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PostPostano: sub jan 17, 2009 12:37 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned dec 14, 2008 5:26 pm
Postovi: 67
Čitao sam po stranici dosta toga. Za nešto sam još skeptik, dok druge stvari dobivaju svoj smisao polaganim proučavanjem. Mada vjerujem da će sve doći na red. Imam samo jedno pitanje. Kakve koristi svemir ima od Zemljana zapravo? Zašto nas jedni štite, a drugi nas baš i ne vole. Ovi koji nas ne vole mogli su nas iskoristiti, a koji nas vole, mogu nam sada pomoći. Kada bi trebalo doći do nekakve promjene i ima li 2012. godina veze sa time?

Da, znam da ima puno o tome, ali još 'slažem kocku' i ne mogu pohvatati sve to odjednom zbog puno cjelina koje mi fale.

PostPostano: sub jan 17, 2009 5:56 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub mar 31, 2007 8:27 pm
Postovi: 298
Lokacija: 7D

Suština u svemu tome je svest. I ako su oni tehnološki superiorniji i mogu svašta da učine, njima nedostaje ta crta više spiritualne svesti da bi se pomaknuli iz te učaurene varijabilne eterično materijalne ravni. Ti mađioničarski trikovi prolaze kod nesvesnih i onih koji ne znaju šta se u suštini dešava. Zašto je potrbna Zemlja, u redu neka je to treći razred osnovne, ne mogu svi da budu u sedmom, kad kreneš u školu krećeš od prvog, pa kako učiš lekcije tako napreduješ iz razreda u razred, dok na kraju ne diplomiraš... Zato služi Zemlja, ona je sad u vrlo teškoj situaciji, svi smo mi na neki način zaglibili ovde, i potpuno smo zabezeknuti od količine nasilja i smrti koji se dešavaju svakodnevno...
Oni O.P D i ne mogu baš da se umešaju jer bi prekršili zakon slobodne volje, ali to ne znači da oni ne pomašu, rade to vrlo suptilno, dok ovi drugi O.P.S baš se i ne trude da poštuju slobodnu volju, u stvari, maksimalno je krše raznoraznim mapipulacijama.
2012 može da se desi svašta a možda i ništa. Opet zavisi od SVESTI I PERCEPCIJE u tom datom trenutku kada će se stvoriti određeni uslovi(VAL). VREME JE SELEKTIVNO, ko zna šta može da se desi dotle, ali, najverovatnija opcija je; oni koji budu spremni preći će iz zatvora u slobodu(4-D), na otvorenom gde će biti u izjednačenim uslovima sa tuđincima,
pod dva, resetovanje sistema, NOVA ZEMLJA i onda sve ispočetka... Tako radi priroda Egzistencije...

Inače ovde ima dosta materijala, istražuj i nikome ništa ne veruj, nema vođenja za ruke. Koristi intiuciju za odgovore, i vrlo je bitno da postaviš prava pitanja...


PostPostano: ned jan 18, 2009 3:00 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: uto nov 01, 2005 1:17 am
Postovi: 1377
Lokacija: Justinijana Prima
Inače ovde ima dosta materijala, istražuj i nikome ništa ne veruj, nema vođenja za ruke.

da =D>
a "vodjenje za ruchice" i ostale techajeve i vechernje shkolice potraziti na drugoj adresi
folou D' jelou-brik roud

:mrgreen: :wink:
Koristi intiuciju za odgovore, i vrlo je bitno da postaviš prava pitanja...

postaviti praavo pitanje je vec pola puta do odgovora
nazalost,ta se umetnost zapostavlja poprilichno
ali nema beda,i ta je lekcija tu da bi bila
u-Mi-je-ce(i) pitanja treba savladati
a odgovori
su Tu
Uvek :love3: :love5: :love3:

Теоретичар завере у мировини, технолошки вишак @ КасиЈопеја ДП инк. & стечајни управник @ ХипиШизикМетафизик анлимитид.

 Naslov: nesto konkretno na postavljeno pitanje
PostPostano: čet jan 22, 2009 9:41 pm 

Pridružen/a: čet jan 22, 2009 9:34 pm
Postovi: 4
pitanje kojim je pokrenuta ova tema je da li netko zna nesto vise o arkturijancima,,,,,,,,,,,,,stoga evo jednog clanka o njima,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

By Dr Joshua David Stone

1 2
Edgar Cayce has said in his channelings, that Arcturus is one of the most advanced extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy. It is a fifth dimensional civilization which, in reality, is like a prototype for Earth’s future. Its energy works with humanity as an emotional mental and spiritual healer. It is also an energy gateway through which humans pass during death and rebirth.

It functions as a way station for nonphysical consciousness to become accustomed to physicality. The book, "The Keys of Enoch" has described it as the mid-way station or programming center used by the physical brotherhoods in our local universe, to govern the many rounds of experiments with physicals on our end of the galaxy.

Some of the most fascinating information comes from a book by Norma Milanovich called, "We, the Arcturians", which I would highly recommend buying. I personally, of all the extraterrestrial civilizations, am most drawn and attracted to Arcturus. This is probably because of their total focus in every aspect of their society to the path of God realization. For this reason I will spend a little more time in this section sharing with you what I have learned about their most wonderful civilization.

I also have the good fortune to know someone who is living on this plane of existence, who is from Arcturus. She is one of the most amazingly spiritually gifted people I know. My connection with her and her work has greatly enhanced my own life and spiritual path.

The Arcturians teach that the most fundamental ingredient for living in the fifth dimension is love. That negativity, fear and guilt must be overcome and be exchanged for love and light. Arcturus is the brightest star in the Bootes Constellation, which is approximately 36 light years from Earth.

The Arcturians work in very close connection with the Ascended Masters whom they refer to as the brotherhood of the all. They also work very closely with what they refer to as The Galactic Command. The Arcturians travel the universe in their starships, which are some of the most advanced in the entire universe.

One of the reasons that Earth has not been attacked by more warlike negative extraterrestrials has been these civilizations’ fear of these advanced starships of the Arcturians. These ships are the state of the art technology, which is far beyond anything I have mentioned so far in this chapter. One of the starships circling the earth is called the Starship Athena, named after one of the Greek Gods.

The Arcturian society is governed by what they call the elders. These beings are fevered by the people of Arcturus for the advanced knowledge, wisdom, and extremely high vibrational frequencies. The higher the vibrational frequency, the close one is to light, or spirit or God.

The Arcturians are very short in physical stature, about three to four feet tall. They are also very slender. They also all look very much alike in appearance. The Arcturians pride themselves in this because this erases the pettiness of comparison of looks which is so predominant in our society.

The Arcturians are the most loving and non-judgmental beings you can possibly imagine. Their skin is a greenish color. They have very large almond shaped eyes. They only have three fingers. They have the ability to move objects with their minds, and are totally telepathic. The source of food is an effervescent type of liquid that is highly vitalizing to their entire being.

Their eyes are a dark brown or black color. Their main source of seeing is actually through their telepathic nature, not their physical eyes. Their sense of hearing even transcends their telepathic nature. They also have an ability to sense with the back of their heads.

The average life span is from 350 to 400 of our earth years. Their highly developed spiritual nature has allowed them to never age, since they have the ability to transcend time and space. They terminate the life when the contract that has been arranged for their existence is up. There is also no sickness on Arcturus, it was eliminated centuries ago.

On Arcturus they do not have extreme temperatures. Their civilization is one that has transcended duality and lives in oneness. The different professions on Arcturus are determined by a person’s vibrational frequency and the colors in their aura. For example, those that are in charge of taking care of their children must have violet as the predominate color in their aura for only the wisest souls are allowed to associate with the young.

The same is true for those who are allowed to give birth. They are screened and tested in terms of their auric and vibrational frequencies, and when chosen by the elders to give birth to an Arcturian child, an amazing process occurs. The vibration of both individuals involved is raised to a seventh dimensional frequency for the birthing process to insure only bringing in the most highly evolved soul. Reproduction is an honor on Arcturus and one of the highest professions.

This seventh dimensional frequency is that of an Ascended Master. The actual act of reproduction is not done in a physical sense as we understand it on earth. On Arcturus it is done through a type of mind link, where the male and female energies are perfectly balanced. Through this procreation process, some kind of electron force flows through the two beings, which creates another being that is a replica of the light.

The new life form is then taken to a special room that emanates the proper vibrational frequencies until they are ready for integration into a family unit on Arcturus. Many beings from Arcturus are seeded onto other planets, because the high council has ordered this as a great act.

On Arcturus there is no competition. Every thought, word, deed, and product created is judged by its ability to raise the vibration closer to God or it does not exist on Arcturus. A person’s frequency of vibration is directly related to the mastery they have over their body, emotions, thoughts, actions, and creations. Arcturians have total mastery over these aspects of self.

They have developed, as individuals, and as a society of transcending the ego or separative lower fear based self. Success is only judged in terms of the measure of their light frequency. On Arcturus they have untold numbers of machines that are constantly checking the vibrational frequencies each individual on the planet is manifesting. If one particular Arcturian gets feedback that they are not meeting their own goals for their evolution, then immediately the elders send fellow teachers to help that individual. There is never any comparison with others, only comparison with one’s own goals. All scores of these frequency measuring machines are kept private, except for the elders and Ascended Masters. The only way to evolve on Arcturus or anywhere in the universe, for that matter, is to be of service, so other fellow Arcturians are happy to help in any way they can.

Arcturians live very much in a group consciousness since they recognize all are one. If one individual is having problems meeting their goals, then that affects everyone. On Arcturus, everyone truly is their brother’s keeper. Each person grows at the level and speed they feel comfortable with. These machines that I mentioned, might measure the frequency level of the amount of love, patience, tolerance, and non judgmentalness. Wouldn’t that be great in our society, for people to receive this kind of feedback constantly.

Another interesting thing on Arcturus is that they do not have liquids on their planet like rivers, lakes, oceans. Given this fact, they are fascinated by our use of water on our planet for recreation and power usage. They also remark that they have many ingredients on their planet that we don’t have on earth. The basic energy form that they use is one of liquid light. By studying Arcturus, we are able to get a glimpse of what our future holds for us on planet Earth.

The Arcturian Starships
The Arcturian star ships are the finest in the entire universe. They are operated by a power source of crystals that do not come from their planet. The crystals come from a planet in the Milky Way that has not been discovered by our earthly scientists. These crystals have a way of conducting light energy from the Great Central Sun. The Arcturians say that they no longer use computers because they have long ago outgrown the use for them. They have other systems that are far more advanced. They also have a section of the starship which is like a replication of the planet Arcturus. It somehow has the ability to take any crew member back to Arcturus in their etheric body. This helps to strengthen and rejuvenate crew members who are away from home for long periods of time as they traverse the universe and universes. Earth’s frequency is very harsh for Arcturians because of their fifth dimensional frequency. Arcturians don’t eat in the same way that we do. In some way they are able to ingest energy, I guess kind of like a breathairian would in our society. The Arcturians only sleep for a short time once a week. Sleep, for the Arcturians is a time to travel in soul and connect to higher spiritual realms of consciousness. This activity is given the highest priority in the Arcturian society.

Another room in the Arcturian starship has a complete data bank of every aspect of Earth life, and life on other planets as well. Arcturians are able to ingest information through their telepathic abilities and through their nervous system. This process is similar to ingesting food, but on a more energetic level. They are able to assimilate information at a rate of one hundred times faster than the average human being on Earth.

Another section of their ship is a room that strengthens the vibration of all who enter it so they will not be overwhelmed by the strongest vibrations on planet Earth. The Arcturians are also able to travel through time. They also have shuttle craft that are actually global in shape. These global shuttle craft, they use for activating energy points and grids on Earth that have been lying dormant on Earth for many centuries. The Arcturians have been working with Earth since life first started on this planet.

The Arcturians have many bases on Earth, and also three bases on the Moon. Many of their bases on Earth are inside mountains. Arcturians can manifest physically, but also exist in the etheric type state, so physical matter is not an obstacle to them.

They also have a vaporizing section of the star ship that can instantly make any person or object disappear. They would only use this on a person if the crew member had died. The amazing thing about this machine is that whatever is vaporized can be re-solidified at any time in the future by just checking the ships records. The more I learn about Arcturus, the more and more the TV show, Star Trek is becoming a living reality.

Many souls are brought to the Arcturian starships during dream state where they are worked on and helped. The Arcturians never invade a person’s free choice as the greys are doing. The Arcturians are here to assist the Earth to enter the fourth and fifth dimensions of reality. They are here to help us raise our vibrational frequencies. They stand as the guardians and protectors of higher consciousness in the universe.

They are based in every country on the planet, and in reality, have bases all over the universe. They are here to educate us. Two of the groups that they have had the most difficult time dealing with on our planet are the government and the military. They have met with them, however, all the politicians and military are interested in is military technology, not spiritual enlightenment.

The Arcturians could help in even a greater and more open capacity than they are now, but the people who govern the United States and our world are totally and completely materialistically and egotistically centered, and hence rebuke the help of these incredibly advanced beings. So instead, the government makes a deal with the greys who are very selfish beings only interested in taking over the world for their own selfish purposes.

This is a sad commentary on how the people of the United States have allowed themselves to lose control over their government. The government has sold us out to the dark forces for the purpose of greed and power, which has totally backfired on them and unfortunately on us. If it were not for the Ascended Masters, and selfless beings such as the Arcturians and the Ashtar Command, we would really be in deep trouble.

Other Arcturian Technology
These vaporizing machines and machines to transfer a person into another dimensional frequency are also used to decode a person’s entire genetic structure and physical body. The Arcturians have said that there is not a being in any galaxy or universe they have visited, that they could not heal by using these machines to diagnose the problem and then make the minutest corrections. These machines can also be used like in Star Trek to transfer beings from one location to another.
Another mission of the Arcturians is to transfer gigantic crystalline beds of crystals to certain locations on the Earth’s crust. This usually results in much activity around these areas, and an energization of the planet Earth, herself.

There are countless numbers of machines throughout the star ship that are constantly monitoring each crew member’s vibrational frequency to make sure there is no depletion taking place, and each person is growing and emanating love and light as their soul’s purpose has designed. This information is, again, kept private except for the elders who will then design programs to help that individual make the needed corrections so they and the group may realize God more fully. Arcturians see no separation between themselves and others. To help another is to help oneself, and vice versa.

The Arcturians have met with many presidents and premiers of many different countries and have exchanged some information on an equal basis. The Arcturians have made an interesting observation in that every time they make contact with the governmental leaders, they are always immediately turned over to the military commands, which makes the Arcturians wonder who is really in charge.

The Arcturians have also stated that they have made contact with the beings of the hollow Earth, which I have written extensively about in this book. The Arcturians are currently working with thirty three different countries.

The basic curriculum of teaching of the Arcturians is to teach each person to know their Godself. This is done through education, medicine, healing, arts, and entertainment. One of the ways they have communicated is to write letters which are then teleported where they want them to be placed. In other cases they have appeared physically. Other ways they have made contact is through telepathy or channeling, and also bringing soul extensions aboard their ship. This is only done if the person has given its permission in the etheric state.

One last method of communication is through a person’s dream state. The Arcturians follow a code which is much like the prime directive in the Star Trek show. This code prohibits them from interfering with a civilization unless they are specifically requested to come. Our prayers on Earth and the request from the Ascended Masters, Angels, and Celestial Beings, has brought them to us during this most critical turning point in Earth’s history, as we move to the golden age.

PostPostano: čet jan 22, 2009 9:52 pm 

Pridružen/a: čet jan 22, 2009 9:34 pm
Postovi: 4
evo jedne meditacije s arkturijancima,,,,,

The Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians Ascension Activation Meditation!
By Dr Joshua David Stone

Please close your eyes.

We now call forth the Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy and most specifically the Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians!

We call to Archangels Michael and Faith to place a golden dome of protection around all involved in this meditation!

We call forth Melchizedek, the Mahatma and Metatron to bring forth a Platinum Net to remove any and all imbalanced energies.

We call forth to the Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians to now take us in our etheric bodies to your ascension seat on the Arcturian mothership…

We call forth to the Lord of Arcturus to bring down the Prana Wind Clearing Device to cleanse and clear all our nadis and acupuncture meridians…

We call forth to the Lord of Arcturus to now install the Arcturian Plating System to each person’s highest potential…

We now call forth the Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians for a Light and Love Quotient building, to each person’s highest potential.

We now call forth to the Arcturians for the tightening of each person’s grids to each person’s perfect balance as GOD would have it be…

We now call forth the Lord of Arcturus to anchor the Arcturian Liquid Crystals into each person’s four-body system to deactivate any and all negative energies

We call forth to the Lord of Arcturus for the anchoring and activation of the “golden cylinder,” to remove any and all negative energies 100% completely, including all negative implants and negative elementals.

We call forth to the Lord of Arcturus to now be taken to the Arcturian Light Chamber.

We now call forth to be taken on the Arcturian mothership to the Arcturian Healing Chamber, for the specific healing of any and all etheric and/or physical health lessons.

We now call forth from the Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturian Temple workers, for the “Arcturian revitalization program”.

Lastly, we call forth the Arcturian “Joy Machine.” I tell you now, my friends, there is not a person on planet earth who I have found who could not stop smiling or laughing once this Arcturian Joy Machine was turned on…

We now call to the Lord of Arcturus to connect each person officially up to your computers on your mothership, so if they ever want to call on you again they are “on-line”!

Take one last moment to thank the Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians for their most gracious and generous help!

We ask the Lord of Arcturus now to help gently guide us in our etheric bodies back to earth, and safely back into our physical bodies bringing with us in total recall all the Light and Love we have just experienced!

PostPostano: čet jan 22, 2009 10:00 pm 

Pridružen/a: čet jan 22, 2009 9:34 pm
Postovi: 4
i evo nesto o arkturijanskoj svjetlosnoj tehnologiji i kako se ona moze koristiti

The Advanced Light Technologies of the Arcturians!
By Dr Joshua David Stone

1 2
After taking my ascension initiation in March of 1994 with my then wife and my two dearest friends, we all began to work very closely with the Arcturians. I had been working with them previous to this, however in this new period of my life it became one of the main focal points of my spiritual life.

This process began, as I look back, when Vywamus kept telling me, over a few months period, that part of my mission this lifetime was to be an ambassador for extraterrestrials. I had always been interested in extraterrestrials as this book attests to, however, I had never framed it in this manner for myself.

One day, without even asking, Vywamus told me that my Monad or I AM Presence was considering taking me “off the planet” for a period of time. When Vywamus first said this I did not know what He was talking about. At first I thought I was going to physically die and/or let go of my physical vehicle. I asked questions and He clarified that my Monad was considering taking me in a physical extraterrestrial spacecraft. I asked, “with what group?” and He said, “the Arcturians.”

I knew the truth of what He was saying the moment He said it. I immediately told my two best friends about this and they said they wanted to come too, for they are also ambassadors for extraterrestrials, besides our main focus of work for the Spiritual Hierarchy and Sanat Kumara and Djwhal Khul’s ashram. Of course I asked my wife to come as well, however Djwhal Khul told us that she was meant to go more spiritually rather than in a physical body.

Vywamus told me that this was to occur in 1996. The timing seemed to be after we had taken our seventh initiation and moved to Arizona. Needless to say, I was very excited about this prospect.

This new prospect began an intense new focus on the Arcturian energies in our meditations.

In our meditations we began to focus on invoking the Arcturians. The results we all got were fabulous. Some of the most profound energy experiences and facilitation in helping to build our Light quotient began coming through the Arcturians and their starships. To achieve ascension one must have 80 to 83% Light quotient in their energy field. To take the seventh initiation one must have 94% Light quotient in their field. We were interested in raising our Light quotient to the 94% level. The Arcturians, upon our request, using their advanced technology would run their high frequency Light energies through our bodies.

I had obviously been working with the Ascended Masters and even Cosmic Masters for a great many years in meditation, however the energies that began coming from the Arcturian starship had a totally different quality of substantialness than anything I had ever experienced. Instead of coming in through the crown, the energies seemed to come in through the entire body simultaneously. My body would tingle and buzz with energy. The blood in my veins and arteries would flow as though I had just come back from jogging a couple of miles. All the cells in my body felt like they were being fed with the most wonderful flowing energy. Caryn and I would sit on the phone or in her office for long periods of time just soaking in these energies. We called it “the spiritual Jacuzzi.“ I was later to call it, humorously, “the nirvana machine.”

We had stumbled into the Arcturian technology for helping to build the Light quotient. This had been one of the main focuses of our lives for some time, however we had never been exposed to the Arcturian technology in this regard. This technology, in combination with the “Light showers” we had been receiving for many years from the great Ascended Masters, Angels, and Cosmic Beings were an incredible “one, two punch!” We were having amazing results.

Even when one takes the sixth initiation they must complete all seven levels of the initiation. In our enthusiasm to complete our ascension and prepare to take the seventh and final initiation, we started becoming very chummy with the Arcturians and began requesting that they put us on their computers and run the energies all the time to help us to build our Light quotient to the 94% level within 9 months time. Sanat Kumara agreed to oversee this program.

I began invoking the Arcturians and their starship many, many times during the day. I would certainly do this whenever I meditated. However, I would also invoke them while watching television, before bed, even while working at my desk. Immediately I would begin to feel the energies pour in all over my body. What I really liked about this was that it was a very “physical” full body feeling. I was not only building my Light quotient, which was one of my main goals in life, but I was also feeling much better physically. The experience of Their technology was actually, to be perfectly honest, more powerful and substantial than most of the spiritual energies I had been invoking. Djwhal Khul later told me that even the Spiritual Hierarchy used the advanced technologies from Arcturus. Djwhal told me that the Light quotient building program They were using for the Second Ray each night in the ashram was from Arcturus. The Arcturians worked in perfect harmony and cooperation with Sanat Kumara, Lord Maitreya and the Spiritual Hierarchy.

Before going any further, I must say that the Arcturians will not help you in any way, shape or form, in regards to what I am speaking, unless you ask and give Them permission. They are not like the grays, or Zetas who invade your space. The Arcturians are like Ascended Masters and are not allowed to help unless your given permission to do so.

What I recommend is that you request, in your meditation and prayer session, to be placed on their computers. They do not do Their work in a haphazard manner. Everything They do is closely monitored by a team of Arcturians. Ask to be placed on their computers and then ask to be placed in their Light quotient building program. This program is set up in two ways. It has to do with whether you travel to their starship in your etheric body, to their “Light Synthesis Chamber,” or whether you keep your etheric body in your physical body and They will send the energies to you in your home. The actual experience of going there is even more powerful than when they send the energies.

The chamber is like being in the clouds. The exact machinery they used on my body is concealed. The Arcturians suggested I lay down the first time. I began to feel my body being filled with the most wonderful light, love and joy. I felt myself expanding as though I were a gigantic balloon being filled with the most wonderful air, very light. Caryn and I were on the phone when we did this and I humorously called it the “euphoria machine.” We both were and still are incredibly grateful for Their ongoing help in our lives. They are the most wonderful, selfless Beings. Again, I recommend reading Norma Milnovich’s book, “We, the Arcturians”, to get a more complete sense of Their culture.

One of the plans I have set up with the Arcturians, which is already begun in this book, is to write another book about their culture and this experience of being taken off the planet in 1996. The Arcturian elders are excited about this arrangement as am I. I would actually like to write about their civilization, since, in truth, it is our future self and the prototype for Earth in the not too distant future. The information you are receiving now is the beginning stage of this project.

When you ask to be taken to the Light Synthesis Chamber, the Arcturians also recommend that you call in what I would describe as your higher bodies. By this, I mean, calling in your Monad or Spirit, calling in the Mayavarupa body, your Monadic body of Light, your soul body of Light, your 15 chakras to descend, your solar body of Light, your Golden Solar Angelic Body, the 352 levels of the Mahatma, your Monadic blueprint body, and/or your I AM Presence. The Arcturian’s technology, with the help of the Ascended Masters, will help to blend and synthesize all the energies into your being using Their advanced technology.

I have worked out a system with the Arcturians where I say, “Arcturians, Light Synthesis Chamber, Love and Joy”. Every time I say that I feel myself floating to the chamber and I feel the process begin again. In my life presently, I am literally working with the Arcturians all day long. I have also worked it out with Them to spend a part of every night on Their starship. They said I have a very busy schedule at night while I sleep, of service work, meetings, classes and so on. However a certain part of every night is given to this important work.

The Arcturians want you to know that they are very devoted to your personal upliftment and there is no limit to the number of people with whom they can work. They have an unlimited number of starships available upon request. They want you to feel free to contact them and ask for their assistance.

One of the advantages of coming to the ship is that the energies are more refined and of a higher vibration. Do be aware that the Arcturians do not have “Adam Kadmon” type of bodies, but don’t let this stop you from working with them. They are the highest beings in our galaxy and some of the most loving and selfless beings in our entire universe.

Also do realize that it is not your physical body that goes to Their ship, it is your etheric body. They are here to assist and facilitate your personal journey back to God. Their message is one of love, joy and light, and they are here only to serve. They have advanced technologies that can be called forth for personal protection. It is a kind of frequency technology that can protect your energy fields. They are happy to help in this regard but must be asked and given permission to help you before they will do anything.

They have another technology for healing the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual bodies. I have been going every night to Their “Mechanism Chamber” for healing of my physical body. They have said that there is not a physical problem in the entire universe that They have not been able to heal through this chamber. It may not happen instantly, however, over time they can help you. If this feels right for you, talk to them in meditation and request to be taken there at night for a specific period of time during your nightly activities. Also do this if ever you do not feel well. They will run energies using their advanced computers and clear the blockages.

They have a technology which I am going to call their “Love and Joy Chamber”. Ask to be taken to the “Love and Joy chamber” and ask them to beam you this energy. When I first experienced this I honestly felt myself filled with the most ecstatic feeling of joy. I found myself smiling and laughing and I couldn’t help myself. Any time you start getting depressed, call to the Arcturians to be taken to this chamber for a treatment. You can do this while seated in meditation, or even better, laying down.

The Arcturians have what is called an “Information Exchange Chamber”. It is here we have been receiving information for our books, classes, and personal upliftment. I anticipate spending a lot of time in this chamber on my trip to the Arcturian’s starship. They have said I will probably go anywhere from one to seven days. I am putting in my request for a seven day trip. Djwhal said we would probably not actually go to Arcturus, but rather just stay on the starship.

One day during our regular weekly meeting we went together to Djwhal’s ashram to speak with Him. Djwhal told us about another bit of Arcturian technology which was called the “Prana Wind Clearing Technology.”

This amazing machine was anchored into my third chakra with help from Djwhal and the Arcturians. It began to rotate like a fan in a clockwise manner, in ever wider concentric circles. What this machine did was to literally clear all the etheric mucous or debris from our etheric meridians, chakras, nadis, veins, arteries, capillaries. This machine did not add energy, it simply created a wind which cleaned out our entire system. Djwhal said it did this permanently.

I felt fantastic when I was done. Even though we received a permanent clearing, I have been calling it back whenever I felt myself becoming unclear energetically. It is the most wonderful machine or technology I have ever come across. It only takes two or three minutes to do and, as with all these technologies, is there just for the asking. Say, “Arcturians, please anchor the prana wind clearing technology”. You will immediately feel a warmth in the trunk of your body as it is put into place. After trying it the first time, then call in the MAP healing team consisting of the Overlighting Deva of Healing, Pan, the Great White Brotherhood Medical Unit, and your own Higher Self to repair any etheric damage, nerve damage, or spinal column leakage. Both Marcia and I had a small amount of nerve damage in our digestive system and some spinal leakage after being cleaned out, which the MAP healing team immediately worked on and healed. Just tell your healing team to repair anything that needs repairing after you have been cleaned out energetically by this machine.

The Grid Integration Technology
About a month after receiving the information on the Light Synthesis Chamber, we were given another most useful Light technology that was an offshoot function of the Light Synthesis Chamber. This was called the “Grid Integration” technology. This is something you can ask for after having gone to the Light Synthesis Chamber on the Arcturian starship in your etheric body. What the Arcturians do in this technology is to run the high frequency Light through the grid system in a specific isolated manner rather than through the entire body as they did previously. Its function is to strengthen, heal, and energize the grid systems of your body.

Experiment with this in your meditations and/or when you are laying down before sleep. All you have to do is ask the Arcturians to anchor and activate this “Grid Integration Technology” while laying down in the Light Synthesis Chamber.

The Arcturian Electronic Plate
In our meditation on August 31, 1994, we went to the Light Synthesis Chamber on the Arcturian starship. There we requested the Arcturians’ help in building our Light quotient and actualizing our 35th and 36th chakras in our crown. I also requested a strengthening of our grids. It was then that Lord Arcturus graciously spoke with us. Lord Arcturus is basically the head of Arcturus, much like Sanat Kumara is the Planetary Logos for Earth.

I asked Him if He would help us, with His advanced technology, to actualize the final two chakras in our seventh dimensional grid. He agreed to and added that they had been doing this from our past requests. I then asked Him if there were any other advanced Arcturian technologies that He could share with us that would be beneficial in our process of completing the seventh initiation. There was and He, in conjunction with the Arcturian technicians and medical workers proceeded to anchor an “Electronic Plate”, into our third eye.

This plate, He said, reflected Light and helped the mind to hone in on the higher mind. It basically amplified omnipresence. It served to amplify and synthesize the upper spiritual triad of higher mind, intuition, and spiritual will, with the body, heart, Monad, and Cosmic Heart. It also had something to do with anchoring a six pointed star. It would also serve to accelerate the anchoring and actualization of our 35th and 36th chakras into our crown. He said it would also help us in our bilocation, teleportation development and telepathic work. This electronic plate seemed to have an effect of bringing all the different spiritual facets of our being into one unified whole.

I made a personal request to Lord Arcturus to be monitored and placed in the computer banks and mechanism chamber on a full time basis in regards to my physical health and specifically some weakness I was still experiencing on an ongoing basis in regards to my pancreas and third chakra. I requested that anytime this area in my body began to go electrically out of kilter, that the Arcturian technologies from the starship would automatically go into play without my having to ask for it. I was, in essence, giving the Arcturian free admittance to work on me without my having to invite them each time. Basically an automatic feedback loop was being set up for an automatic physical and energetic adjustment every time my pancreas and third chakra would go out of balance. Lord Arcturus graciously agreed.

I bring this information to you, as with all the information in this book, so that in your conscious awareness of the existence of it, you may have the opportunity to or consider doing the same thing if you have any chromic health lessons. Just because one is an Ascended Master or fully realized seventh degree initiate does not mean that one will be super man or super woman and have no physical, emotional, or mental weaknesses. The same tendencies and weaknesses one had prior to ascension will still be there. One will, however, have more energy, Light, consciousness, and techniques with which to deal with their lessons.

In many ways I do not feel that much different than I did before completion. The only difference is the greater amount of Light, energy, expansiveness, and attunement to Spirit. Other than this, I am very much the same. I also want to emphasize here that more and more people with whom I am in contact have gone through some of these higher initiations (four, five and six, and even occasionally seventh) and did not even know they had taken these initiations. This may be hard to believe, but is true. I also requested of Lord Arcturus for help for Marcia and me to build our Light quotient from the 94 to the 97% level over the next three and a half months leading up to the 12:12. Basically I was requesting one Light quotient point a month. This seemed to me to be a reasonable request and was granted by Lord Arcturus. I felt very honored that He took the time to speak with us. Marcia later told me that we had spoken with Him before, however I had not realized that He was basically the Planetary Logos for Arcturus.

Marcia and I ended our meditation by going to the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek with greetings and doing a Huna prayer for the same timetable for Light quotient building to Melchizedek, Mahatma, Metatron, the Arcturians and Djwhal Khul. I have included this Huna prayer here for your edification and usage. You may change the numbers as it is appropriate for you and then do a similar prayer for yourself.

Huna Prayer
Beloved Presence of God, Melchizedek, Mahatma, Metatron, Our Mighty I AM Presence, Vywamus, Sanat Kumara, Arcturians, and Djwhal Khul, We hereby pray with all our heart and soul and mind and might for a Divine dispensation of taking the beginning of our twelfth initiation (seventh level of the seventh) at the Wesak of 1995.
We also ask to be fully stabilized at the 96% Light quotient by Wesak of 1995. We also request to go to the Atomic Accelerator in the third dimensional sense, in June or July of 1995.

We also request now, a Divine dispensation for the actualization of our 36th chakra in our crown in the month of September. Djwhal Khul has told us that these things are within our potentiality and we are hereby invoking them, in the name of the fully realized Christ, so that we may be of greater service! Amen.

(repeat three times)

Our beloved subconscious minds, We hereby ask and command that you take this thought form prayer, with all the Mana and Vital Force that is needed and necessary to manifest and demonstrate this prayer, to the Source of our being.


(Repeat once, then visualize it going straight to the Godforce like a beautiful fountain. for 15 - 20 seconds before closing the prayer with the following statement.)

Beloved Presence of God, Sanat Kumara, Melchizedek, Arcturians, and Godforce, let the rain of blessings fall.


(Experience the “rain of blessings”)

The Arcturian Plating System
In my third book, called “Hidden Mysteries,” I shared a story of visiting a woman in Sedona, Arizona who was an Arcturian. This was approximately three or four years ago, and at that time she installed a complex plating system which she said was an advanced technology from Arcturus which was the future replacement system for the chakras. She used the metaphor that “if the chakras could mail a letter in three months, this new plating system could mail the same letter in 18 seconds.” It was the next 4000 year dispensation.

I bring this up because these two new plates that the Arcturians installed, which I spoke of in the previous paragraphs, were very similar to part of the plating system that this woman installed. It was part of this program called the “A Project” that I am involved in. As I was going for my afternoon ascension walk I got to thinking that people did not have to go through an intermediary to get this whole system installed, they could just ask for it themselves.

What I am suggesting here is that in meditation, you call forth Lord Arcturus, Sanat Kumara, and Djwhal Khul. (It is essential that you call forth all three of these Masters.) Request in meditation, as a divine dispensation, to accelerate your own personal evolution so that you can fulfill your spiritual mission on Earth.

I cannot promise you that They will install the entire system, however, my intuition tells me that it is a possibility. It certainly could not hurt to ask. What they may install is a part of it, as in the electronic plates I mentioned, and see how you do with it. In future meditations more can be added. I highly recommend doing this, for this plating system is truly 4000 years ahead of Earth’s evolution. Most who request this will not be able to see it unless their clairvoyance is developed, but this does not matter. Just request it in meditation or in a Huna prayer and accept it as done and move forward.

Light Packages from Arcturus
During meditation call forth to the Lord of Sirius, Sanat Kumara, and the Arcturian Technicians, Temple Workers, and Healing Team for an anchoring during sleep time of all Light Packets or Light Envelopes of Information from the higher universities on Sirius. Request that this Light information be programmed into your subconscious mind and four body system for your future mission on Earth and for Light quotient building and ascension acceleration.

The Arcturians and the Twelve Strands of DNA
Call to the Arcturians in meditation and request Their assistance in helping you to create your twelve strands of DNA, and also in transferring them from your etheric vehicle to your physical body. With their advanced technology they can do just about anything you can possibly think of that is of a positive spiritually uplifting nature.

In Summary
I cannot recommend more highly that you call to the Arcturians in your meditations and prayer sessions, and take advantage of their wonderfully advance spiritual technologies. The Arcturians, in combination and conjunction with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Ascended Masters, are an unbeatable team. You have the best of the spiritual world, and the best of extraterrestrial technologies. It is time for the world to more fully recognize the unity of the loving and wise extraterrestrial forces along with the spiritual forces that govern our planet. The Arcturians are not allowed to even enter our sphere of influence without getting permission from Sanat Kumara and the Spiritual Hierarchy. They work together as one team in conjunction with the Ashtar Command and other positive extraterrestrial groups for the upliftment of humanity.

PostPostano: čet jan 22, 2009 10:07 pm 

Pridružen/a: čet jan 22, 2009 9:34 pm
Postovi: 4
i na kraju nesto o ashtar komandi,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Aštar Komanda
Autor: dr. Joshua David Stone
Tekst prevela: Gordana Kazija
Priredio i prilagodio: Krešo Lušičić

Aštar Komanda je zračna divizija Velikog Bijelog Bratstva.

Komandant Aštar
Jedna od najintrigantnijih vanzemaljskih grupa je Aštar Komanda. Komandant Aštar je biće koje predvodi zračne divizije Velikog Bijelog Bratstva ili Bratstva Svjetlosti. On i njegova golema vanzemaljska armija od preko dvadeset miliona bića rade zajedno s uzašlim majstorima. Pored dvadeset miliona osoba pod njegovom komandom u ovom solarnom sistemu, postoji drugih četiri miliona članova i radnika na fizičkom planu.

Sam Komandant Aštar je veliko, plemenito biće visoko približno preko dva metra, s plavim očima. Njegovo tijelo pripada tipu Adam Kadmon. Razvio se na planetima Aštar i Veneri i nikada se nije utjelovio na Planeti Zemlji (Originalno dolazi iz Anđeoskog Kraljevstva; opaska – Krešo). Iako je Komandant Aštar nadležan za svemirsku flotu u ovom solarnom sistemu, u okviru svoje službe nije ograničen samo na ovaj sektor. On predstavlja ovaj solarni sistem na sastancima vijeća ove galaksije i univerzuma kroz veće omniuniverzume.

Važno je u vezi Komandanta Aštara i njegove armije radnika i flote vanzemaljskih letjelica shvatiti da su oni po prirodi eterični. Iako nemaju fizička tijela, sposobni su manifestirati svoja tijela i njihove letjelice na fizičkom planu kada god to žele. Čovjek koji ih gleda ne bi ni pomislio da pred sobom ima bića koja se razlikuju od drugih ljudi. Zaista, članovi Aštar Komande šeću među ljudima na ulicama ovog svijeta, a da ne postoji spoznaja o njima. Većina života na drugim planetima u ovom solarnom sistemu je eterične prirode. Ponekad se ova bića zbog toga nazivaju "eterijanci"; ne bi ih trebalo smatrati bestjelesnim bićima jer oni zaista imaju tijela. Oni su u statusu evolucije baš kao i ljudi, a njihovi životi se previše ne razlikuju od ljudskih, osim što su oni transcendirali veći dio nižeg jastva i astralnu želju s kojom se ljudi na zemlji tako često bore. Komandant Aštar također usko surađuje s Anđeoskim Kraljevstvom, posebno s Arhanđelom Mihaelom. Komandant Aštar je biće izuzetno nježno i puno ljubavi, ali je strog i postojan u svojoj misiji služenja, podučavanja i zaštite čovječanstva kroz solarni sistem. Komandant Aštar i njegova posada ne žele da ih se gleda kao bogove već više kao drugove i sebi slične na putovima Uzašašća i iznad. Dvije od njegovih glavnih misija su spiritualno podučavanje ljudi u smislu njihovog istinskog razloga zbog čega su ovdje i da obrane i zaštite Zemlju i solarni sistem od neprijateljskih i sebičnih vanzemaljskih grupa. Velika zahvalnost ide njemu i njegovim neumornim radnicima.

Aštarov prvi kontakt
Prvi otvoren kontakt Komandanta Aštara s Planetom Zemljom se desio 1950. kroz čovjeka pod imenom George van Tassel. 18 srpnja 1952, Georgu je stigla telepatska poruka od specijalne inteligencije pod imenom Portla da njezin šef namjerava po prvi put ući u ovaj solarni sistem. Nakon toga je stigla prva poruka Komandanta Aštara. Slijede odlomci iz ove prve poruke:
Pozdravljam vas, bića Shan-a (Zemlje). Pozdravljam vas u ljubavi i miru. Ja sam Aštar, Komandant Quadra Sektora, Patrolna Stanica Schare….
Svrha ove organizacije je, u određenom smislu, spašavanje čovječanstva od njega samoga.
Nekoliko godina ranije, po vašem vremenu, nuklearni fizičari su prodrli u Knjigu Znanja. Otkrili su kako razbiti atom. Odvratno, s obzirom na rezultate, jer bi se ova snaga trebala koristiti za destrukciju, a što se ni ne može usporediti s onim što bi sve moglo biti….Mi smo zabrinuti, ipak, zbog njihove namjere da eksplodiraju element vodika.
Kada eksplodiraju atom vodika, utrnut će život na ovoj planeti. Oni petljaju s formulom koju ne razumiju. Nismo zabrinuti zbog ljudske želje za nastavkom rata na ovoj planeti, Shan. Zabrinuti smo zbog njihove nepromišljene odluke da zatru čovječanstvo i ovaj planet pretvore u pepeo.

Ovo je prilično snažna poruka, siguran sam da bi se s tim složili. Poruka se u cijelosti može pročitati u Tuella-inoj knjizi Ashtar, a Tribute, koju preporučam. Nije slučajno da se vanzemaljska aktivnost ustostručila nakon atomskih bombi bačenih na Hirošimu i Nagasaki. Razvijanjem ove opasne tehnologije, čovječanstvo je ugrozilo cijeli solarni sistem, a s tim čak i galaksiju. Tim povodom su mobilizirane vanzemaljske snage kroz ovaj solarni sistem, galaksiju, univerzum i čak univerzume da pomognu Zemlji i spriječe daljnju destrukciju. U svetim učenjima postoji znanje da je u ovom solarnom sistemu planeta imenom Maldek samu sebe zbrisala upravo kroz ovakav proces nasilne provale u nuklearnu tehnologiju. Stvarna bitka koju Aštar Komanda vodi je bitka za umove ljudi na Zemlji. Da li će služiti duši, duhu ili nižem ja, negativnom egu i astralnoj materijalističkoj želji? Komandant Aštar vrlo usko surađuje s Kristom i također s Isusom koji se na višim planovima zove Sananda. Komandant Aštar ima doslovce milione svemirskih letjelica na raspolaganju u slučaju hitne potrebe. On nema samo svoju vlastitu flotu nego također i bezbroj letjelica dostupnih iz galaktičkih flota, pa čak i univerzalnih flota, ukoliko bi uputio poziv za pomoć.

U mnogim kanaliziranjima se spominjala evakuacija uz pomoć ove flote ukoliko bi Zemlja prolazila kroz masivne promjene ili neku drugu vrstu katastrofe. Iz informacija koje sam primio, ova opasnost je prošla i projekt evakuacije više nije neophodan. Aštar Komanda ima matični brod usidren u svemiru koji ima promjer od stotinu milja. Ovaj matični brod sadrži čitave gradove nastanjene milionima ljudi u cvatućem društvu. Aštar Komanda je dio velike konfederacije planeta koje uključuje ovaj solarni sistem i ovu galaksiju. U centru okruga Aštar Komanda je nadležna za ovaj solarni sistem. Zatim postoji Interplanetarna Konfederacija koja uključuje veće grupe planeta u ovom svemirskom sektoru. Zatim postoji Galaktička Konfederacija Planeta. Iznad toga je Interdimenzionalna Federacija Slobodnih Svjetova. Svaki od ovih vijeća radi u sprezi sa planetarnim, solarnim, galaktičkim i univerzalnim spiritualnim hijerarhijama.

Univerzum je podijeljen u različite svemirske sektore i različite dimenzije stvarnosti. Komandant Aštar je predstavnik iz ovog solarnog sistema na različitim sastancima vijeća kroz univerzum. Svaka od konfederacija odgovara onoj iznad u terminima hijerarhije autoriteta. Ove konfederacije nisu otvoreno prihvatile Zemlju u svoje okružje zbog ljudske egocentričnosti, materijalističke ratničke prirode. Aštar Komanda je definitivno ostvarila fizički kontakt s vodstvom SAD-a i ranijim Sovjetskim Savezom i bili su donekle uvaženi. Ograničenje leži u činjenici da su zemaljski vođe uvijek više zainteresirani za vojničku tehnologiju nego za duhovni rast. Ipak postoji nada da će se to početi mijenjati. Konfederacije i Aštar Komanda nemaju dozvolu miješanja u ljudski slobodan izbor sve dok se ljudi na neki način ne umiješaju u članice univerzuma, a što čine atomske i hidrogenske bombe. Tako će umjesto Ujedinjenih Naroda na Zemlji biti Federacija Ujedinjenih Svjetova. Ljudsko razmišljanje će se razviti od ograničenja na jedan svijet, što još nije postignuto, do solarne galaksije, univerzuma i konačno do stanja omniuniverzuma. To će biti veliki dan u evoluciji Planete Zemlje, kada bi Zemlja mogla zauzeti svoje pravo mjesto u solarnim, galaktičkim i univerzalnim poslovima.

Važno je shvatiti da svaki planet ima svoju vlastitu spiritualnu hijerarhiju, upravo kao što svaki solarni sistem ima svoju solarnu hijerarhiju i tako dalje na više kroz galaksije i univerzume. Ove hijerarhije djeluju u savršenom jedinstvu i harmoniji s konfederacijama. Kompletna funkcija Aštar Komande je služenje i pomaganje i ona ide gdjegod je potrebno kroz sektor da ispuni svoju funkciju na sve moguće načine. Mnogi se članovi posade vraćaju na svoje matične planete radi odmora i radi smjena. Flota Komande je dugo vremena patrolirala ovim sistemom, mnogo prije samog kontakta koji je uspostavljen u pedesetim godinama prošlog stoljeća.

Aštar Komanda i negativni vanzemaljci
Postoji mnogo vanzemaljskih civilizacija kroz galaksiju, univerzum i omniverzum koji su dolazili na Zemlju radi skupljanja podataka i izvođenja eksperimenta za vlastite sebične ciljeve. Oni nisu ovdje da bi bili na usluzi. Neki od ovih vanzemaljaca imaju prirodu koju možemo okarakterizirati neutralnom, a neki služe mračnim snagama. Također postoje vanzemaljci koji se otvoreno suprotstavljaju Aštar Komandi i Velikom Bijelom Bratstvu. Oni bi da mogu osvojili i preuzeli ovaj planet. Aštar Komanda i civilizacije popt Arkturijanaca su zaštitile Zemlju, tako da se to nije dogodilo. Upravo kao u Zvjezdanim stazama postoje grupe dezertera u zvjezdanim brodovima koji su otjerani iz ovog sektora. Aštar Komanda u izvjesnom smislu djeluje kao Nebeska policija. U svojim kanaliziranjima, Tuella je rekla da su bića sa šest planeta u sazviježđu Oriona i grupa nazvana Deros iz unutrašnjeg svemira, morala biti opkoljena. Kao opće pravilo, letjelice u obliku cigare su potencijalno opasni vanzemaljci iako postoji nekoliko iznimaka. Jedan od problema s kojima se Aštar Komanda susreće je kada Zemaljska vlada sklopi legalni sporazum s negativnim vanzemaljskim grupama i tada Komandi nije dozvoljena intervencija. Slobodan izbor je načelo kozmičkog zakona sve dok solarni sistem i galaksija nisu u opasnosti. Brojčano stanje negativnih vanzemaljaca je mali u usporedbi s golemim brojem pozitivnih vanzemaljaca; ipak, negativci su prilično opasni ako nisu pod kontrolom. Hvala Bogu za Aštar Komandu.

Matični brodovi
Matični brodovi Aštar Komande ili nebeski gradovi obično imaju dvanaest nivoa. Prvi nivo je za ulazak i izlazak s broda. Drugi nivo je golemo skladište zaliha za sve ostale nivoe broda. Treći nivo je zoološki vrt sa životinjama s mnogih svjetova. Četvrti nivo je za istraživanja u agrikulturi, farme, vrtovi i voćnjaci. Peti nivo je centar za stanovanje za tehničare i druge osobe koje rade na prva četiri nivoa. Šesti nivo je za rekreaciju, sa golemim parkovima i pejzažima. Sedmi nivo je medicinski kompleks. Osmi nivo je predviđen za stanovanje za evakuirane, ukoliko to bude potrebno. Deveti nivo je univerzitetski kompleks, kompletiran s bibliotekama, prostorijama mudrosti, koncertnim halama i područjima za druge kulturne aktivnosti. Deseti nivo je mjesto gdje dolaze velikodostojnici u posjetu iz svih dimenzija. Jedanaesti nivo je mjesto glavnog štaba Aštar Komande i Velika Okrugla Hala za sastanke. Dvanaesti je opisan kao kupola. To je pilotski kontrolni centar i desk za oficirsku opservaciju. Posjetiteljima je dopušteno promatranje po dogovoru i u grupama. Dolje kroz centar matičnog broda proteže se okrugla osovina, snažni reaktor za cijeli brod. Aštar je opisao jedan određeni matični brod nazvan Shan Chea kao najveći grad u orbiti koji okružuje solarni sistem. To je brod Komandanta Aštara na kojem on provodi najveći dio vremena.

Zarobljene esencije
U apsolutno fascinantnom transkriptu Tibetanske Fondacije Betty J. Dix je kanalizirala Aštara u vezi subjekta "zarobljene energije u Zemlji." U ovom transkriptu, Aštar govori o posljednjim danima Atlantide kada su Sinovi Beliala (egocentrični ljudi i gospodari materijalizma) zarobili unutar pseudo kristala "esencije" mnogih ljudi. Ne mislim reći da je proširenje duše ili inkarnirana osobnost sama bila zarobljena, prije bih rekao da je određeni dio energije proširenja duše bio zarobljen. Pseudo-kristali nisu pravi kristali; pravi kristal ne bi dozvolio da se to dogodi. Sinovi Beliala su kreirali pseudo-kristale da izgledaju kao normalni kristali i neki od njih sada isplivavaju na površinu planete. Aštar kaže da ti kristali ne izgledaju u redu kada ih se uzme. Osjeća se da je energija u njima mrtva.

Da bi te duše mogle ići na viši nivo evolucije, njihova zarobljena esencija treba biti otpuštena. Duše na unutarnjem planu zahtijevaju da to bude učinjeno sada zbog velike transformacije koja se zbiva na Zemlji. Aštar zahtijeva da svi svjetlosni radnici pomognu u ovom važnom poslu. Kristali ne moraju biti fizički slomljeni da otpuste energiju, dovoljno je raditi energetski. Neki od pseudo-kristala mogu biti smješteni na kristalni klaster uz zamolbu da iscijele i otpuste energije koje su unutra zarobljene. Može se također zamoliti da pseudo kristal ozdravi i postane istinski kristal.

Jako je zanimljivo da kada se otpuštaju zarobljene esencije mnogi pseudo-kristali jednostavno nestaju. Neki se transmutiraju u drugu formu, a drugi u istinski kristal na svom početnom stadiju svjesnog razvoja.

Aštar izjavljuje da se ovi pseudo kristali nalaze po cijeloj planeti, a posebno u Africi, Južnoj Americi i SAD-u. Jednom kada je oslobođena, esencija se obično vraća svojoj duši. U nekim slučajevima, zarobljena esencija treba neku vrstu vodstva da bi se vratila duši. Na Atlantidi, prema kraju, Sinovi Beliala su doslovce kreirali klopka mašine da bi dovršili proces. Oni su bili sposobni to uraditi i bez mašina, ali su mašine to činile brže. On je također rekao da su implanti bili korišteni za čupanje esencija.

Važno je osvijestiti ljude u vezi ovog fenomena, jer većina ljudi za to nisu ni čuli. Aštar kaže da od dvadeset funti kristala, pet funti mogu biti pseudo-kristali. Rad sa pseudo-kristalima je veliki čin služenja za mnoge duše. Sa pseudo-kristalima se može raditi bez ulaska u fizički kontakt s njima, iako će neki morati biti fizički dotaknuti da se omogući proces otpuštanja. Što se više svjetlosnih radnika usredotoči na otpuštanje zarobljene esencije, to će više drugih izaći na površinu, jer su mnoge zarobljene u Zemlji. Aštar kaže da će u budućnosti Zemlja biti Svjetlost tako velike magnitude da esencije neće moći opstati. Većina pseudo-kristala izgleda poput kvarca, dimnog kvarca i ametista boje lavande. Nećete moći prepoznati pseudo-kristal samim promatranjem; morat ćete ga osjetiti kako bi bili sigurni, iako je razlika očigledna promatraju li se jasnim viđenjem. Prema Aštaru, postoji na stotine tisuća pseudo-kristala.

Glavne mrežne točke koje trebaju čišćenje
Drugu pomoć koju Svjetlosni radnici mogu ponuditi Aštar Komandi i Velikom Bijelom Bratstvu je čišćenje određenih mrežnih točaka na planeti. Zemlja je prekrivena s energetskim meridijanima nazvanim ley linijama, na sličan način na koji ljudi imaju akupunkturne meridijane. Kada se jedna od tih točaka zablokira u fizičkom tijelu dolazi do stagnacije u protjecanju energije što može dovesti do bolesti. Isto se odnosi i na Planetu Zemlju. Komandant Aštar naglašava u istom transkriptu da neke od mrežnih točaka na Zemlji trebaju čišćenje: najvažnija je u centru Pacifičkog oceana; druga je u sjevernom dijelu Kanade, blizu Arktičkog kruga. Nestabilne snage su tu uskladištene još od vremena Atlantide. Postoji druga direktno ispod New Yorka koja je povezana s kaotičnom energijom samog grada.

Aštar traži pomoć čovječanstva u otpuštanju ovih nestabilnih snaga što će također pomoći iscijeliti samu Majku Zemlju. Neke dodatne točke su južno od Havaja, gotovo na ekvatoru; dalje od obale Afrike, također blizu ekvatora; u Rusiji, gdje se nalaze dvije točke; na sjevernom i južnom polu; podno vrha južne Afrike (razlog mnogih razdora na tom prostoru) i ispod Kolumbije, Ekvadora i Tajlandskog zaljeva. Najbolji način da se pomogne očistiti ove točke je koristiti grupnu dinamiku. To se može napraviti tako da se slijede mrežne linije sve dok se ne naiđe na blokade. Uz pozivanje u pomoć dušu, monadu, Veliko Bijelo Bratstvo i Aštar Komandu, može se vizualizirati svjetlo lasera kako sja u to. Tražite pomoć duše i monade u fokusiranju korektne količine laserskog svjetla.

Podzemna konferencija Aštar Komande
Jedan od načina na koji se može kontaktirati Aštar Komandu je planirano pridruživanje njima za vrijeme spavanja. Održavaju se velike konferencije na kojima prisustvuju fizička, eterična bića i bića s drugih planeta. Ove konferencije se održavaju dvaput mjesečno; mnogi svjetlosni radnici prisustvuju na pet, šest konferencija godišnje. Jedna od njih se bavi mogućnošću čišćenja zagađenja u zraku, u moru i na zemlji. Ponekada se te konferencije održavaju svake noći kroz dvije do tri sedmice. Mnoga bića prisustvuju u njihovim astralnim tijelima. Komandant Aštar je vrlo zadovoljan kada vidi otvaranje spiritualne posvećenosti tolikih svjetlosnih radnika. Tuella-ina izvanredna knjiga, Ashtar: A Tribute, je jedna od najboljih izvora informacija o Aštar Komandi.

Krešo Lušičić
voditelj ogranka I AM University-a - Akademije Integriranog Uzašašća
mob: +385 99 3691 963

PostPostano: pet jan 23, 2009 12:39 am 

Pridružen/a: sub dec 27, 2008 5:55 pm
Postovi: 26
Lokacija: planeta Zemlja
:rofl :rofl

PostPostano: pet jan 23, 2009 2:16 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri maj 24, 2006 11:23 am
Postovi: 1573
drug_pavle je napisao/la:
:rofl :rofl

Otprilike :mrgreen: =D>

PostPostano: pet jan 23, 2009 3:16 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: uto nov 01, 2005 1:17 am
Postovi: 1377
Lokacija: Justinijana Prima
:rofl :rotfl: :rofl :rotfl: :rofl :rotfl: :mrgreen:
ipak,nece ici u Viceve,postovi su preveliki( u kb) :mrgreen:
da sad ne opterecujem server ovolikom tezinom
shta zna dete shta je 200 kila :mrgreen:

Теоретичар завере у мировини, технолошки вишак @ КасиЈопеја ДП инк. & стечајни управник @ ХипиШизикМетафизик анлимитид.

PostPostano: pet jan 23, 2009 2:49 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri maj 24, 2006 11:23 am
Postovi: 1573
Ma ja znam da je u vicu 1000 kila #-o :P :mrgreen:

Nego da ja ovo zakljucam, pa cemo polako da ga . . .

Pozdrav :D

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