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 Naslov: Dr Karla Turner
PostPostano: pon jun 12, 2006 2:51 am 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4230
S obzirom da je orginalni sajt posvećen Karli Turner u međuvremenu nestao i da je momentalno zamijenjen ovim lažnim:

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Genetic Agenda A Double-Cross?

by Karla Turner, Ph.D.

The seminal work of Budd Hopkins first showed recurrent reproductive procedures performed on abductees aboard UFOs or in alien facilities. And since the reports gathered by subsequent researchers confirmed this data, it has become a "given,"- a fact of ufology, that the primary purpose of alien contact is to crossbreed or hybridize a new version of either the aliens themselves or of us.

But is this a solid fact, a safe assumption? The evidence upon which this assumption is based is three-fold. First, reports say that genetic and reproductive material are being harvested from abductees. Second, abductees say the aliens have implanted fetuses into them and then later retrieved the fetuses. Finally, the reports include scenarios involving the "fetal nursery" and the presentation of a hybrid-looking baby or child to the abductee, typically with claims that the baby is the offspring of the abductee.

All of this evidence comes from abduction accounts, remembered both consciously and under regressive hypnosis. To date, however, there is no actual hybrid child in human custody, so the entire "fact" is based solely on encounter reports. The accuracy of these reports is questionable, given the nature of the abduction scenario. In every encounter, the human's total perceptive intake is controlled and frequently altered, easily manipulated to give the human a "created" event to remember and a programmed set of tactile, emotional, and intellectual responses. That means that what we abductees think and what we remember of encounters may not accurately reflect the real events of the encounter.

Some researchers insist on accepting abduction accounts at face value, however, but even if we grant the veracity of the reports, there are still problems with accepting the "fact" of a crossbreeding agenda. There are other feasible explanations for the data used to support the hybridization theory that should be considered.

First, the genetic material harvested from abductees could be intended for some other use than an upgraded alien species. For instance, totally human clones, typically naked and inert or inactive, are reported by abductees. The genetic materials could be used in their production.

Another possibility is that, as some abductees report being told or shown, the small Gray "workers" are mass-produced android robots, not soul-bearing individuals and thus not "alive" as we understand the term. The Grays show a strong fetal physiology, as numerous descriptions have stated. And given enough mastery of genetics, human reproductive material could be altered so that its appearance resembled the Gray type, yet be strictly human in composition, rather than a mixture of alien and human. The Grays, in effect, could be grossly altered bodies of human babies, devoid of what we call soul and mentally programmed like dedicated computer hardware.

Similarly, the reported fetuses could be intended for non-crossbreeding purposes, notably the same ones just discussed. Remember, there is no hard evidence that the fetuses are actually made from any alien-human combination, only an assumption based on outward appearances and the pronouncements of the aliens.

The reports of temporary fetal implantations into abductees, by the way, are reproductively odd, to say the least. There are some reports of male abductees receiving fetal implants, one in the abdomen and another rectally. Both implants were later retrieved, just as in the cases of female abductees. Even prepubescent children are reported to have received fetal implants.

There is also evidence that the fetuses, whatever their origin, are not always treated as if they were precious experiments vital to the survival of either our race or the aliens. In a few instances, abductees report watching as aliens deliberately destroy fetuses in the "fetal nursery" scenario. In one instance, the abductee was told that she shouldn't be upset because the fetus was not really alive, and that all its physical material would be used, not wasted. In another instance, the abductee was actually told that the reproductive work and the fetuses were used in the manufacture of the Gray workers. She was told that the aliens were also preparing "workers" for a coming time of destruction, because they would need workers who were devoid of emotion.

And the "baby presentations" have other possible interpretations other than the nurturing of the hybrid offspring, which is what the aliens typically claim. It might indeed be an actual event, but the baby could be a strictly human product, not a crossbreed. The purpose here might not be for a bonding process, since many abductees say they don't feel any maternal connection to the baby. One woman said she didn't believe the event was for bonding at all, but rather was a tormenting process meant to be emotionally traumatic for the "parent," as part of some programming agenda.

On the other hand, the presentation might not be real at all. It could be a virtual reality scenario. In such a case, the baby might be something else altogether, or purely a projected image with no physical reality. The event might be designed to give us disinformation, misleading us about the true nature of their genetics agenda and, indeed, about the true nature of our relationship and worth to the aliens. If the agenda would seem reprehensible to us, it would certainly serve their purposes to keep us ignorant of it and to give us instead a more acceptable "cover story."

To muddy the waters even further, the aliens have indicated four contradictory explanations for the genetics work. First, they have said it was necessary to upgrade their declining race. They have also said that it is necessary to alter the human species so it can survive some future destruction scenario. Third, they have told some abductees that they are here serving God's plan, by preparing "New Bodies" for the coming Resurrection and return of Christ. And finally, they have said they are producing clones of certain individuals, with which those individuals could be replaced.

Given the alternative possible explanations and the large body of counterindicative data, as well as the conflicting explanations offered by the aliens, can we safely accept hybridization as the primary purpose at the heart of the alien agenda? Or should we be more skeptical about their avowed intentions?

The evidence shows that the aliens do harvest from us in a number of ways, emotionally and energetically as well as physically. There are even reported scenarios of facilities in which human bodies are "processed," and many such reports come from people unfamiliar with ufological literature.

If we are indeed a multipurpose resource for the aliens, one which they want to continue to use, could they be performing the various reproductive/genetic procedures in order to make alterations in their "livestock" that better serve the uses for which we are harvested? Such a possibility should not be ruled out. There are hypothetical reasons why these alterations might be necessary at this particular time.

If the aliens know, for example, that upcoming catastrophes or earth changes will be vastly destructive of their herd, they could be working furiously to store up supplies in advance of the dearth, and also perhaps trying to produce a variant human more capable of surviving in some new environment on this planet. The aliens, in fact, are fond of making predictions of catastrophic earth changes, although they usually insist their genetic intrusions are altruistic, for our benefit.

Consider this: What if the aliens realize that their herd is showing changes that the aliens didn't intend and don't like? They could be furiously working to stem this transformative process. They may fear that the herd is waking up, gaining new perceptive abilities, and learning that its purpose is nothing more than livestock. After all, the herd might be so unhappy with that situation that they might decide to resist it. What would be the alien response to such a situation? If all the livestock we use on this planet suddenly woke up and decided they didn't want to "serve Man" any longer, would we all acquiesce quietly and become vegetarians?

Reprinted with permission by Elton Turner and Kelt Works, Inc. This article was originally published in The MUFON UFO Journal, #320 December 1994.

Karla Kandace Turner, Ph.D. was a highly respected abduction researcher, author, lecturer, and teacher. She received her Bachelor's degree from the University of California in Sacramento, a Master's degree from the University of Nottingham, Nottingham England, and her Ph.D. from the University of North Texas in Denton. She authored three books about the abduction phenomenon: Into The Fringe, Taken, and Masquerade of Angels.

In 1995, Karla contracted a very dangerous form of breast cancer immediately following an abduction experience. She lost her battle with cancer on January 9, 1996 at the age of 48. Karla has been greatly missed by those her knew her and by the many people she helped through her books and research.

Zadnja izmjena: galaksija; pet jan 09, 2009 1:36 pm; ukupno mijenjano 2 put/a.

PostPostano: pon jun 12, 2006 2:52 am 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4230
Kidnapped: Human Monitoring of CE4 Experience
Karla Turner
Interviewed by Randy Koppang and Melinda Leslie


Commemorating Dr. Karla Turner’s untimely passing, this interview gives greater exposure to underreported insights from her CE4 (ET abduction) research.

Dr. Turner died of cancer January 10, 1996. She pursued CE4 mysteries, both as investigator and one encountering being “taken” (1). Turner’s final interview is combined here with data provided via the experiences claimed by two abductees, Melinda Leslie (Part 1) and James Baxter (Part 2). The dialogue with Dr. Turner and Melinda Leslie occurred May 7, 1995.

In our global debate over which social forces will impact most on human futures, ET/UFO data is not even an issue . . . yet. However, in recent years, perhaps a prime obstacle to public recognition of UFO data is the constant stream of paranormal scenarios termed “abduction.” The paranormal character of such possible experience is additionally implausible to science and its skeptical demands for scientific verifiability.
The CE4 context in focus here is Ufologically controversial. But it should be easier to corroborate, moreover, if “official disclosure” of UFO reality opens doors for sanctioned inquiry. The goal here is recognizing patterns of data where CE4 experiencers report events apparently having human interference, at times appearing entirely perpetrated by humans. Such evidence abounds. And we make this distinction: possibly encountering ET vs. being kidnapped, or surveilled and harassed by humans, either by military security or a corporate intelligence command.(2) To be sure, the intent here is not to stereotype ET as good, bad or indifferent; and not to allege guilt, by second guessing the politics of policy-making throughout 50 years of global social deconstructionism.

The UFO community has spawned the controversy to which I refer. A “major theme” of (Katharina Wilson’s), The Alien Jigsaw is (her) “determined rebellion against... the typical abduction scenario (reported by) major... researchers... (whose view of) elements that don’t fit into commonly repeated patterns don’t deserve inclusion in the literature.”(3) Ms. Wilson believes “it’s going to take a lot of different researchers, each with a different focus, to pull all of this information together,” since CE4s may comprise “teaching dreams, visions, alien theatrics and shades of government involvement.”(4)

In the growing body of CE4 literature, reports of human/governmental interference in individual experiences would be deemed “atypical.”(5) Yet, the following cases do so: Leah Haley, Christa Tilton, Diane Sanchez, Pam Hamilton, Karla Turner and husband Casey, Kim Carlsberg, Katharina Wilson, Melinda Leslie, Lori Lingenfelter, Licia Davidson, James Baxter, Bette Andreasson-Luca and husband Bob, Beth Collins, Steve Neill, Anna Jamerson, Whitley Strieber, Larry Warren, Debbie Jordan and others. Most of these case histories are well documented in available books.

Fifty years of recent history reveals academic/scientific rejection of unbiased inquiry into “typical” UFO data, culminating as evidence of institutionalized denial and, therefore, pop-media distortions of the facts. Thus, by grounding an area of UFO research in simple terms of exclusively human affairs, we tend to broaden our collective perception, lending credibility to routinely reported patterns of paranormal experience implicitly; e.g., the growing corpus of revisionist history regarding the parapsychology of post-quantum intelligence-gathering by the National Security State. ET is not the exclusive subject of Ufology. An exposé of the following unforeseen circumstances can lead to an interface between the paranormal and covert earthbound operations. Evidence demands this.
—Randy Koppang

Randy Koppang (RK): It’s quite possible to overlook and undervalue obscure details of CE4 research generally, although these certainly don’t impair or discredit the major premise: actual human involvement in ET/CE4. Please comment on the re-abduction/kidnapping of CE4s.

Karla Turner (KT): Yes! My first exposure to this was when my husband was kidnapped by “military” before I was ever into research. We were having our own experiences and trying to deal with them. In November 1988, my husband was taken to an underground facility (6); completely military, completely human. He had been in the military nine years prior (to our marriage).

This was very clearly, to him, a military installation and a massive storage installation. We thought (it may have been) the FEMA center in town, where we lived. Because it’s the Continuity of Government FEMA facility, for one thing. And there are many generators/dynamos, all sorts of supplies. He saw this storage (type) area when being taken from the holding area. There were a number of other people in a very dazed, zombie-like state, as he was, taken by military guard down a corridor to a room where there was a Major, in uniform, behind a desk, where Casey was seated in front of the desk; questioned specifically about what alien activities our family had been involved in; what he knew about any of their agenda. He was so outraged at being taken, even in his dazed state, he absolutely refused. He even tried to sink back into the out-of-it state they aroused him out of for this so he would not have to answer. He was extremely outraged! The Major got more and more angry, and made threats to the family that we would be hurt if he didn’t talk. He refused to talk.

Then — something — all we (know) is something was applied to the back of his neck and he went totally out. (Casey) doesn’t know if he was interrogated in that state. I suppose there are states you can be put in where you’re not aware but can still be talked to.

He was returned home the following morning. When he woke up, there was still some drug effect in his system, and disorientation. He was still having the visual “trails” effect from whatever was given him. He recalled quite a bit consciously what had occurred. With two different regression sessions, a year apart, he was able to fill in a lot of what did go on, but never got past when they zapped the back of his neck.

I’d never heard of anybody being kidnapped by military at that point. Ever! This was an anomaly, and at that point was the most outrageous thing; I mean, far more outrageous, to us, than alien abduction had been, simply because of it being our own people.

RK: So you really do think there actually are aliens?

KT: I think there are non-human entities. I had encountered an insectoid being when I was five and a half years old. I don’t know where they come from. It’s as good a guess they’re terrestrial in origin as that they are ET in origin. They’re not like us! It bothers me that if they were ET, they are most adept at cover stories regarding where they are from. Also, in my opinion, we’re a vital resource for them. They take from us something that’s very necessary. If they came from some other system (etc.), why would we be a vital source for them if we’re not part of their natural situation? So, I find it a little far-fetched to think that they came in from (outside). And if we ever get to the genetics (issue), I think the cross-breeding hypothesis is another cover story.

RK: In the chronology of your experience, was there a clearly defined event after which the human interference phenomenon began to occur, additional to what you believed were exclusively ET encounters?

KT: There were several events which made me aware of the human involvement angle. First off, consciously, I had recalled an abduction by an alien being when I was five and a half years old, always remembered from the time it occurred, throughout my life.(7) I had another event consciously recalled in 1981. Then, my husband began to recall events (occurring) in his childhood, clearly involving craft and entities. We (then) began having things happen in current time; in our house, CE4s. So we began to explore what was going on.

It wasn’t until November 1988, when Casey was taken by the military, that we knew for sure how far military personnel would go. Up to this point, the minute he began to realize what was happening, and we (communicated with) someone in the UFO community by phone, we began having phone interference, mail tampering. The first two times we met with Ufologists, we were followed by the same car, two different times, two months apart. We began having helicopter overflights; numerous, numerous overflights, all times of the day and night, different types (of them). We lived in our house for five years and never had helicopters before then. It became the standard. I mean, I’d have nine a day!

So we knew there was a human element involved. First, we thought they were just monitoring (conversations). But once we made phone connections, we began having all this human-type activity: surveillance and a number of other things that are in the book.

RK: So that’s what did it. You came out of the woodwork; you were on the phone — they said, ahh! Here’s one.

KT: Right! My son was in graduate school in physics. He was engaged to a woman in graduate school. She was an ROTC student. In her senior year (prior to graduate school), she had medical problems and wanted to leave the program, was in the process of going through the procedures to leave. But since it was coming time for her to graduate, if she didn’t get out, she’d have to ask for a duty assignment, etc., go through the rest of her training. Though she hadn’t got out of the ROTC program at that point (she knew she was leaving), they said you still have time to sign up for a duty assignment. She went to the ROTC sergeant to make an assignment request. And she made a request that would keep her closest to her medical doctors, which happened to be meteorological duty. (When) she signed up, the female ROTC sergeant went ballistic! And she said, “You can’t do this; you don’t want to sign up for meteorology. Don’t you want to get into the R&D program? That way, you’d find out the real truth about UFOs and aliens! You might even get to do research and test with it.”

RK: You mean that statement was phrased to imply the sergeant already knew of your encounters?

KT: YEAH! The ROTC sergeant said this to my daughter-in-law (making) us think, hell, someone in the military really knows what’s going on! (Since) we never told anyone outside of about six members of the family, and a few Ufologists — by phone.

She came home and told us, and was very, very frightened. She ran out of the office, not even answering the sergeant. She ran directly home and (demanded), “You know what this woman’s done to me; how’d they know about this?” — really, really, upset. She did (leave) the program. So we knew there was human monitoring and surveillance of some sort, for all the things that were happening.

RK: I’ve heard variations of stories very similar. Yet, skeptics view hypnotically derived data regarding alien abductions as unacceptable. So if you counter that view by offering cases like this, where regression was unnecessary, or CE4 cases with total conscious recall of their experience, then the skeptical view shifts to a theory that some group perpetrates alien hoaxes, so as to create public belief in ET for some reason unknown, i.e., ETs actually don’t exist.
KT: Well, you can believe what you want. But I don’t know of any ROTC sergeant who’s ever made a statement like that to a person in the program. So I have no doubt of government involvement. We’d had evidence of it before Casey was ever kidnapped and interrogated. But the first time I ever knew anyone had been kidnapped and interrogated by military was my husband. And when I got into research and began to deal with numbers of other similar cases, then we start finding out this wasn’t an anomaly. This is part of the program!

Melinda Leslie (ML): (Was there something which started the human involvement...?) Well, I was on the phone from the beginning, talking to Bill Hamilton all the time, back in 1989. I was just having typical abduction stuff. But as far as military (contact), what may have made a difference was, I had already (visited) Area 51 with people a lot of times. So it’s not necessarily my visiting bases, or the phone. Because all of that was happening (for quite some time).

The first time we had something military-related was (when) I was on a trip with two (others). We were going over Angeles Crest Highway to visit the infamous Northrop facility in Lancaster. There had been sightings out there. This was our first time to go out there, near Edwards Air Force Base. We were on our way... we had a trip that should have taken 1.5 hours that took three hours. We had real, classic missing time; a bunch of physical symptoms; confused and lost. So we pulled over and thought, wait a second... When we (determined) what time it was, we thought, that’s impossible. We’d been on that road before.
During the next few days, I started to recall, consciously, an experience. And it was all ETs and an alien ship. The whole thing was with aliens. The three of us were together (etc.). Then I went to have regressions with Deborah Truncale, after I recalled it consciously. Apparently, I recalled seeing a guy in uniform standing in the back, on the ship, while ETs were doing something with us. There was a guy watching the whole procedure. I said this in regression. And managed to not only say this and discuss it with Deborah, but I had conveniently forgotten about this. And it was because of the recent experiences in July and November 1993, which jogged my memory to recall this one in 1991. One of my friends had said, don’t you recall we saw a guy in uniform before — you talked about it, don’t you remember? (The hypnotherapist confirmed this.) But I had conveniently put it out of my mind.

RK: The following question I wish you both to correlate. On page 115 (Taken), Beth recalls seeing “a uniformed, red-headed man,” one of two who had led Beth to a facility in the American Southwest, seemingly in charge. In comparing synchronicities with fellow CE4s, do you find this (or very similar) red-headed man common in the encounters of others?

KT: Yes. A man of his description has turned up in more than one case (involving the military).

RK: Having a similar role, as opposed to just standing around and having red hair?

KT: Yeah. A couple of people have said the person interrogating them had the red hair.

ML: And that’s the guy who may have interrogated me.

KT: And I will say, in my husband’s case and in a number of other cases, the person who interrogated was an officer with silvery-gray hair, appearing to be in his fifties. So I’ve not just had this red-haired guy turn up in reports.

But what is ironic, if you want to talk about synchronicities, two summers ago, when I was working with “Amy” (from Taken). Amy was in Texas, I was in Arkansas. The hypnotist to do her regression work was in Oklahoma. So we met in Oklahoma at the regressionist’s home. The regressionist told me when we arrived that she had a phone call from an old, old acquaintance, happening to be in town this particular weekend, insisting he wanted to visit her. She told him she really couldn’t because she’d be working; we were coming over. (This man) was a Rear Admiral in the Navy.

RK: How did he know your regressionist?

KT: His family lived in the same area in Oklahoma. He’d grown up there, and they’d known each other years ago. He was now in Virginia, a medical officer, and according to him, one of the most highly placed medical persons in charge of the military hospitals.

RK: But over the years they’d lost contact?

KT: Yes. This was family stuff from years and years and years ago; hadn’t seen him in quite a while. All of a sudden, this same weekend, this man says he’s in town, wants to (visit). And she said, wouldn’t it be nice; tells me wouldn’t it be wonderful if we convinced this Rear Admiral to take all this stuff seriously?

I said, Barbara, forget it, you can’t do that. Either they already know, are not going to admit it; or they’re out of the loop and aren’t going to believe it. That’s how it is with military. I said, No! I do not want him over here. After what we had happen with our military situations and other (CE4s), the last thing I want to do is have “friends” in military. I don’t want that contact; don’t like what we’ve had, didn’t want any more! And she said, well, I told him not to come.

At 11: 30 at night he comes anyway! He’s burly, reddish-blondish hair, thick body hair, reddish freckled, exactly like I had heard described in two other cases. And he barges in, basically told not to come. And we did question him, why he’s in town, as he’s based on the east coast in charge of medical facilities. His statement was first, both his parents were very, very ill, had been in hospital. So he’d come all the way home for that. Then, in the course of conversation, he let slip he’d been out skiing, barbecuing and partying, and doing all sorts of stuff; (no) mention of his family in hospital after that. So I found his story a little dubious.
He proceeded to take a great deal of time to tell me: “You can’t go around talking about all this alien-abduction stuff until you have concrete proof, concrete evidence, and you can bring it out to show the public so they can see for themselves. You have no business talking about this. Nobody is going to believe you...”

RK: You mean he just dropped that into...

KT: Oh, yeah, immediately!

RK: ...into the conversation, just like the ROTC officer, he sprang “aliens” on you, outta nowhere?

KT: No, not outta nowhere. Because he knows what Barbara does. Barbara (Bartholic) does regression work.

RK: But was he there to immediately debate your ET encounters?

KT: No. He ostensibly came to see “old friends.” We told him not to come. He spent a few minutes doing that, then got to the point of making this long exchange with me. And I said, I’m not here to convince the public of anything. The ETs are doin’ that, one at a time, as they abduct people; people are knowing it’s real. I don’t have to go out and tell ‘em anything; it’s happening and they’re gonna know about it.

“Well, you can’t do this. And you say this, expecting them to believe you and getting credibility...” I said, I don’t care about credibility. I’m not out there to — my job’s not to convince anyone. My job’s to deal with people who already know it’s real, because they’re dealing with it. “Well, then,” he says, “you talk about all these implants (8) and this sort of stuff. I’ve been in the military 25 years and never have I heard, officially or unofficially, (9) anyone in military discuss anything about UFOs.

First off, you know he’s lying right there, okay? I said, In 25 years you never heard anything about it — “No, ma’am, never heard anybody say anything! And as for implants, I’m in charge of all the medical facilities. If any of our personnel had shown up having any implants, I would have known about it. And none of them do!” (10)

I said, Maybe you’re not in “the loop,” where they trust to give you information. And, boy, he didn’t like that! Definitely. He said, “I’ve got high friends in the CIA and NSA. If there was anything going on, they’d have told me. And there’s nothing going on, because they didn’t tell me.” And I said: SIR! IF YOU DID KNOW, hypothetically, there was ET activity of any sort goin’ on, could you tell me? “Well, I couldn’t do that, because it’d be classified information.” Then why are you sittin’ here telling me you know there’s not any, when you and I both know if there was, you could not tell me anything?!
It was just strange, the coincidence of (him) being this red-headed (man) described exactly, with the thick body hair, as two descriptions of interrogators that people had reported.

RK: And, of course, Melinda has had a similar...

ML: Yes. A red-headed guy did my interrogation. But this (particular) guy is tall and thin.

KT: (Mine) was not thin. He looked like he did weights; real proud of it.

ML: Well, (my) person might do weights, but seemed to have a well-built, average build; strawberry blond hair and those blond-tipped eyelashes. He’s looking at me real mean, with this real pretty eyes and eyelashes, you know, but he was convincingly mean. I had not read your book at that time. And in a phone conversation inviting you to come speak at MUFON, Orange County I brought up (this issue) James had spoken to you about, that you had seen this. And you said, Oh, yeah.

James hadn’t told me the guy was interrogating! He just told me that people had seen a red-headed guy. That just blew me away, that it was a real similar description from other cases. When you have this happen, you don’t expect anything you get (will) ever match anyone else.
KT: Melinda, the first year, every time someone else (had) a validating report confirming or correlating what we’ve had — I swear, every time it was like someone doubled up a fist and hit me in the stomach. I would just get sick. It was one more thing which would not let me push this out of reality. I didn’t want it to be real! I wanted it to be anything but real!

ML: The first person who (substantially) confirmed this happening to me was Licia. I would say: “Have you ever heard of this and this,” and she would say, “Yes, when they did this to you, then did they do this to you,” and I’d say, “How did you know that?”

KT: Of course, Licia and I (confirmed such comparisons) when we got together. Because she started to tell me something, and I finished it for her. And it was one of the most anomalous reports. What bothered her (was) I could finish the statement before she told me. Because I have a case in Arkansas of the same thing. But let’s back off here and not be paranoid. There are many red-haired people, and in the military.

RK: I’ve tallied about 20 cases of this kidnapping situation. In your book you report others. How many do you know of?

KT: I never counted... it would take me a while to sit down and think of how many, as I’m also privy to Barbara Bartholic’s research. She’s had scores of cases in the last 15 years. And I know of quite a few amongst her cases.

RK: I’m not familiar with Ms. Bartholic.

KT: You won’t be. She doesn’t write or lecture. She’s constantly working in this field, and said, you be my spokesman, I don’t have time for this.

RK: You believe, however, that among the more prominent researchers of CE4, human involvement/interference is underreported.

KT: Yes, like Debbie Jordan/Kathy Davis, when Hopkins did the book on “Kathy Davis,” he never mentioned that she had military/underground abduction with medical procedures. Debbie told me all about it. When I got ready to do this book, I said, Debbie, can I refer to your experience; as you’re a well-known person, it (lends) credibility to these unknown people if they knew someone as well-investigated as you have been would say, yes, this happened to you. She said absolutely. Go ahead and do it. I’m writing my own book and will go into detail, so yes... And there are other of Bud’s CE4s who’ve reported military involvement.

ML: Katharina Wilson’s book mentions others.

KT: John Carpenter has had cases reporting military. David Jacobs — if he has had them — I’m assuming he has, but if he has, he would have said, ‘you were just seeing ETs in disguise ... there are no humans involved in this.’ So this would not have been discussed.

ML: I spoke privately with Bud, where he narrowed it down to about five cases with (what he accepts as) military participation.

KT: But, Melinda, if there’s only 5 cases, is that, therefore, to say this isn’t worth worrying about. These cases would be those you’d most want to pursue, if you’re really looking for information!

ML: I said to him, isn’t it potentially the most incredible and most fertile ground for research, because it’s human, it’s a traceable trail of events we can investigate by known procedures; as opposed to ETs, who use technology we can’t follow, etc. He said, “Yes. But I (he) can only do so much. If you want to (do it), I support you one hundred percent.”

RK: You mean, by harping too hard on this aspect of CE4, the influential people whom prominent researchers attempt to gain association with, may react, further marginalizing the issue?

KT: See, I think that’s a futile hope. All the researchers who try to gain mainstream respectability, therefore downplaying and backpedaling and partially censoring... (that’s) a lost cause... you’re never going to get the respect you want. I don’t care what you do.

ML: Meanwhile, a lot of the evidence is being missed. People are being excluded from presentations...

KT: If you want credibility, get out of this field. You can’t have both!

RK: (Licia has deduced the following may generally explain who is responsible for her re-abductions and surveillance, confirmed by someone she believed was a legitimate intelligence agent.) Those humans responsible for her monitoring (helicopter surveillance, phone taps, etc.) are not exclusively governmental / military ops. Rather, they represent corporate intelligence; e.g. Defence Intelligence Security Command, or PI-40. In addition to possible monitoring by a section of the National Reconnaissance Office, or an alleged DOD group called N9-11. Do you have any correlations in this area, so as to dispel imprecise conclusions based on blanket observations that humans dressed in paramilitary garb must be truly military?

KT: I don’t have any names of specific groups, intelligence, military, civilian/corporate. No. From the cases we’ve (pursued), here’s what I can say: The facilities include personnel from more than one branch. The facilities themselves are obviously government authorized and funded, because they match those we’ve known are government underground facilities.

RK: The branches were distinguishable?

KT: Yes. By uniform, at least. “In ‘Angie’s’ case” (11), the people told her she was (they told her several things) part of a genetics/cloning experiment (this was from the humans who had her). Another time, the military people told her she was part of an ongoing military mind control project called “High Shelf Project.” And we didn’t know if that was the name of a project or if it was a term like very, very high classification of secrecy, or covert. We didn’t know what that meant.

ML: When you (named) that during your lecture, a (personally well-known) investigator said that “High Shelf” was an actual name of an MKULTRA subproject.

KT: Okay, which “they” told her. And Angie would know nothing of this, absolutely nothing of this! She said they told her they were part of the “High Shelf” operation, an ongoing mind control program. And that their special group, comprised of people from all branches of military, operated primarily in underground bases. And I wish your friend would speak to me. We’ve never had anyone identify what “High Shelf” means.

RK: MKULTRA has been documented as a bonafide CIA covert program.

KT: Why would they be picking on somebody like Angie, who’s a remote wife of a rancher in the middle of nowhere in Tennessee, but who’s had CE4s since childhood?

RK: ...that she came up with that term.

KT: They told her the term. And she would have no way of knowing that.

RK: This is an anomalous thing, that they come up with such details and don’t need hypnosis to recall such descriptions.

ML: In my particular two incidences, I can say I’m 99.99% sure it’s military, just because of their uniforms, their actions, and treatment of me. It just smacked of military.

KT: And it’s authorized at some level. They’ve got money out the kazoo, the best equipment...

ML: It could be both (military and corporate). And I don’t think we need to say it’s one or the other, or both doing it separately. It could be that at this level there isn’t a distinction between the two.

KT: It makes use of all those resources as it wants to. Because it’s above them. And can pick what it wants! I’ll tell you something, though. Civilians are involved, obviously. Because there are medical and scientific personnel. A woman who was working at a university hospital, a big one in Arkansas, was wanting to move, get a better job. She was in the office computer end of things, not the medical end.

She got an offer; apparently a real smart woman and good at her job. She got a phone call, having gone to a “head hunter” for different job possibilities in (various) areas; got a call back for an interview with an astounding salary base. But she had to fly to Dallas to be interviewed, and they paid for her flight to Dallas. She met at a restaurant with representatives of this company. And they told her almost nothing; very, very little about the details of the work. (I think it frightened her quite a bit after she thought about it.) But it was great pay. They said they would pay for her to relocate.

The one question they asked that made it stop for her was: The job, by the way, was underground. You would have to be underground for two years. You could not come up for two years — not that you’d work underground, then go home on the surface. You’d have to stay underground and live and work for two years if you want the job — pays a lot of money, gives you a lot of benefits. But you stay underground.

RK: This woman told you her story directly?

KT: Directly. And she did not take the job. No. She said no way in hell could she stay underground for two years.

RK: Did she tell you the name of the company?

KT: No. She said after (leaving) the interview, she started thinking about how weird it was regarding whatever, apparently, was said; there were no threats made, everybody was very nice to her. Yet, the way they shut off and shut down; things that were implied made her very, very uncomfortable. And she has left the state. I don’t know where she’s gone. This was two years ago (1993).

RK: She was just a woman with an expertise they wished to recruit.

KT: Yeah. She was a computer operator/clerical type, good with computers; it would have been a desk job.

RK: How did you run into her?

KT: She worked with a friend who (went) to our CE4 discussion group. They worked in the same university hospital office together; was a good friend of hers. That’s how (the friend said) when she heard about it, she said, “You gotta hear this!”

ML:You know (Eisenhower’s statement) “Beware of the Military/Industrial Complex”? That’s what it is. At this high level, the military/industrial complex is one and the same. Military/industrial is the same thing, when you get to that level.

KT: Right!

RK: Where does one leave off and the other begin? That may be the prerequisite for understanding this issue.


(1) Turner, Karla, Ph.D., Taken, Kelt Works, 1994.
(2) i.e., either by monitors for the NSA, DIA, NRO, or branch-specific military intelligence; or monitors for military-industrial complex contractors; e.g. Defense Industrial Security Command, Jason Group, or “PI-40” were perhaps formerly known as MJ-12 and now carry on where MJ-12 left off.
(3) Casteel, Sean, “Interview With Katharina Wilson, Author of “Alien Jigsaw,” MUFON Journal No. 329, 9/95
(4) Ibid
(5) Ibid
(6) Sauder, Richard, Ph.D., Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide?, Dracon Press, 1995
(7) Turner, Karla, Ph.D., Into the Fringe, Kelt Works, 1994.
(8) Lammer, Helmut, Ph.D., “Preliminary Findings of Project MILAB: Evidence for Military Kidnappings of Alleged UFO Abductees,” MUFON Journal No. 344, 12/96; also see MILABS: Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction, IllumiNet, (770) 279-2745.
(9) Ibid
(10) Sims, Derrel and Leir, Roger, M.D., see
(11) Turner, Taken.

I wish to extend my deepest gratitude to Melinda Leslie. It was her commitment to collaborate which made this project possible

PostPostano: pon jun 12, 2006 2:54 am 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4230
Abductions in the Gingerbread House
by Dr. Karla Turner

World renowned UFO researcher Jacques Vallee has repeatedly referred to the similarities between UFO and abduction reports and the stories of folklore and fairy tales. I disagree with Dr. Vallee on many, many points of UFOlogy, but here I will grant that there is one fairy tale which does have something important to tell us about the alien abduction phenomenon. It is not, however, what Dr. Vallee might think.

The story of Hansel and Gretel presents a lesson that every abductee should heed. These innocent children, wandering lost and frightened in the forest, came upon a gingerbread house that seemed to offer them shelter and sustenance. The owner of the house, a wizened old woman, was frightening to them at first, but their hunger pushed the children to accept her offer to come inside and be fed. And so they entered the gingerbread house and promptly became the old woman's captives. Kept in cages, the two children were abundantly fed. It was not for their benefit, though. In fact, they were being fattened up for the oven! The deceptive nature of the gingerbread house and of the old woman's offer of food worked quite well.

It is the deceptive quality of this story that holds a warning for humans who are abducted by aliens. Like Hansel and Gretel, we are initially terrified by our encounter with aliens, but in too many cases, our fear is overcome by the words of our abductors and by the thoughts and experiences they present to us. I, too, am an abductee, and my quest to discover the nature of my own experiences led me into abduction research over the past four years. Working with many other abduction cases, I have learned just how basic the deception of alien actions can be.

My family and I also delved into our own experiences, both past and present. Barbara Bartholic, a dedicated UFO investigator from Tulsa, Oklahoma, worked closely with us and helped us fill in the gaps in our recollections of strange encounters through hypnotic regression. Ms. Bartholic, by the way, began her own research as an assistant to Jacques Vallee in cattle mutilation investigations, so her expertise in ufology is wide-ranging. I have recently written a book, Into the Fringe, about the startling and often disturbing results of our personal investigations, and it will be published by the Berkley Publishing Group in November 1992.

But my interest soon expanded past the merely personal, and for the past several years I have worked as Ms. Bartholic's research associate, exploring literally hundreds of sighting and encounter cases with her. And what I've learned through this work has raised far more questions than answers. In fact, it has taught me to be wary of those researchers who do claim to have answers. I have yet to hear of a single theory or explanation that accounts for all of the data. Some researchers have pointed out patterns of events in the abduction experience, such as the physical examination, the taking of sperm and ova, and the later presentation of a hybrid baby to the abductee. Other patterns include the training of the abductee in some way and the delivery of a warning of some upcoming global disaster. Yes, these events are frequently reported, as one researcher has said in boringly repetitious accounts, and it is tempting to think that the explanation for alien abductions may lie in these patterns. So the researchers announce that the problem is solved. The aliens are doing cross-breeding experiments, UFOlogists tell us. Never mind the overwhelming evidence against the viable commingling of different species. Or, we are told, the aliens are here to save us from destroying ourselves and our planet through violence, drug use, epidemic disease, pollution, and resource depletion. Never mind that these problems have grown worse, not better, since the ETs began visiting us.

Or, most infuriating of all, we are assured that there are no actual aliens, that our experiences spring from our own subconscious turmoil or from our need for fantasy fulfillment. Never mind that many abductees are young children, too young to be suffering from such psychological disturbances. Well, then, the resourceful researcher counters, the imagined aliens must spring from some collective human super-psyche that is mirroring our failures and dangers back to us. This particular theory adores the archetypal gray ET, because it resembles some sickly fetal form of humanity and must therefore be an objectified warning of what our species is in danger of becoming if we don't mend our ways. Never mind that many, many abductees have no dealing with grays, but instead are victimized by robust reptoids and insectoids. Not to mention the totally human-looking blond beauties and black-headed, black-robed clan with the widow's peak hairline.

No, too many researchers seem to find a theory and cling to it in spite of data that contradict it. And it is the ideas of these researchers that dominate ufology. But if the public had access to the raw data, to the first-hand reports of abductees, especially those unfamiliar with UFO-oriented books, magazines, and lecturers, they would find a much less neatly organized set of patterns. These "virgin" cases--people uncontaminated by ufological literature--supply a staggering picture of human-alien contact events.

What follows here is an overview of these "virgin" reports, a list of recurrent experiences that taken together gives us a close-up view of what the aliens are doing here on earth. This data doesn't tell us for certain just what sort of creatures the aliens are, or what their purpose here may be. But it does tell us what humans are experiencing and what they are observing in the actions and capabilities of the aliens. Every detail in the following list has been reported by more than one abductee, and in many cases the details have turned up quite frequently.


If these reports can be believed--and there is no reason to doubt the honesty of the reporters--the abduction phenomenon includes the following details.

-- Aliens can alter our perception of our surroundings.

-- Aliens can control what we think we see. They can appear to us in any number of guises, and shapes.

-- Aliens can take us--our consciousness--out of our physical bodies, disable our control of our bodies, install one of their own entities, and use our bodies as vehicles for their own activities before returning our consciousness to our bodies.

-- Aliens can be present with us in an invisible state and can make themselves only partially visible.

-- Abductees receive marks on their bodies other than the well-known scoops and straight-line scars. These other marks include single punctures, multiple punctures, large bruises, three- and four-fingered claw marks, and triangles of every possible sort.

-- Females abductees often suffer serious gynecological problems after their alien encounters, and sometimes these problems lead to cysts, tumors, cancer of the breasts and uterus, and to hysterectomies.

-- Aliens take body fluids from our necks, spines, blood veins, joints such as knees and wrists, and other places. They also inject unknown fluids into various parts of our bodies.

-- A surprising number of abductees suffer from serious illnesses they didn't have before their encounters. These have led to surgery, debilitation, and even death from causes the doctors can't identify.

-- Some abductees experience a degeneration of their mental, social, and spiritual well-being. Excessive behavior frequently erupts, such as drug abuse, alcoholism, overeating, and promiscuity. Strange obsessions develop and cause the disruption of normal life and the destruction of personal relationships.

-- Aliens show a great interest in adult sexuality, child sexuality, and in inflicting physical pain on abductees.

-- Abductees recall being instructed and trained by aliens. This training may be in the form of verbal or telepathic lessons, slide shows, or actual hands-on instruction in the operation of alien technology.

-- Abductees report being taken to facilities in which they encounter not only aliens but also normal-looking humans, sometimes in military uniforms, working with the alien captors.

-- Abductees often encounter more than one sort of alien during an experience, not just the grays. Every possible combination of gray, reptoid, insectoid, blond, and widow's peak have been seen during single abductions, aboard the same craft or in the same facility.

-- Abductees--"virgin" cases--report being taken to underground facilities where they see grotesque hybrid creatures, nurseries of hybrid humanoid fetuses, and vats of colored liquid filled with parts of human bodies.

-- Abductees report seeing other humans in these facilities being drained of blood, being mutilated, flayed, and dismembered, and being stacked, lifeless, like cords of wood. Some abductees have been threatened that they, too, will end up in this condition if they don't cooperate with their alien captors.

-- Aliens come into homes and temporarily remove young children, leaving their distraught parents paralyzed and helpless. In cases where a parent has been able to protest, the aliens insist that "The children belong to us."

-- Aliens have forced their human abductees to have sexual intercourse with aliens and even with other abductees while groups of aliens observe these performances. In such encounters, the aliens have sometimes disguised themselves in order to gain the cooperation of the abductee, appearing in such forms as Jesus, the Pope, certain celebrities, and even the dead spouses of the abductees.

-- Children abductees sometimes show a new and obsessive interest in their own genitalia after alien encounters, saying that their abductors who come at night have been touching these parts of their bodies.

-- Aliens perform extremely painful experiments or procedures on abductees, saying that these acts are necessary but giving no explanation why. Abductees' eyes are painfully removed from the sockets, allowing the aliens to scrape the area or implant devices into the area before the eyeballs are replaced, for instance. Some abductees are subjected to painful constrictions, often around the head, chest and extremities. Painful genitalia and anal probes are performed, on children as well as adults.

-- Aliens make predictions of an imminent period of global chaos and destruction. They say that a certain number of humans- -and the number varies dramatically from case to case--will be "rescued" from the planet in order to continue the species, either on another planet or back on earth after the destruction is over. Many abductees report that they don't believe their alien captors and foresee instead a much more sinister use of the "rescued" humans.

In every instance from this list, there are multiple reports from unrelated cases, confirming that such bizarre details are not the product of a single deranged mind. These details are convincing evidence that, contrary to the claims of many UFO researchers, the abduction experience isn't limited to a uniform pattern of events. This phenomenon simply can't be explained in terms of cross-breeding experiments or scientific research into the human physiology.


And it becomes clear from these details that the beings who are doing such things can't be seen as spiritually enlightened, with the best interest of the human race in mind. Something else is going on, something far more painful and frightening, in many, many abduction encounters.

There is a theory current in ufological research that says abductees who perceive their experiences in a negative way only do so because they themselves aren't spiritually or psychically advanced. Persons with higher cosmic development have positive alien encounters, so the theory goes, and those who have painful or frightening experiences are merely spiritual Neanderthals. This is a pet theory of researchers who claim that aliens, whether objectively real or not, serve as "mirrors" of our spiritual nature, on an individual or a species-wide basis. Strieber has voiced this theory, for instance, in Majestic, where he says, "In the eyes of the others [the aliens], we who met them saw ourselves. And there were demons there."

Having worked with so many decent, honest, positively oriented abductees, however, I believe this theory is wrong. It is worse than wrong--it is despicable, as despicable as blaming a rape victim for the violence committed against her. This attitude leaves many abductees feeling doubly violated, first by the aliens who took them and then by the UFO researchers to whom they turn for explanations and help.

But it is easy to understand why such a theory would be so popular. Humans have a deep need to believe in the power of good. We need for the aliens to be a good force, since we feel so helpless in their presence. And we need for some superior force to offer us a hope of salvation, both personally and globally, when we consider the sorry state of the world.

I think the aliens know this about us--they know that we want and hope for them to be benevolent creatures--and they use our desire for goodness to manipulate us. What better way to gain our cooperation than to tell us that the things they are doing are for our own good? But looking at the actions, the results of alien interference such as the long list above. There is a great discrepancy between what we desire from them and what they are doing to us. Not all abduction reports are filled with frightening or painful events, of course. Many people say that their alien encounters felt benevolent, that their abductors treated them kindly or at least with a scientific detachment. Some abductees recall being told that they were "special," that they were "chosen," and that they have an important task to perform for the benefit of humanity. Given such a positive message, the abductees may ignore the fear and the pain of their encounters and insist to themselves and to others that a higher motive underlies the abduction experience. And, in some cases, all that an abductee remembers is a benevolent encounter and so has no reason to assume any negative action has occurred.

But intensive research shows that at the core of the human- alien interaction there is a clear pattern of deception. We know, for instance, that "screen memories" are often used to mask an alien abduction. Such accounts abound, in which a person sees a familiar yet out-of-place animal, like a deer or owl, a monkey or a rabbit, and then experiences a period of missing time. The person often awakens later to find a new, unexplained scar on his body. Uneasiness about the encounter will persist, however, and far different memories may start to surface in dreams or flashbacks, and then the person seeks help to explain the uneasiness. Quite often, hypnotic regression is used to uncover the events behind the "screen memory," and that is when a typical alien abduction surfaces.

The most recent research in which I've been involved has turned up yet a second sort of screening process. If it turns out to be accurate, then thousands of abduction cases are in urgent need of re-examination. The typical scenario of undergoing the regressive hypnosis usually results in penetration of the initial blocked memories.

The abductee then recalls an encounter, hitherto unremembered, such as undergoing a physical examination of some sort, perhaps having body tissues removed or having a gynecological exam. Other typical reports include the taking of sperm and ova, of being told of an important task to be carried out, or of receiving a warning of upcoming disaster.

And in most cases, both the abductee and the investigator come away from the hypnosis session feeling that they have discovered the truth about the experience. Rationalization leads them to believe that the aliens' purposes must be scientifically objective or benevolent. The less threatening and more benevolent the hypnotically recalled event seems, the more satisfied are the investigator and the abductee. "That wasn't so bad, now, was it? These beings are our friends, or at least they are not our enemies." And everyone goes away with a sense of relief. I have yet to hear of a researcher who actually questions the uncovered scenario.

But from several recent cases, it is apparent that these recovered memories may well also be yet another screen, masking events that are much more reprehensible. I will explain one such case, to make the point clear.


A man in his late 40's came to us to explore several alien- related events in his life, and in the interview he told of a strange, although not apparently alien-oriented, episode that had haunted him since childhood. When he was ten years old, his grandmother came to visit in his home, and since the house was small, she shared his bed on the first night of her visit. During the night, the boy was awakened by a loud male voice. He couldn't understand what the voice was saying, but it sounded angry and was addressing the grandmother lying beside him.

The next morning, he asked his grandmother, "What was that voice in the bedroom last night?"

His grandmother, with tears in her eyes, pulled him tightly to her and said, "That was the devil." She said nothing more about the episode, but she did insist that her son take her back to her own home immediately. It was an unreasonable request, and her son tried to talk her out of it. But the grandmother was adamant, and finally her son agreed to take her home the following day.

The entire family made the trip of over a hundred miles back to the grandmother's farm, and within an hour of their arrival, the grandmother suffered a massive stroke and died. Ever since that event, the man had felt a heavy burden of guilt associated with his grandmother's death. Yet there was no conscious reason for him to have felt that way. The entire event was poignant and mystifying, but in all the alien encounters he had subsequently undergone, he had felt that the aliens were his friends and were helping him by expanding his psychic abilities.

A regression session was arranged, and in the course of the hypnosis, he was asked to look at that childhood experience. What he recalled was an abduction in which he and his grandmother were taken to a spacecraft in the company of reptilian aliens. He remembered the aliens telling his grandmother that they were interested in learning about her knowledge of medicinal herbs.

And they offered to exchange medical information of their own. They gave the boy and the grandmother a liquid to drink, explaining that it was beneficial and would make the grandmother feel young and attractive again. So both of them drank the liquid, and the man remembered seeing his grandmother indeed looking much younger. That was the extent of his recollection. Both he and Ms. Bartholic, who was conducting the regression, were puzzled by this, because there was nothing in the episode to account for the guilt he had felt about the grandmother's death. So Ms. Bartholic deepened the man's trance level and asked him to look at it again, with much clearer vision. And what he then recalled was much more disturbing.

The abduction, at first, followed his initial recollection. But when the liquid was drunk, he now remembered a very strong feeling of change in his body. And he saw that the grandmother didn't actually look younger. Instead, she was placed on a table and approached by one of the reptilian aliens who wanted to have intercourse with her. The liquid had acted as an aphrodisiac, yet the grandmother resisted and said that since her husband's death she would not have sex with anyone. The reptilian laughed and disappeared from the room momentarily. When he returned, he was accompanied by a man who looked exactly like the dead husband.

At this point, the grandmother agreed to have sex, but as the act was in progress, she suddenly realized that the image of her dead husband was a cruel illusion. It was actually the reptilian on top of her, and she cried out in great resistance for him to leave her alone. Once he was finished with her, he lifted up the little boy and placed him on top of the grandmother, forcing another sex act upon the both of them.

Then the grandmother was removed from the table and the little boy was victimized himself by the reptilian, forced to have anal and oral sex. The grandmother protested violently, pushing the reptilian away from her grandson and interposing her body between them. "By Jesus," she shouted, "you will not touch this boy!"

That must have been the wrong thing to say, because the reptilian became very angry and threatened her. "You will die for that!" he told her, and the two people were returned to the bedroom from which they'd been taken. The next morning, the grandmother told the little boy that the devil had been there the night before, and that was when she insisted upon being taken home. And, as it turned out, she did die immediately thereafter.

This, then, was the cause of the man's lifelong sense of guilt about her death. He had been forced to have sex with her, and her death had followed shortly after. But none of this story would have emerged if Ms. Bartholic had done as most investigators do and stopped the regression after uncovering the story about the exchange of medicinal knowledge.

There are other cases in our files that show a similar deception at work in the initial hypnotic recall. We cannot trust that first memory, it is clear, for like so much else in the abduction experience, there may well be further maskings of events.

Before we allow ourselves to believe in the benevolence of the alien interaction, we should ask, do enlightened beings need to use the cover of night to perform good deeds? Do they need to paralyze us and render us helpless to resist? Do angels need to steal our fetuses? Do they need to manipulate our children's genitals and probe our rectums? Are fear, pain and deception consistent with high spiritual motives?


The proper name for fairy magic is "glamour", which is derived from the old

Scottish world glamerye.
As soon as they saw her weel faur'd face
They cast their glamourie o're her O!
- From an 18th century text
Katherine Briggs calls it "[generally] a mesmerism or enchantment cast over the senses, so that things were perceived or not perceived as the enchanter wished." The main magical powers of fairies included levitation, invisibility, and shape-changing. Few fairies in tradition actually have wings. Instead, many fairies use levitation of various sorts to travel about. Some smaller fairies will ride ragwort stems or bundles of grass. John Aubrey reports that one password these fairies used was 'Horse and Hattock'. This happened to work for mortals as well, for one schoolboy on hearing the phrase come from a swirling cloud of dust cried 'Horse and Hattock my hat!' and to his surprise his top leaped into the air. Fairies also would occasionally levitate buildings, castles, and churches if their locations offended them. Sometimes, they moved these to newer locations.

One poem from Berwickshire goes:

Lift one, lift a'
Baith at back and fore wa'--
Up and away wi' Langon House,
And set it down in Dogden Moss.

The fairies actually attempted this, but were thwarted by a hastily-uttered prayer. In Sylvia Townsend Warner's book, Kingdoms of Elfin, one faerie court actually moved the Welsh mountain Mynnydd Prescelly by a well-choreographed musical effort:

They began with their gathered breaths. At first, they sang in unison. Then they sang in thirds. As the power of song took hold of them, they threw in some spontaneous descants. When they realised that the song could be sung in canon, like Three Blind Mice and Tallis' Evening Hymn, their joy knew no bounds. They sang. They sang. The Poet's nephew, singing himself and conducting with both hands, led them from an ample forte to a rich fortissimo and tapered them down to a pianissimo expressivo and roused them again and again calmed them. Each sang, putting his whole heart into it as though everything depended on him, and at the same time felt the anonymous ardour of those singing with him. They sang so intently that they did not hear the ash trees rustle as though a solemn gale blew over them. When the Poet's nephew had brought them back to a unison and slowed them to a close, they looked round on each other as though on well-met strangers. Glorified and exhausted by a total experience, they ate an enormous supper, climbed into their ash trees, and slept till well past sunrise. It was as though they had woken in a new country. Rubbing their eyes, they stared at an unfamiliar aspect of day. The mountain was gone. Sylvia Townsend Warner, Kingdoms of Elfin Where the mountain went, they had no idea. Of course, this is a fictional account, but like most fiction, it has some basis in historical truth. Nearly every fairy has the power of invisibility in some form or another. Some fairies may become visible or invisible at will. Others may only be visible by night, and some only by the light of the noonday. But there are often ways to make the invisible visible.

There are several ways to see past a fairy's shroud of invisibility. Sometimes wearing one's coat turned inside-out will enable one to see into the Middle Kingdom. Occasionally closing one's right eye and peering through one's left is sufficient. Wearing a posy of primroses or carrying a four-leafed clover can also be effacious. There are also certain places where one may stand in order to gain vision of fairies, but these are often dangerous at best. For instance, one may stand inside of a fairy ring, or touch certain standing stones. The surest means to see invisible fairies is to apply fairy ointment to one or both of one's eyes. The earliest mention of this occurs in the 13th-century writings of Gervase of Tilbury. Click here to read one account concerning such an ointment, as recounted by Robert Hunt.

In the recent (and brilliant) novel by Midori Snyder, The Flight of Michael McBride, it is through the use of fairy ointment that the young hero's fairy heritage is first revealed to him.

Fairy Raids

The Gaelic belief recognizes no Fairyland or realm different from the earth's surcface on which men live and move. The dwellings are underground, but it is on the natural face of earth the Fairies find their sustenance, pasture their cattle, and on which they forage and roam.

The seasons on which their festivities are held are the last night of every quarter (h-uile latha ceann raidhe), particularly the nights before Beltane, the first of summer, and Hallowmas, the first of winter. On these nights, on Fridays, and on the last night of the year, they are given to leaving home, and taking away womsoever of the human race they find helpless, or unguarded and unwarey. They may be encountered any time, but on these stated occasions men are to be particularly on their guard against them.

On Fridays they obtrusively enter houses, and have even the impudence, it is said, to lift the lid off the pot to see what the family have on the fire for dinner. Any Fairy story, told on this day, should be prefixed by saying, `a blessing attend their departing and travelling! this day is Friday and they will not hear us' (Beannachd nan siubhal 's nan isneachd! 'se 'n diugh Di-haoine 's cha chluinn iad sinn). This prevents Fairy will-will coming upon the narrator for anything he may chance to say. No one should call the day by its proper name of Friday ( Di-haoine), but `the day of yonder town' (latha bhatl' ud thall). The Fairies do not like to hear the day mentioned, and if anyone is so unlucky as to use the proper name, their wrath is directed elsewhere by the bystander adding `on the cattle of yonder town' (air cro a bhail' ud thall), or `on the farm of So-and-so,' mentioning anyone he may have a dislike to The fear of Fairy wrath also prevented the sharpening of knives on this day.

They are said to come always from the west. They are admitted into houses, however well guarded otherwise, by the little hand-made cake, the last of the baking (bonnach beag boise), called the Fallaid bannock, unless there has been a hole put through it with the finger, or a piece is broken off it, or a live coal is put on top of it (note 6); by the water in which men's feet have been washed; by the fire, unless it be properly `raked' (smaladh), i.e. covered up to keep it alive for the night; or by the band of the spinning wheel, if left stretched on the wheel.

The reason assigned for taking water into the house at night was that the Fairies would suck the sleeper's blood if they found no water in to quench their thirst. The water in which feet were washed, unless thrown out, or a burning peat were put in it, let them in, and was used by them to plash about in (gun loireadh fhein ann) all night. Unless the band was taken off the spinning wheel, particularly on the Saturday evenings, they came after the inmates of the house had retired to rest and used the wheel. Sounds of busy work were heard, but in the morning no work was found done, and possibly the wheel was disarranged. (note 7) On the last night of the year they are kept out by decorating the house with holly; and the last handful of corn reaped should be dressed up as a Harvest Maiden (Maighdean Bhuan), and hung up in the farmer's house to aid in keeping them out till next harvest.

Fairies Stealing Women and Children

Some seventy or eighty years ago the herdsman who had charge of the cattle on his pasture, went to a marriage in the neighbouring village of Balephuill (mud-town), leaving his mother and a young child alone in the house. The night was wild and story; there was heavy rain, and every pool and stream was more than ordinarily swollen. His mother sat waiting his return, and two women, whom she knew to be Fairies, came to steal the child. They stood between the outer and inner doors and were so tall their heads appeared above the partition beam. One was taller than the other. They were accompanied by a dog, and stood one on each side, having a hold of an ear and scratching it. Some say there was a crowd of `little people' behind to assist in taking the child away. For security the woman placed it between herself and the fire, but her precautions were not quite successful. From that night the child was slightly fatuous, `a half idiot' (leth oinseach). The old woman, it is said, had the second sight.

A shepherd, living with his wife in a bothy far away among the hills of Mull, had an addition to his family. He was obliged to go for assistance to the nearest houses, and his wife asked him, before leaving her and her babe alone, to place the table beside the bed, and a portion of the various kinds of food in the house on it, and also to put the smoothing-iron below the front of the bed and the reaping-hook ( buanaiche) in the window. Soon after he had left the wife heard a suppressed muttering on the floor and a voice urging some one to go up and steal the child. The other answered that butter from the cow that ate the perlwort (mothan) was on the table, that iron was below the bed, and the `reaper' in the window, how could he get the child away. As the reward of his wife's providence and good sense the shepherd found herself and child safe on his return.

A man in Morvern, known by the nickname of the `Marquis' (a mor'aire), left a band of women watching his wife and infant child. On returning at night, he found the fire gone out, and the women fast asleep. By the time he had rekindled the fire he saw a Banshi entering and making for the bed where his wife and child were. He took a faggot from the fire and threw it at her. A flame gleamed about his eyes and he saw the Fairy woman no more. His wife declared that she felt at the time like one in a nightmare (trom-a-lidhe); she heard voices calling upon her to go out, and felt an irresistable inclination to obey.

A woman from Rahoy (Ra-thuaith) on Loch Sunartside was taken with her babe to Ben Iadain (Beinn Iadain), a lofty hill in the parish of Morvern, rising to a height of above 2000 feet, and at one time of great note as an abode of the Fairies. Her husband had laid himself down for a few minutes' rest in the front of the bed, and fallen asleep. When he awoke his wife and child were gone. They were taken, the woman afterwards told, to the `Black Door' (a chomhla dha), as the spot forming the Fairy entrance into the interior of the mountain is called. On entering, they found a large company of men, women, and children. A fair-haired boy among them came and warned the woman not to eat any food the Faiires might offer, but to hide it in her clothes. He said they had got his own mother to eat this foot, and in consequence he could not now get her away.

Finding the food offered her was slighted, the head Fairy sent a party to bring a certain man's cow. They came back saying they could not touch the cow as its right knee was resting on the plant bruchorcan (dirk grass). The were sent for another cow, but they came back saying they could not touch it either, as the dairymaid, after milking it, had struck it with the shackle or cow-spancel (burach). That same night the woman appeared to her husband in his dreams, telling him where she was, and that by going for her and taking the black silk handkerchief she wore on her marriage day, with three knots tied upon it, he might recover her. He tied the knots, took the handkerchief and a friend with him, entered the hill at the Black Door, and recovered his wife and child. The white-headed boy accompanied them for some distance from the Black Door, but returned to the hill, and is there still in all probability.

Another wife was taken from the neighbourhood of Castle Lionnaig, near Loch Aline (Loch Aluinn, the pretty loch), in the same parish, to the same hill. She was placed in the lap of a gigantic hag, who told her it was useless to attempt escaping; her arms would close round her

"As the ivy to the rock,
And as the honeysuckle to the tree;
As the flesh round the bone,
And as the bone round the marrow."

("Mar an eidheann ris a chreig
's mar an iadh-shlat ris an fhiodh,
Mar an fheoil mun chnaimh
'S mar an cnaimh mun smior.")
A man in Balemartin, on the south side of Tiree (air an leige deas), whose wife had died in childbed, was sitting one night soon after with a bunch of keys in his hands. He saw his wife passing and repassing him several times. The following night she came to him in his dreams, and reproached him for not having thrown the bunch of keys at her, or between her and the door, to keep the Fairies from taking her back with them. He asked her to come another night, but she said she could not, as the company she was with was removing that night to another brugh far away.

Another, somewhere on the mainland of Argyllshire, suspected his wife had been stolen by the Fairies, hauled her by the legs from the bed, through the fire, and out at the door. She there became a log of wood, and serves at the threshold of a barn in the place to this day.

A woman, taken by the Fairies, was seen by a man, who looked in at the door of a brugh, spinning and singing at her work.

A wife, taken in childbed, came to her husband in his sleep, and told him that, by drawing a furrow thrice round a certain hillock sunwise ( deiseal) with the plough, he might recover her. He consulted his neighbours, and in the end it was deemed as well not to attend to a dream of one's sleep (bruadar cadail). He consequently did not draw the furrow, and never recovered his wife.

A child was taken by the Fairies from Killichrenan (Cill-a-Chreunain), near Loch Awe, to the shi-en in Nant Wood (Coill' an Eannd). It was got back by the father drawing a furror round the hillock with the plough. He had not gone far when he heard a cry behind him, and on looking back found his child lying in the furrow.

: A trampling as of a troop of horses came round a house, in which a woman lay in childbed, and she and the child were taken away. At the end of seven years her sister came upon an open Fairy hillock, and thoughtlessly entered. She saw there her lost sister, with a child in her arms, and was warned by her, in the lullaby song to the child, to slip away out again.

"Little sister, little loving sister,
Rememberest thou the night of the horses?
Seven years since I was taken,
And one like me was never seen.
Ialai horro, horro,
Ialai horro hi."

("A phiuthrag, 's a phiuthrag chaidreach,
An cuimhne leat oidhche nan capull?
Seachd bliadhn' on thuagadh as mi,
'S bean mo choltais riamh cha-n fhacas.
Ialai horro, horro,
Ialai horro hi.")

Here are some great UFO quotes that shed light on the deceptive nature of the "alien" presence.
"But the UFO phenomenon simply does not behave like extraterrestrial visitors. It actually molds itself in order to fit a given culture."
-John Ankerberg, The Facts on UFOs and Other Supernatural Phenomena, p. 10

"Human beings are under the control of a strange force that bends them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception."
-Dr. Jacques Vallee, Messengers of Deception, p. 20

"We are dealing with a multidimensional paraphysical phenomenon which is largely indigenous to planet earth."
-Brad Steiger, [cited in] Blue Book Files Released in Canadian UFO Report, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1977, p. 20

"One theory which can no longer be taken very seriously is that UFOs are interstellar spaceships."
-Arthur C. Clarke, New York Times Book Review, 07/27/75

"There seems to be no evidence yet that any of these craft or beings originate from outer space."
-Gordon Creighton, Official 1992 Flying Saucer Review Policy Statement

"A large part of the available UFO literature is closely linked with mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy, automatic writing and invisible entities as well as phenomena like poltergeist [ghost] manifestation and 'possession.' Many of the UFO reports now being published in the popular press recount alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demonic possession and psychic phenomena."
-Lynn E. Catoe, UFOs and Related Subjects: USGPO, 1969; prepared under AFOSR Project Order 67-0002 and 68-0003

"UFO behaviour is more akin to magic than to physics as we know it... the modern UFOnauts and the demons of past days are probably identical."
-Dr. Pierre Guerin, FSR Vol. 25, No. 1, p. 13-14

"The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon..."
-John A. Keel, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, p. 299

"Studies of flying saucer cults repeatedly show that they are part of a larger occult social world."
-Stupple & McNeece, 1979 MUFON UFO Symposium Proceedings, p. 49

"The 'medical examination' to which abductees are said to be subjected, often accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation, is reminiscient of the medieval tales of encounters with demons. It makes no sense in a sophisticated or technical framework: any intelligent being equipped with the scientific marvels that UFOs possess would be in a position to achieve any of these alleged scientific objectives in a shorter time and with fewer risks."
-Dr. Jacques Vallee, Confrontations, p. 13

"The symbolic display seen by the abductees is identical to the type of initiation ritual or astral voyage that is imbedded in the [occult] traditions of every culture...the structure of abduction stories is identical to that of occult initiation rituals...the UFO beings of today belong to the same class of manifestation as the [occult] entities that were described in centuries past."
-Dr. Jacques Vallee citing the extensive research of Bertrand Meheust [Science-Fiction et Soucoupes Volantes (Paris, 1978); Soucoupes Volantes et Folklore (Paris, 1985)], in Confrontations, p. 146, 159-161

"[The occultist] is brought into intelligent communication with the spirits of the air, and can receive any knowledge which they possess, or any false impression they choose to impart...the demons seem permitted to do various wonders at their request."
-G.H. Pember, Earth's Earliest Ages and Their Connection with Modern Spiritualism and Theosophy (1876), p. 254

"These entities are clever enough to make Strieber think they care about him. Yet his torment by them never ceases. Whatever his relationship to the entities, and he increasingly concludes that their involvement with him is something 'good,' he also remains terrified of them and uncertain as to what they are."
-John Ankerberg, The Facts on UFOs and Other Supernatural Phenomena, p. 21

"I became entirely given over to extreme dread. The fear was so powerful that it seemed to make my personality completely evaporate... 'Whitley' ceased to exist. What was left was a body and a state of raw fear so great that it swept about me like a thick, suffocating curtain, turning paralysis into a condition that seemed close to death...I died and a wild animal appeared in my place."
-Whitley Strieber, Communion, p. 25-26

"Increasingly I felt as if I were entering a struggle that might even be more than life and death. It might be a struggle for my soul, my essence, or whatever part of me might have reference to the eternal. There are worse things than death, I suspected... so far the word demon had never been spoken among the scientists and doctors who were working with me...Alone at night I worried about the legendary cunning of demons ...At the very least I was going stark, raving mad."
-Whitley Strieber, Transformation, p. 44-45

"I wondered if I might not be in the grip of demons, if they were not making me suffer for their own purposes, or simply for their enjoyment."
-Whitley Strieber, Transformation, p. 172

"I felt an absolutely indescribable sense of menace. It was hell on earth to be there [in the presence of the entities], and yet I couldn't move, couldn't cry out, couldn't get away. I'd lay as still as death, suffering inner agonies. Whatever was there seemed so monstrously ugly, so filthy and dark and sinister. Of course they were demons. They had to be. And they were here and I couldn't get away."
-Whitley Strieber, Transformation, p. 181

"Why were my visitors so secretive, hiding themselves behind my consciousness. I could only conclude that they were using me and did not want me to know why...What if they were dangerous? Then I was terribly dangerous because I was playing a role in acclimatizing people to them."
-Whitley Strieber, Transformation, p. 96

PostPostano: pon jun 12, 2006 2:56 am 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4230
Encounter Phenomena Defy "Set Pattern"

by Karla Turner

(UFO, Vol. 8 No. 1 1993, Copyright 1992 by California UFO)

It is a myth that alien abductions of humans follow a set pattern or agenda. Perhaps the best-known proponent of this theory is Budd Hopkins, who in his books made the genetics and cross-breeding scenario familiar to the public. Yet when you read back through those books,

you'll notice that several of the alien encounters seem to have very little apparent connection to an interest in breeding or DNA. And even Hopkins, in the past couple of years, has had to expand his theory to include a definite alien interest in some other things, such as pleasure and pain in humans.

Other well-known UFO researchers also harbor restrictive theories about the abduction phenomenon. Jacques Vallee, David Jacobs, Whitley Strieber, Brad Steiger, John Lear, Raymond Fowler, Jenny Randles, Kevin Randle, John Keel and other writers hold a diversity of intelligent, often ingenious, theories, yet each makes the same error. They ignore parts of the abductions evidence--whatever details don't support their ideas.


Yet it must be clear that any present theory which cannot account for all the known evidence is not acceptable. At best, it can be misleading, especially for victims of abductions who turn to these prominent researchers seeking answers.

A case in point occurred during a conversation I had with a prominent researcher in 1989. In his lectures, this researcher always said that he had certain ways of testing the validity of potential new abduction cases, and one of those ways was the presence of particular scars on the victims' bodies. I questioned him about a different kind of scar, one which I knew often appeared on abductees of my own acquaintance, and the researcher denied that such a mark showed up in his cases.

"Are you sure?" I asked incredulously. "This mark is pretty common around here, and I'd think it would show up in other places, too. In fact, I know it has.

"No," he insisted, shaking his head, "the only marks I find are like the ones I've already described."

"And this other mark hasn't shown up at all?" I asked.

"No," he repeated.

"Not even once?" I persisted.

"Well," he said reluctantly, lowering his voice, "there have been a couple of instances. That child I talked about tonight, she had two of those marks, and I think there was another case. But they're so rare that I have to ignore them. When you have two hundred cases with Scar A and only two cases with Scar B, you go with numbers."

And that was the message he delivered, to an audience where anxious abductees were made to wonder if their anomalous marks meant anything after all, or if, as so many of their friends seemed to think, they were delusions of a troubled mind.


In truth, however, although there are recurrent events in the abduction phenomenon, there is no single pattern or structure. And until we know what all the events mean, we can't afford to ignore any of them.

What is one to make, for instance, of an ET-human encounter in which two of the four aliens assisted the abductee in preparing a roast for dinner? Granted, other events occurred in this case, but the dinner was indeed cooked, served and eaten by the abductee's family less than two hours after the ETs departed.

Other details of this encounter included the manipulation of the abductee's neck, "for the purpose of instruction," and a discussion of genetically-stored memories and knowledge that can be tapped open in humans. But there was no medical exam, no cross-breeding activity, and no warnings of coming catastrophe, all of which are events that have been used to construct abduction theories. I know this to be true, because it happened to me.


Another anomalous event involves the duplication or replacement of the human by an alien counterpart. In one instance, a young man and his fiancee were in their car when a "shimmering force" enveloped him. He passed out, but moments later he began to move, acting and talking entirely different. His fiancee became terrified when he tried to drag her out into the dark back yard, where he told her "Something wants to see you there." And only when a friend drove into the yard did the young man return to normal, with no memory of his aberrant behavior during the past ten minutes.

Under hypnotic regression, the fiancee described the young man as being kept in the car while the "other one" took his form and tried to control her. She called the "other one" a "hologram" and consistently referred to it as "it," not "him." In fact, she said she struggled to get away from "it" and back to the car where "the real" young man was still waiting.

Under separate regression, the young man recalled his version of the evening and said that at a certain point he was "turned off" and "unplugged," yet he couldn't say what sort of power was then operating his body.

An even more bizarre event happened to a woman in the Southwest during her encounter. She said she was "removed" from her body and stored in some inexplicable way, still aware, however, and able to communicate with her captors. They told her that another entity was now

using her body, that it was going through all her regular activities, and that no one would be able to tell the difference. The day after the abduction when she returned to her job, she found that her body had indeed been at work, even though she herself was somewhere else.


These alien intruders apparently can behave and appear in a variety of ways. In one man's experience, a human-looking woman often appeared, although she claimed she was an interdimensional being whose real appearance was not what the abductee saw. At times she would be "completely there" and very three-dimensional, but at other times only her head would be visible, or her head and hands.

The evidence from several cases also shows that the aliens have an odd interest in our animals, yet this is hardly mentioned in standard abduction research. During a period of intense ET activity in my family's life, for instance, our dog was somehow moved one night from a fenced back yard into a locked garage. And the same dog, conversely, woke us up one morning barking in the back yard, when it had been put in a locked garage the night before. In both cases, there was no sign that either the gate or the garage door had been opened. The old dog was quite blind, at any rate, and would have had trouble getting anywhere, even if both passageways had been clear.


Transporting dogs turned up again in the case of a UFO researcher. Her dog slept outside, yet in the middle of the night she was awakened by his wet tongue on her face. She and the dog were in her bed, but her bedroom door was still locked, as was the outside door, and there were two other doors closed in between them.

Horses also have been moved, leaving their abductee-owners to track them down in corrals far distant from where the animals had been locked away for the night. It's hard to imagine the purpose of such events, yet they are part of the larger phenomenon and must have some relevance.

There also seems to be a connection between abductions and the disappearance or appearance of possessions and other objects. One of the more humorous episodes occurred when a researcher was visiting another city and staying as a guest in our home. The day had been spent in work with other abductees, and that evening the group ordered Chinese food.


As we sat eating the food, the researcher remarked that she preferred eating Chinese food with chopsticks, but we didn't have any. After the meal, the researcher went to her room then returned moments later with a very puzzled expression. "I thought you didn't have any chopsticks," she told my husband. "And I certainly didn't mean for you to go out and buy them! But thank you anyway for being so thoughtful." She held out a pair of chopsticks wrapped in paper and smiled.

"Where did you get those?" he asked in amazement.

"They were on my bed," she replied. "Didn't you put them there?"

"Of course not!" he exclaimed. "There aren't--weren't—any chopsticks in the house, I promise you. And I haven't gone anywhere!"

Other objects have appeared out of nowhere, such as metal balls falling from abductees' bodies when they rose from their beds the morning after an encounter. In another instance, a mother saw what looked like a white book floating horizontally in her son's bedroom, but when she went in, there was no book to be seen. In one abductee's home, a fish disappeared from their aquarium, and then it reappeared ten days later, twice as large as it had been. Within 24 hours, however, it died, as did all the other fish in the tank.


Perhaps the most remarkable and disturbing set of cases concerned two women I know but who are unacquainted with each other. The first woman awoke one morning to find her bed soaked with blood. It was during her menstrual cycle, yet she was surprised to have bled so profusely as to soak through the tampon she had inserted before going to bed. When she went to the bathroom to clean up, she could find no tampon to remove. Frantically she searched her bed, the bedroom, and finally her entire apartment, but the tampon had disappeared. A few days later, she related the incident to me, but neither of us knew what to make of it.

A month passed, and I received a call from the second woman, who lived far away from me. She was perplexed by an event of the previous night and wanted to tell someone about it. This woman was having her menstrual cycle also, and the night before had put on a sanitary pad before going to bed. Several hours later, she woke up and decided to go change the pad, as she was an unusually heavy bleeder. In surprise, however, she found the pad was spotless, and then she felt something inside her. She told me that she removed the tampon, but couldn't understand how it had gotten there. "I haven't used tampons in ten years," she said, "so this doesn't make any sense."


Anomalies have turned up in some cases that might otherwise seem to follow the "typical" abduction sequence of going into the "ship," undergoing an examination and being returned with little or no memory.

Sometimes, for instance, the surroundings in the "ship" are described as messy or dirty, with foul odors and signs of sloppy housekeeping. Sometimes the interior is said to be crowded, buzzing with numerous entities engaged in rapid, inexplicable movements from place to place.

Even more unusual are those accounts of abductions to inner space rather than outer space. In these cases, abductees tell of being taken into large underground complexes, and their descriptions very often include earthly--perhaps military-- apparatus as well as the presence of both humans and aliens working together. These underground areas are reached through long vertical or corkscrewing tunnels, the abductees say, and in one case the place looked like a movie set of an old Western town.


A third anomalous episode, which may have taken place aboard a craft or in an underground setting, involves abductees taken into "bathroom" settings. There they are made to get into "stalls" with or without toilets, and in most cases the abductees are thoroughly frightened by the events that occur in these surroundings, often having to do with examination of their sexual organs.

Most of these anomalous details have come from a relatively small group of abductees, yet similar cases are known elsewhere. In the instance of the odd scar, which began this discussion, there are cases of the triangular pattern turning up all over the world, yet no prominent researcher has acknowledged this. The scoop marks and straight-line cuts are well known, but just as frequent are less permanent scars and marks. Single, double and multiple puncture marks appear on abductees' bodies, as do wide paths of subcutaneous purplish smears, triangles and other shapes made by skin discoloration rather than punctures, and long claw- mark scratches, usually numerous, accompanied by even longer welts of unbroken skin.


As to researchers who claim that the ETs are here to help us evolve some higher consciousness or that they are here for some other positive purpose--saving our plant, promoting world peace, etc.--I challenge those researchers to incorporate anomalous data into this view.

What about those people who suffer total breakdowns after their experiences? What about those who undergo wild personality changes, who find themselves obsessed with deviant sexual behavior they never had before, often leading to the breakup of marriages and friendships?

These things have happened numerous times, but no researcher has yet explained the higher purpose behind such results.

Particularly disturbing are those cases where previously healthy individuals have an ET encounter and then develop debilitating or terminal illnesses. It is well known that many women suffer gynecological problems after their experiences, often leading to hysterectomies. But other instances have shown the development of severe fatigue, horrible swelling and itching, and even cancer. Where are the positive effects in these cases?

Theories are starting places for research, not proven conclusions, and UFO researchers must be willing to expand and alter their pet theories according to the data they uncover. It would be wonderful if we could shape ET experiences into something positive, but until the details of abduction encounters--all the details--are given serious consideration, I think it's dangerous to cling to theories that ignore data that will not fit. We owe it to ourselves to seek the whole truth.


PostPostano: pon jun 12, 2006 2:58 am 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4230
Are Aliens Negative From Our Point Of View?

By Dr. Karla Turner

If "abduction" reports can be believed--and there is no reason to doubt the honesty of the reporters--the abduction phenomenon includes the following details:

1) Aliens can alter our perception of our surroundings.

2) Aliens can control what we think we see. They can appear to us in any number of guises, and shapes.

3) Aliens can take us--our consciousness--out of our physical bodies, disable our control of our bodies, install one of their own entities, and use our bodies as vehicles for their own activities before returning our consciousness to our bodies.

4) Aliens can be present with us in an invisible state and can make themselves only partially visible.

5) Abductees receive marks on their bodies other than the well-known scoops and straight-line scars. These other marks include single punctures, multiple punctures, large bruises, three- and four-fingered claw marks, and triangles of every possible sort.

6) Females abductees often suffer serious gynecological problems after their alien encounters, and sometimes these problems lead to cysts, tumors, cancer of the breasts and uterus, and to hysterectomies.

7) Aliens take body fluids from our necks, spines, blood veins, joints such as knees and wrists, and other places. They also inject unknown fluids into various parts of our bodies.

8) A surprising number of abductees suffer from serious illnesses they didn't have before their encounters. These have led to surgery, debilitation, and even death from causes the doctors can't identify.

9) Some abductees experience a degeneration of their mental, social, and spiritual well-being. Excessive behavior frequently erupts, such as drug abuse, alcoholism, overeating, and promiscuity. Strange obsessions develop and cause the disruption of normal life and the destruction of personal relationships.

10) Aliens show a great interest in adult sexuality, child sexuality, and in inflicting physical pain on abductees.

11) Abductees recall being instructed and trained by aliens. This training may be in the form of verbal or telepathic lessons, slide shows, or actual hands-on instruction in the operation of alien technology.

12) Abductees report being taken to facilities in which they encounter not only aliens but also normal-looking humans, sometimes in military uniforms, working with the alien captors.

13) Abductees often encounter more than one sort of alien during an experience, not just the grays. Every possible combination of gray, reptoid, insectoid, blond, and widow's peak have been seen during single abductions, aboard the same craft or in the same facility.

14) Abductees--"virgin" cases--report being taken to underground facilities where they see grotesque hybrid creatures, nurseries of hybrid humanoid fetuses, and vats of colored liquid filled with parts of human bodies.

15) Abductees report seeing other humans in these facilities being drained of blood, being mutilated, flayed, and dismembered, and stacked, lifeless like cords of wood. Some abductees have been threatened that they, too, will end up in this condition if they don't co-operate with their alien captors.

16) Aliens come into homes and temorary remove young children, leaving their distraught parents paralyzed and helpless. In cases where a parent has been able to protest, the aliens insist that "The children belong to us."

17) Aliens have forced ther human abductees to have sexual intercourse with aliens and even with other abductees while groups of aliens observe these performances. In such encounters, the aliens have sometimes disguised themselves in order to gain the cooperation of the abductee, appearing in such forms as Jesus, the Pope, certain celebrities, and even the dead spouses of the abductees.

18) Aliens perform extremely painful experiments or procedures on abductees, saying that these acts are necessary but give no explanation why.....Painful genital and anal probes are performed, on children as well as adults.

19) Aliens make predictions of an imminent period of global chaos and destruction. They say that a certain number of humans...will be "rescued" from the planet in order to continue the species, either on another planet or back on earth after the destruction is over. Many abductees report they don't believe their alien captors and foresee instead a much more sinister use of the "rescued" humans.

"In every instance from this list, there are multiple reports from unrelated cases, confirming that such bizzarre details are not the product of a single deranged mind. These details are convincing evidence that, contrary to the claims of many UFO researchers, the abduction experience isn't limited to uniform pattern of events. This phenomenon simply can't be explained in terms of cross- breeding experiments or scientific research into the human physiology....... Before we allow ourselves to believe in the benevolence of the alien interaction , we should ask, do enlightened beings need to use the cover of night to perform good deeds? Do they need to paralyze us and render us helpless to resist? Do angels need to steal our fetuses? Do they need to manipulate our children's genitals and probe our rectums? Are fear, pain, and deception consistent with high spiritual motives?"


PostPostano: pon jun 12, 2006 2:59 am 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4230
ELF Infested Spaces


Previous ELFIS attention to Karla

Q & A with Karla Turner


Q) During your July Austin MUFON conference you mentioned your speculations about the connection of UFO encounters to the 60's counter culture-could you explain this more?

A) The 60s! Yes, I think that the psychedelics and more especially marijuana (given that our brains have a built-in receptor for its active ingredient) did introduce a lot of our generation and those following to new perceptions that might very well be serving us now in a beneficial manner. Whether this introduction was by design or by the chances of history, I don’t know, although I wouldn’t rule out the ‘design’ question. It could even be that these drugs sparked a transformational move in our evolution, at least in our psychic evolution, and that this transformation will bring into play new abilities. As if we suddenly had the optical capacity to perceive additional spectra, we may now be coming into a time when we can perceive additional energies of various sorts which were previously unnoticed. I haven’t developed these thoughts in any formal way yet, but instinctively I’ve felt this for years, ever since the first time a statement popped into my head back in the early 70s: "After us, the mutants."

Q) please expound upon your idea of an induced Virtual Reality Scenario.

A) An induced virtual reality scenario is fully presented in MASQUERADE OF ANGELS. I think that much of what we abductees have remembered and ‘experienced’ have probably been VRS, but without specific investigations all over again, it would be foolish for me to guess which reports are which. I also think the scenario I reported from my own experiences in TAKEN, the “Jacob and Esau” event, was VRS. I think they may function through alien implants which are in the brain stem and thus could control our entire range of perceptions and actions. You’d be surprised to find out all that the brain stem controls in the human body, and I believe this range of controls is the reason for the implants in this particular area of the body.

Q ) what speculative hypothesis do you personally feel best accounts for all the data you have investigated?

A) I discussed a very speculative hypothesis to explain the data as I know it with Greg Bishop, who included it in his recent interview with me printed in the latest issue of Excluded Middle. Basically, we are an important resource for the aliens, in a number of ways including our energy, our soul material, and our physical material. If there is indeed some imminent threat to our survival or that of the planet, then surely the aliens would be working furiously to somehow guarantee the survival of their stock. And if humans are indeed in the process of developing new perceptive abilities, which allow them to ‘see’ the alien activities more clearly than before, this would present the alien farmers with a disturbing situation on their hands and could push them into the frenzy of activity that we are seeing all around us, as the aliens try to bring us back into a state of non-perception. Barring that, they may have to settle for selling us a viable ‘cover story’ for what we’re now seeing, so that we wouldn’t be moved to outright resistance.

Q) what other psychic/anomalous/paranormal/metaphysical experiences have you experienced?

A) I’ve had several paranormal experiences that don’t seem definitely related to aliens. Among these are visions of events that later came to pass. The first vision occurred three times, in dreams three nights in a row, and it was fulfilled on the fourth day. It’s a very personal story I don’t want to detail, but there was another person in the vision, and when I talked to him on the fourth day, he related an almost identical vision on his part.

The second vision began at 4 a.m., as I sat down on my bed trying to decide if I should go to sleep at all, since I had to get up at 6 a.m. There was a knock at my door, and when I answered it, a young man was standing there. I didn’t recognize him, but he said his name was Jim and that he’d come to take me to India. This happened a month before I was actually planning to fly to India and get married to a man in the Peace Corps over there. Anyway, I went with him, and we flew on a plane to India. He then drove me in a Jeep out into the countryside and tooke me to a large village. He showed me my future house, and he explained how everything in the house functioned. It was nothing like American homes, believ me! No running water, no kitchen facilities, no plumbing, intermittent electricity for the lights, but no fridge, etc. Then Jim flew me back home.

The next thing I was aware of, it was 6 a.m. and I was still sitting on the bed. I thought I’d had a bizarre dream while sitting up! The following month, I took my young son and flew to India, planning to meet my fiance in Bangalore. When we arrived, however, my fiance wasn’t there. It took almost a whole day to find a place where Americans hung out, and eventually I met a guy who knew my fiance but didn’t know where he was at that time. He knew what village my fiance lived in, but he’d never been to his house. He offered to take my son and me home with him until we could locate my fiance. So I went with him, and he loaded my bags into his Jeep and drove off into the countryside. An hour or so later, I recognized the village we were approaching as the one I’d been shown in the dream. I directed this guy to drive to my house and actually found it right away. It was padlocked and no one answered the door, but I persuaded him to break in and we found photos of me inside, so it was the correct house. I stayed there for five days before my fiance showed up. He thought I was flying into Delhi and was up there waiting the whole time. If I hadn’t been shown how to operate the things in my house, it would have been very difficult for my son and me to survive in the interim.

Q) is it true that your next book is about angels?

A) My new book, MASQUERADE OF ANGELS, is the story of Ted Rice, a well-known southern psychic, and his UFO experiences that led to the discovery of the alien involvement in a number of other paranormal events he had witnessed. I think the title tells you a lot, about the deceptions the aliens employed with him, and the story should serve as a wake-up call to the rosy-view New Agers who gullibly buy all the BS that the aliens put out.


Karla Turner passed away some time ago. Her vigor and research continue to influence thought within the ufological / abduction communities. Dr Turner earned her B.A. from California State University, her M.A. from the University of Nottingham in England, and her Ph.D. in Old English Studies from the University of North Texas. She was a teaching fellow and instructor at a Texas university for over a decade. She is still missed.

PostPostano: pon jun 12, 2006 3:00 am 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4230
Alien Behavior:
Concept or Precept?

by Elton Turner

"186,000 M/Second - it's not just a good idea, it's the law," the bumper sticker read. Something about that statement irritated me. Here we were in the midst of a UFO conference and someone was selling an old reality!

The mixture of our notions of physical reality and our concept of law are keeping us in the dark ages of human thought. Modern science has brought us many new ideas about the nature of the universe, but those ideas are constantly being challenged and changed as our powers of observation sharpen and equipment improves. I thank our scientists for their contributions; I love air conditioning, airplanes, and the television waves that travel our air. What bothers me, is that we have not stopped to consider, "The Law."

What laws do the invaders (and I use that term intentionally) of our world abide by? I posit that we have no idea of the rules of the navigable universe by which these otherworldly entities operate. We continue to develop ideas of their intentions based on our own social rules and written laws. I asked a prominent author and researcher of the UFO phenomenon the other day why he thought the aliens could be trusted - why we should believe what they tell us. His reply was sincere, I think. He said they have demonstrated their truthfulness by predicting some future events, and, lo and behold, what they said came true. He said they have told us our planet is in ecological crisis and we know that is true. And, although they seem to have been here for thousands of years, they have not invaded us. What wonderful creatures they must be!

In the few years that I have been studying my own personal invasion by these creatures, I have come to understand that the invaders do not tell the truth unless it serves THEIR purpose. They play on our fears, using pollution, war, nuclear holocaust and greed as backdrops for their warnings. But every day since I was a small child, I have been aware that those things are part of our world. We all know these things. It does not take a zillion-plus-IQ creature from the planet Orlon to make me aware that we have problems in our world that we must face. We have very human problems to deal with - problems that we can deal with.

The problems we cannot yet overcome is that of outside interference in our affairs. Some people may call it "benevolent intervention" and point to positive results. I respect the scientists and laymen of all disciplines who have been studying the alien phenomenon and artifacts for the past 50 or 60 years. It appears that they have made some progress, as witnessed by the rapid developments in the aerospace industry, medicine, communications, etc., a great deal of which seems to have come from such research. What is missing is a thorough and public study of the mission and rules of engagement in the war for our world.

I believe that our very thoughts and consequently, our behavior as a race of sentient beings are being UNDERMINED through the power of insinuation and the implantation of controlling devices in our bodies by non-human (most of the time) entities. This is truly the most effective way to invade and conquer. I do not trust such creatures no matter what I have been told about their altruistic motives.

We, as a race, have never been free to discover our own true identity. Every social advance we attempt is thwarted by some maniac who springs up with almost divine grace to lead us into madness. Saint Paul, for instance, seems to have taken the real message of Jesus and his earliest followers and distorted it into something that we kill, lie and cheat for. And, in spite of all that, we still aspire for redemption of our souls. The followers of that doctrine - Christians, they call themselves - are not the only ones who behave in such a manner. Every major religion has managed to find an excuse in its teachings to destroy non-believing fellow human beings. A part of me shudders every time I hear of yet another killing based on 2000-year-old hatreds.

What law allows us to continue with such atrocities? What influence keeps such hatred and fears alive? Why are we abductees so afraid to ask for real help from our own society?

We have been INVADED - but I do not yet believe that the battle is over. Invasion with sticks, knives or guns is a human reality, not necessarily a universal one. There are very sophisticated mechanisms being used in the invasion of our world. Why should our invaders use pointed sticks against us when they can get us to sharpen sticks and use them against each other? We provide them with everything they want from us, and they take none of the blame for our misery. They just zip around in their wonderful flying machines, dazzling us with their magical abilities and filling us with awe at their insight.

Can there be a more successful military campaign than one in which no shot is (apparently) fired and in which the conquered populace gladly and openly welcomes their enslavers? We are being programmed mentally and socially to accept our invaders as saviors, not a conquering force. I truly believe we are being deceived by smoke, mirrors and sleight-of-three-fingered-hand movements. Are we going to sell our birthright to some sneaky beings who appear on our shores in marvelous ships and offer us a few glitzy baubles?

The researcher asked if I personally knew of harm that has come to anyone at the hands of, or because of, the aliens. Yes, harm has come. My early youth was damaged severely by the unconscious knowledge that I was being used by some non-human agency. It took me 40 years to recognize that the fears which guided me daily were not of my own making and that the rebellion I constantly felt was engendered by my contempt for the powerful invisible agents that forced me to do things that I knew were wrong, even as I was doing them.

For example, I did not want to marry the person who became my first wife, yet I had no control over the decision. Before we were married, we were jointly abducted and subjected to severe programming. The results brought no happiness to either of us. We both starved for love and companionship, even though we tried with all our might to find them. My son (now 25) was also one of their subjects, and is miserable and lost. He is an artistic person with so many unknowable fears that he is paralyzed. I know of abductees MURDERED by mutilations (reports of which are suppressed immediately and completely), by cancers that no physician has ever seen before, and by madness that has led to suicide. In my opinion, these acts were not caused by "brothers" of any sort.

I do not believe that all is lost, however. I have felt a guiding hand that helped me to discover happiness and inner peace amid all this chaos and misery. What I have come to understand is that that hand is only there when I take responsibility for my own happiness and do something about whatever is bothering me.

Reality left in the hands of the invaders is neither what we need nor what we want. It is time that we think hard about ourselves and what we have on this gem of the universe, our home - our planet. There are laws governing the actions of our invaders, rules guiding their actions and patterns of behavior we can discover if we will make a concerted effort to discern them. We humans have something valuable that is desirable to, and usable by the alien forces acting on us. I feel it is time we take back that which is ours, that we use all our resources to discover the laws that govern reality and become the beings that we intrinsically know we are.

This article was originally published in Contact Forum, September/October, 1994.

PostPostano: pon jun 12, 2006 3:12 am 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4230
Jedan od prevedenih intervjua s Dr Karlom Turner, može se naći ovdje:


PostPostano: sub jul 01, 2006 11:27 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub sep 17, 2005 1:35 pm
Postovi: 48
Lokacija: Beograd
Galaksija, hvala što si otvorio ovu temu.... :D
Dr. Karla Turner u svoje prve dve knjige opisuje iskustva i dokaze da nas vanzemaljci ne samo otmaju, nego i obmanjuju mnoge ljude tokom otmica prikazivajući im se u obliku Hrista, vila, patuljaka i sl....Ljudi misle da je glavni razlog otmica ukrštanje vrsta, po meni to je samo jedan od eksperimenata-programa....Pored toga oni takodje koriste ljude da im odrade određene zadatke, npr. uvere ih da im se javio bog i da im je naredio da "žrtvuju" nekoga ....Postoje još mnogo načina na koji se oni "igraju" ljudima, npr. uveravanje određenih osoba da su odabrani i da su oni tu da ih spasu...
Za razlikzu od drugih istraživača, KT to shvata/je shvatala (npr. Johna Macka koji tvrdi da nema ni jednog dokaza da su vanzemaljci "neprijateljski" raaspoloženi)....
U svojoj trećoj knjizi, KT, opisuje životnu priču Teda Rice-a koga su vanzemaljci ceo život uveravali da na njega utiču duhovi i sl. , dok se jednog dana Ted nije prisetio svoje najnovije otmice i shvatio da se ET-i ceo život "igraju" s njim....Toliko od mene za sada, pozz svima! :D


PostPostano: ned sep 24, 2006 8:32 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet mar 30, 2006 11:32 pm
Postovi: 702
Lokacija: Forbidden Island
Nedavno sam gledao njeno predavanje,
dirnula me je skoro do suza, u stvari ova emocija se brzo pretvorila u srdzbu i gnjev

koliko nam jos treba karli turner da otvorimo oci

zavrsila je bas onako kako se i moglo ocekivati, sto se mene tice hvala joj i slava joj

" Vrlo cesto Vitez je porazen jer je sluzio Djavolu svim svojim srcem dok je iskreno ali pogresno vjerovao da sluzi Kristu."
(Mouravijeff- Gnosis)

PostPostano: ned sep 24, 2006 8:57 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri okt 26, 2005 12:53 am
Postovi: 238
Deckard je napisao/la:
koliko nam jos treba karli turner da otvorimo oci

zavrsila je bas onako kako se i moglo ocekivati, sto se mene tice hvala joj i slava joj

Eh, da. Tocno to sam i ja mislila kad sam procitala "Masquerade of Angels".

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