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PostPostano: sub dec 04, 2004 1:24 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 7:41 pm
Postovi: 143
Vidim da odavno niko nije reagovao, pa posto sam ja veceras prvi put na ovoj stranici, vec sam reagovala na jednom postu, pa bih rado i ovdje; malo sam vise procitala.
... Stavicu tri tacke, jer uistinu puno toga sam mogla da kazem ili pak napisem ovdje prije ovog pocetka. Reci cu/napisati samo jedno, da me uistinu uhvatila neka cudna jeza citajuci sve ovo. Zasto? Nigdje jos dosad nisam procitala nesto slicno ili bar u tolikoj mjeri slicno mom vlastitom misljenju. Kao da sam imala isprintane misli iz moje glave! Ja se budim, pa ima sigurno 5 godina. Osjecam se usamljenom, jer malo je onih koje sam srela sa kojima sam mogla razgovarati. Sad trenutno u mom okruzenju nemam nikog. Dugo sam izbjegavala internet, jer sam puno vremena provodila lutajuci/surfajuci (da neispadne da potrosih vrijeme badava)za svim onim sto me je interesovalo. Masu knjiga sam procitala, tako da sad imam osjecaj da mi je hard disk(u glavi) :) pun; da moram poceti izbacivati suvisne i nepotrebne informacije da bih mogla memorizovati nove. Cudno je to. Zena sam, ali uistinu nisam se nikad osjecala shvacenom, ni dan danas. Nisam prolupala :) to sigurno znam, ali uistinu svoje stanje ne mogu objasniti. Dobro se sjecam momenta 11/9 gdje sam bila i kako su informacije o "katastrofi koje pocinise palastinci"doprle do mene. To je nesto sto je najupecatljivije u mojoj memoriji u zadnjih 3 godine.
Oprostite mi sto cu ovdje mozda da iznesem malo duze zapazanje i mozda neinteresantno za mnoge, ali mozda pokusate da skontate, kako neko vec spomenu, "drugu stranu medalje".
Ja se nalazim sa druge strane medalje. Radila sam u jednoj firmi skoro 2 godine. Jako lijep posao i fine kolege, rekli bi normalni ljudi. Ali ja sam stranac, zena i jos eto ponekad znam napraviti komentar kakav neocekuju od mene; malo dublji, pa treba i razmislit... Ali, oproste mi jer ga eto upakujem nekako sarmantno, nisam nikakav bradati terorista. Zasto su meni u 9 sahata ujutro, kad su prve vijesti u Europi o napadu na WTC se pojavile doletjeli izbezumljene kolege i sa iskrivljenim licem od bijesa rekli ili zaurlali: Jesi li cula sta uradise palestinci?! STA? Ubise 50 hiljada neduznih ljudi u N.Y.!
50.000!!!!! Brojka koja je kruzila cijeli dan na radiju, jer jedino smo radio imali na poslu. Nakon izvjesnog vremena svi su zaboravili da je ikad i spomenuta ta cifra.
Da sad ostavim otvoreno pitanje zasto su meni dojurili iste minute kad su to culi na radiju? ILI?
Mislim da je odgovor i previse lagan a da vam neuzimam dragocijeno vrijeme koje bi mozda potrosili u razmisljanju ili pak u kucanju.
Nekad sam im rekla da sam muslimanka. Ja postila, pa im morala objasnjavati zasto. Ne objasniti, nego objasnjavati! E sad, zasto pamtim taj momenat? Jer sam ja tad otvorila oci. Uistinu ih otvorila. Sve sam dotad imala neke teorije, ali tad mi se otvorila knjiga. MOzda ce mnogim izgledati glupo, ali kako vec niko nije uspio dati pravu definiciju na postu sta je istina, tako i sad, moja istina mozda nece biti i tvoja, nece biti i vasa. Ali samo na trenutak, uistinu da se zapita jedan insan(mislim da je svima poznat ovaj term, ako nije, onda mozda interesantno za potrazit :)
kako li se osjeca jedan musliman ili muslimanka koja zadnjih 3 godine mora da se brani svakim danom haman a nista pocinila nije. I nije samo jedan, SVAKI vidljivi musliman. Sta znaci vidljiv? Zena sa mahramom i muskarac sa (malo duzom) bradom.
Posto je ovo post o terorizmu, mislim da ipak moram nesto da kazem. Jednostavno, tesko je sutati nekad, kao u ovom slucaju ali u drugim slucajevima moja sutnja je moja unutarnja borba sa samom sobom. Ustvari moja snaga. To mi daje snagu. Neokrivljujem nikog. Ne mrzim nikog. Jer jedan insan ne moze biti insan ako u sebi ima imalo mrznje, zavisti, ljubomore... Stvari su mi uistinu jasne. Bar djelimicno. Jer kako vec rece neko ovdje, kad bi znali vise ili pak sve (sve ne mozemo nikad ni znati) nebismo vise ni funkcionisali normalno. Ne znam da li vam je poznata knjiga Tajna Veza -Muhammed Isa Davud. Interesantna je jer se bavi slicnom tematikom koju vi obradjujete ovdje.
Ja sam samo jedna jedinka. Zar nije Allah rekao: ako ubijes jednu osobu, kao da si ubio covjecanstvo!
...Recimo da mosoni cekaju svoga boga koji ce uspostaviti kraljevstvo na zemlji?! On ce i doci, ako vec nije tu, Ja mislim da je vec tu! Ali cinjenica je jedna, da je i taj njihov bog stvoren od istog Stvoritelja kao ja i ti! I on ce dobiti svojih "5 minuta" kao i mnogi oni koji su obecavali "bolji svijet". I kako kazu; radi sta hoces, ali neces dokle ti hoces, treba da bude utjeha svima nama koji smo budni i krvave suze lijemo kad osjetimo bol nekog malisana u africi/aziji... kojeg strvinari oblijecu jer mirisu njegov kraj...
U Kur´anu je jako fino opisano vrijeme koje je recimo sada i zato me apsolutno nista vise iznenaditi ne moze. A Allah je rekao: nema prisile u vjeri... i Kur´an je objava onima koji su razumom obdareni. Na meni/tebi je hoces li vjerovat ili ne!
A za one koji tvrde Nema boga i ja sam dovoljan sam sebi, neka kazu sebi veceras prije spavanja: Nema boga ustacu sutra zato jer ja odlucujem tako i niko drugi! Jedan mali test !
Zahvaljujem na strpljenju i trpljenju ;)

PostPostano: ned dec 05, 2004 8:07 am 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4212

U ovom momentu podgrupa čijim se pripadnikom ti smatraš ima ulogu žtve jedne druge podgrupe, međutim, iz istorije vidimo da je bilo perioda kada su drugi isto tako bili žrtve «tvoje» podgrupe. Svi ti konflikti između raznih podgrupa kroz cijelu našu istoriju imali su svoja «opravdanja». Ta «opravdanja» u većini slučajeva nisu mala mnogo veze sa istinom, ali su služila svrsi.

Tako je npr. Hitler svojevremeno zapalio Reichstag, da bi za to optužio komuniste, te se tako obračunao s njima jednom za uvijek. Kasnije su se našli «opravdani» razlozi za eliminaciju Jevreja. Pravi se «problem» kako bi se pod njegovim «rješenjem» sprovelo nešto što je naumljeno prije nego što se «problem» napravio. Isti ti koji se smatraju Jevrejima takođe su tokom cijele istorije nalazili opravdane razloge da eliminišu mnoge druge podgrupe. To i dan danas čine.

Naravno, podgrupe s ne formiraju na samo nacionalnoj ili vjerskoj bazi. Dovoljno je da vidimo cijeli niz raznoraznih tajnih društava, od masona pa nadalje.

Sve je ovo moguće sve dotle dok se ljudi smatraju pripadnicima podgrupa i dok se s njima identificiraju.
Malo ko je u stanju da vidi, da je jedina žrtva svih ovih konflikata – ljudsko biće.

Banalan primjer su nedavni sukobi na području bivše Jugoslavije. Recimo u Bosni, ukoliko se čovjek uspio da izdigne iznad svoje podgrupe, ono što je objektivno mogao da vidi u tom sukobu bio je međusobni pokolj istih ljudskih bića, međusobno podijeljenih na tri podgrupe, u smislu Musimana, Srba i Hrvata.

Isti ljudi, samo različito programirani.

Svaka od tih podgrupa imala je svoje «objektivne» razloge za učešće u tom sukobu. Istovremeno, malo je onih koji su uspjeli da se izdignu izvan svih grupa, uključujući svoju, i da objektivno pogledaju. Tako će do daljneg ostati da su za sve krivi oni koji su iz – druge podgrupe.
Ako se imalo pogleda objektivno stanje stvari, sve tri podgrupe su izašle iz tog konflikta kao gubitnici. (Što ne znači da neke od njih nisu proglasile «uspjehom» ono što su u tom konfliktu ostvarili. To je samo dio post-traumatske mentalne trankvilizacije)

Nije čudo što se istorija ponavlja, i ponavljaće se sve dotle dok nešto ne naučimo iz nje. Dok ne budemo u stanju da vidimo – istinu, koliko god ona bolna bila. Dio te istine mogao bi da bude da smo mi – mentalno programirani, da vjerujemo ono u šta vjerujemo i da se ponašamo onako kako se ponašamo. Da vidimo međusobne razlike a da ne primjetimo sličnosti.

Tu čovjek ne može početi ni od koga drugog, do od sebe samog. Suditi tu drugome je isto što i suditi samom sebi. Da li onaj što je programiran sa Ms Windows XP treba da sudi onome koji je programiran sa Ms Windows 2000?! Da li onaj što je programiran sa Ms Windows XP treba pokušavati da nameće taj svoj operativni program onome što je programiran sa Ms Windows 2000.

Radi se o «deprogramiranju» čovjeka. Oni koji uspiju da se «deprogramiraju», tek onda dolaze u priliku da saznaju istinu. Tada će shvatiti i mentalno stanje drugih i samim tim razumjevanjem njih, u njima će prestati da postoji ikakva mržnja prema ljudima. Programiranom čovjeku nemaš šta zamjerati. Bićeš svjesna da si i ti bila ista takva.

Stoga, od programiranog Amerikanca možemo očekivati sve ono što se može očekivati od programiranog Amerikanca. Isto tako, kada se o svim ostalima radi.

Tako, mentalno programiran čovjek ima sudbinu koja je «prikačena» za njegov mentalni program. On tu «svoju» sudbinu može izbjeći samo ukoliko se uspije «deprogamirati» i povezati sa svojim «istinskim Ja», koje trenutno sjedi tamo negdje u zapećku i čeka da dođemo pameti.


PostPostano: uto dec 21, 2004 12:05 pm 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4212
Ovo je djelic diskusije sa GPL foruma, koja jos uvijek traje; ako se ne radi o informaciji, onda se sigurno radi o vjesto izvedeoj dezinformaciji; covjek koji se predstavlja kao German Guy govori o namjeri americke vlade da aktivira nuklearnu bombu, vjerovatno u Hjustonu a onda da okrivi za to, koga drugog do Muslimane. Ovdje su glavni te elementi diskusije:

"American fighters launch a "decapitation" attack on the Iranian
government and alleged "al-Qaeda" bases".

The rest follows:
German guy
1:39 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

Paul Wofowitz will authorise the detonation of a nuclear payload in
the Houston area on December 27, 2004. The Hidden Hand network
(Mossad/al-Qaeda/SAS) of which he is the nominal controller has
verified in advance every aspect of operational integrity - a failsafe
job with zero chance of discovery.

Houston has been primed for months via deliberate mismanagement,
incompetence, corruption and embezzlement at its FEMA-independent
Emergency Center. The police and fire services have been deliberately
and systematically sabotaged and thrown into administrative chaos so
as to ensure maximum fatalities in the aftermath of the detonation.
However, the existence of the center will provide the Bush
administration with a "we did everything we could" excuse.

We believe the Hidden Hand envisages the following scenario:

1. Detonation on Dec 27 (could be delayed, but all our intercepts
point to this date)
2. The State Department blames "al-Qaeda", whose leaders are allegedly
hiding in Iran
3. Iran (truthfully) denies giving refuge to said leaders
4. Bush issues Iran with a cowboy-style deadline for delivery of
alleged leaders
5. Iran fails to comply because it cannot
6. UN convenes in emergency session - no agreement (Watch Ariel Sharon
quietly flee to his private estate in Greece)
7. Other foreign intelligence agencies dispute the State Department
8. Happily for Wolfowitz, Osama bin Laden releases a videotape
claiming responsibility, warning America not to attack his "brave
warriors" in Iran
9. American fighters launch a "decapitation" attack on the Iranian
government and alleged "al-Qaeda" bases

We know that the Wolfowitz network has concealed a remote-controlled
nuclear payload in the Houston area. None of our intercepts give us
exact coordinates. We have also heard the same code system used in
regard to Atlanta and Dallas, although not with the same frequency. We
believe that Mara Salvatruchas, the CIA-run Salvadora syndicate, is
peripherally involved with the Wolfowitz network in protecting and
running cover for a rogue ex-SAS British assassin who is perhaps the
world´s leading logistics and reconnaisance expert.

Last known as either Frank Riley or Terence Lawley, we believe that he
was responsible for the murder of nuclear physicist John Mullen on
June 29. Mullen was approached by a Hidden Hand contact man posing as
a CIA agent at the behest of Wolfowitz on February 12, 2003, and was
asked to provide the "CIA" with an hypothetical schematic of a
remote-controlled, trunk-sized nuclear device with a payload "several
times greater than ´Fat Man´" (in the interests of nationaly
security). Mullen was told that the hypothetical impact area would be
"a city the size of Houston". Mullen complied with this request but
grew suspicious toward the end of 2003 and abruptly ended his cooperation.

At the beginning of June, Mr Mullen decided to contact the staff of
former National Security Adviser, Sandy Berger, with a view to
discussing his CIA work with him. At the time Berger was too busy too
see him immediately owing to his work as foreign policy adviser to
John Kerry. We believe that this is what sealed the fate of Mr Mullen,
as Sandy Berger does indeed have informal links to the Wolfowitz
network and it is conceivable that Berger warned Hidden Hand.
Incidentally, three weeks later Berger was charged by the FBI with the
theft of critical documents from the National Archive relating to
evidence that he had helped Wolfowitz facilitate the 9-11 attacks.

Wolfowitz is also running a Mossad agent in the Houston area called
Avner Meir, whose present status is unknown, but we believe he is
currently holding a visitor´s visa. His job is to facilitate the
smuggling of Muslims (any Muslims will do) across the Mexican border
and provide them with accomodation and distress funds under the
asuspices of a fake charitable organisation. We suspect that Meir,
also a master forger, will provide the unwitting Muslims with forged
US passports and driving licences, plenty of Muslim literature,
commendations and enough money to be "seen and remembered".

This was the basis of my discussions with American diplomatic
personnel in Frankfurt yesterday, both of whom have been locked in
secret discussions with the German government over, among many other
things, their application for political refugee status in the event of
making this known to the media.

The far side of the CIA and Mossad have been ordered to drop any plans
they may have had for bombing the financial district of Frankfurt,
including the European Central Bank. The Wolfowitz Network has decided
that the Houston detonation must take priority over everything else.

All of our intercepts, field information and disclosures from former
(and not so former!) US diplomatic personnel, tell us that the
American people are being set up for another, but even more
devastating, 9-11 tragedy in which a tiny group of people will gain
enormously at the expense of the rest of the world. "

Be prepared to wade thru the filth in this thread--- ... ge=54181&m\

PPS- *german guy also includes other very interesting info re:
alliances BTW Mossad and Alquaida-
*very* interesting- **


"Yup, ff. It *is* disturbing isn't it? I'm periodically checking into
that thread to see if more is posted so I'll update if anything
warrants it.
Normally I'd just slap *hoax* on somthing like this but much of the
info. which he posted to substantiate his credibility was researched
by others in *that* thread. They posted their research findings and
were not a little shaken with the corroborations they found. Specific
to several diplomatic and other things.
I'm assuming that God will move his children * out* via a dream or a
push or will somehow speak his WORD to those who might need to know-
were they to be in danger or etc.
i also believe that God could protect someone in the middle of a
nuclear blast if that was his will. As a matter of fact....I'm sure of it.
Be in peace lovely peeps.
Don't mean to scare anyone...would just hate to not have shared this
were it to come to pass.
Conversely--- it just may be that we're unwitting observers to some
high stakes poker---
psyops extraordinaire' ....putting the screws to someone.
In our climate? How could *any* poster not know that this would be
reported- right away- to TPTB?
One man on the thread that called the FBI said that they had requested
that he email them the final post- right away.
Even tho he provided the url, etc."

Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it, folks

TC- 81769
9:17 am EST Some of you are closer than you think

I am an occasional visitor here to this site. I must say I find it
humorous at times that some of you are knocking on the door of this
country´s deepest darkest secret. I am a former employee of NASA at
Goddard Space Center in MD. I put in my resignation effective this
past Monday to prepare for the future. I know I am being watched, I
know I am at risk. I really don´t care. I am leaving on a plane this
afternoon to a much warmer and safer place. All of these folks who
think that you will not be warned in time are wrong. There will be
plenty of time to evactuate the "red areas". I just find it strange
that the facts are all out there and the major news stations are in
the dark. The resignations, the climate change, the showers, and the
evac of the ISS. There will be more signs in the very near future.
Just know that there is not a specific date just a time frame in which
things "might" happen. I wish all of you luck and I hope to see this
just blow over with no casualties.
eagle has landed
11:35 am EST
Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it, folks

German guy
4:45 pm EST December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it, folks

Anyone else able to pick up CIA and other US government "chatter". I
can, and I have.

December 27 is the day that´s freaking out the minions at the alphabet
agencies (but not the controllers at the good ol´ al-CIAda network).

It sounds as if it´ll make 911 look like rather a fun day.

German guy
4:52 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

How do I know?

I´m a former employee for the German foreign intelligence service, the

There are still large number of mission-critical US bases in this
country. I know what they have for breakfast each morning, even the
colour of their underwear.

How do the CIA tap into "al Qaeda" chatter? They use the same
methodology I employ.

German guy
4:57 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

I can also tell you that the US military expect to lose the war
against the resistance movements in Iraq. I also know about Iran´s
contingency plans for a surprise American or Israeli attack.

German guy
4:59 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

President Bush is deliberately destroying your military.
German guy
5:02 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

So what are these plans German Guy?

Oh, there´s now way I´m going to tell you that. I do not support what
your President is doing.

German guy
5:05 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

Do you have any more questions? It´s ten past eleven and I must sleep

German guy
5:12 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

Much of the chatter speaks about nuclear detonations in your country
and attacks on shipping.

I also know that the Americans are *hoping* proactively for a
"terrorist" attack in Europe (especially Germany) to get European
sentiment behind the Bush policy.

However, it won´t work as many journalists (and the BND) are aware of
the CIA and some Mossad people who were behind the bombings in Madrid.

If the CIA goes ahead with this plan, they will be found out and the
rage against America will intensify. It would mean the end of
diplomatic relations between my country and yours.

German guy
12:09 am EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is
it, folks

Thank you for your many comments, some of which are extremely
intelligent with good observations and others which are quite funny.

I must drive to meet some people in Frankfurt today and meet with a
friend who still works at the American Consulate in the
Siesmayerstrasse. (I was once a very good friend of Douglas Kramer, a
Clinton appointee who was Vice Consul in 1997.)

I will get back to you later today and add some more about the CIA
plans for Europe.

It is very important that readers, whether they are ordinary American
citizens or members of the US intelligence services, realise that it
would be extremely foolhardy to plan staged "terrorist" attacks
against European centres of population.

German guy
12:31 am EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is
it, folks

Yes, there is of course a lot of collaboration between the British and
American services that gives rise to concern.

Firstly, it is important to draw a distinction between the ordinary
and dedicated employees of the agencies at the lower and middle
levels, and those in senior positions who are not really interested in
national security, but long-term power politics.

The British invest heavily in power politics because they have an
agenda that cannot be supported by their military. Instead, they use
the American military to achieve these goals.

In fact, if the truth was known, many Americans would be horrified to
learn that the American military serves the interests of the British
and Israelis first and American interests last.

Tony Blair is not really a prime minister in the democratic sense. He
is a rubber-stamped (by the people) Crown place-man who is really the
prime minister of the City of London, which is the centre of the
Anglo-Saxon financial and political empire.

German guy
12:52 am EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is
it, folks

I don´t think the German people would tolerate a desire to take back
former colonies as we are very opposed to such discredited imperial
politics. You must also remember that Germans are mostly pacifists,
having suffered two horrendous wars that were organised by their
enemies in London.

This is one reason why your President is so unpopular in Germany. He
reminds a lot of people of Adolf Hitler.

German guy
1:14 am EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

Dml, I´m not familiar with the prophet of whom you speak but I have
read about other prophecies made many years ago that have come to nothing.

At the moment in Germany we have severe economic problems and this is
likely to last for some years to come. In fact, there is so little
money in the public purse that the government is thinking of
abolishing compulsory miltary service (young people may also opt for
civil service if they are pacifists).

We have a very small standing army and cuts are to be made here too.
There are also constitutional factors which would prevent an
aggressive foreign policy. No political party that I know of (not even
the far right) supports the idea of imperialism. People are too
concerned with unemployment and cuts in social spending.

German guy
1:36 am EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

Yes, the cities that are mentioned most as sites for nuclear
detonation are Houston, Dallas and Atlanta. In Europe, we have
computed multiple references to Frankfurt, Paris, Munich and Berlin
(Frankfurt is at the top of the CIA/Mossad "hit list").

A lot of this chatter can be accessed by intercepting the Echelon
system, the raw information output of which is processed by the NSA in
America and the Royal Signals in Britain (as a sidepoint, the Echelon
system is no longer reliable or efficient because it doesn´t use
intelligent algorithms).

What I rely on is good old-fashioned telephony interception, but on a
software platform that unencrypts communications between the various
US military installations and CIA stations dotted around Europe. Also,
the best intelligence you have is another long-forgotten system called
"human contact"! Yes, taking briefings from the intelligence community
direct (on an informal off-duty basis, of course).

The Israelis are very good at selling software-based intelligence
systems but I have never had much faith in their objectivity (on the
human side). The Russians are progressing rapidly in this area and
many agency people I know are extremely impressed with their
communication robots (they are like software vacuum cleaners that suck
up information from electronic communications, but are in Russia much
more advanced than the "dumb" Echelon system. Echelon produces too
many false positives).

German guy
1:56 am EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

These are interesting questions. If I only have time to answer one
before I travel to Frankfurt, I shall try to address the others when I

To 9-11. I personally (and many within the German intelligence
services) believe that 9-11 was an internal operation planned and
executed by an extreme pro-Israel faction within the American
government and intelligence services. The technicalities evident in
both planning, timing and precision flying point to the use of
technologies not available to so-called terrorist groups.

We believe that the relationship between the so-called al-Qaeda group
(really the Muslim Brotherhood which is financed by the British) and
the Israeli intelligence services is very complicated, but there is an
alliance of convenience. We ran a personality profile on some of the
alleged hijackers, analysed handwriting and applied linguistic
methodologies, and thus believe that Atta was a Mossad asset.

There is also an enabling aspect on the part of the Pakistani
intelligence services, which is a clone of the CIA. Yesterday
Musharraf told your media that he had done everything possible to
destroy the Taliban enclave in the border areas of Afghanistan and
Pakistan. This is a lie. Neither the Americans nor the Pakistanis have
any intention of breaking the Afghan rebel forces, as they will need
them to become more extreme and regain the coüntry at a future date.

I think it would be very interesting to see Osama bin Laden and Mr
Wolfowitz in a room together privately, for I am sure they would kiss
each other on the cheeks as brothers under the skin with roughly the
same general project, though sharply divergent goals.
German guy
2:25 am EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

I have ofetn heard my American friends remark with surprise that
Germans are not "controlled", as they thought.

By NWO I think you are referring to the "new world order" system Bush
Senior spoke of during the first Gulf War.

Firstly: in Germany it is illegal for government agencies to share
information about citizens they deal with on an ordinary basis. There
is no central computer that links all of the various departments. (It
is a different matter if you are seen as a threat to the constitution,
and that matter is dealt with by your local state and not by the
federal authorities.)

As yet we do not have a biometric ID system, although that may happen
in the future following approval from the European Parliament. This
has been forced on us by the American government. Nobody in Germany is
enthusiastic about this development, but if you travel to America
regularly, you will not get entry permission after October 2005
without biometric data in your passport.

I have not heard about Satan appearing on any ID card. You can however
see such things by folding various international paper currency in a
certain way, so I think it has more to do with imagined demons than
any deliberate symbolism.

If there is a continuing move to a world order of concentrated power,
then this would rely first on the destruction of the American people
and the American system of government. This is already happening in
the United States and the biggest culprits are to be found in the
American government itself.

It seems that a grouping of international corporate entities and
financial institutions have decided that America at this late stage is
only good for projecting military force, and so it will use up
American resources to advance its own agenda until there is not much
left of American power and credibility.

At the geopolitical level there are only two main beneficiaries:
Israel and the City of London (Israel will then be destroyed by the
CoL and international corporate power groups). At the
financial-imperial level, the major corporations and institutions
involved in the bleeding away of American military power have little
to lose, since all of them have sufficient assets outside of US
territories and would survive the collapse of the United States as a
global power.

So if this is what you mean by a world order, then you are correct. It
will not be a global system of control connived by nation states, but
rather by corporate and financial entities (who already enjoy enormous
power and influence at all levels in all countries).

I shall have to answer other questions when I return later today.

I have just returned from Frankfurt and need to brew some coffee
before progressing with this discussion (fortunately my head is full
of English as I have spent most of the day with some old American

Firstly I would like to comment on what John Doe wrote:


You can believe the "German Guy". I have another cloak-and-dagger
pseudonymn to add the roster. John Doe. I operate under the auspices
of CSIS. Bewteen 2000 and 2001, I was attached to the Organisierte
Kriminalität under the BND. We were investigating Mossad ha-Mossad
le-Modiin ule-Tafkidim Meyuhadim connections to Muslim-based terrorist
cells in Hamburg and Düsseldorf. In September of 2001 just as we were
closing in on a Mossad agent, the operation was shut down by order
from Pullach. All agents were reassigned. I was sent back to Ottawa -
and then later reassigned to Canadian Consulate in Bejing. But while
attached to the BND, I did overhear some intel chatter regarding late
December, 2004. Although only bits and pieces (sound byte here and
there - which I´ve been formally trained to decipher when in a framed
context), it appears to relate to a multi-intel-agency operation
involving a number of Western governments, including the CIA which
initiated the op. Target unknown. Weapon and delivery system unknown.
However, the operation has been named as ´Feuerball´ by the BND.
German for fireball. As my connections to the BND have been severed
and I have no formal working relationship with CIA (only lower level
FBI), there´s not much I can offer. Hopefully the German insider may
pass along some more sound bytes as the time is nearing closer.


I retired shortly before the operation you mentioned. I take it you
would have been part of a three-way operation since the local state
Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz (Agency for the Protection of the
Constitution) likes to stick its bureaucratic nose in wherever it can

Yes, Sir, welcome to the world of politically compromised intelligence
with first-class operatives let down by poor management structures. No
small coincidence that Mossad was on the receiving end.

This was not the main reason I took early retirement (mainly my
health) but it was a big consideration.

Mossad has committed a large number of crimes in Germany and we have
been able to prove it. But our political masters always prevent us
from finishing the job. You may have heard about Uwe Barschel who ran
foul of Mossad? Murder made to look like suicide that was a classic
Kidon killing. Or the Free Democrat leader Jürgen Möllemann who
suffered an unfortunate accident when his parachute failed to open?
(Strange that he had begun to develop an outspoken criticism of
Israel´s West Bank policies!)

Now the Metsada in Israel are directing their Katsa operatives (or
Sayan helpers) to stir up muslims in Germany, hoping to provoke
tensions and ill feelings between the communities, which is a shame
because we have very good mixed culture relations here.

You are probably correct in identifying the codename ´Feuerball´ or
similar to the anticipated next wave of "terrorist" activity, although
I cannot confirm that personally. There exists at present some rivalry
between Pullach and the BND presence in Berlin (I was against the move
to Berlin and was quite outspoken on that) and they even have rival
codewords for the same projects.

I still keep in touch with some of my colleagues and we continue to
swap notes (over a beer or several , and I still have good contacts to
some Americans I used to work with. Furthermore I work as a hobbyist
with an old partner who is a technical computer genius and we network
with other retired or resigned BND service personnel.

Let me tell you what we fear most - and this comes out of our
intercepts. We do not fear so-called Arab "terrorists". We fear Mossad
and we fear some of the groups that work on the far side of the CIA.

Mr Rumsfeld once explained his "mad dog" theory of international
posturing, saying that an unpredicatble America would be an America
respected out of fear. Well he is wrong. Because after a while the
unpredictability becomes eminently predictable and all vanishes into
thin air.

German guy
5:19 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

I spent some years in London, so I think I can say I have a good grasp
of the English language.

Someone following John Doe asked me about technology and what fruits
they have produced.

The technology I and my partner use is a mixture of intercepts that
break encrypted channels (including wireless) between military and
intelligence stations (Israeli, British, American, Pakistani and
others) and web bot programmes based on advanced analysis of Hebrew
(including known code words and phrases), Hebrew dialects (Yiddish
etc), all the permutations of Arabic with regional dialects, as ell as
the same for other middle and south east nations.

(As I said, the best intelligence is "human intel": direct contact
with people who have an important story to tell in confidence.)

Though I cannot give you precise details on any of the cases I worked
on while under my employment contract up to 1999, I can say (because
this has already been admitted at a senior government level, albeit
without any mention in the US media) that we knew about the planned
9-11 attacks three months before they occurred and we warned the
American government twice. They chose to ignore us.

Because of our intelligence findings, there is not one government in
Europe that believes the official version handed down to the American
people. That includes Tony Blair, Mr Bush´s staunchest ally.

Every prime minister and every president within the EU (and most not
in the EU) knows that 9-11 was an internal operation, and though their
intelligence services have made that fact known to their American
counterparts, none dare address the US government directly. To some
extent this is where Mr Rumsfeld´s "mad dog" policy had some success
in the beginning. However, Germany´s foreign minister (and my last
political boss) Joschka Fischer, saw off US pressure to commit German
troops to Iraq by privately telling Rumsfeld that sanctions against
Germany would result in his publishing these findings in the media and
telling the world about it. It worked, and the Bush administration
backed off.

German guy
5:36 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

More recently we have been monitoring intensively the situation in
Iran and American preparations for an assault on that nation´s

Without betraying any aspect of Iran´s readiness in this matter, I can
only advise the Penatagon against any incursions in that sphere. The
immediate consequences for Israel would be dramatic, to say the least,
and the US navy would be seriously injured.

However, as I said before, there is an obsession at play in the US
administration by senior people who are not primarily concerned with
America´s best interests, but with certain corporate interests. Not
even the loss of Israel, which is inevitable anyway, worries these
people much.

Even Ariel Sharon has purchased for himself property in Greece and
many member of the Israeli establishment are making preparations to
relocate to South America, most likely Patagonia where huge tracts of
land have already been purchased by the Israeli government with funds
supplied by the United States. Indeed, we estimate that around 20
percent of the defence budget allocated for Iraq has mysteriously
disappeared into this account.

German guy
6:00 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

This was reported to me by a colleague:

When the representatives of the BND presented to the American team its
own view that Iraq did not possess WMD, the American side admitted
that conventional intelligence had not produced any real evidence
either. But, they said, we know it´s there.

We asked how they knew, but they did not provide us with a proper
answer. However, we learned through intercepts that the Pentagon had
employed "psychics" to visualise suspected Iraqi outposts. These
lunatics then claimed to have seen huge stockpiles of lethal weaponry,
including the whole palette of ABC weapons. On this basis, America
invaded a country that did not threaten them.

Now I hear that Mr Wolfowitz is talking to Jewish mystics to try to
divine the right decison to make on Iran, this time through the arts
of Kabbala. I know very little about this kind of religious practise
but I do know that you should not allow such things to influence the
foreign policy of the world´s major nation.

German guy
6:13 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

To answer a previous question:

I didnÄt find the GLP forum, rather it found me. I spend all my free
time doing researches for papers I am writing and (hopefully) a book.
This is apart from my activities in private intelligence and
communications monitoring.

The internet is a good source of post-qualified information if you
know where to look. It is not a primary source. In addition, I enjoy
reading posts made in many so-called "intelligence forums" where
people speculate about what may or may not happen. That´s how I found
a lively discussion here about two months ago and I thought it would
be interesting for me to post some of my information here too.

German guy
6:21 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

Maybe you should ask the FBI (perhaps anonymously) whay they aren´t
investigating reports that Atlanta, Dallas and Houston are being
singled out for the detonation of a nuclear device.

I think you probably know the answer. In fact, we have no indication
that the FBI has been informed at all and this pattern looks very
similar to that seen prior to the events of 9-11.

German guy
6:24 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

"and risks all his confidentiality agreements"

I´ve already explained that I cannot talk about cases to which I was
personally assigned during my service until 1999. What I am discussing
with you now does not contravene either confidentiality agreements or
my own code of ethics. This is fine for publication.

German guy
6:30 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

Does the term "The Libary" mean anything to you? (I´m not referring to
a conventional library.)

German guy
6:33 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

DHS, I already replied to that question:


To answer a previous question:

I didnÄt find the GLP forum, rather it found me. I spend all my free
time doing researches for papers I am writing and (hopefully) a book.
This is apart from my activities in private intelligence and
communications monitoring.

The internet is a good source of post-qualified information if you
know where to look. It is not a primary source. In addition, I enjoy
reading posts made in many so-called "intelligence forums" where
people speculate about what may or may not happen. That´s how I found
a lively discussion here about two months ago and I thought it would
be interesting for me to post some of my information here too.


German guy
7:08 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

First of all, Clio, let me say I´m having great difficulty posting
replies at the moment. There seems to be a long delay in submitting.

Corporate interests across the board have a vested interest in causing
a bigger crisis than 9-11. All of our findings point to a nuclear
incident in one of the three cities I mentioned.

Let´s refer to the people behind this as the "Hidden Hand".

Who in the public eye is most closely identified with this Hidden Hand?

Paul Wolfowitz.

From whence does it draw its membership?

Inter-services: CIA, military, mercenary (ex-SAS: British logistics
and ex-CIA Latin America operatives); Mossad aka "al-Qaeda" (Muslim
Brotherhood backed by the City of London power brokers).

How is it financed?

Laundered money (Cayman Isles up until 1999), Afghan and SA drug
money, funds diverted from the military budget.

What is their purpose?

To collapse the US economy, suspend normal government and militarise
American society (conscription) - in place of destroying Frankfurt´s
finacial district which is home to the Central European Bank.

What do they gain?

In terms of politics, complete power and the sympathy of the world. It
would then allow them to default on the national debt caused by huge
budget deficits. At a personal level, the corporations of which key US
admin would guarantee an income stream since many have already bailed
out of US stocks.

Who else gains?

In the short term, the City of London financial super-class and Israel.

Who loses?

Almost everyone else.

Please also note: We have reason to believe that many "terrorist"
prisoners in US custody are being subjected to long periods of intense
sensory deprivation and methods by which they acquire a new controlled
personality. We think they are being programmed for something.

German guy
7:24 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

Many, many questions. It is now 01.20 and I´m ready to sleep, so I
will have to return tomorrow.

To the library: Ever heard of Barry Seal? He was helped by "The
Library" and many members still remember him with fondness.

In short, it is an informal "club" for ex-intelligence operatives,
from all nations, who fear that the "Hidden Hand" organisations are
out of control and are leading the world to destruction.

Some people reading this will understand.

German guy
8:22 am EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it,

I have just logged on earlier than anticipated to read your messages,
some of which are very perceptive and some of which are deliberately

Other people posting as "German guy" must understand that they are not
doing themselves or their fellow citizens any favours. I won´t
register so you must use discernment.

I shall be back with more information and background this evening at
around 23.00 hrs CET.

Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it, folks

Rekapitulacija. – 59 strana ... e=12/17/04


P.S. Licno ne vjerujem da ce se to desiti 27/12/04, mada ono sto je implicirano, moze da se desi bilo kojeg dana

PostPostano: pet dec 24, 2004 12:19 am 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4212

u ovim porukama covjeka koji se predstavlja pod imenom German Guy, penzionisani njemacki obavjestajac, ima dosta istine, mada i svaka dobra dezinformacija sadrzi dosta istine (nisam mislio na Bibliju i Kur’an!). Mislim da su velike sanse da se uskoro desi nesto slicno ovome o cemu ovaj covjek prica. Kolika ce biti snaga te bombe i da li ce ona biti aktivirana u Hjustonu, Dalasu, Atlanti, ili negdje drugo (ukljucujuci Evropu) ostaje samo da se nagadja.

Autor ovih poruka lijepo je naveo ko je odgovoran za septembarski napad na STC, (uostalom, isto to se moze vidjeti i iz teksta Cudnije od Fantazije na ovom vebsajtu), zajedno sa ulogom P. Wolfowitz-a, kao jednog od frontmena iluminata. On je takodje potvrdio da su CIA, MOSSAD, Al Qaeada itd. u sprezi, medjutim, on ne vidi da su na vrhu tih organizacija ukljucujuci i njemacku obavjestajnu sluzbu “isti ljudi”. On cak kaze da kad god su se primicali tacki da otkriju i pohvataju sve Mossad-ove agente, odozgo im stigne naredjenje da se prekine sa cijelom akcijom a agenti se onda raspodjele na druge zadatke!? (”Igre bez granica”)
Sta to jos nekome treba da bi sklopio sliku o cemu se radi?!?

Ista tako vidimo i kako se istorija ponavlja. Kada je Hitler zapalio Reichstag, eliminisao opoziciju i poceo sa svojim divljanjem, niko mu nije smio prigovoriti isto kao sto danas niko ne smije prigovoriti Amerikancima.
Medjutim, konci se povlace iz jednog centra na vrhu piramide, dok smo svi mi ispod, ukljucujuci i vecinu agenata ovih tajnih sluzbi – samo pijuni i ‘topovska hrana’. (To cemo i ostati sve dok ne ukljucimo vlastiti mozak.)

GG takodje pominje unistenje Izraela!? Iluminati planiraju da u iducem periodu naprave haos na ovoj planeti s ciljem eliminacije veceg broja stanovnistva, pogotovo onih sa semitskim genomom. Stoga nije nikakvo cudo sto ce semitska komponenta Jevreja u Izraelu biti zrtvovana (u vezi ovoga, nesto sam vec naveo u uvodu Protokola, na metafizickoj strani sajta).

U USA, situacija je trenutno takva da Bush-u pod hitno treba jedan novi incident za kojeg ce optuziti Iran, Siriju itd. tako da moze da nastavi sa ‘opravdanim ratom protiv terorizma’. To ce istovremeno sluziti i da se jos vise ucvrste ‘anti-teroristicke’ mjere i da se kontrola ljudi jos vise pojaca (mikrocipovi!?!), ne samo u USA, nego i u vecini drugih zemalja. Kazu da CIA trenutno radi na falsifikovanju dokumenata u kojima se “jasno vidi” da Iran radi na proizvodnji atomske bombe. (Isto kao sto su izmanipulisali i one dokumente da Sadam ima “hemijsko oruzje za masovnu destrukciju”.) Vjerujem da ti “dokumenti” ipak nece biti dovoljni. Prema nekim vjestima, USA je trenutno u minusu nekih 500 milijardi dolara, sa dosta losom ekonomskom situacijom, tako da bi jedan siri rat trebao da doprinese njenom ‘oporavku’. Istovremeno, ne ide im bas najbolje u Iraku i Avganistanu, te bi jedan veci teroristicki napad osigurao opravdanje za masovnu mobilizaciju ljudi za vojne potrebe, odnosno, povecanje njihovih snaga u tom regionu a i koristenje nuklearnog arsenala.
Sve vise i vise podataka izlazi na svjetlo dana koji ukazuju na to da je operacija napada na STC takodje djelo Mosada i americkih tajnih sluzbi, sto znaci da sada treba organizovati nesto da se i od toga odvuce paznja.
Bivsi direktor CIA, Tenet, poslednjih dana je veoma aktivan u promovisanju ideje zabrane interneta. Ne bi bilo nikakvo cudo da u organizaciji iduceg teroristickog akta, internet takodje odigra neku odredjenu ulogu, takoda se dobije jako opravdanje da se on ukine. Bez obzira na enormnu kolicinu dezinformacija koje se danas plasiraju na internet, on je istovremeno i jedino sredstvo uz pomoc kojeg se moze doci i do istinitih informacija. Zatvaranjem interneta onemogucio bi se svaki teoretski izvor i prenos istinitih informacija.

U gornjim porukama GG navodi tacan datum i mjesto tog teroristickog akta sto je malo naivno i podsjeca na slicne poruke koje je poslao tzv. ‘Aussie Bloke’, u vezi udara kometa u zemlju, prije par mjeseci. Pogotovo ako uzmemo u obzir da niko nije uspio da provali tacan datum i mjesto teroristickog napada na STC, sto nije nikakvo cudo, s obzirom na prirodu i ‘profesionalnost’ organizacije koja planira i izvode te akte. To podrazumjeva da ce se tesko moci definitivno provaliti datum i mjesto iduceg napada.

Na kraju krajeva, koliko god vanzemaljci imali ili nemali veze sa svim ovim, cini se da ima dosta entiteta u ljudskim tijelima koji su prevazisli i one najgore od njih. To je ono sto takodje moramo uzeti u obzir.


PostPostano: sri dec 29, 2004 10:30 pm 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4212
Neko je ovih dana primjetio kako vec 2 mjeseca Iracani ne otimaju strance i ne odrubljuju im glave.

Sta se to desilo prije 2 mjeseca?!? IZBORI U AMERICI!!!

S obzirom da je Bush pobjedio, nema vise potrebe za ovakvim “operacijama”, tako da su agenti Mossada i CIA koji rade u Iraku, trenutno na godisnjem odmoru.

Cak je i Rumsfield ovih dana u Iraku izjavio kako su isti ljudi “rusili” one avione u Americi i odrubljivali glave otetima u Iraku!?

Frojdovski lapsus, medjutim, - Rumsfiel je napokon rekao istinu.


PostPostano: čet dec 30, 2004 11:37 pm 

Pridružen/a: sub feb 14, 2004 5:04 am
Postovi: 12
Prije svega pozdrav Bor-u i ostalim ucesnicima foruma.
Moram priznati da sam se iznenadio kada sam procitao tvoj zadnji komentar o otmicama i javnom odrubljivanju glava kojih je kako kazes nedostajalo zadnjih mjeseci, normalno, one su svoju funkiciju obavile i to veoma uspjesno.Iznenadio sam se jer to nisam primjetio,a mislim da sam dobar poznavaoc njihove igre,sto nakon svih ovih godina i nije tako tesko jer stvari postaju providne i ocigledne.Kada se samo sjetim kako su te video snimke imale jak psiholoski efekat nije mi jasno kako sam mogao da ih zaboravim.

Zelim vam svima zdravlje,srecu,ljubav i mnogo znanja i Novoj 2005 godini.

PostPostano: čet jul 07, 2005 12:41 pm 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4212
Jutros je u Londonu izvedena serija terorističkih napada. Čije će li pasoše, lične karte i druge identifikacione dokumente ovaj put pronaći?

Iranske, Sirijske...?

Sada treba posmatrati i kakvi će sve zakoni stupiti na snagu u Engleskoj nakon ovih napada. Blair već dugo vremena bezuspješno pokušava da uvede lične karte tamo. Sada će imati razloga da donesu mnoge mjere koje su vjerovatno već odavno pripremljene.

Stara priča na principu: Problem-Reakcija-Solucija se nastavlja.


PostPostano: čet jul 07, 2005 3:22 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri okt 13, 2004 11:54 am
Postovi: 466
Lokacija: bg
> Blair već dugo vremena bezuspješno pokušava da uvede lične karte tamo. Sada će imati razloga da donesu mnoge mjere koje su vjerovatno već odavno pripremljene.

sad se setih jedne informacije.

i u srbiji treba da se uvedu tzv. licne karte na kartici sa gomilom informacija. ovaj projekat je navodno uveden u 3-4 zemlje tipa papua nova gvineja i slicno. caka je ustvari u broju info koje treba da se upise na krticu i da li ce mozda kartica imati u sebi predajnik male snage. naravno na karticu moze svasta da stane ali ostaje pitanje privatnosti.
e sad koliko se ja secam uvodjenje sistem u srbiji dosta je zavisilo od odluke (cini mi se cak i sudske, zbog narusavanja privatnosti) o tome da li ce se isti sistem uvesti u britaniji.
a sve zbog prevelikog broja info koji su idejni tvorci ovog sistema hteli da spakuju na ID karticu.
ako sam ja dobro razumeo celu frku oko kartica sustina je da se zna koje info ce biti na njoj i ko i kako ima pravo da im pristupi.

e da li sad sve ovo sve ima neke veze ne znam...

PostPostano: čet jul 07, 2005 9:07 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet jun 03, 2005 7:20 pm
Postovi: 310
Koliko vidim, prva misao o napadima bila mi je ista kao i većini ovdje. Uočila sam i sedmice u datumu / ono s godinom malko mi je promaklo.

Slažem se sa tvojom dijagnozom datuma, Grunfer, na topiku London.

Ipak, nija mi sasvim jasna ta velika ovisnost Iluminata o simbolici? Potpisi - baklje i sl. Tek toliko da se zna tko je glavni?

Već neko vrijeme imam pred-osjećaj zahuktavanja događanja. Kao da nešto visi u zraku. Ali, da me pitate otkud mi to, ne bih mogla objasniti.

Kao da se događaji ubrzavaju, i sve je važnije da budemo što svjesniji...

Uz sve prepreke, moramo nastojati.

Svih pozdravljam!

PostPostano: čet jul 07, 2005 9:28 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned sep 19, 2004 9:39 am
Postovi: 463
Lokacija: Offline
Da, pricao sam s masom ljudi i dosta njih je osjecalo neke napetosti u posljednjih sedam dana.
Ja sam samo brojao dogadaje i moram priznati da ovo nisam ocekivao.
1,3,7 dani ovog mjeseca su bili trigeri.
Izbijanje vulkana, potres u Indooneziji i ovo danas je kraj jednog ciklusa koje oznacava 777.
Iluminati imaju svoj "tajni jezik" mozes vidjeti ako malo obratis paznju.
Oni korsite razne slike, simbole, brojeve...
Okultni brojevi su upravo 3,7,11,13. Kada si na 33 stupnju tada postajes prosvjetljen tj. ILUMINAT.
Recimo, znak slobodnih zidara je dva sestara koji su otvoreni na 33 stupnja.
E sad se pitas zasto 666 ili 9. to je ustvari dupla 3 koja ima posebno znacenje, a 9 je naopaka 6.
Evo njihovih djela:

11.09.2001 WTC
"STC srušen je na 11.09.2001, zgrade su imale jedna 109, a druga 110 katova"
31.08.1997 POGINULA PRINCEZA DIANA međutim tu nije kraj, 08.04.2005 je zanimljiv datum
08.04.2005 PRINC CHARLES I CAMILLA PARKER-BOWLES PRED OLTAROM -> točno 2.777 dana nakon pogibije priceze Diane, dakle 777
01.09.2004 teroristicki napad u Rusiji Belsan

PostPostano: čet jul 07, 2005 9:57 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet jun 03, 2005 7:20 pm
Postovi: 310

Evo i od mene malo računanja:

Beslan: 01.09.2004.

London: 07.07.2005.

Prošlo je 309 dana.

PostPostano: čet jul 07, 2005 10:03 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned sep 19, 2004 9:39 am
Postovi: 463
Lokacija: Offline
Hehe, ne treba pretjerivat sa racunanjem, stvari su vrlo jednostavne.
Ja sam cak prije toliko zaglavio u racunanju da sam kuda god se okrenem vidio potpis iluminata 8)

U to ime sam si izradio software pomocu kojeg sam dobivao broj dana izmedu dva dogadaja. 8)

PostPostano: čet aug 18, 2005 11:37 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
"You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism." - Cindy Sheehan


PostPostano: pet aug 19, 2005 10:00 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pon dec 13, 2004 10:24 pm
Postovi: 698
Lokacija: Hmrgh
Za to je preduvjet da prvo Izrael ode iz Amerike hehehe.

Your God is KROM, and KROM, he lives in the Earth....

PostPostano: sri nov 23, 2005 12:37 pm 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4212
Dobro, odakle stvarno potiče ta 'Al Qaeda' ?

Wayne Madsen

Prevod: B.P.

Malo više podataka u vezi grupe Al Qaeda.

Kratko prije svoje prijevremene smrti, bivši Sekretar za Inostrane Poslove Britanije, Robin Cook izjavio je u Donjem Parlamentu da "Al Qaeda" u stvarnosti nije nikakva teroristička grupa, nego samo jedna baza podataka o internacionalnim muđahedinima i krijumčarima oružja koji su korišteni od strane CIA i Sadijske Arabije za isporuku oružja i novca gerili u Avganistanu za vrijeme sovjetske okupacije. Uz pomoć žurnala Svjetske Afere, koji je baziran u Nju Delhiju, donosimo vam neke važne izvode iz jednog članka kojeg je u augustu 2004.g. objavio Pierre-Henry Bunel, bivši službenik francuske vojne obavještajne službe.

"Prvi put sam čuo za riječ Al-Qaida kad sam pohađao jedan Kurs za komandu i personal u Jordanu. U to vrijeme sam bio bio oficir u francuskim oružanim snagama koje sarađivale i bile u uskim vezama sa Jordanom. . .

"Dvojica mojih jordanskih kolega bili su eksperti za kompjutere. Oni su bili oficiri u vazduhoplovnim snagama. Koristeći se slengom iz kompjuteristike, oni su uveli cijelu jednu seriju viceva na temu kažnjavanja studenata.

"Na primjer, kad je neko od nas kasnio, ova dvojica oficira bi mu rekla: 'Bićeš upisan u 'Q eidat il-Maaloomaat' što je značilo 'Bićeš ubilježen u bazu podataka.' To bi značilo 'Dobićeš jedno upozorenje. ...' Ukoliko bi neki slučaj bio ozbiljniji, onda su oni pominjali 'Q eidat i-Taaleemaat.' To je značilo 'baza podataka za odluke.' U prevodu, - 'bićeš kažnjen.' Za one najgore slučajeve oni su govorili da će ih zabilježiti u 'Al Qaida.'

"U ranim 80-setim godinama, Islamska Banka za razvoj (the Islamic Bank for Development, prim.prev.) koja je locirana u gradu Jeddah, Saudi Arabija, kao i Stalni Sekretarijat za Organizaciju Islamske Konferencije, nabavili su jedan novi kompjuterski sistem da bi zadovoljili svoje knjigovodstvene potrebe, kao i za komunikativne svrhe. U to vrijeme, taj sistem je bio mnogo razvijeniji nego što je to bilo potrebno za njihove stvarne potrebe.

"Tako je bilo odlučeno da se dio memorije tog kompjuterskog sistema koristi za čuvanje podataka Islamske Konferencije. Zemlje koje su učestvovale u konferenciji mogle su da se povežu sa tom bazom podataka uz pomoć telefona: kao neka vrsta Intraneta, modernim jezikom rečeno. Vlade država članica kao i neke od njihovih ambasada u svijetu bili su povezani na ovu mrežu.

"Prema jednom pakistanskom majoru, ta baza podataka je bila podijeljena na dva dijela, na informativni sektor gdje su učesnici u sastancima mogli da šalju i preuzimaju informacije koje su im bile potrebne, kao i jedan sektor gdje su se pohranjivale i čuvale sve postignute odluke i dogovori. Na arapskom jeziku ti fajlovi su se nazivali, 'Q eidat il-Maaloomaat' i 'Q eidat i-Taaleemaat.' Ta dva fajla bila su čuvana u jednom, koji se na arapskom zvao 'Q eidat ilmu'ti'aat' što na egleskom jeziku upravo znači pojam ‘baza podataka’. Međutim, Arapi su za to obično koristili skraćenicu Al Qaida što je arapska riječ koja znači - “baza”. Vojna vazduhoplovna baza u Rijadu, Saudijska Arabija, zove se
'q eidat 'riyadh al 'askariya.' Q eida uopsteno znači – “baza” a "Al Qaida" podrazumjeva jednu određenu bazu.

"Sredinom 80-tih godina, Al Qaida je bila baza podataka locirana u kompjuteru i namijenjena za komunikacije sekretarijata Islamske Konferencije.

"Ranih 90-tih godina, ja sam radio kao vojni obavještajni oficir u Komandnom Centru Francuskih Snaga za Brze Intervencije. Zbog dobrog poznavanja arapskog jezika, moj posao se sastojao u prevođenju faksova i pisama koji su bili zaplijenjeni ili presretnuti od strane naše obavještajne službe. . . Mi smo često dobijali materijal kojeg smo presretali i koji je bio slan od strane Islamske mreže koja je operisala u Britaniji i Belgiji.

"Ti dokumenti su sadržavali uputstva koja su slana islamskim oružanim grupacijama u Alžiru i Francuskoj. U tim porukama su se navodili izvori određenih izjava koje se trebaju koristiti u redakciji proglasa i brošura, ili koje treba da se prenesu do medija uz pomoć video ili audio traka. Najčešće navođeni izvori bile su Ujedinjene Nacije, nesvrstane zemlje, UNHCR i … Al Qaida.

"Al Qaida je ostala kao baza podataka Islamske Konferencije. Mnoge islamske grupacije mogle su se služiti informacijama iz te baze podataka. Tako je bilo sasvim prirodno to što je i Osama Bin Laden bio povezan na tu mrežu. On je pripadnik jedne od najvažnijih porodica u svijetu bankarstva i biznisa.

"S obzirom da su toj mreži imale pristupa i neke ‘nevaljale države,' nekim terorističkim grupama je bilo savim lako da se koriste
e-mail-om te baze podataka. Odatle je e-mail Qaida-e korišten uz pomoć određnih interfejsa, koji su obezbjeđivali tajnovitost i način za komunikaciju između porodica muđahedina i njihove djece koja su učestvovala na vojnim obukama u Afganistanu, Libiji, Libanu itd. ili su učestvovali u akcijama na nekim bojištima gdje su se borili ekstremisti finansirani od strane nekih 'odmetničkih režima'. U te ‘nevaljale države’ spadala je i Saudijska Arabija. Kada je Osama bin Laden radio kao američki agent u Afganistanu, taj Al Qaida Intranet je služio kao jedan dobar sistem za komunikaciju uz pomoć šifrovanih i tajnih poruka.

"Al Qaida nije bila nikakva teroristička grupa niti lična imovina Osame bin Ladena . . . Oni teroristički napadi u Turskoj 2003. godine bili su izvedeni od strane Turaka, a njihovi motivi su bili lokalne prirode a ne internacionalne. Ti kriminalni akti su stavili Tursku u jednu tesku poziciju vis-a-vis Britanije i Izraela. Medutim, tim napadima se namjeravalo i ‘kazniti’ turskog premijera Erdogana zbog toga što je on bio mlak islamski političar.


"Istina je da ne postoji nikakva islamska armija ili teroristička grupa koja se zove Al Qaida. Svaki imalo informisan obavještajac to zna. Međutim, ono što postoji, to je jedna sveobuhvatna propagandna kampanja da bi se javnost natjerala da povjeruje u prisustvo jednog određenog entiteta koji predstavlja ‘zlo’ ili đavola, samo da bi se navelo ‘TV gledaoca’ da prihvati ujedinjeno internacionalno rukovodsvo za jedan opšti rat protiv terorizma. Država koja stoji iza ove propagande je USA a onima koji podstiću ovaj rat, jedini interes je novčani profit. "

Još jedan od primjera šta se događa s onima koji ugrožavaju ovaj sistem je i samo hapšenje majora Pierre-Henri Bunela, u decembru 2001. godine, pod optužbom od strane tajnog francuskog vojnog suda da je prenjeo jednom srpskom agentu tajne informacije o potencijalnim metama u Srbiji za bombardovanje od strane NATO Pakta, za vrijeme rata na Kosovu 1998. godine. Bunelov slučaj se razmatrao na vojnom sudu kako bi svi detalji ostali u tajnosti. Očigledno je bilo da je taj čovjek zatvoren kako bi ga se spriječilo da iznosi istinu o Al Qaeda i onima koji stvarno stoje iza terorističkih napada, za koje se krivica svaljuje na tu grupu. Značajno je napomenuti da je Jugoslovenska vlada, dakle vlada s kojom je Brunel od strane francuske vlade bio optužen za saradnju, tvrdila da su albanska i bosanska gerila potpomognute od strane određenih elemenata iz grupe "Al Qaeda." Nama je poznato da su ove gerile bile finasirane novcem obezbjeđenim preko Bosanskog Fonda za Odbranu, koji je osnovan kao jedan specijalni fond preko banke Riggs, koja se nalazi pod uticajem Busha i kojom su upravljali Richard Perle i Douglas Feith.

Kraj izvoda

PostPostano: čet nov 24, 2005 12:03 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet okt 13, 2005 11:14 am
Postovi: 130
Lokacija: Sarajevo
Hm, preostaje nam samo jedno... Ustanak protiv Iluminata. Znam da bi u tom slucaju bili kao oni, ali klin se klinom izbija. Pogledajte samo prosjecnog Amerikanca. Dan provodi rintajuci kao konj, dolazi kuci sa posla, mozda vecera sa porodicom, a onda pravac fotelja, pivo u ruke i TV. Amerikanci su zaista lakovjeran narod. Mozes ih uvjeriti u sve. Najlaksi nacin za to je pozvati se na taj njihov glupi "patriotizam". Nista se vise ne mora uraditi. Nakon sto im se povrijedi njihova nacionalna sujeta, sve ce uraditi samo da bi kaznili one koji koji su se drznuli da dirnu u njihovu "slobodu" :lol: . Narod sa kojim je prelako manipulisati, cast izuzecima u toj zemlji. Evropljani su cini mi se malo ( ma sta malo, mnogo) samosvjesniji i bistriji te nisu laki za manipulaciju. Opasnost od svjetskog terorizma? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Pa to je previse smijesno. Ne mogu da vjerujem da ljudi olako vjeruju u to. Ali neka. Naci ce se vec neko da i njima i njihovim gusterolikim prijateljima pomrsi racune. Nicija nije do zore gorjela, pa nece ni njihova.

'' Odbij, jer ti si presjecen nadvoje, tvoja dusa je smezurana, tvoje prokleto ime pokopano je, zaboravom, iznad nje je sutnja i ona je pala ...''

PostPostano: pon feb 06, 2006 2:23 pm 

Pridružen/a: ned jan 15, 2006 11:01 am
Postovi: 26

to za Amere sa poslom, pivom i TV je bilo juce.
Danasnji Amerikanac nafixan trci kroz park za drugim Amerom i puca iz gan-a za njim zato sto mu je ovaj oduzeo prostitutku.

he he

 Naslov: hehe
PostPostano: sub feb 18, 2006 11:12 am 

Pridružen/a: pet jan 20, 2006 10:52 am
Postovi: 15
Lokacija: One Step Closer To The End
Sva s****a potječu od Amera, kao i sve ove "nove" bolesti... Pa tako i terorizam... A možda niste ni znali da se amerikancima nesmije suditi za nikakve goleme zločine - npr. masovna ubojstva... - jer se to mora odvijati u Hagu, a oni su oslobođeni suđenja u Hagu... Znači nemožemo im ništa...

..........:::::Linkin Park:::::..........

Forfeit the game / Before somebody else
Takes you out of the frame / Puts your name to shame
Cover up your face / You can’t run the race
The pace is too fast / You just won't last

PostPostano: sub feb 18, 2006 7:39 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri dec 21, 2005 8:37 pm
Postovi: 260
Lokacija: Na glogu
- jer se to mora odvijati u Hagu, a oni su oslobođeni suđenja u Hagu... Znači nemožemo im ništa...

Bitno da se nama sudi u hagu :evil:

Absense of evidence is not evidence of absence.

PostPostano: pet jun 02, 2006 4:36 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri maj 17, 2006 1:04 am
Postovi: 185
Lokacija: kroejša
Jel netko gledao prvu epizodu THE LONE GUNMEN-a? To su ona tri frika iz X-files
U prvoj epizodi (emitirana početkom 2001) "oteta" su 2 putnička aviona, a "terorosti" ih preusmjere na twins-e... THE LONE GUNMEN-i skuže da terorista nema već su avioni daljinsko upravljani... :!:

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