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 Naslov: Kapustin Jar - "Ruski Roswell"
PostPostano: ned feb 19, 2012 9:09 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet jan 26, 2007 9:50 pm
Postovi: 545
Lokacija: Split
Ruski Roswell


Kapustin Yar (Russian: Капустин Яр) is a Russian rocket launch and development site in Astrakhan Oblast, between Volgograd and Astrakhan. Known today as Znamensk (Russian: Знаменск), it was established 13 May 1946 and in the beginning used technology, material, and scientific support from defeated Germany. Numerous launches of test rockets for the Russian military were carried out at the site, as well as satellite and sounding rocket launches.

The 4th Missile Test Range "Kapustin Yar" was established by a decree of the Soviet Government "On Questions of Jet Propelled Weapons" on 13 May 1946. The test range was created under the supervision of General-lieutenant Vasily Voznyuk (commander in chief of the test range 1946-1973) in the desert north end of the Astrakhan region. The first rocket was launched from the site on 18 October 1947; it was one of eleven German A-4s that had been captured.

The State R&D Test Range No 8 (GNIIP-8, "test range S") was established at Kapustin Yar in June 1951.

With the further growth and development, the site became a cosmodrome, serving in this function since 1966 (with interruption in 1988-1998). The town of Znamensk was established to support the scientists working on the facilities, their families, and supporting personnel. Initially this was a secret city, not to be found on maps and inaccessible to outsiders.

Evidence of the importance of Kapustin Yar was obtained by Western intelligence through debriefing of returning German scientists and spy flights.

Due to its role as a development site for new technology, Kapustin Yar is also the site of numerous Soviet-era UFO sightings and has been called "Russia's Roswell"

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 Naslov: Re: Kapustin Jar - "Ruski Roswell"
PostPostano: ned feb 19, 2012 9:22 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet jan 26, 2007 9:50 pm
Postovi: 545
Lokacija: Split
Kapustin Jar je velika ruska vojna baza. Ne samo da je vojna baza nego je i kozmodrom. I dan danas se tamo proizvode i stvaraju rakete.

To bi bio jedan dio price al postoji i drugi. Kapustin Jar je sve do dolaska perestrojke na vlast bio i ruska area 51.

Kasputin Yar


Kasputin Yar, with a size similar to that of Luxembourg, is located in the Astrakhan region, 100 kilometers from Volgograd, the nearest town. Works like a missile launch site, where tests are done with military units specializing in the collection of spatial objects. The activity of the base began in 1946 when dozens came dc Nazi scientists.

This polygon space is the third largest after those of Baikonur and Plasetsk. The latter has a small city parallel to the base, whose main objective is the construction and manipulation of atomic weapons. An interesting document of the KGB, dated July 28, 1989, described the sighting of a UFO that flew over the base strongly at low altitude. The object emitted a bright light flashes whose intense fluorescent illuminated the entire area. So much did the alarm of the military command of the polygon that after observing it for several nights, to send a reconnaissance patrol. A Russian soldier, surnamed Tischaiev, observed the object about 6 feet off the ground. Apparently this was not the only UFO sighting occurred in Plasetsk.

The Soviet UFO crash

According to a comprehensive report published by the Italian magazine UFO, in the summer of 1999, a drafting team met with an informant who provided them with two maps, which shows the presumed contents of the hangars most important base Kasputin Yar and explained in detail what hiding these constructions.

Around the hangar you can see a large helipad and several facilities built to house military personnel. According to the informant, in the larger building, about 74 m long, have 5 UFO heavily guarded by soldiers. The first has a diameter of 9 m was recovered in September 1961, Ghirghisgia, near the border with China. Another was picked up in Afghanistan in November 1988. The third, a huge disk of 12 meters in diameter, comes from the Prokhladny region, located in the Caucasus. Almost at the entrance to the hangar would be a huge UFO, with the typical cigar-shaped, with a length of 35 m and a height of 6 m. It was found in the Astrakhan region, north of the Caspian Sea, near Ashuluk secret base in the late 60's. Finally, the bottom of the large hangar, lies the strangest object of all. Has a shape similar to a dolphin, with a large fin at its top. He was reportedly recovered in 1987 in northern Russia, after being sent to the naval base Severodinsk.

But the surprises do not end there. In a smaller adjacent hangar would have saved lots of pieces from, presumably, other accidents. Together, features a fish-shaped piece blanket, recovered in 1978 in the region of Kazakhstan. According to ufologist Anton Anfalov Ukrainian part of these materials are in fact a famous UFO crash that took place in Likhano in Sverdlovsky region. To Anfalov, images released earlier this year by American television TNT, which questioned the veracity of the incident are part of a strategy to discredit the case. The evidence taken by the researcher in the area to the conclusion that it was a disk-shaped object about 26 m in diameter and 15 tons.

The largest fragment of a UFO that Russian specialists are aware, comes from the impact registered on 18 August 1960, also in the region of Kazakhstan. Silver and 6 m long, was taken to the military base Kasputin Yar. Leading figures of the former USSR, as Nikita Khrushchev, Prime Minister in those years, his defense secretary, and a group Melianovsky experts working in space research, this fragment could be observed, presumably part of an alien spacecraft.

As for the possible discovery of humanoid inside UFOs injured, the Russian authorities kept the utmost secrecy. However, some data have been unable to reach the UFO files. In the cited case of Sverdlovsky, Anfalov said they recovered the bodies of two people of short stature. They were later transferred to the Institute of Medical Problems in Moscow, where Dr. Lebedinski, military medicine specialist, performed the autopsies.

Another extraterrestrial being, according Anfalov, was rescued alive in Gdynia (Poland) in 1959. The humanoid wore a bracelet and when I retired surgeon, died instantly. The studies revealed that the bracelet could be a device that maintained stable vital signs of being. During the autopsy, doctors took some surprises, such as the provision of the internal organs of the humanoid was different to that of a man and his circulatory system was shaped like a spiral.

Činjenica sama za sebe nikada nije važna bez dobre procjene i jasne povezanosti s drugim činjenicama.

 Naslov: Re: Kapustin Jar - "Ruski Roswell"
PostPostano: ned feb 19, 2012 9:34 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet jan 26, 2007 9:50 pm
Postovi: 545
Lokacija: Split
Rijec je o jednoj od najvecih baza za vanzemaljce koja je postojala ali problem je bio kada se u Rusiji mijenjala vlast i onda je postojao veliki strah da se sve to tamo ne otkrije i od tada taj dio koji je bio ono što je danas npr area 51 u americi više ne postoji i sve je zatvoreno i zatrpano i izbrisano.


Perestrojka (ruski: перестройка, ponovna izgradnja) je program reforme sovjetskog gospodarstva i politike što ga je lansirao Mihail Gorbačov 1987. godine. Gospodarskom reformom je omogućeno ograničeno funkcioniranje tržišta, a političkom reformom postupno su uvedeni sloboda tiska, sloboda govora i novi oblici izborne konkurencije, uz otvaranje javnih medija kritičkom izvještavanju o slabostima sovjetskog sustava.

Paketom reformskih zakona omogućeno je otvaranje privatnih poduzeća dopuštena su ograničena inozemna ulaganja i decentralizacija. Reforme su imale ograničen domet jer nisu mijenjale bit sustava, pa je perestrojka ubrzala krizu i raspad sovjetskog komunističkog sustava 1991. godine, te time i kraj Hladnog rata.

“The Russian Roswell” , Kapustin Yar was some kind of military base located in the former Soviet Union similar to the base of Area 51. It’s been said that to this base were transported the remains of, at least, eight UFOs accidents to be studied, even extraterrestrial bodies. Since 1945 to 1991.

It was a base that in a given moment was working fully, and it even surpasses Area 51. During the decade of the 80s, it began to decay due to the lack of money, and technicians and because of that, it was dismantled.At the moment, nobody is working in this facility.

There were ships, they were making experiments and they were buried. Everything was dismantled and there were many extraterrestrial devices they couldn’t reveal what they were.

These people, the officials of Kapustin Yar, had contacts with extraterrestrials in the same way that the officials of Area 51.There were accidents like those occurred in Roswell also. That is to say that there are many similarities between both places, with the difference that whereas Area 51 is still in operation, the one of Kapustin Yar is dismantled.Many devices were buried that they didn’t even reveal what they were. There were people that died when they manipulate those machines, because they ignored its handling. For instance, they took off the cover of an apparatus, forcing it with their hands and suddenly, when the content that had a dissolving energy exploded, it blew up the head of the scientist who was handling it.

The aliens had, somehow, the power to get money, to do a lot of things, to keep people working and to avoid that the Research were stopped, but it is not only about economy, it is also about politics. Suddenly, if you are in a place that is going through a crisis, it would have seemed strange to many authorities that the base was still working when everything else was falling apart. It would have been impossible to them to stay unnoticed.

The Russian government or some maximum authority have not knowledge of that place.There were always entities of the called MBD, which was a division of KGB they had knowledge of that.

Everything was dismantled before the period of what you call the Perestroika. The main thing to keep in mind is that the aliens who were working there are not clumsy. The single fact of traveling enormous distances in the space is already telling us that they are not. It would be a great Ego on your behalf to attribute to them clumsiness, Especially when a lot of time will pass before you can build similar machines.

The aliens worry about the politics of the planet and they know what could happen, they are not fortune-tellers, but they anticipated with enough certainty when a country will change its politics or when a government is going to fall apart. They leave before some things happen. Those camouflaged aliens, when they see that that world is advanced and that there are wars that can destabilize not to a region of two hundred kilometers, but to a region of ten thousand kilometers, to a continent, then they evaluate the facts.


Činjenica sama za sebe nikada nije važna bez dobre procjene i jasne povezanosti s drugim činjenicama.

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