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Započni novu temu Odgovori  [ 3 post(ov)a ] 
Autor/ica Poruka
PostPostano: čet dec 27, 2012 8:19 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet jan 21, 2011 3:36 pm
Postovi: 248
Lokacija: skopje

Na Rubu Znanosti - Zemljovid Drevnih Kraljeva Mora

Secret 4000 year old Maps of The Ancient World

Researcher Charlotte Harris Rees discussed Asian maps (see below) dating as far back as 4,000 years ago that show the coastlines of the Americas. Picking up on the work of her father who collected these maps, she suggested that the ancient Chinese were seafaring and traveled to America far before Columbus' arrival. As further evidence, she cited genetic markers that are shared only by Asians and Native Americans.

Charlotte Harris Rees, author of Secret Maps of the Ancient World embarked on an exciting journey of discovery after finding out that her late father, Dr. Hendon Harris Jr. (the author of The Asiatic Fathers of America), had been right: the Chinese were in America thousands of years before Columbus. Charlotte's book lays out overwhelming evidence (including DNA tests) in support of her father's conclusions.

For years after his death in 1981, Dr. Harris' map collection lay forgotten in a box under his son's bed. Hoping to verify their accuracy, Charlotte and her brother took the maps to the Library of Congress in 2003, where they have been studied for the last few years.

In this exciting segment, Charlotte tells us how DNA sampling can reveal the entire migration history of a people, recounts her experiences with the Library of Congress, and shares her thoughts on why this startling discovery has been overlooked despite having been in plain sight. This is a great time to rethink history and to step into the thrill of discovery. Join us in this modern-day adventure!

There is a STONE HENGE under Lake Michigan. They unearthed a 400000 year old city in Africa. The Calender of Adam? The Gobekli Tepe? The Black Knight Satellite? In area 51 they built a GIANT PYRAMID. The Pyramid with an Eye of Ecuador? Boulders carved to show the whole world that are 40000 years old? The Smithsonian admits they destroyed unearthed villages of the giants in the USA. American indians have stories were they killed giants. AND SO MUCH MORE!

PostPostano: uto jan 15, 2013 11:03 am 

Pridružen/a: pet jan 20, 2012 9:42 am
Postovi: 6
Imam doma tu knjigu i čitao sam je ali nikako da završim!

Jako je precizna, puno podataka i svatkome bi preporučio da je pročita ( barem do dijela gdje sam stigao :) :) )

Uz zamislite samo to je jedan od tvrdih i mogućih dokaza da je sve što danas mi trdimo točno baš suprnotno i krivo!!! :glasses7:

PostPostano: uto feb 13, 2024 8:16 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pon jan 15, 2024 8:06 am
Postovi: 221
imam prilično jak utisak da je termofor kolumbo TAČNO ZNAO GDJE IDE,biće da je imao primjerak nekakve karte kao što je imao i admiral Piri Reis...nije aleksandrijska biblioteka tek slučajno izgorila više puta,izgorila je ona sa PROMIŠLJENOM NAMJEROM...
kako ono bješe oficijelna priča,došao italijan na španski dvor,a ovaj tek tako odriješio kesu,medjutim desio se veliki ups(po zvaničnom narativu),ja mislio otići tamo,a otišao vamo...važi,važi,jel vam bio dobar skunk što ste ga pušili na dvoru?...
ta me pričica podsjetila na jednu epizodu Alan Forda,gdje je izumitelj Grunf trebao po zadatku poslati Alana Forda u Kanadu ,naravno nekim svojim tipičnim "izumom"(sklepana šklopocija od "rakete"),došao momenat za lansiranje, pa se starina Grunf zapitao,a gdje li je ta Kanada,je li ovamo ili onamo?hmmm...aha,znam,tamo je u onom pravcu,juče sam sreo čovjeka koji je rekao da ima rodjaka u Kanadi,i mahnuo je rukom u onom pravcu...

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