva kako istu postići.

Blago onima koji doznaše za Tajnu i napuniše džepove svoje novcima wishful thinkera

Ili bolje da završim njihovim post scriptumom:
It is not necessary for even one other person to understand the Laws of the Universe or the processes that we are offering here in order for you to have a wonderful, happy, productive Life Experience — for you are the attractor of your experience. Just you!

Dakle, zaboravimo učenje, sve je evo već rečeno (treba samo kupiti koju knjigu, otići na tečaj) i počinješ živjeti ispunjen život. Kako dirljivo.
Sorry,svatko ima pravo na svoje mišljenje,naravno,ali iz osobnog iskustva želim reći da sam bez pretjeranog proučavanja i bez ijednog tečaja i potrošene kune,primjenila zakon privlačnosti u svom životu i rezultati su došli nevjerovatnom brzinom. I ne radi se o nikakvim apstraktnim stvarima,duhovnom miru ili ljubavi,nego o vrlo materijalnom-novcu,da budem preciznija. Jedini problem je što je jako teško održavati misao o blagostanju u glavi kada radiš i nemaš para,ali ako si uporan,tvrdoglav i odlučan kao ja,može se. Ja već 7 mjeseci ne radim,a novca imam koliko mi treba...Kako? TAJNA-Zakon privlačnosti.

 Naslov: Re: Zakon Privlačenja - od Abrahama s ljubavlju
PostPostano: sri jun 23, 2010 6:52 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri nov 18, 2009 3:26 pm
Postovi: 32


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 Naslov: Re: Zakon Privlačenja - od Abrahama s ljubavlju
PostPostano: sri sep 08, 2010 2:24 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub aug 11, 2007 3:03 pm
Postovi: 687
bart je napisao/la:
Ne razumijem što točno želiš reći; da ne stvaramo sami svoju realnost, ili da je Abraham
prevara zbog novca ili pranja mozga ili nešto treće...

Sve je to sranje... mislim ta iluzija da se išta može znati... Sve je relativno, sve moguće...
Tako, vrlo je verovatno da svi sami stvaramo svoju realnost... ali da li to možemo da kontrolišemo, ne znam... no moćuće je...
Verujem da možemo donekle...
Da li je Abraham prevara zbog para... vrlo verovatno... Može biti da neko stvarno priča sa nekim entitetom, no ja u to ne verujem... Ne verujem ni u jednu teoriju ili priču koja nije moja lična :mrgreen: A i u svoje lične donekle sumnjam :mrgreen:

Sviđalo se to nekome ili ne što se čovjek bolje osjeća, to je na višoj vibraciji, više je u poravnanju sa svojim unutarnjim bićem.

Aragon je pomenuo određeni slučaj, a pre nego što sam pročitao njegov post, inspirisan tvojim, pomislio sam na mazohiste... Znam ljude koji se osećaju lepo pod određenim, za nas ostale, ne zamislivim okolnostima. Tj, da se mi nađemo na njihovom mestu mi bi smo se osećali jako loše...
Tu se postavlja pitanje ko greši, mi ili oni: Greši li onaj kome je lepo kada mu neko opali par pesnica time mu izražavajući ljubav, ili onaj koji misli da je ovaj prvi bolestan, ispranog mozga, u snu... kad je takav kakav jeste... :mrgreen:

Abraham čak u jednoj od knjiga kaže da pretjeruju sa svim ovim, da jednostavno nas želi
podsjetiti da život treba da bude što više ugodan i da je to jedino mjerilo uspjeha i da nismo tu
došli da bi nešto popravljali jer sve je u redu sa ovim svijetom.

Ovo je zaista veliko filozofsko pitanje... traži puno, puno razmišljanja... ali ne verujem da bi i jedan čovek mogao odgovoriti na njega... Kako bih mogao da znam, ko to može, da drugi, zaista, ne utiču na mene, ako sam ja u fazonu zakona privlačnosti...?
Šta ako u to poverujem, prestanem da obraćam pažnju na to, a onda me ovi svetski zaverenici, pojedu za doručak :mrgreen: zato jer sam im sebe dao na izvolte, na tacni, i pritom nisam prstom mrdnuo dok su me jeli... :-k

bart je napisao/la:
Također žele nas podsjetiti da nikad ali baš nikad neće doći do te situacije da svaki čovjek ne stvara potpuno svoje osobno iskustvo svojim mislima ovisno o vibraciji koju izabire. :evil3:

Povezano je sa prethodnim...

Na jedan određeni način, kada se prihvate samo one ideje koje se mogu iskoristiti što procenjuje svaki čitalac individualno, to je sve vrlo korisno... mislim priča o zakonu privlačnosti...
Međutim, malo čega mističnog ja tu vidim, samo pronalazim proste zakone ljudskog uma... koji nemaju nikakvu mističnost u sebi, već samo uzročno-posledičnu logičnost... (ali tako mi se čini, ne znači da je tako).

Kada bi neko izašao sa idejom da mogu samo da stanem, zamislim ispred sebe predmet, čvrsto poverujem da će taj predmet biti tu gde sam ga zamislio kada otvorim oči, i definitivno to i očekujem, kao da je to najuobičajenije, i predmet se pojavi... a to zaista funkcioniše, pomisliću, ah u tome već ima nečeg mističnog :-s

Zadnja izmjena: baki; pon okt 25, 2010 5:38 pm; ukupno mijenjano 1 put/a.

 Naslov: Re: Zakon Privlačenja - od Abrahama s ljubavlju
PostPostano: sri sep 08, 2010 2:38 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub aug 11, 2007 3:03 pm
Postovi: 687
milarem je napisao/la:
Sorry,svatko ima pravo na svoje mišljenje,naravno,ali iz osobnog iskustva želim reći da sam bez pretjeranog proučavanja i bez ijednog tečaja i potrošene kune,primjenila zakon privlačnosti u svom životu i rezultati su došli nevjerovatnom brzinom. I ne radi se o nikakvim apstraktnim stvarima,duhovnom miru ili ljubavi,nego o vrlo materijalnom-novcu,da budem preciznija. Jedini problem je što je jako teško održavati misao o blagostanju u glavi kada radiš i nemaš para,ali ako si uporan,tvrdoglav i odlučan kao ja,može se. Ja već 7 mjeseci ne radim,a novca imam koliko mi treba...Kako? TAJNA-Zakon privlačnosti.

Pa opiši detaljnije svoje iskustvo, kako šta, koliko dugo...? To je svima interesantno...
Kako privlačiš taj novac, tj kako ti dolazi, kroz iznenadne honorarne poslove, kroz poklone...
Zašto odjednom ne privučeš puno novca već samo koliko ti treba trenutno? :-k
Ovim pitanjima nisam ništa hteo da kažem, poručim, već isključivo pitam, čisto, nevino... jer odgovori bi bili sjajan materijal, za mene, da doradim svoja gledišta na ovu temu...

Hvala, pozdrav

 Naslov: Re: Zakon Privlačenja - od Abrahama s ljubavlju
PostPostano: sri sep 08, 2010 10:46 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub aug 11, 2007 3:03 pm
Postovi: 687
A opet, ko god piše komentarišući nešto o ovome, kad malo bolje razmislim, u stvari samo hipotetiše... ali, možda je to jedino što možemo...
Pišem ovo kao rezultat razmišljanja o tom zakonu dopuštanja, tj zakonu privlačenja, konkretnije, nemamo hrabrosti da se potpuno prepustimo toj ideji čak i kada imamo naznake da to jeste tako, zato što se bojimo da će "oni" to naše stanje neodbrambenosti, iskoristiti da nas ujebu...
A zamislite, rastao sam u Hrišćanskoj, pravoslavnoj atmosferi (tačnije, samo teoretski, a u stvari bila je to atmosfera komunizma i sujeverja), i kao takav, istražujući u tom smeru (Bibliju), i sada poređujući sa ovim, ne mogu da primetim razliku, jer, čini mi se, nema je... U stvari, razlika je samo u pristupu, u formi, no suština je potpuno ista...

 Naslov: Re: Zakon Privlačenja - od Abrahama s ljubavlju
PostPostano: sub sep 11, 2010 3:09 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub aug 11, 2007 3:03 pm
Postovi: 687
Šta sam hteo da kažem u prethodnom postu, mnogo je, nekako jasnije, izrazio jedan od najvećih mislilaca sadašnjice u jednom intervijuu, čiji izvod sledi:


G: Uh, sad si me utješio. Nego, interesuje me kako onda oni nju-ejdžeri tvrde da je sve u redu, ljepota jedna što bi se reklo? Sjednu među tulipane, u mislima se obaviju loptom od svjetlosti i projiciraju realnost koja im se sviđa. Usput, obasipaju ljubavlju sve i svakoga. Šta tu fali?

M: Dva kraja, i sredina. To ti je samo jedan mentalni program koji drži ovcu omamljenom dok na nju ne dođe red.

G: Ma, nekako ih volim slušat. Nekako su…umilni…blagoglagoljivi. Fini brate ljudi, ne mogu da vide ništa negativno, pa mi godi uhu kad ih slušam. Čisto bih volio da im vjerujem.

M: Svi mi vidimo i čujemo samo ono što nam godi. Problem je samo u tome što ‘realnost’ koju oni projiciraju ima isto toliko veze sa ovom pravom ko i filmovi u kinima koji se prikazuju preko projektora. Nju-ejdžeri su ti nešto ko projektori, samo što oni ne projiciraju svoje lične laži na neko platno, nego na svoju okolinu. Za psihopate nema lakšeg zalogaja od jednog nju-ejdžera.

G: Kako to misliš?

M: Vako ti je to. Ima jedna priča koja kaže, - idu nju-ejdžer i ‘normalan čovjek’ kroz šumu, kad pred njih odjednom iskoči ogromna zvijer. Dok je normalan čovjek razmišljo da li da bježi ili da se brani, nju-ejdžer mu kaže, "Ništa ne brini, samo zatvori oči, zamisli oko sebe balon od svjetlosti i zvijer će nestati." Tako su i učinili. Naravno, zvijer ih je odmah progutala. Nakon što su se našli u njenom stomaku, otvorili oči i okrenuli se oko sebe, nju-ejdžer je reko: "Jesam li ti reko da će nestat. Zar ne vidiš da je nema!?" Ovdje je normalan čovjek prošo isto ko i nju-ejdžer jer je slušo njega a ne sebe. Znači, od ignorisanja zvijeri i kojekavih projekcija nema ništa. Moraš znati kako joj izmaći ili kako se od nje odbraniti.

G: E, jebiga. Već sam se bio ponado. Čito sam negdje da ljudi mislima mogu da stvaraju realnost!?

M: Mogu. Jedino je problem to što čovjek koji spava, može samo da sanja. Znači, da bi nešto mijenjo, prvo se moraš probudit. Ljudi bi da stvaraju realnost, ali da se ne probude, pa tako mogu samo sanjat da stvaraju neku realnost. Drugo, realnost se ne stvara samo mislima, nego najviše uz pomoć ličnog rada a to je opet u vezi sa znanjem i svjesnosti.

Ako neko traži pravi dokaz zakona privlečenja, način na koji sam došao do ovog texta, upravo je posledica primene zakona privlačenja, časna reč!!!

 Naslov: Re: Zakon Privlačenja - od Abrahama s ljubavlju
PostPostano: čet okt 21, 2010 11:00 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri nov 18, 2009 3:26 pm
Postovi: 32
stavio sam transkripte od wellbeing, ask, i attraction cards..

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