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PostPostano: uto nov 13, 2007 4:49 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned dec 17, 2006 4:10 pm
Postovi: 106
Lokacija: Zgb
Zelio bih napomenuti da ovaj post koji slijedi je cisto spekulativnog karaktera, ali podpomognut cvrstom logikom. Zato se nadam da necete zamjeriti, ali to je jedan pogled na to kako stvari stoje...

Naime, netko je pitao otkud 2009? Iskreno nemam pojma, mozda osjecaj. Jedini navodi 2009. su po pretpostavkom da je 2012. zaista ono sto se prica da je - cime mozemo povuci paralelu biblijskog armagedona, onda Ivan u Apokalipi kaze da ce preostati 1260 dana (mislim da je taj podatak) sto je 3,5 godine, da se ljudi okrenu na "pravu" stranu. Drugi podatak o 2009. je onaj u kotekstu famoznog desetog planeta - Nibiru, za koji se pocjenjuje da ce postati vidljiv na nebu bas tijekom te godine, buduci da je njegova orbita takva pa prilazi zemlji pod kutem koji je vidljiv jedino s juznog pola. Takva putanja je moguca, a poklapa se s navjestavanjem drevnih prorocanstava a i nekih jos zivucih religija o tome da pojava nove sjajne zvijezde na nebu navjescuje totalno unistenje.

Osim toga, pogledajmo malo svijet u kojemu zivimo. Samou posljednjem tromjesecju Kina je imala rast gospodarstva od preko 11%. To je vrlo vrlo impesivan podatak. Dok je ostatak svijeta u recesiji, burzovni indeksi u americi i europi (pa cak i u aziji) padaju svakim danom, najvece svjetske banke imaju strahovite gubitke reda velicina desetaka milijardi dolara, Kina grabi naprijed. U takvim uvijetima, amerikanci znaju da ce Kina za 15-20 godina biti najmocnija u svijetu, pa cak i danas gledajuci realne vrijednosti Kinesko gospodarstvo tek nekoliko postotaka zaostaje za americkim. Jasno je da vodstvo SAD-a zeli da SAD ostane na vrhu svjetske dominacije i jedino rjesenje za to je uvuci Kinu u rat na neki nacin. Ni Rusija nije postedjenja, Rusija koja je vratila sve svoje dugove, i koja je takodjer u gospodarskom uzletu. Nije ni cudno zasto SAD zeli isprovocirati Rusiju pritiscima na antiraketni stit, Kosovo te na Iran. Iran je takodjer jedan instrument kojim se povecava tenzija medju ove tri sile. Naime, Kineskog i Ruskog kapitala u Iranu ima u ogromnim kolicinama, jer Iran je jedan od glavnih snabdijevaca nafte, poglavito Kini. Da li ce Kina i Rusija mirno gledati dok amerikanci bombardiraju stratese ciljeve u Iranu kao sto su rafinerije, naftovodi, mostovi autoceste, zeljeznice a sve pod izlikom sprecvanja Irana u izgradnji nuklearnog oruzja?

Nadalje, ako amerikanci znaju da ce se nesto dogodti 2012. to bi opravdalo izgradju preko 130 podzemnih baza koje mogu ugostiti preko milijun ljudi. Svijet ce ionako pretrpiti gubitke, na povrsinu se nece moci desecima godina, oslabi svoje neprijatelje u najvecoj mogucoj mjeri (ukljucujuci upotrebu nuklearnog naoruzanja) te kad se situacija na povrsini smiri, izadji van i zapocni novu civilizaciju. Opet maksimalno kontroliranu, ali i najjacu, jer Amerikanci od svog gradjanskog rata nijedan drugi rat nisu vodili na svom teritoriju.

Mislim, to je jedan od mogucih scenarija, vidimo da su Bush, Angela Merkel i Sarkozy postali pravi prijatelji, blokovi se vec stvaraju. Putin je bio u Iranu, a ne vjerujem da je isao samo popiti kavu. Amerikanci nisu glupi, i znaju se sto ce se dogoditi i vjerojatno im nitko nece pomrsiti planove, bar ne netko s ovoga svijeta. Zato je u najmanju ruku neodgovorno tvrditi da ce nas ljubav i opredjeljenost prema drugima spasiti od nuklearnih bojevnih glava. Mozda u slijedecem zivotu, ali u ovom moramo i tu opciju ukljuciti kao jedan od mgucih scenarija...

Lijep pozdrav!

PostPostano: uto nov 13, 2007 4:57 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pon jul 31, 2006 1:38 am
Postovi: 506
Lokacija: -edge of reality-
johnny ... ovo me podsjeca na Fallout timeline!
Eto to je ono što me na neki nacin zastrašuje.
Želim da ovja planet postane zeleniji i ljepsi nego što je bio do sad.

Hmmm... Clensing with Fire... (cak prirodni proces)

Sad se jsetih pjesme od Blind Guadrian-a ...Trial by Fire

-A mind without purpose will wander in dark places.-
-A small mind is easily filled with faith.-
-An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.-

PostPostano: uto nov 13, 2007 6:05 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet nov 01, 2007 3:49 pm
Postovi: 744
Lokacija: purgerland
A ja vidim da pored Arbitrium Liberum pise moderator... sto znaci da moram biti pristojniji nego sto jesam... :D

Ja ne znam cemu ova "navlakusa" ali rekoh i napisah "mnogi" a ne "znanstvena cinjenica, fakt, istina" i sl.... s obzirom da na internetu ima svega i svacega pa, neces vjerovati, spominju i 17p/holmes u raznim kontekstima recimo
Kao sto napisak u kontekstu teme 2012 i "vjerovanja" o sudnjem danu i slicnim stvarima zanimalo me sto drugi misle o 17P/Holmes...
.... zanimljivo bi bilo znati sto moderator misli(ili zna) da se desilo Holmesu? Kakvo je to povecanje "brightened" i s kojim uzrokom....

PostPostano: uto nov 13, 2007 7:51 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri maj 24, 2006 11:23 am
Postovi: 1573
A ja vidim da pored Arbitrium Liberum pise moderator... sto znaci da moram biti pristojniji nego sto jesam...

Nema to nikakve veze, svako treba da procita pravila rada na forumu i svako je dobrodosao.

.... zanimljivo bi bilo znati sto moderator misli(ili zna) da se desilo Holmesu? Kakvo je to povecanje "brightened" i s kojim uzrokom...

Zasto mislis da ja znam nesto vise o tome od tebe? Verovatno ne znam. Meni je eto zanimljivo sto se "zvanicno" to povecanje sjajnosti ili raspadanje, svejedno, desilo krajem oktobra, a ja opet tu stvar gledam od sredine septembra, kada je mozda bila i jos svetlija. To ne umem da objasnim. A nisam jedini, znam jos nekoliko ljudi koji to prate i gledaju otkad i ja. Trazili smo, raspitivali se mesec dana, ali nista do eto tog 24. oktobra.

PostPostano: sri nov 14, 2007 8:00 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned okt 28, 2007 9:41 am
Postovi: 89
Lokacija: Skopje
Postovani prijatelji,

Eve ukratko o zapisu koji sam vam pricao.

U orginalnim recima uzeto od subtitle-a.
Ovo je samo minijaturni deo sto zapis sadrzi.


Kada pocnemo da preispitujemo, ono sto mislimo da razumemo, odakle dolazimo,
sta cinimo, to vise poccinjete da uviрate da nas lazu. Lazu nas sve institucije koje postoje. Kako uopste neko moze i da pomisli da su religijske institucije jedine koje su jos ostale netaknute od lazi?

Religijske institucije ovoga sveta su na samom dnu prljavstina. Religijske institucije ovoga sveta su osnovane od strane istih onih ljudi koji cine vase vlade, koji vode vase skolstvo koji su osnovali sve to meрunarodne bankarske kartele.

Jer nasim gospodarima nije stalo niti do nas niti do nasih familija. Sve do cega je njima stalo jeste ono do cega im je uvek jedino i bilo stalo, a to je da kontrolisu citavi prokleti svet. Obmanama su nam skretali poglede od prave istine prisustva bozanskog u univerzumu, onoga sto ljudi zovu Bogom. Ne znam sta je Bog, ali znam sta on nije.

I ukoliko, i sve dok, niste spremni da sagledate citavu istinu, gde god i ma cemu to ona vodila, i dok god budete okretali glavu, favorizirajuci ono sto vam se dopada, tad cete negde usput doci do zakljucka da se ogresujete o bozansku pravicnost.

Sto se vise obrazujete, to vise pocinjete da razumevate odakle stvari dolaze i one postaju sve ocitije i vi pocinjete da uocavate lazi. Morate da saznate istinu i da je stalno trazite i istina ce vas uciniti slobodnim.

Mora da je tesko...onima koji u autoritete gledaju kao u istinu, umesto u istinu kao jedini autoritet.

...ljudi, moram da vam kazem, moram da vam kazem istinu.

Kad se prica o sranjima, velikim, prva-liga sranjima, onda treba da se skine kapa svetskom sampionu laznih obecanja i preuvelicavanja - religiji.

Razmislite o ovom: religija je uspela da ubedi ljude da postoji nevidljivi covek koji zivi na nebu koji prati sve sto radite, svake minute i svakog dana. I taj nevidljivi covek ima jedan poseban spisak od deset stvari koje ne zeli da se cine.

A ako uradite nesto od tih deset stvari, tada za vas ima spremno jedno mesto puno vatre i dima i ognja i muke i bola gde ce vas poslati da patite i gorite i gusite se i vristite i placete zauvek do kraja vremena.

Ali on vas voli!
On vas voli.
On vas voli i treba mu vas novac.
Uvek mu treba novac!
On je svemoguc i savrsen sveznajuci i mudar.
Ali valjda jednostavno ne zna sa novcem!
Religije ubiraju milijarde dolara, ne placaju porez, i uvek im treba jos.
Dakle, kad pricamo o velikom svetskom sranju - Svetog li mu sranja!



Unatrag 10.000 godina

Istorija je prebogata rezbarijama i zapisima koje odrazavaju ljudsko obozavanje i postovanje prema ovom nebeskom telu.

I lako je razumeti zasto je to tako jer je Sunce svakoga jutra vracalo coveku vidljivost, toplotu i sigurnost spasavajuci ga od hladnoce, tmine, i predatorima ispunjene noci.

Sve stare kulture su znale da bez sunca usevi ne rastu, da zivot na planeti ne moze da opstane.

Sve to cini Sunce najobozavanijim objektom ljudske stvarnosti svih vremena.

Isto tako, te stare kulture su znale i za zvezde.

Pracenje zvezda omogucilo im je da prepoznaju i ocekuju dogaрaje koji se ponavljaju u dugim vremenskim periodima, kao sto je pun mesec i njegovo pomracenje.

I onda su katalogizirali te nebeske grupacije u ono sto mi danas znamo kao sazvezрa.

Ovo je znak zodijaka, jedan od najstarijih konceptualnih prikaza u ljudskoj istoriji.

On odrazava figurativnu putanju Sunca koje prolazi kroz 12 velikih sazvezрa tokom jedne godine.

Takoрe odrazava i 12 meseci u jednoj godini, 4 godisnja doba, sunceve prekretnice i ravnodnevnice.

Izraz "zodijak" je povezan sa cinjenicom da su sazvezрa antropmorfizirane ili personifikovane zivotinjskim oblicima.

Drugim recima, rane civilizacije nisu samo posmatrale Sunce i zvezde, vec su ih personifikovali u slozene mitove koji su ukljucivali njihova kretanja i meрusobne odnose.

Sunce je, sa svojim karakteristikama odrzavaoca i spasioca zivota, personifikovano predstavom nevidljivog stvaraoca ili Boga.

Bozije Sunce. Svetlost sveta.
Spasioc ljudske vrste.

Slicno tome, 12 sazvezрa su predstavljala mesta putovanja za Bozije Sunce.

I oznacena su imenima, obicno imenima prirodnih pojava karakteristicnih za odreрeni period u godini.

Na primer, Vodolija - vodonosa koji donosi proletne kise.


On je egipatski Bog Sunce, iz perioda oko 3000. god. p.n.e.

On je u stvari Sunce antropomorfizovano kroz seriju alegorickih mitova koji govore o suncevom kretanju na nebu.

Zahvaljujuci drevnim egipatskim hijeroglifama danas znamo mnogo o ovom solarnom mesiji.

Na primer, Horus - sto znaci Sunce ili svetlost - je imao neprijatelja koji se zvao Set.

Set je bio personifikacija tame ili noci.

Metaforicki, Horus bi svakoga jutra dobijao bitku protiv Seta dok bi uvece Set pobeрivao Horusa i slao ga u podzemni svet.

Vazno je razumeti da mrak protiv svetlosti, ili dobro protiv zla, predstavlja jedno od najzastupljenijih mitoloskih dualiteta, prisutnih i danas na raznim nivoa.

Uopsteno govoreci, prica o Horusu je sledeca:

Horus je roрen 25. decembra, od device Isis, Marije.
Njegovo roрenje je oznaceno pojavom zvezde na istoku koju su pratila tri kralja u nameri da se poklone i darivaju novoroрenog spasioca.

Sa 12 godina je vec vazio za mladog ucitelja.

Sa 30 ga je krstio izvesni Anap i tako je zapoceo svoju sluzbu.

Putovao je sa 12 ucenika, cineci cuda kao sto su lecenje bolesnih i hodanje po vodi.

Bio je poznat po mnogim opisnim imenima kao sto su "Istina", "Svetlost"

"Boziji sin", "Dobri pastir", "Jagnje bozije" i mnogim drugim.

Posto ga izdaje Tifon, Horus biva razapet, zatim sahranjen i potom posle tri dana vaskrsava.

Sva ova Horusova obelezja, bila ona originalna ili ne, cini se da ispunjavaju mnostvo drugih svetskih kultura jer je slicna mitoloska struktura naрena u mnnogim bogovima sirom sveta.

Atis iz Frigije, rodjen 25. decembra od device Nane. Razapet, polozen u grob i posle tri dana vaskrsao.

Indijski Krisna, rodjen od device Devaki pod zvezdom na istoku koja je oznacila njegov dolazak.

Cinio je cuda sa svojim ucenicima i posle smrti je vaskrsao.

Grcki Dionis, rodjen 25. decembra od majke device. Bio je putujuci ucitelj koji je cinio cuda kao sto je pretvaranje vode u vino.

Zvali su ga "Kralj svih kraljeva", "Boziji jedini sin", "Alfa i omega" itd.

I on je vaskrsao posle smrti.

Mitra iz Persije, roрen 25. decembra od majke device.

Imao je 12 ucenika i cinio je cuda. Nakon smrti je sahranjen da bi potom za tri dana vaskrsao.

I njemu su se obracali kao "Istini", "Svetlosti" itd.

Zanimljivo je i to da je sveti dan obozavanja Mitre bila nedelja.

Sustina je da su postojali bezbrojni spasioci sirom sveta i u razlicitim vremenskim periodima kojima odgovaraju ovi uopsteni opisi.

Ostaje pitanje - zasto bas ta obelezja? Zasto roрenje od majke device na 25. decembar? Zasto trodnevna smrt i onda neizbezno vaskrsnuce?

Zasto 12 ucenika ili sledbenika? Da bismo saznali odgovore, hajde da se setimo
opisa skorasnjeg solarnog mesije.

Isus Hrist je roрen od device Marije 25. decembra u Vitlejemu.

Njegovo roрenje je najavila zvezda na istoku koju su pratila tri kralja
i tako dosla da se poklone novom spasiocu.

Sa 12 godina je postao mladi ucitelj, a sa 30 ga je krstio Jovan Krstitelj
i tako je pocelo njegovo bogosluzenje.

Isus je imao 12 ucenika koji su putovali sa njim, cinio je cuda kao sto su lecenje bolesnih, hodanje po vodi, podizanje iz mrtvih.

Bio je poznat i kao "Kralj nad kraljevima", "Sin boziji",

"Svetlost sveta", "Alfa i omega", "Jagnje bozije" itd.

Posto ga je izdao Juda, njegov ucenik i prodao za 30 srebrnjaka,

Hrist biva razapet, polozen u grob a zatim posle tri dana vaskrsava i uzdize se na nebo.

Prvo i prvo, momenat roрenja je u potpunosti astroloski.

Zvezda na istoku je Sirijus, najsvetlija zvezda na nocnom nebu, koja se 24. decembra poravnava sa tri najsjajnije zvezde Orijonovog pojasa.

Te tri sjajne zvezde u Orijonovom pojasu se zovu danas kao sto su se zvala i u drevna vremena –

Tri kralja.

A Tri kralja, zajedno sa najsjajnijim Sirijusom

pokazuju ka mestu sunceva izlaska na dan 25. decembra.

Zato tri kralja prate zvezdu na istoku -

da pronaрu suncev izlazak, radjanje Sunca.

Devica Marija predstavlja sazvezрe Virgo, poznatu i kao Devica Virgo.

Virgo na latinskom znaci devica. Drevni znak za Virgo je izmenjeno slovo M.

To je razlog sto Marija zajedno sa ostalim devicama majkama, kao sto je Adonisova majka Mira ili Budina majka Maja, pocinje slovom M.

O Virgu se govorilo i kao o Kuci hleba a Virgo se inace opisuje kao devica
koja drzi snop psenice.

Ta Kuca hleba i njen simbol psenice predstavljaju u stvari Avgust i Septembar, vreme zetve. U prilog ovomu, Vitlejem bukvalno prevedeno znaci "kuca od hleba".

Tako da se Vitlejem u stvari odnosi na sazvezрe Virgo sto je mesto na nebu, a ne na zemlji.

Postoji jos jedan zanimljiv fenomen koji se desava oko 25. decembra, zimske prekretnice. Dani postaju sve kraci i hladniji. pocevsi sa letnjom prekretnicom, pa sve do zimske prekretnice A gledajuci iz perspektive severne hemisfere cini se da se Sunce u tom periodu krece ka jugu i postaje sve manje i slabije Skracenje dana i umiranje useva sa priblizavanjem zimske prekretnice je simbolizovalo proces smrti za drevne narode.

To je bila sunceva smrt.

I sve do 22. decembra je ta propast Sunca bila potpuno uocljiva jer je ono, kretajuci se dotad 6 meseci neprekidno ka jugu, doseglo tada svoju najnizu tacku na nebu.

A tada dolazi do interesantne pojave:
Sunce, barem primetno, prestaje da se krece juzno, sledeca tri dana.

I tokom ta tri dana pauze, Sunce se nastanjuje u podrucju Juznog Krsta, ili sazvezрa Kruks,

Da bi se posle tog vremena, na 25. decembar, pomerilo za jedan stepen, ovaj put ka severu najavljujuci duze dane, toplotu i prolece.

I zato je receno:

Sin (Sunce) koji je umro na krstu, je bio mrtav tri dana da bi potom vaskrsao i rodio se ponovo.

Zato Isus sa bezbrojnim ostalim sinovima Sunca deli taj koncept raspeca,
trodnevne smrti i vaskrsnuca.

To je u stvari suncev prelazni period pre nego sto promeni svoj pravac nazad ka severnoj hemisferi, donoseci prolece, a tim i spasenje.

Meрutim, ozivljavanje Sunca se nije slavilo sve do proletne ravnodnevnice ili - Uskrsa.

Ovo zbog toga sto Sunce i zvanicno na proletnu ravdodnevnicu nadjacava zlu tamu
jer dani od toga dana pocinju duze da traju od noci i pocinje da se pojavljuje
okrepljujuca atmosfera proleca .

Verovatno najuocljivija od svih astroloskih simbolika u vezi Isusa je ona koja se tice 12 sledbenika.

Oni jednostavno predstavljaju 12 sazvezрa zodijaka sa kojima Isus, obzirom da je Sunce, putuje.

U stvari, broja 12 u Bibliji ima na pretek. Ovaj spis ima vise veze sa astrologijom
nego bilo cim drugim.

Da se vratimo na znak zodijaka, taj figurativni zivotni ciklus Sunca.

Ono nije samo umetnicka ekspresija, ili alatka za pracenje suncevih kretanja, ono je takoрe i paganski duhovni simbol koji u skracenom obliku izgleda ovako.

To nije simbol Hriscanstva.

To je paganska adaptacija znaka zodijaka.

I zato je Isus u ranijoj kultnoj umetnosti uvek predstavljan sa krstom iza glave.

Jer Isus je Sunce.

Sunce bozije, svetlost sveta, uzdignuti spasioc koji ce doci ponovo kao sto dolazi svakog jutra sa slavom Gospodnjom, sto brani protiv poslova noci, raрajuci se ponovo svakoga jutra i dolazeci kroz oblake, gore na nebesima, sa svojom krunom od trnja, odnosno suncevih zraka.

Od svih astroloskih i astronomskih metafora u Bibliji jedna od najvaznijih je
ona koja govori o dobima.

Posvuda u Svetom pismu se moze naci nebrojeno mnogo delova teksta koji se odnose na doba.

Da bi razumeli o cemu se radi, treba prvo da budemo upoznati sa fenomenom koje je poznat pod imenom precesija ravnodnevnica.

Stari Egipcani su, kao i mnoge kulture davno pre njih, uvideli da bi otprilike svakih 2150 godina, u jutro proletne ravnodnevnice, sunce izlazilo pod drugacijim znakom zodijaka.

Ovo se desava zbog ugaonog podrhtavanja Zemlje koji postoji pri normalnoj rotaciji Zemlje oko svoje ose.

Pojava se zove precesija, ili unazadno pomeranje, jer se sazvezрa krecu unazad za razliku od normalnog godisnjeg ciklusa.

Vreme koje je potrebno da precesija proрe kroz svih 12 znakova je u grubo 25.765 godina.

Ovo se zove velika godina i drevna drustva su bila itekako svesna te cinjenice.

Te periode od 2150 godina su zvali dobima.

Izmeрu 4300. i 2150. godine p.n.e. bilo je Doba Taurusa - Bika.

Izmeрu 2150. godine p.n.e i 1. godine n.e.
bilo je Doba Ariesa - Ovna.

Od 1. do 2150. godine traje Doba Riba, doba u kojem smo mi danas.

Oko dopuzimo do 2150. godine uci cemo u novo doba, Doba Vodolije.

Uopsteno govoreci, Biblija govori o simbolickom kretanju kroz tri doba i najavljuje ulazak u cetvrto.

U Starom zavetu kada Mojsije siрe sa brda Sinaj noseci Deset zapovesti, on je tako ljut kada vidi da njegov narod obozava zlatnog tele da razbija kamene table sa zapovestima i govori svom narodu da se poubija meрusobno kako bi se ocistili.

Najveci broj biblijskih skolastika pripisuje ovaj bes cinjenici da su Izrailjci obozavali
laznog idola, ili nesto tome slicno.

U stvari, to zlatno tele je Taurus, Bik a Mojsije predstavlja novo doba - Doba Ovna.

Upravo zato Jevreji i dan danas duvaju u rog od ovna.

Mojsije predstavlja novo Doba Ovna, a kada novo doba pocne svi mora da satru ono staro. I ostala bozanstva oznacavaju taj prelaz izmeрu doba.

Mitra, na primer, prehriscanski bog, koji u slicnoj simbolici ubija bika.

Isus je simbolicka figura koja uvodi u doba koje sledi posle Doba Ovna - Doba Ribe ili dve ribe.

Novi zavet je prebogat ribljom simbolikom.

Isus je nahranio 5000 ljudi hlebom i dvoma ribama.

Kada je zapoceo svoje bogosluzenje, hodajuci po Galileji sprijateljio se sa dva ribara koji ga pocese pratiti.

Verovatno smo svi videli simbol ribe za Isusa ili Hriscanstvo.

Malo ljudi zna sta taj simbol u stvari znaci.

To je paganski astroloski simbol za Kraljevstvo Sunca tokom Doba Riba.

Isto tako, Isusovo pretpostavljeno roрenje je u sustini pocetak novog doba.

U Jevanрelju po Luki, glava 22 stih 10, kada ga ucenici pitaju gde ce sledeca pasha da bude posle njegova odlaska Isus odgovara: "Eto kad uрete u grad sresce vas
covek koji nosi vodu u krcagu, idite za njim u kucu u koju on uрe."

Ovaj zapis kudikamo najbolje otkriva astrolosku prirodu Svetog pisma.

Covek koji nosi vodu u krcagu je Vodolija, ili Vodonosa, koji Se uvek prikazuje kao covek koji lije vodi iz krcaga.

On predstavlja doba koje dolazi posle Riba.

I kada Sunce (Boziji sin) napusti Doba Riba (Isus) preci ce u kucu Vodolije jer Vodolija dolazi iza Riba u unazadnom pomeranju ravnodnevnica.

Sve sto Isus u stvari govori je da ce posle Doba Riba doci Doba Vodolije.

Svi smo culi za smak sveta.

Ukoliko stavimo na stranu karikaturisticku predstavu istog iz Otkrovenja,
glavni izvor ove ideje dolazi iz Jevanрelja po Mateju glava 28 stih 20, gde Isus kaze:

"...i evo ja sam s vama u sve dane do svrsetka veka (engl. sveta)."

Meрutim, rec "vek" ("svet") je jedna od mnostva pogresno prevedenih reci u Bibliji.
Originalna rec je "eon" sto znaci doba.

"I evo ja sam s vama u sve dane do svrsteka doba."

Sto i jeste istina, jer se Isusova solarna personifikacija Riba zavrsava sa ulaskom Sunca u Doba Vodolije.

Citav koncept smaka sveta je pogresno protumacena astroloska alegorija.

Recimo to stotinama miliona ljudi u Americi i sirom planete koji veruju da dolazi smak sveta.

Jos nesto, uloga Isusa, literarnog i astroloskog hibrida, je najeksplicitniji plagijat
egipatskog Boga Sunca Horusa.

Na primer, na zidovima Luksorskog hrama u Egiptu postoje urezane glife stare 3500 godine: koje prikazuju blagovesti, bezgresno zacece, rodjenje i poklonjenje Horusu.

Slike pocinju javljanjem devici Isis da ce zaceti Horusa, nastavljaju se Neitom, Svetim Duhom, koji oploрuje devicu i konacno devicinim poroрajem, i poklonjenjem.

Isto kao i prica o Isusovom bezgresnom zacecu.

U stvari, literarne slicnosti izmeрu egipatske religije i Hriscanstva su neverovatne.

A plagijatorstvo se i nastavlja.

Prica o Noji i Nojevoj barci je uzeta direktno iz narodnih tradicija.

Koncept velikog potopa je rasprostranjen u citavom drevnom svetu sa vise od 200 zabelezenih slucajeva u raznim epohama.

Meрutim, pretrazivanje predhriscanskih izvora moze da stane na epu o Gilgamesu, napisanog oko 2600. god. p.n.e.

Ova prica govori o velikom potopu kojeg je naredio bog, o barci sa spasenim zivotinjama na njoj, cak i o golubici koja se vraca sa dobrim vestim.

Sve je to samo deo zajednickog sa biblijskom pricom, uz mnoge ostale slicnosti.

A tu je i plagijarizovana prica o Mojsiju.

Prica kaze da je Mojsije po roрenju stavljen u trscanu korpu i pusten niz vodu da bi izbegao cedoumorstvo.

Spasila ga je faraonova cerka, koja ga je odgojila kao princa.

Ova prica o bebi i korpi je ukradena iz mita o Sargonu od Akadije, koji datira otprilike iz 2250. god. p.n.e.

Sargon je, po roрenju, stavljen u trscanu korpu kako bi izbegao cedoumorstvo i pusten niz vodu.

Spasila ga je i odgojila Aki, plemicka babica.

Nadalje, Mojsije je poznat kao davalac zapovesti, onaj koji je doneo Deset zapovesti.

Meрutim, ideja o bogu koji na nekom brdu daje svoje zapovesti proroku, takoрe je veoma stara.

Mojsije je samo jedan od takvih proroka u dugoj liniji slicnih u mitoloskoj istoriji.

U Indiji to je bio Manu.

Na Kritu, Minos je bio taj koji se popeo na brdo Dikta gde mu je Zevs predao svete zakone.

U Egiptu je to bio Mises.

On je done kamene ploce sa uklesanim boziijim zakonima.

A sto se tice Deset zapovesti, one su uzete iz Stiha 125 Egipatske knjige mrtvih.

Ono sto je u Knjizi mrtvih bilo "Nisam ukrao", postalo je "Ne kradi".

"Nisam ubio" postalo je "Ne ubij".
"Nisam govorio lazi" postalo je
"Ne svedoci lazno na bliznjega svojega" itd.

U stvari, egipatska religija je verovatno glavni temelj Judeo-Hriscanske vere.

Krstenje, zagrobni zivot, Boziji sud, majka devica, vaskrsnuce, raspece, zavetni kovceg, obrezivanje, spasioci, sveti sabor, veliki potop, Uskrs, Bozic, Pasha i mnogi, mnogi drugi...Svi su obelezja egipatskih ideja,

davno pre Hriscanstva i Judeizma.

Sveti mucenik Justin, jedan od prvih hriscanskih istoricara i branioca vere, je pisao:

"Kada kazemo da je Isus Hrist, nas ucitelj donesen na svet bez seksualnog cina, da je razapet i da je umro, a zatim da se digao iz mrtvih i uzdigao na nebo, mi ne iznosimo nista sto se razlikuje od onog u sta vi verujete da je istina za sinove (boga) Jupitera."

U jednom drugom spisu, mucenik Justin je rekao ovo:

"Rodjen je od majke device, prihvatite ovo da je zajednicko sa onim sto vi verujete za (boga) Perseja."

Ocigledno je da su Justin i drugi rani hriscani znali koliko je Hriscanstvo slicno paganskim religijama.

Ipak, Justin je imao resenje. Sto se njega tice, to je рavolje delo,

рavo je imao toliko smotrenosti da je dosao pre Hrista a onda stvorio njegove slicnosti svuda u paganskom svetu.

Fundamentalno Hriscanstvo. Fascinanto!

Ti ljudi stvarno veruju da je svet star 12.000 godina.

Majke mi!

Pitao sam jednog od tih tipova.

Fosili dinosaurusa?!

A on kaze: "Fosili dinosaurusa?
Njih je postavio Bog radi iskusenja nase vere."

Cini mi se da je Bog postavio tebe da iskusava moju veru, gari.

Biblija nije nista drugo do astroteoloski literarni hybrid kao i gotovo svi religijski mitovi pre nje.

U stvari, aspekt prenosenja svojstava odreрenih licnosti nekim drugim licnostima mogu se naci i unutar same Biblije.

U Starom zavetu postoji prica o Josifu.

Josif je Isusov prototip.

Josif je roрen cudesnim rodjenjem,
Isus je roрen cudesnim rodjenjem.

Josif je imao 12 brace,
Isus je imao 12 ucenika.

Josif je prodat za 20 srebrnjaka,
Isus je prodat za 30 srebrnjaka.

Brat Juda je odgovoran za Josifovu izdaju,
ucenik Juda je odgovoran za Isusovu izdaju.

Josif je poceo bogosluzenje sa 30,
Isus je poceo bogosluzenje sa 30.

Poklapanja se nastavljaju u beskraj.

Nadalje, da li postoji i jedan nebiblijski istorijski dokaz o coveku koji je ziveo pod imenom Isus, od majke Marije, koji je putovao sa svojih 12 sledbenika, lecivsi bolesne, i slicno?

Postoji veoma mnogo istoricara koji su ziveli u ili oko mediteranskih zemalja toga doba, bilo kao Isusovi savremenici ili nedugo posle njega.

Koliko tih istoricara dokumentuje takvu osobu?

Niti jedan.

Meрutim, to ne znaci da branioci istorijskog Isusa tvrde suprotno.

Obicno se navode 4 istoricara kojim se dokazuje postojanje Isusovo.

Plinije Mlaрi, Suetonije i Tacije su prva tri.

Njihove zabeleske o ovome se sastoje od najvise nekoliko recenica a govore samo o Hristusu ili Hristu sto u stvari nije bilo ime vec titula i znacila je "miropomazani".

Cetvrti izvor se Josif, a taj izvor je stotinama godina stara dokazana krivotvorina.

Na zalost, jos uvek se uzima kao istina.

Neko ko je dizao iz mrtvih i sam se uzdigao na nebo na ocigled svih, i koji je cinio tolika cuda, bi, pomislili biste, trebalo da ostane zabelezen u istoriji.

To se nije desilo, jer kada izvazete sve dokaze velika je verovatnoca da Isus, kako ga crkva prikazuje, nikada nije ni postojao.

"Hriscanska religija je parodija na obozavanje Sunca, u kojoj su umesto Sunca postavili coveka po imenu Hrist, obozavajuci ga na isti nacin kao sto su nekada obozavali Sunce."

Ne zelimo da budemo svirepi, ali zelimo da budemo cinjenicno tacni.

Ne zelimo nikoga da povredimo ali zelimo da budemo akademski ispravni u onome sto razumemo i znamo da je istina.

Hriscanstvo jednostavno nije utemeljeno na istini.

Nalazimo da Hriscanstvo u stvari nije nista vise nego rimljanska prica politicki motivisana.

U stvarnosti Isus je bio solarno bozanstvo gnosticke hriscanske sekte.

I kao i ostali paganski bogovi bio je mitska figura.

Politicke strukture su bile te koje su htele da historiziranjem Isusa ostvare drustvenu kontrolu.
325. godine rimski car Konstantin je sazvao Prvi vaseljenski sabor u Nikeji.

Upravo na tom skupu su ustanovljene, politicki motivisane, hriscanske doktrine.

I tako je pocela duga istorija hriscanskih krvoprolica i duhovne prevare.

U sledecih 1600 godina Vatikan je zadrzao svoj politicki stisak oko evropskog vrata
donoseci tako radosna vremena kao sto je Mracno doba zajedno sa prosvetljujucim dogaрajima kao sto su Krstaski ratovi i Inkvizicija.

Hriscanstvo je, zajedno sa svim ostalim teistickim sistemima verovanja, prevara ovog doba. Ono sluzi da odvoji vrste od prirodnog sveta, kao i jedne od drugih. Ono podupire slepo potcinjavanje vlasti. Ono umanjuje ljudsku odgovornost pod izgovorom da "Bog" upravlja svime, tako opravdavajuci uzasne zlocine pocinjene u ime bozanskog dela. I ono najvaznije, daje moc onima koji znaju istinu a, koristeci mit, manipulise i kontrolise citavim drustvom.

Religiozni mit je najmocniji izum ikad smisljen i sluzi kao psiholosko tle na kojem mogu da bujaju svi ostali mitovi.

Mit je ideja u koju se siroko veruje iako je sama po sebi lazna. U jednom dubljem kontekstu, u religioznom smislu, mit sluzi kao prica koja usmerava i mobilizuje ljude.

Paznja nije usmerena na odnos price prema stvarnosti, vec na njenoj funkciji. Prica ne moze da funkcionise, ukoliko neka zajednica ili narod u nju ne veruje. Kada neki ljudi sa dovoljno loseg ukusa javno pocnu da ispituju istinitost svete price, debata o tome ce izostati.

Cuvari vere ne ulaze u debatu sa takvima. Oni ih ili ignorisu ili ih prozivaju bogohulnicima. Pogresno je, bogohulno i gresno tvrditi, nagovestavati ili navoditi ljude na pomisao da dodju do zakljucka da je americka vlada ubila 3.000 svojih graрana. Prevara zvana 9/11 …

Postovani, mozda vam neke od gorenavedenih informacija video zapisa i budu od koristi.

Sve najbolje

Zadnja izmjena: astralwalker; sri dec 19, 2007 9:47 pm; ukupno mijenjano 1 put/a.

PostPostano: čet nov 15, 2007 3:08 pm 

Pridružen/a: sri okt 10, 2007 7:18 pm
Postovi: 4118
Promjene na zemlji se jasno vide i veće su nego se priznalo, evo priznaju i australski znanstvenici.

PostPostano: pet nov 16, 2007 9:59 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned okt 28, 2007 9:41 am
Postovi: 89
Lokacija: Skopje
Dobro vam jutro postovani,

Believe, ovo moze interosovati tebe. U vezi je Criss Angela. ... _angel.htm ... -ufo-748pg

samo kao paralela, jos neki ljubitelji Tamne Sile, pa vi odlucite sami: ... d_To_Satan ... ration.htm

Posle male pretrage isplivalo da si veoma pogresio u vezi Criss Angela.
Kao i ja delimicno, uostalom.

Stvar sa njime je mnogo gora. ... re=related

Ako je verovati Maya kalendaru, ovo je prazan svet i sad stvaramo ono sto ce sutra biti onda se namecu neka logicna zapazanja:

- Criss Angel ima strahovito jaku moc ali sluzi Tamnoj Sili. To ga cini veoma opasnim. Gledajte da ga gledate sto manje mozete.

- Criss Angel je ili Reptilni Hibrid neke vrste ili (maskirani Gray velike moci) ili covek (vrlo je malo verovatno) koji je pod direktnoj komandi Tamne Sile.

- Svaki onaj ko razume kao iluzija funkcionise, odma primeti da ovo stvorenje prelazi preko svakih granica izvodljivog. Na primer, nemoze biti trik letenje nasred bjelog dana od jedne zgrade na druge. Zasto? Nije bilo helikoptera! Helikopter nemozes skriti u zraku osim ako nemas tehnologiju 10 veka unapred. Drugo. Nije bilo juzati koji bi ga lako preneli sa jedne na druge strane. Rasporio je zenu u parku. Prosao preko prozora u ducanu bez nikakve promene. Svukao je cizme i carape Zasto -energija je mnogo jaca kad slobodno izbija od ruke i noge koje sluze kao ventili chi energije za unutra ili iznutra. Chi je samo energija a moze se koristiti na dva nacina - za dobro ili zlo. Vi presudite na koji nacin Criss to cini.

Da ne bi gubio vreme dalje, prosao je u sekund kroz armirani oklop kamioneta sa lovom.

-Niko ne moze da izvede trik za jednu sekundu da prodje niz tvrdi armirani celicni zid za manje od sekundu. Primetite da uvek kad zeli da upotrebi snagu on naglo pocinje da vice "NOW" kako da naglo pojacava stisak svesti.

-Sve to radi bez nikakve pripreme, na ulici, u metrou, iznad zgrada, u parku, u prodavnici u posvuda i u svako vreme.

-Sa sugurnoscu je u vezi sa elitnim krugovima Illuminata. Za sebe govori da je iluzionista i da nista osim trika tu ne postoji. Izjavljuje da zivot posle smrti ne postoji, da telepatija ne postoji, da energija ne postoji i da sve sto postoji je ovo meso i trikovi koji sto ljudi rade. Obozava meso, sex, alkohol, droge, krv, satanizam. Nokte farba crno, nosi simbole Tamne sile, masona i Illuminata. Treba se paziti njega.

-Ako je ovo prazna zona u koju misli pune polaritet sledece realnosti onda je ovaj put preko takozvanog Criss Angela namera Illuminata jasna.

-Sa samim time sto on tvrdi da je sve trik i iluzija, a svakom manje iskusnijem oko jasno je vidljivo da to sto on radi prelazi sve granice fizickih zakona i kad naucno se pokusa da se objasni sve to (bla bla upotreba ogledala, super tankih juzeta i slicno ... bla bla bla) jasno se vidi da ovo stvorenje poseduje vanseriske moci.

-Ako milioni pa i milijardu ljudi poveruju njemu da ne postoji svest, univerazni sklad i da voznja pocinje ovim rodjenjem i zatim zavrsava, da su droge, sex i alkohol i prevariti drugoga sve sto trebamo ciniti - onda mogu u lice reci Crissu Angelu - KO TE ****!!!

-Chi energija, postoji, oduvek je postojala i oduvek ce postojati. Mi smo svi deo nje i disemo kroz nje. Ona se prostire niz citav vidljivi i nevidljivi svemir.

Mi smo svesna bica i zato ovom praznom svetu pomognimo u tome da sutra bude bolji svet. Svaka svest zraci veoma jako tako da ne verujute Iluminatima vec verujte svome srcu. Promena u DNA se desava, pocnite rad nad sebi. Naucite da meditirate duboko kao ocean i da dodjete u dodir sa svojom unutrasnjom prirodom a preko nje u dodir sa svim sto postoji.

I ne dozvolite da vam niko poremeti taj balans, Ni Criss Angel ni niko.

Zracite svoju okolinu i planetu, ljubavljom i prijateljstvom barem po 15 minuta dnevno.

Momentalno odnos tamne i svetle sile je 5:1 u korist tamne sile. Obrnuti pentagram. Djubrad koriste visoku crnu magiju. Kolko su ljudska bica vise zaspana i nemaju dojam ko su i sta su, tolko je lakse sa njima manipulisati. Promena je u teku, u to budite sigurni, tamna sila zeli da povuce u mrak sto je vise svesnosti, zna da svetlost pristize krajem 2012 i zato pokusava da spreci evoluciju na svaki moguci nacin.

Zato probudite se, izvucite se od tog koloseka, pocnite delati i pomozite Svetloj sili. Svetla sila vas treba. Vreme za akciju je sada i nemojte dangubiti vreme. Svaki od vas je bitan i jos jednom i jos jednom ako treba LJUDI PROBUDITE SE!!! Nasom civilizacijom vladaju tamna bica i ne zele nam dobro. Za njih smo glupe i poslusne sluge i sluzimo samo za njihovo zadovljstvo.

Ali velike novosti za njih - THE GAME IS COMING TO ITS END VERY SOON!!!

And once more, directly to Criss Angel’s face – You and the ones like you, will not succeed, because too much of us are all ready awaken…And many are in the process of awakening…

Let the Force of Light be always with you…Forever…

Deepest respect,


PostPostano: pet nov 16, 2007 11:40 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet mar 23, 2007 9:20 pm
Postovi: 170
Lokacija: ZG, HR
eh opet da se vratim na chris angela...
nikako ne moggu prihvatit da je on ne znam tko...
jer nije!!
obican iluzionist koji bi sve i svasta ucionio za
publicitet i prostor u medijima na koji god nacin!

kako je proso kroz staklo??? kolko sam ja vidio,kao i svi, stavio je papir na staklo pa tek onda prosao! recite vi meni zasto je stavio papir??
nek prode kroz staklo bez da je stavio papir,e onda cemo svi pocet razmisljat o tome i vidjet da kod njega stvari drugacije funkcioniraju!

kako je lebdio??
naravno da nema helikoptera,ljudi koji su gledali mogu vrlo lako bit placeni a kamera cini cuda. sve tu dolazi u obzir, kut snimanja polozaj, te se na taj nacin mnoge varke mogu sakriti!
dakle dok ne vidim da lebdi do tad - nije lebdio

pa ima hrpa takvih mađioničara, al ovom dobro ide ovaj dio s medijima kad uspjeva ih toliko privuć,a to konačno i nije teško!!!

ja jos jednom aludiram da ako se netko bas želi pozabavit iluzionistima nek mi objasne neke od david blainovih iluzija kao i njegovih pokušaja
obavljanja nekih nadljudskih, nazovimmo ih tako, iluzija!!

PostPostano: pet nov 16, 2007 12:00 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned okt 28, 2007 9:41 am
Postovi: 89
Lokacija: Skopje

Sta se tice Criss Angela - mislim da gresis i to mnogo!

Drzi me na rijec. Mnogo toga sto sam napisao ce se ubrzo i potvrditi... ... _revealed/

Astralwalker ... _angel.htm

Zadnja izmjena: astralwalker; sri dec 19, 2007 10:00 pm; ukupno mijenjano 1 put/a.

PostPostano: pet nov 16, 2007 12:45 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet nov 01, 2007 3:49 pm
Postovi: 744
Lokacija: purgerland
vezano za Criss Angela, cinjenicno zivimo u informacijskom dobu i informacija je sve pa cak i dezinformacija (a kako odvojiti jedno od drugog je pitanje za milju $) . U svezi istog preporucam pogledati film (ako tko vec nije) o Andy-u Kaufmanu "Man on the Moon" iz 1999.g.
Ono sto je meni neshvatljivo je da ljudi odaberu Tamnu stranu pa makar i iz showbiz razloga, misljenja sam da Tamna strana ima utjecaja pa makar ju netko navlacio i iz lukrativnih razloga bez dubljeg uvida i zelje za njom, prije ili kasnije i osoba pocne zivjeti tako......

 Naslov: Zanimljivo
PostPostano: pet nov 16, 2007 7:55 pm 

Pridružen/a: sri okt 10, 2007 7:18 pm
Postovi: 4118
Članovi ruske sekte u spilji čekaju kraj svijeta

Članovi kulta tvrde da će kraj svijeta doći negdje u svibnju sljedeće godine, a ako ih netko omete u čekanju, počinit će samoubojstvo.

PostPostano: sub nov 17, 2007 10:28 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet jan 26, 2007 9:50 pm
Postovi: 545
Lokacija: Split
astralwalker je napisao/la:
...Nadam se da ce barem nesto od onog sto sam napisao u postovima, biti od neke koristi

Imati će , u to ne sumnjam.

Ti si pametan momak.

Ipak čovjek je besmrtno biće i igra će biti privedena kraju.

Bilo to 2012 ili neke druge gledano po linearnom vremenu.

I kad se sve to popiše i kad se nasmijemo svemu tome jednom u nekoj svojoj budućnosti , ... opet čemo proći kroza sve to i to možda samo zato eto čisto zato jer nam je to cool.

Činjenica sama za sebe nikada nije važna bez dobre procjene i jasne povezanosti s drugim činjenicama.

PostPostano: ned nov 18, 2007 10:28 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
Prebacio sam postove koji se tiču Indigo djece u pripadajuću temu, a ovdje ćemo nastaviti sa 2012. godinom.


:mrgreen: :wink:

Nadopuna: Ljudi, dajte se držite tema, nemojte više ovdje o indigo djeci!!!


:mrgreen: :wink:


PostPostano: pon dec 17, 2007 10:27 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned okt 28, 2007 9:41 am
Postovi: 89
Lokacija: Skopje

Hello People of the World,

This is presented in English, so the people from all over the world can also have benefit from this peace of information.

Highest respect to the Hosts of the Galaxy forum and I hope they will consider worth translating this few pages of research and analysis which in my opinion is very important and concern a possible scenario for 2012.

I hope I’m mistaking about this, but if I’m not – God help us all…

First of all … Apart from the Photon Belt theory and all the rest … more or less accurate data … this is what is happening in this moment.

We are running out of time so please pay attention and send this information further to everyone who is willing to accept it … However; this is only the basic I leave all the rest research to all of you …

So lets begin...

To understand what is happening we will have to first understand the investigation and the research of Gary Vey - who came forward in the public by the name Dan Eden >>

“…We do not belong to the Milky Way Galaxy. No matter what you have been studying, we are not from this Galaxy but from a 10,000 times smaller in mass which at the moment is fusing with the Milky Way. In reality we are been pulled by the gravity of the Milky Way and that is the one of the main reasons why our Solar System is experiencing extreme changes …

The link to this data is

How can this be?

Using volumes of data from the Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), a major project to survey the sky in infrared light led by the University of Massachusetts, the astronomers are answering questions that have baffled scientists for decades and proving that our own Milky Way is consuming one of its neighbors in a dramatic display of ongoing galactic cannibalism.

The study published in the Astrophysical Journal, is the first to map the full extent of the Sagittarius galaxy and show in visually vivid detail how its debris wraps around and passes through our Milky Way. Sagittarius is 10,000 times smaller in mass than the Milky Way, so it is getting stretched out, torn apart and gobbled up by the bigger Milky Way.


A new infra red digital survey of the entire sky was made in 2003. Teams from the universities of Virginia and Massachusetts used a supercomputer to sort through half a billion stars to create a -- NEW STAR MAP showing our Solar System (yellow circle) to be at the exact nexus crossroads where two galaxies are actually joining.

"It's clear who's the bully in the interaction," said Steven Majewski, U.Va. professor of astronomy and lead author on the paper describing the results.

"If people had infrared-sensitive eyes, the entrails of Sagittarius would be a prominent fixture sweeping across our sky," Majewski said. "But at human, visual wavelengths, they become buried among countless intervening stars and obscuring dust.

The great expanse of the Sagittarius system has been hidden from view."

Not any more. By using infrared maps, the astronomers filtered away millions of foreground stars to focus on a type of star called an M giant. These large, infrared-bright stars are populous in the Sagittarius galaxy but uncommon in the outer Milky Way.

The 2MASS infrared map of M giant stars analyzed by Majewski and collaborators is the first to give a complete view of the Milky Way galaxy's meal of Sagittarius stars, now wrapping like a spaghetti noodle around the Milky Way.

Prior to this work, astronomers had detected only a few scattered pieces of the disrupted Sagittarius dwarf. Even the existence of Sagittarius was unknown until the heart of this nearest satellite galaxy of the Milky Way was discovered by a British team of astronomers in 1994.

The fact that the Milky Way is seen in the sky at an angle has always puzzled astronomers. If we originated from the Milky Way, we ought to be oriented to the galaxy's ecliptic, with the planets aligned around our Sun in much the same angle as our Sun aligns with the Milky Way.

Instead, as first suggested by researcher Matthew Perkins Erwin, the odd angle suggests that our Sun is influenced by some other system. Together with data from the Two-Micron All Sky Survey we now know what it is. We actually belong to the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy.

"We sifted several thousand interesting stars from a catalog of half a billion," said co-author Michael Skrutskie, U.Va. professor of astronomy and principal investigator for the 2MASS project. "By tuning our maps of the sky to the 'right' kind of star, the Sagittarius system jumped into view."


We are from another galaxy in the process of joining with the Milky Way. The Milky Way is actually not our parent galaxy. The mystery of why the Milky Way has always been sideways in the night sky has never been answered -- until now.

Dave Romer - Voyager and Galactic Plane on 07 Jul 2003 - DivX 6-5-1.avi. This movie shows the locations of Voyager 1 and Voyage 2 spacecraft circa 2003 -- above and below the galactic plane respectively.

"This first full-sky map of Sagittarius shows its extensive interaction with the Milky Way," Majewski said. "Both stars and star clusters now in the outer parts of the Milky Way have been 'stolen' from Sagittarius as the gravitational forces of the Milky Way nibbled away at its dwarf companion.

This one vivid example shows that the Milky Way grows by eating its smaller neighbors."

The study's map of M giants depicts 2 billion years of Sagittarius stripping by the Milky Way, and suggests that Sagittarius has reached a critical phase in what had been a slow dance of death.

"After slow, continuous gnawing by the Milky Way, Sagittarius has been whittled down to the point that it cannot hold itself together much longer," said 2MASS Science Team member and study co-author Martin Weinberg of the University of Massachusetts. "We are seeing Sagittarius at the very end of its life as an intact system."

Does this mean we are at a unique moment in the life of our galaxy? Yes and no.

"Whenever possible, astronomers appeal to the principle that we are not at a special time or place in the universe," Majewski said. "Because over the 14 billion-year history of the Milky Way it is unlikely that we would just happen to catch a brief event like the death of Sagittarius, we infer that such events must be common in the life of big spiral galaxies like our own.

The Milky Way probably dined on a number of dwarf galaxy snacks in the past."

On the other hand, Majewski and his colleagues have been surprised by the Earth's proximity to a portion of the Sagittarius debris.

"For only a few percent of its 240 million-year orbit around the Milky Way galaxy does our Solar System pass through the path of Sagittarius debris," Majewski said. "Remarkably, stars from Sagittarius are now raining down onto our present position in the Milky Way. Stars from an alien galaxy are relatively near us.

We have to re-think our assumptions about the Milky Way galaxy to account for this contamination."

The new findings will help astronomers measure the total mass of the Milky Way and Sagittarius galaxies, and probe the quantity and distribution of the invisible dark matter in these systems.

"The shape of the Sagittarius debris trail shows us that the Milky Way's unseen dark matter is in a spherical distribution, a result that is quite unexpected," Weinberg said.

"The observations provide new insights into the nature of the mysterious dark matter," said Princeton's Spergel. "Either our galaxy is unusual or the dark matter has richer properties than postulated by conventional models."

Implications in Global Warming?

It has been postulated that this is the real reason for both global warming since higher energy levels of the Milky Way are almost certain to cause our Sun to burn hotter and emit higher energies. Indeed, temperatures have been seen to rise on virtually all the planets in our system. This seems quite apart from any local phenomenon like greenhouse gases etc.

This grand turning is possibly the root cause for the discontinuation of the Mayan calendar (the most accurate on the planet) because the 'read-point' of the Pleiades star cluster, which many believe the calendar was based upon, can no longer be a constant as we begin to steer away from the earlier predictable movements.

Other changes happening in our system

The "marriage" of our birth galaxy with our new adopted Milky Way galaxy is causing energy shifts that are obvious just about everywhere. Here are some changes being watched by scientists:

* A growth of dark spots on Pluto.

* Reporting of auroras on Saturn.

* Reporting of Uranus and Neptune polar shifts (They are magnetically conjugate planets), and the abrupt large-scale growth of Uranus' magnetosphere intensity.

* A change in light intensity and light spot dynamics on Neptune.

* The doubling of the magnetic field intensity on Jupiter (based upon 1992 data), and a series of new states and processes observed on this planet as an aftermath of a series of explosions in July 1994 [caused by "Comet" SL-9]. That is, a relaxation of a plasmoid train which excited the Jovian magnetosphere, thus inducing excessive plasma generation and it's release in the same manner as Solar coronal holes inducing an appearance of radiation belt brightening in decimeter band (13.2 and 36 cm), and the appearance of large auroral anomalies and a change of the Jupiter - Io system of currents.

Update Note: A stream of ionized hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. is being directed to Jupiter from the volcanic areas of Io through a one million amperes flux tube. It is affecting the character of Jupiter's magnetic process and intensifying it's plasma genesis.[Z.I.Vselennaya "Earth and Universe" N3, 1997 plo-9 by NASA data]

* A series of Martian atmosphere transformations increasing its biosphere quality. In particularly, a cloudy growth in the equator area and an unusual growth of ozone concentration.

Update Note: Mars Surveyor Satellite encountered an atmospheric density double that projected by NASA upon entering a Mars orbit. This greater density bent one of the solar array arms beyond the full and open stop. This combination of events has delayed the beginning of the scheduled photo mission for one year.

* A first stage atmosphere generation on the Moon, where a growing natrium atmosphere is detected that reaches 9,000 km in height.

* Significant physical, chemical and optical changes observed on Venus; an inversion of dark and light spots detected for the first time, and a sharp decrease of sulfur-containing gases in its atmosphere.

* A Change in the Quality of Interplanetary Space Towards an Increase in Its Interplanetary and Solar-Planetary Transmitting Properties.
When speaking of new energetic and material qualities of interplanetary space, we must first point out the increase of the interplanetary domains energetic charge, and level of material saturation. This change of the typical mean state of interplanetary space has two main causes:

* The supply/inflow of matter from interstellar space. (Radiation material, ionized elements, and combinations.)

* The after effects of Solar Cycle 22 activity, especially as a result of fast coronal mass ejection's [CME's] of magnetized solar plasmas.

What does it all mean?

We of the overarching Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy have finally come down next to, and even with the massively powerful spiral armed equatorial plane of the Milky Way Galaxy.

In our movement through space, our Earth has now fully begun to respond to the more powerful galactic energies and electro-gravitational bias of the massive Milky Way. We have reached the higher energy equatorial disc region of the massive spiral arm. We have now been "adopted" by a new system, a stronger and more powerful system, and we can expect changes on almost every level of energy.

Whatever these changes are, they are all part of the natural birth, death, rebirth and transformation of the cosmos. As our knowledge of the universe grows, we cannot but understand how much we do not understand. Such is life.

For further reading we suggest you go to Matthew Perkins Erwin's blog; which was the basis of this summary.

Lets proceed … Or should I say better, lets back in time to the mysterious Maya records…


PostPostano: pon dec 17, 2007 11:01 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned okt 28, 2007 9:41 am
Postovi: 89
Lokacija: Skopje


There is a common belief that the calendar holds a prophecy that the end of the world will happen in 2012. At the time, I knew very little about the whole topic and when I began doing the research. I like to think I had an open mind.

My investigation began with mainstream archaeology and the expert interpretations of the calendar. But it soon took a turn that made my hair literally stand on end. I am now convinced that these prophecies are true.

To understand what is likely to happen to Earth and its people, you will need to remain calm and try to follow the facts. It's not as simple as some people describe. It requires an understanding of some fairly complicated scientific realities, but I think I can explain them in a way that you will easily understand.


The Calendar -- A Descrption

First, the Mayan calendar is also sometimes called the Aztec Calendar. This calendar is recorded as a carving on the Aztec "sun stone" currently on exhibit in the National Museum of Anthropology and History located within Chapultepec Park, Mexico City.

There's a lot we could say about the carved stone but most of those details are irrelevant to the end times.

In our modern calendar, called the Gregorian Calendar, we have days, weeks, months and years. In the Mayan Calendar it's more complex. In fact, it's really three calendars.

First there's a religious calendar that takes 260 days to complete a full religious cycle. There are 20 "weeks" made up of 13 days. Each week has a special name, a graphic logo and unique meaning associated with it.

This rather reminds me of the Chinese years which cycle through "the year of the rat" and "the year of the monkey," etc., each with it's special image and meaning.


Next there is the solar calendar. This has 365 days, like our modern calendar. It's divided in 18 months of 20 days each. At the end of the cycle there's five special days considered to be unlucky because they don't belong to any month. Each of the months has a special name, graphic logo and some special significance.

So it is possible, for any specific date, the calculate the religious week and the solar month and to predict the influences that might be guiding fate. But that's not really what's involved with the prophecy of 2012. To understand that we must look at the third calendar, called the "long count."

While the first two cycles could be thought of as cogs or gears, revolving through time, the long count is a linear number of days, starting from the first day, "1," and counting through each day to the present. Any day in history can be recorded using the long count and, with some fancy mathematics, the corresponding religious week and solar month can also be found.

In writing this article, I thought about creating a javascript program that would do this calculation. My friend, Gene Matlock, then told me that when he was in Mexico, he found a place that sold wooden, mechanical calculators with gears that did just that.

He said that Mexicans sometimes used these mechanical calendars to foretell the future or to find auspicious times for special events like marriage or births. Anyway, although it might be nice to know the religious and solar significance, it's the long count that foretells Doomsday.


The days of the long count are numbered with an unusual system. Instead of writing numbers as we do, from right to left with each place being a multiple of 10 (i.e. 10000, 1000, 100, 10, 1), the Mayans had only 5 places.

The first place recorded a number from 0 to 20. To the left, the second place could have a range from 0 to 17; the third from 0 to 19; the fourth from 0 to 19 and the last from 0 to 12.

The numbers were written from right to left, like our system, separated by a dot. Instead of multiples of 10, the first place had a multiple of 1 (like our system); the second place a multiple of 20; the third a multiple of 360; the fourth a multiple of 7200 and the fifth a multiple of 144000.

So a long count number, for example, could be written as and would be calculated as follows:

(4 x 144000) + (12 x 7200) + (5 x 360) + (9 x 20) + (0 x 1) or a long count of 145980.

It's not too difficult to realize that the maximum number which can be recorded this way would be, although some researchers like to write it as This amounts to a long count number of 1,872,000 days or 5125.36 years of our modern calculations. Obviously, the calendar is very old!

Over the years, archaeologists have found carved monuments that recorded the long count for known dates in Mayan history. Once a date was fixed in time, it was easy to determine the "day 1" as August 11th, 3114 BC. And it was also easy to calculate the date at which the calendar would end -- December 21st, 2012.

Trust me, just because the calendar ends doesn't prove that time, or the world, or life will end. We need to look carefully at December 21, 2012 and try to understand why the Mayans never calculated a date beyond this point in time. To do this we must move from Archaeology to the science of Astronomy and Astrophysics...


PostPostano: pon dec 17, 2007 11:15 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned okt 28, 2007 9:41 am
Postovi: 89
Lokacija: Skopje



It's ironic (or maybe not) that the Mayan Calendar is often called the "sun stone." While the calendar does have "solar" days, acknowledging the 365 days it takes for Earth to rotate around the celestial body, it is also true that the Sun plays a key role in the final day of the "long count."

To understand what will happen to the Sun on December 21, 2012, we need to review some scientific terms like "ecliptic," "barycenter," and "sunspots." These are important in the discussion that follows. We'll start with the most difficult one first.

For now, let's forget all the small planets and focus on Jupiter. It makes one complete trip around the Sun every 11.861773 years. There's a new theory put forth by Dr. Rollin Gillespie which shows that Jupiter, and to a smaller degree the other less massive planets, may trigger the 11 year cycle of sunspots and solar flares.

Here's how it works.

The barycenter is not a single point in the Sun. Because the Sun is a rotating gaseous sphere, the barycenter forms a vertical, cylindrical "sleeve" that is partially inside and outside the main solar body. All of the planets have such a "sleeve," one inside the other, depending on their relative mass and the location of their barycenters. The particular sleeve representing the mass of Jupiter intersects the solar surface at 35.9 degrees North and South. This is precisely where sunspot and flare activity begin and end during each 11 year cycle.

Scientists have noted that when Jupiter and Saturn are aligned, on the same side of the Sun, the solar activity is at its maximum; when they are on opposite sides of the Sun the solar activity is at its minimum.

These cylinders are usually quite orderly because the planets adhere to a narrow plane, called the ecliptic which resembles a thin plate extending from the equator of the Sun. The planets hang out here because (in simple terms) this is the zone where the gravitation of the system is the strongest.

But nature is never perfect. The Sun rotates at a slight angle (7.25 degrees), much as our Earth does. As it wobbles, it tilts the sleeves, causing them to clash with eachother and eventually disrupt the surface. This disturbance, to put it simply, works its way to the surface and erupts in sun spots and solar flares.

The last solar cycle was in 2001. Each active solar cycle has a period when the flares are strongest, usually happening near the solar equator, called the "solar maximum." This is significant because the next "solar maximum" event will coincide with December 21, 2012. But wait -- there's much more!

Solar flares are pieces of the sun which leap into space, discharging radiation and strong electrical currents that travel outward into space. They often fall back to the surface of the Sun. Sometimes, a very strong flare, called a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), actually leaves the Sun and this deadly mass shoots out from the Sun towards the planets like a bullet. Usually they don't hit anything but occasionally they hit a planet like Earth.

Most flares are small. But even a small flare can be dangerous. In 1989 a flare hit the North American continent and fried electric lines, zapped power grids in the US and Canada, and created large power backouts. Flares can also effect our moods and physical health. In theory, a large flare impacting the Earth could zap the ionosphere and irradiate the surface, killing every living organism that it touched.

Solar flares and sun spots have an average cycle of 11.120412 years (estimated from one "solar maximum" to the next). Right now, 2007, we are in a relatively quiet part of the cycle.

The small discrepancy between this figure and the 11.861773 year period of Jupiter is close enough to be significant but suggests that something else is also influencing solar disturbances. Sure, it could be attributed to the various positions of the other less massive planets, but it could also be something even more significant -- the Milky Way.

The Galactic Alignment of December 21, 2012

Our solar system is part of a huge disc shaped collection of stars and planets called the Milky Way. We're located somewhere on the edge of the disc, slightly on top of the narrow disc. But very soon we'll be moving to the bottom of the disc. This change, from top to bottom, begins on December 21, 2012.

Yes, that's right. On the same day when our Sun is at it's solar maximum, something will happen that's never happened before -- the ecliptic of our solar system will intersect with the Galactic plane, called the "Galactic Equator" of the Milky Way! [see star chart]

If you imagine our solar system as a bunch of peas on a plate, with a huge meatball in the center, imagine the Milky Way as a city-size pizza with the "Guiness World Book Record Meatball" in its center!

Prior to December 2012 we have been drifting on the top of the pizza, never really able to see the bottom. The plate and pizza are not parallel. They are moving at different angles. We've been drifting down, down, down... and on December 21st, 2012, we will be exactly level with the crust -- forming an "x" at the Galactic Equator where galactic gravity is the strongest. After 2012, if we are still here, we will be passing through the bottom zone, viewing the Milky Way pizza from the South.

Yes, there's even more!


By some amazing coincidence, not only will we be intersecting with the Galactic Equator, but we will be doing this precisely aligned with the center of the Galaxy where there is maximum mass! More mass means more gravity.

More gravity means more influence from those barycenters in our Sun. That means exponential increases in solar disruptions -- all coinciding on the same day!



PostPostano: pon dec 17, 2007 11:38 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned okt 28, 2007 9:41 am
Postovi: 89
Lokacija: Skopje

OK. This has been a "light weight" description of what's going to happen. It has been simplified to the point where some scholars and scientists could argue about my presentation.

But the main facts are true. The date, December 21, 2012, is a special day. It represents the maximum possible influences for solar flares that the universe can provide. Undoubtedly the Mayans, or the civilization that influenced them, somehow knew about these things.

Over the last decade, I have written a variety of stories about such things as underground cities and government actions that could only make sense if there were no future. I cannot help but think that maybe they, like the Mayans, know about these things.

Over the last decade, I have written a variety of stories about such things as underground cities and government actions that could only make sense if there were no future.

I cannot help but think that maybe they, like the Mayans, know about these things. I'd specifically like to suggest that readers take another look at the underground complex at Yamantau that the Russians are building.

Could this be a haven for surviving a solar blast? And the "doomsday seed bank" that's being filled deep inside an Arctic island. And what about past events? Did the Hopi go underground to survive a similar event thousands of years earlier? Should we be going underground also?

It's also important to stress that December 21, 2012 is only the "solar maximum" but that the gravitational effects of the Galaxy have already started to assert their influence on the Sun. The drift towards alignment with the galactic equator is relatively slow and, in truth, has already started. But the precise culmination of this, plus the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn all make 12/21/12 an onimous date.

I especially want to thank Dr. Rollin Gillespie, a man with whom I corresponded for ten years and who first developed the idea that planetary multi-body systems could be at play in the causation of solar flares. More of his work can be read on a special page on Viewzone.

Please let's have your input on this important issue. It's only six years away. Who knows, perhaps the influences of these disruptions will begin well before the solar and Galactic maximum is reached. We may not have that much time left. Here are some additional links to stories that may help understand the possibilities facing our planet and us.

Magnetic Somersaults - Other possibilities on December 21, 2012:

In the first quarter of 2001, the Sun switched magnetic poles. This occurs every eleven years. Prior to this the Sun's north magnetic pole was at the north rotational pole. Now the Sun's north magnetic pole is at its south pole. Since opposite poles attract, the magnetic poles of the Earth and Sun are now at their most stable.

Just about the time of 2012 Winter Solstice, the Sun's poles will switch back. During this switch there will be a tendency for the Sun's magnetic field to pull the Earth's field with it.

If the Earth's magnetic poles switch, this would put stress on the planet aggravating earthquakes and volcanos, not to mention destruction of the electrical power distribution grid. And, if the switch happens fast enough don't ever expect your computer to work again. But if you have old tube type equipment, keep it. It should survive just fine. It will work if you can find electricity.

What makes 2012 significant is that it coincides with the alignment of the center of the Milky Way galaxy, our sun, earth, and the large planets. If it was not for this fact I would say that 2012 was just another Y2K hoax. But the astronomy makes it believeable.

It looks like this gravitational cosmic tsunami could cause the sun to scorch the earth. That means that the only immediate survivors would be people in the underground cities, caves, and submarines.

However, even these people may not survive too long because such an event ( gravitational surges ) might bring on earth quakes and volcanic activity, flooding, and the such. These events might collapse underground cities and caves. Huge tidal floods might flood subways on the eastern seaboard.

However, if just a few did manage to survive. They would not be able to come out of their underground dwellings for some time, because the earth's protective magnetic shield may be gone.

If the upper atmosphere and the earth's atmosphere was able to repair itself say in even a short period of time of one year, the survivors would face a barren world. All surface vegetation and animal life will have been destroyed.

The surface of earth might perhaps look like a barren planet. The only possible source of food for those few survivors might be the ocean. Plant life and sea life might survive this event to some small degree. However, there is one problem...more than likely all the plankton will die. They live at the surface of the water and will be destroyed by the radiation.
Plankton is the basic building block of life for many living organisms in the ocean. Plankton is the biggest generator of oxygen on the planet. With plankton gone and the forest gone, what is going to provide and create oxygen for the planet?

It doesn't look good for the few that survive 2012. It may very well be the end of the world. Unless, a greater power comes to rescue us. But are we worth it? Man is a miserable creature that kills and destroys himself and other living things.


Zadnja izmjena: astralwalker; uto dec 18, 2007 9:03 pm; ukupno mijenjano 1 put/a.

PostPostano: pon dec 17, 2007 11:49 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet jun 01, 2007 4:25 pm
Postovi: 2372
Lokacija: Split
astralwalkeru, hvala ti što si se vratio s novim istraživanjima!

nastavi samo!

čitamo te!


:D :wink:

sve prolazi...
osim ljubavi...!

PostPostano: pon dec 17, 2007 12:04 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned okt 28, 2007 9:41 am
Postovi: 89
Lokacija: Skopje
PART 5 -- “Confidential” by Dan Eden

Lets go even further …

Schuman resonance is kept stable by the HAARP facilities.

But the HAARP is not built for the positive purposes…

This are the excerpts from “Confidential” by Dan Eden, and I suggest for everyone interested in 2012 scenario to read it carefully…a lot of important data overthere…

Anyway this are few pages which we can use for this issue …

"Dave was in the 'com'- the command center of the heater. He worked with the primary transmitter or generator. I mainly worked on the feeder lines on the farm... the antenna farm. We were both there when they bumped the power up to the max and let it blow.

I mean, we went from thousands of watts to like billions! And that's when the shit hit the fan."

Jonas unfolded some graph paper with a blue trace line on it. There were several sharp peaks over the timeline and then a spike with a long plateau that was obviously off the chart. I didn't know what I was looking at but Jonas tried to make it simple.

"Look. Here is where they are heating the ionosphere - and here too. Now you can see that it is absorbing more power each time. And then here is when they switched it to max. And somewhere up here, off the paper, is when it happened. The whole ionosphere got blown out into space and made one big fucking hole."

"Those monsters! They fucked it up to play with their toy and made a hole in the sky!"

I was puzzled. "I don't get it. What are you saying here?"

"They never used that much power before so they just did it to see what would happen. Do you follow me? And when they did it kind of multiplied the power and then a huge chunk of Earth's atmosphere blew away, out into space. Gone. Poof. History."
Jonas pulled another graph from the box. "Here. Look at the ultraviolet and radiation the came through right after they did it. They blew away the shield and all the radiation just came right down and zapped Earth. And look. It lasted for a long time!"

"Twice! Tell him about the other one.

"Yeah. Like after that happened they did it again. A few months later they did it again - can you believe that? And this time they used even more power and destroyed even more of the atmosphere. We're talking about huge chunks, like thousands of miles wide!"

"Well, did anyone die or get hurt from this?" I was already trying to distance myself from the emotions I felt and began slipping into my journalistic way of thinking.

"Shit, yes. Here in Alaska there were Eskimos that were all fried and like whole herds of antelopes. But the holes also moved West and did their real harm in Siberia. But it isn't just the people it killed. It made these people and animals sick from the radiation that came from the Sun - the stuff that's usually blocked by the atmosphere - and so there have been still births and cancers and mutations. They are trying to keep it all real hushed. It's insane. And the worst part is that they are going to test it again!"

It was about this time when I received several e-mails from a reader in Serbia, where the UN forces had been fighting Melosovich, mostly with American armed forces and equipment. He kept mentioning a strange phenomenon that accompanied attacks by the US A-10, "warthog" fighter jet.

Apparently he was not alone in his observations. Other reports also questioned this strange new phenomenon. It was reported that, just prior to an air attack, the sky often seemed to become full of huge black clouds that would materialized out of the blue sky, and which stayed there until the end of the campaign -- which was usually couple of weeks. There was no rain falling from the clouds. What did fall on Belgrade were hailstones the size of eggs.

"You can still see the marks it left on houses." During that time witnesses described strange "lighting" in the sky that lasted for hours which didn't look like anything anybody had ever seen before.

The "thunder" that accompanied the strange "lightning" was equally strange. It was hundreds of times stronger than any thunder anybody ever remembered. It was so loud that it was even louder then the sound of bomb explosions!

Further, scientists in Serbia released the report which stated that the electromagnetic field over Serbia was punctured. The "hole" was almost the size of Serbia itself. it started at the border, between Kosovo and Albania in the south, and ended near the Yugoslav and Hungarian border in the north.

I kept getting similar reports for most of November. It appears the Serbians were frustrated that no one seemed to understand this phenomenon and it was therefore being relinquished to the realm of the "unexplained."


This was too much for my journalistic spirit to ignore so I wrote a very brief report, without any comment, and posted it on Viewzone. Just in case someone wanted to explore the subject further, I included a link to the old "death ray" article. Ouch!

One evening in early December I got a call. It was from a professor of mid-Eastern languages, stationed at Brigham Young University. He asked about an article he had read on Viewzone a while back. It was a small piece I had written about some strange petroglyphs - old rock carvings - that were found just outside the remote cattle town of LaJunta, Colorado.
He first noticed the collections of strange symbols, etched into the canyon walls, and assumed that they were graffiti left by the Comanche Indians that once inhabited the region.

But on closer inspection, he saw that they were quite unusual and unlike any other Native American petroglyphs in surrounding states.
After collecting photographs and meticulously cataloging the petroglyphs of this older era, McGlone discovered something else that was not typically Native American.

He noticed that these petroglyphs contained the same 22 symbols that were repeated over and over, in various combinations and in different order. He believed this showed that they had a phonetic value and were signs of an ancient alphabet.

Whoever wrote the petroglyphs came from the mid-East. There were multiple references to the land of Kan, or Canaan, images of ships and the narration of a perilous journey. They suffered not only a crisis of physical dilemmas but of faith.

As I translated the script, from the far right where the picture of the ship was pecked into the stone wall, to the far left, where Dr. Harris had translated the phrase, "The First I Am of Yah to the Last I Am of Yah," something unexpected appeared in the texts.

There were references to the "burning sky."

It was the last panel of the 60 foot long script that described the "burning sky." The petroglyphs were at least 2000 years old so I was shocked to see the same phrase on a printed page.

I carefully looked at the map and noticed it had been marked by a dozen points. North America contained three of them - one precisely printed on the area in Colorado where I had found the petroglyphs.

In Australia there was also a mark that coincided with the location where John said had photographed the petroglyphs he sent to me. I was puzzled and confused.

I wrote to John, asking him to tell me everything he knew about the petroglyphs, the mysterious points on the map and to help make some sense out of the whole phenomenon.


PostPostano: pon dec 17, 2007 12:15 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet nov 01, 2007 3:49 pm
Postovi: 744
Lokacija: purgerland
welcome back astralwalker, dobro je sto nisi mogao izdrzati :D
dobro je; falili su tvoji postovi.

Keep on the Good Work !!!

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