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 Naslov: Da li je netko upoznat s Incunabulom i tzv "Ong"s
PostPostano: pet aug 05, 2005 5:59 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pon aug 01, 2005 4:59 pm
Postovi: 80
Prije već par godina na internetu se pojavila "undrground" priča o tajanstvenpm mjestu "Ong" hat" u SAD-u i povezani su događaji s tim mjestom izgubljenim u prostor-vrijme dimenziji s tajanstvenom ... zna li netko o čemu se tu točno radi?
više o tome na

PostPostano: pet aug 05, 2005 6:44 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pon aug 01, 2005 4:59 pm
Postovi: 80
s ovog gornjeg linka se mogu downloadirati ti recimo pamfleti , a o čemu se radi, evo prenosim dio texta na engleskom, ako treba mogu isto prevesti, no zanima me baš da li je netko više s time upoznat, ja sam tek nedavno naišla na to...
"Ong’s Hat: Another Space-Time Project

What exactly is Ong’s Hat, an obscure location in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, not too far away from Fort Dix? Ong’s Hat, which appears on some maps but not on others, is just north of New Jersey State Highway 70 and is under thirty miles east of Philadelphia. If you take 70 to state highway 72 northwest, up the road a couple of miles you will find Ong’s Hat Road and a bar in a little triangle. If you’re lucky, some of the people in the bar might tell you some strange stories about the area.

An actual town in the 1700’s and 1800’s, Ong’s Hat acquired its name, according to legend, when a young man by the name of Jacob Ong snubbed a female admirer at the dance hall whereupon she stamped upon his highly fashionable and shiny silk hat. An inebriated Mr. Ong tossed the ruined hat into a tree where it stood, unreachable and battered, for many months. At some point thereafter, the town acquired the name of Ong’s Hat.

If you have already figured that this locale was just a short distance from where the Philadelphia Experiment occured and could have played a role, you might be right. For some bizarre reason, dissident Princeton University physicists used Ong’s Hat as a return address for anonymous papers they wrote that went far beyond the accepted academic physics of the day. This was a subtle in-joke with those who populated the Institute for Advanced Study, the think-tank that was used to hatch the Philadelphia Experiment. The Ong’s Hat Rod and Gun Club, now housed by the Anapa Bar and Grill, was once the retreat for those scientists who populated the IAS from the 1930’s right on through the 1960’s. The IAS at Princeton was a tightly regulated group watched over by a secruity minded government, but at Ong’s Hat, they could shoot the breeze with their fellow scientists and let their hair down. When you put such great minds together, a synergy takes place and things begin to happen. Here, you had the elite physicists of the world contemplating the umbilical chord of the universe and what makes things tick. It is no wonder that remarkable things began to occur, through the osmosis factor alone.

One of the more notable duties of the Ong’s Hat crowd was to decipher the Nazi’s Enigma machine. Enigma translated Nazi messages into a coded format and had five separate wheels that were used to disguise each letter of the German alphabet with another. On designated days, different wheels would be used to make the code even harder to crack. You can read about Enigma on the web where you will learn that the original prototype for that machine was invented by Germans in around 1910; however, they do not indicate that the real source of that machine (the man who first utilized the wheel method of cryptography) was John Dee, the conjuring magician of Queen Elizabeth I’s court. John Dee and his necromancer, Edward Talbot Kelly, were the magicians Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard were trying to emulate or tap into during the Babalon Working. At least, that is what Marjorie Cameron told me. In addition to being the father of modern mathematics and several other features of modern society (like the English language), Dee was laced with magic. He communed with Angels and wrote down the Enochian sigils or Enochian Keys. These are the keys to the heavenly realms and what they represent is as deep as your imagination will take you. Although Dee ran afoul of the authorities of the day and ended up a pauper, his work lives on today. Even the might of the British Empire can literally be traced to his conjuring and influence. Interestingly enough, Dee’s role has literally been blackballed from the history books. It was the studying of Dee and esoteric magick that led to Joe Matheny’s involvement in and chronicling of the Ong’s Hat legacy. Amidst his esoteric studies one day, Joe was approached by his friend Dr. Nick Herbert, a quantum physicist of some renown, who handed him a catalog of Xeroxed sheets which was titled "Incunabula" and was a list of books and hard (or impossible) to find treatises on the subjects of quantum reality, alternative universes, parallel reality, and "The Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics." Also included was Ong’s Hat: A Color Brochure of the Institute of Chaos Studies which described a secretive hippie ashram that purported to travel to parallel universes.

The word incunabulum means cocoon or cradle and refers to something either in infancy or in metamorphisis or some other form of sleeping state. It also referred to printed books prior to 1501 and has been extended to mean any rare and hermetic collection of books. John Dee used this term incunabula to refer to his library which contained the most comprehensive collection of information since the Library of Alexandria burned. What was remarkable to Joe Matheny is, that when he was handed the Incunabula, he already had all of the materials listed on his personal book shelf. He then began to wonder who on Earth had put together this catalog. This begins the adventure that is being released in Ong’s Hat: The Beginning, published by Sky Books which includes the Incunabula catalog (with descriptions of the manuscripts), the Ong’s Hat brochure, and a host of other information concerning the mystery of these matters. This was originally published as an e-book which has sold over one million copies but is now being published in hard copy for the first time as a regular trade paperback book. Additional information has also been included which was not previously available in the e-book or on the internet. This includes a lengthy interview with the ashram survivors by Joe Matheny and a picture and description of one of the exotic "meditation eggs" that Joe was allowed to personally examine for a short period of time. There is other information added as well.

I personally knew that the ashram was real because a friend of mine had been in touch with them under mysterious circumstances. This friend was very concerned when the ashram had been assaulted by the presence of black helicopters and nuclear fallout and she subsequently never heard from these people. My own personal description of how I came across Ong’s Hat is included in the book. The Incunabula and brochure were placed in my hands almost ten years ago as a direct result of my pursing the name "Wilson" which has appeared with repeated synchronicity in my own life and has become the trademark of my writing. It has taken a long "time" to disseminate this information via a newsletter and book, but at long last, the book is complete and now available."

PostPostano: pet aug 05, 2005 6:52 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pon aug 01, 2005 4:59 pm
Postovi: 80
Occult Connection Looms Large with Ong's Hat

The Ong’s Hat brochure featured in the new book Ong’s Hat: The Beginning describes a scientific contrivance known as "the egg" which is alleged to be a device which, if used properly, can serve as a gateway to parallel worlds. These worlds are considered to be just a real as this one, but they are on a different time line. Parallel worlds are not shocking to quantum scientists but are merely a mathematical probability. If there are parallel worlds (and science says yes), it is just a matter of "time" before one can frequent them.

It so happens that a magician and disciple of Aleister Crowley, Kenneth Grant, said in his book The Magical Revival in the 1970’s that "space-time" projects would be revealed in the future. At the time he wrote that, I had no idea who Grant was nor that I would have a part to play in exposing such projects. Time, which could be defined as the continuous movement of particles through space, is experienced by different viewpoints or people. When we see repititious patterns or excessive familiarity (that defies the laws of ordinary probability), we call that synchronicity. Quantum scientists call this the "law of affinity" whereby like attracts like. In other words, if you put out a certain vibration, you will attract a similar vibration.

Time also yields to synchronicity. Perhaps that could be better said by saying that time can be understood by reason of the process of synchronicity. Synchronicity means "time together" from "syn" and "chrono." One is perceiving things in bunches or cycles that excites the recognition or cognition process. If the universe and the perception of it can be considered a self-reflective mechanism, one is merely familiarizing oneself with an aspect of themselves when they experience synchronicity. Magick has also been defined as the process of familiarizing or refamiliarizing yourself with the contents of existence (which you already know down deep anyway).

Trying to understand time, as many of the Ong’s Hat physicists did (and certainly succeeded to some degree), ultimately leads one to the threshold of what common vulgar language has always described as "God." That term is only a catch-all term to describe the forces and principles of creation. This force has often been represented in literature or drama as the Holy Grail, the Ark, or a host of other terms and concepts which represent the great religions of the world.

Joe Matheny was working with this tradition and trying to understand the motivation behind John Dee’s Enochian experiments when he realized that in order to properly extrapolate upon them he would need the use of a computer for number crunching. This caused him to buy a computer but eventually led him to becoming a leader in the industry without any formal or college training in computers. He was driven by trying to correlate esoteric information and figure out the very things that Jack Parsons was trying to invoke during the Babalon Working. Joe’s interest in computers led him to becoming an early expert on internet protocols. He taught himself to write computer code (and can outperform your average highly paid computer programmer) and ended up project engineering Adobe Acrobat, a program most of you have on your personal computers. Joe believes that the computer revolution will ultimately rebuild the akashic records, the astral imprints (or memory) of our collective consciousness. With recent breakthroughs in organic and quantum computing, this concept is one step closer to becoming a reality.

Much of Joe’s work has culminated in the Metamachine, an unprecedented computer device which is based upon synchronicity. Joe’s interest in me has much to do with my own synchronistic experiences and method of investigation. Personally, I experienced and found out that the wild and spectacular accounts of Preston Nichols could be understood, or at least cross-referenced, through sychronistic events or names. When I first spoke to Joe on the phone, after being introduced by a mutual friend, I discovered that he had some answers to occult questions that had been hanging for some time. Part of this concerned the legacy of Amado Crowley, with whom I had a long correspondence.

There is a great occult legacy to share and that will be done in a subsequent work: Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal: The Search for Ong’s Hat. What you have read about the Enochian keys and the occult connection in this newsletter has not appeared prior to now and is not in the new book. It gives a context as to what you will be reading and gives you a better overview.

The Montauk Pulse newsletter, of which this special edition of the Ong’s Hat Pulse is a sample, is designed to inform and update you concerning happenings regarding time phenomena and such projects. It is also designed to give you more personal background on some of the goings on that does not appear in books. The Pulse supports the research and writing and we encourage your endorsement and subscriptions. Accordingly, an inducement is offered for subscribing or resubscribing by receiving a .00 coupon on book orders to Sky Books of .00 or more.

Besides the computer and esoteric genius of Joe Matheny, there is also the instrumentation genius of Preston Nichols (along with his own unique knowledge of space-time). But perhaps the most "regular world" validation of time travel is Dr. David Anderson, the founder of the Time Travel Research Center. He is under the thumb of the government and is currently restricted as he has been called to serve in the war against terrorism. David’s research enables our satellites to maintain their position by literally warping space and time. He can also slow or speed up time in small contained fields.

You can believe that certain powers do not want me to gather my friends under the same roof for long periods of time; but, we’ve gotten this far in only ten years of writing books. What might the future hold? We can only guess, but it seems very exciting.

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