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Autor/ica Poruka
 Naslov: Uništavanje AI nano-botova frekvencijama?!
PostPostano: čet feb 01, 2024 12:24 pm 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4300

Terminate A.I Nano Bots MP3
20 Minute Sound Healing Audio MP3

With Headphones Or Ear Buds: Volume Level 15% - 60%
Without Headphones: Volume Level 3% - 12 %

Uploading The Human Brain Into The Quantum Beast Computer

Nano Bots Can Carefully Scan The Structure Of Our Brain,
Providing A Complete Read Out Of The Connection, This Information
When Entered Into A Computer Could Then Continue To Function As Us. Thus The Data Stored In The Entire Brain Will Be Uploaded To The Beast Computer.

The Nanites Or Nano Components That Are Being Included Inside
Of The Chemtrails And Chem Dumps Being Sprayed Upon The
Human Populations Of the World Are Tiny Microscopic Components
Which Once Reconstructed Inside Of The Human Body Are
Programmable And Can Be Activated By Scalar Frequency Waves
And Other Types Of Frequency Wave Activations.

They Can Mutate It Can Be A While Before The Human Realizes
There Is Something Seriously Wrong Like Blurred Vision, Rapid Tooth Decay, Hair Loss, Digestive Issues,Brain Cancer, Severe Itching Crawling Sensation Everywhere Inside Sores That Don't Seem To Want To Heal This Can Be Referred To Components Of Electronic Torture

As We Breath Them In, They Make Their Way Into Our Bodies
Own Plasma Where They Can Function Since All A.I Related
Technology Needs Both Electricity And Electro Magnetic Conductance To Operate Properly.

Nanites Are In The Soil Food Production Water Air On The Ground You Walk On Known As Programmable Black Smart Dust

It's a Good Idea While Listening To This Program Drink Plenty Of
Purified Water A Detox Of The Body Either Using Special Blended Herbs, Teas, Blood Purifiers, Bio Resonance Devices Etc.

Listening Instructions: 20-40 Minutes Everyday For 7 Days,
Then Off For 2 Days Then Repeat Again For 7 Days Follow This Protocol As Needed. Hot Flashes, Nausea,Innate Tiredness May Occur While Listening This Is Normal Get Extra Rest As Needed.

A Subscriber Reported Back That After Two Days Of Listening
She Excreted Numerous Black Nanites Through The Skin During The Night As She Slept She Also Experienced Hot Flashes This Is Normal During The Termination Process Of Smart Dust .

Produced With Isochronic Tones In Part But Not Entirely

Additional Tones May Include:

Frequency Color Violet

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje AI nano-botova frekvencijama?!
PostPostano: pon sep 16, 2024 4:34 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned jan 21, 2007 5:43 pm
Postovi: 1215
Ako je netko od vašeg tijela smislio napraviti "antenu" prijemčiviju na e-m zračenja ili subliminalno (ciljano ili opće) upravljanje ili pak asembliranje nano-elemenata u nekakve veće "botove", najmanje što možete učiniti je uhvatiti mačka za rep i obrušiti "antenu" (ili njene dijelove) samu na sebe.
"Antenizacija" je efekt povećanja metalnih sastojaka u tijelu, tkivima, organima, fluidima ili mozgu. Poanta: ako ste (ili sumnjate da ste) "antenizirani" odnosno prezasićeni teškim i inim tijelu nepotrebnim metalima, logično je za zaključiti da će i sonički faktori elektromagnetnog spektra na vas imati i uočljivije djelovanje. Dakako, sve na vlastitu odgovornost. A kako drukčije.
Sretno i zdravo vam bilo!

Ne dopušta van tjuba video, ali evo link:
HEAVY METALS DETOX Get Rid of Mercury, Lead, Aluminum and More [Max. 5Min Per Session]

Extremely Powerful Frequencies ♪


Synthetic Metals,
Digital Metals And Injectables,
Magnetic Metals,
Programmable Digitalizations &
Non-Carbon Metal Codes.


Check volume prior to Session. High Scale RIFE tones. Quantum Frequencies embedded into a stream of LoFi music, layered with Delta Brainwaves for maximum relaxation.

You can listen with earphones or speakers, at a comfortable volume, preferably low, but audible.

-- Listen Max. 5 Minutes Per Session.

Technical: RIFE No. 63,146,148,152,250,304,306 + The Sound Healers Quantum Frequencies
WARNING **You might feel tingling, heat sensations or experience transpiration during this session. Make sure you properly hydrate after each session.This Audio is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Not intended to be a substitute for medical advise **

P.S.... odvalite susjedstvo, pogotovo sad kad padaju kiše: a'la Emoto :wink:

P.P.S... moja osobna preporuka je da (ipak) ne pretjerate previše preko onih preporučenih pet minuta... da ne bi metali počeli leakati tko zna otkuda. ne šalim se. bolje kako autor preporuča, bolje više puta dnevno i tri mjeseca nego turbo tjedan.

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