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PostPostano: čet feb 02, 2006 9:34 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: uto dec 06, 2005 9:33 am
Postovi: 221
A di si ti to provjerio? Pa da i mi drugi znamo.

PostPostano: čet feb 02, 2006 10:50 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub okt 29, 2005 6:59 pm
Postovi: 235
Lokacija: Centar
Znate li da u Egiptu postoji naselje koje se zove Nibiru :idea:

PostPostano: pet feb 03, 2006 12:00 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned dec 19, 2004 10:54 pm
Postovi: 399
Lokacija: Split
zbunjena je napisao/la:
A di si ti to provjerio? Pa da i mi drugi znamo.

A šta je ovo sad, zar samo postoji galaksija?
Postoji na desetke stranih izvora, samo se morate malo potruditi pretražiti internet i usporediti informacije koje nađete.

The battle has begun.
I'm ready, and you?

PostPostano: pet feb 03, 2006 12:48 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: uto dec 06, 2005 9:33 am
Postovi: 221
Tko kaze da postoji samo galaksija. Ovo je samo forum gdje se izmjenjuje informacije. Nego jesi li ti 100 % siguran u te price. Tko kaze da i tebi nije ispran mozak s tim informacijama.

PostPostano: pet feb 03, 2006 4:24 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
Anunnaki su bića barem 4. denziteta, pa im nije problem "otići" na drugu točku vremena/prostora. Ako su i živjeli na tom nekom planetu ili kometi, i ona se zakucala u Sunce - to ne znači da su i oni poginuli na njoj!

Ljudi, pa nemojte razmišljati samo 3 D!!! Nećete baš onda daleko stići. Oni se mogu "prebaciti" određenim tehnologijama na druga mjesta i vremena, pa zato se i nemojte začuditi ako ugledate ujutro jednog u svom krevetu... :twisted:

Hahaha! Može biti svugdje, bilo kada... budite toliko svjesni toga... hiperdimenzionalnost nije samo ova naša okolina, 3 D materijalni svemir...


PostPostano: pet feb 03, 2006 4:37 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet dec 15, 2005 7:40 pm
Postovi: 147
To je jako neprijatno i ako protivno željama 3D tijela uspijete ne pomaknuti se, a osjećate da je ono na granicama neudobnosti i sili vas da se mrdnete, u jednom momentu doći će do snažne reakcije u glavi, nešto kao cjepanje ( u tim fazama obično početnike hvata panika ) jer to je osjećaj koji se ne doživljava u 3D-u

Probajte, budite ustrajni, barem neki od vas koji ovo čitaju morali bi uspjeti u tome. A kad im se to desi neka napišu početne osjećaje, možda im mogu pomoći kojim savjetom iz moga iskustva.

E da bas sam htio o tome pricat, vec duze vrijeme meditiram par minuta prije spavanja onako na lezeci na ravnom se opustam malo po malo i na kraju dodjem do jedneog trenutka kad mislim da ce mi srce stat totlano mi postane neugodno i onda se okrenem na bok jer...sad kad sam ovo procitao nekako imam volju za probati ici dalje al ne znam je to to ?

Jedino je Bog svemoguć

PostPostano: pet feb 03, 2006 6:07 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned dec 19, 2004 10:54 pm
Postovi: 399
Lokacija: Split
Jack987 je napisao/la:
Anunnaki su bića barem 4. denziteta, pa im nije problem "otići" na drugu točku vremena/prostora. Ako su i živjeli na tom nekom planetu ili kometi, i ona se zakucala u Sunce - to ne znači da su i oni poginuli na njoj!

Nebih se složija, anunnaki su fizička bića, stoga nikakav 4 denzitet nije u pitanju.

The battle has begun.
I'm ready, and you?

PostPostano: pet feb 03, 2006 8:33 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
anunnaki su fizička bića

Dobro, onda na kojemu su denzitetu svjesnosti? Ako 4. denzitet ima odliku varijabilnost fizičkog... zašto onda nebi bili fizički u nekom "vremenskom intervalu"? Ili okruženju kao što je naš 3 D?


PostPostano: pet feb 03, 2006 8:52 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned dec 19, 2004 10:54 pm
Postovi: 399
Lokacija: Split
Pa ako su fizička onda su na 3 denzitetu.

The battle has begun.
I'm ready, and you?

PostPostano: pet feb 03, 2006 10:26 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
Da li biće, koje je stanovnik 4. denziteta ( npr. Sivi ), može "doći" u okolinu i realitet 3. denziteta ( našeg recimo ) i biti - materijalan?

Ili popularno reći: to je materijalizirana projekcija. Ja sam već opisao moj susret s djedicom, koji je najvjerojatnije to bio i mogu ti reći da mu je stisak ruke itekako bio "materijalan", a istovremeno sam osjećao neko peckanje na dlanu... Cijeli događaj imaš tu negdje na forumu.


PostPostano: pet feb 03, 2006 10:32 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned dec 19, 2004 10:54 pm
Postovi: 399
Lokacija: Split
Jack987 je napisao/la:
Da li biće, koje je stanovnik 4. denziteta ( npr. Sivi ), može "doći" u okolinu i realitet 3. denziteta ( našeg recimo ) i biti - materijalan?

Ili popularno reći: to je materijalizirana projekcija. Ja sam već opisao moj susret s djedicom, koji je najvjerojatnije to bio i mogu ti reći da mu je stisak ruke itekako bio "materijalan", a istovremeno sam osjećao neko peckanje na dlanu... Cijeli događaj imaš tu negdje na forumu.


Wow, tko ti je rekao da je sivi stanovnik 4 denziteta??? :shock:
Sivi nema niti približne sposobnosti da može biti "stanovnik" 4 denziteta.
Sivi je fizičko biće isto kao i čovjek, kao i pladejanac, kao tau ceti i ostala ekipa.

The battle has begun.
I'm ready, and you?

PostPostano: pet feb 03, 2006 10:51 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
Ok, izostavimo primjer Sivog, nećemo sad tu o tome, ali generalno:

Da li biće, koje je stanovnik 4. denziteta, može "doći" u okolinu i realitet 3. denziteta ( našeg recimo ) i biti - materijalan?


PostPostano: sub feb 04, 2006 12:20 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned dec 19, 2004 10:54 pm
Postovi: 399
Lokacija: Split
Jack987 je napisao/la:
Ok, izostavimo primjer Sivog, nećemo sad tu o tome, ali generalno:

Da li biće, koje je stanovnik 4. denziteta, može "doći" u okolinu i realitet 3. denziteta ( našeg recimo ) i biti - materijalan?



The battle has begun.
I'm ready, and you?

PostPostano: ned feb 05, 2006 1:43 am 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
Nebih se složija, anunnaki su fizička bića, stoga nikakav 4 denzitet nije u pitanju.

Jack987 (napisa):
Ok, izostavimo primjer Sivog, nećemo sad tu o tome, ali generalno:

Da li biće, koje je stanovnik 4. denziteta, može "doći" u okolinu i realitet 3. denziteta ( našeg recimo ) i biti - materijalan?



Onda ( neću tvrditi, ali ću pitati kao jednu od mogućnosti ) i Anunnakiji mogu biti 4 D bića koja se "pojavljuju" u 3 D?

Dakle, ako oni nisu 4 ili 5 ili neznam kojeg D nivoa, kako možemo biti sigurni u to? Mislim, ako su materijalni tu u 3 D... a imaju tu mogućnost da budu bića iz recimo 4 D koja "malo surfaju" našim 3 D okruženjem...


PostPostano: ned feb 05, 2006 1:53 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: uto okt 25, 2005 4:53 pm
Postovi: 477
Dakle, ako oni nisu 4 ili 5 ili neznam kojeg D nivoa, kako možemo biti sigurni u to?

Zašto si nesiguran?!

Čemu onda cijela halabuka?! :idea:

PostPostano: ned feb 05, 2006 2:34 am 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
Zašto si nesiguran?!

Zbog Mirjane! I plave kose njene...


Čemu onda cijela halabuka?!

Vidiš, da..da... hehe, sad mi se upalila lampica! :idea:

Imaš pravo!


 Naslov: ljudske rase
PostPostano: sri jul 12, 2006 9:27 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri mar 08, 2006 9:00 am
Postovi: 101
Nedugo sam završila čitanje 'Dvanaestog planeta'....
Nakon čitanja užasno mi se nameće pitanje TKO JE I KADA stvorio žutu i crvenu ljudsku rasu...(crnoglave Sitchin spominje u knjizi)????
Koja je potreba Anunnakija bila da kopaju zlato u J.Africi???
Ako su oni bića 4D koja je potreba da na FIZIČKOM kopaju zlato ???
Možda ste već na nekom topiću o tome razgovarali, a ne vidim...
Jack - možda samo link!!!

PostPostano: sri jul 12, 2006 10:12 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri dec 21, 2005 2:57 pm
Postovi: 73
Lokacija: Tu
Nisam neki strucnjak, ali koliko se sjecam Jack-ovih postova, cetvrti denzitet je isto fizicki. A mozes se kladiti, da su i peti i sesti...
Oko zlata: jedna najstabilnijih resetki u periodnom sistemu, otporno na koroziju, ultralako oblikovanje, kovanje, bez zlata nema ni mikrocipova ni kompjutera...
Ako bi na Marsu htjeli napraviti atmosferu(ponovo - op by me), to bi ucinili usitnjenim zlatom (citaj zlatnim prahom) rasipanim oko planete...
Dakle, ako nekome iz svemira bar nesto na Zemlji treba, moš se kladit, da je to bas zlato...

PostPostano: sri jul 19, 2006 1:10 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: uto okt 19, 2004 2:48 pm
Postovi: 211
Zakerija spominje 12-i planet.
Znam da opet iskacem iz teme, ali nisam nasao nigdje drugo da pise o njegovom radu. Covjek proucava stari zavjet. Niko ga ne krivi zbog toga.

Evo sta sam ja nasao u Kur'anu.
12.4 Kad reče Jusuf ocu svom: “O oče moj! Uistinu sam ja vidio jedanaest planeta i Sunce i Mjesec. Vidio sam ih sebi potčinjene.”

PostPostano: uto okt 24, 2006 8:41 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet apr 06, 2006 2:39 pm
Postovi: 382
Lokacija: BiH
Evo šta kaže Edgar Cayce o Atlantidi, pa možda da se malo uporedi sa ostalim autorima o ovoj drevnoj civilizaciji:



Stories of Atlantis are legends and wild figments of the
imagination for the average person. Plato's reference to the
lost continent and a few lines in the Bible regarding the division
of the earth may furnish a basis for much of the psychic data
received on this subject. But these are mere figments and do
not satisfy those seeking evidence.

Nor does the literature published by various orders and societies
appear evidential except to those giving credence to such
information. Recently a few scientists have brought some light
to bear on this matter as a result of their investigations which
appear to confirm the belief in the existence of such a continent.

The following data will only add to much that has already been
written, purported as having come psychically. That it checks
with some material already published will make it of more
interest to some.

Those who through personal experiences have established
confidence in the validity of the information which comes
through this channel will find this data valuable as a basis for
further study of the subject.

In over one hundred and fifty Life Readings given for various
individuals in all parts of the country, details of their appearances
during one or more stages of the development of the lost
continent of Atlantis have been received. Those who have had
such appearances will find this material of particular interest.

Accepting for a moment the possibility of this continent's
existence, one naturally asks of what value is a knowledge
of it today.

The world is being greatly influenced in this present age by
Atlanteans. Many are being reincarnated into this plane and
hosts of others are pressing through psychics all over the world.

To meet and cope with the influences which they bring we must
understand their development, their weaknesses as well as their
accomplishments. The world of their day was one of change,
one of great achievements and terrible destructions. The rapid
scientific strides which have been made in recent times are
evidences of their activity and the great discoveries just ahead
will be made through their influence.

Our greatest scientists know little of many of the natural laws
controlled by the Atlanteans. Will their coming bring peace
or turmoils into the world? Much depends on those who will
guide, direct, and balance their great knowledge and tireless
energy. It is important that we know something of the ideals
and purposes of these peoples as well as understand their


The origin of the Atlantean continent is obscured in the misty
period of prehistory. Indeed, even psychic records are hard to
understand, for the earth's surface has changed many times
during even this cycle.

When man entered this earth as man, Atlantis was a great
continent lying in what is now the Atlantic Ocean between
the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean Sea.

In area it can be compared with what is now Europe and
Russia. The north and south poles did not occupy their present
positions, nor were the land surfaces now existent then above
water except as follows:

The eastern seaboard was the coastal region of Atlantis; the
region of the Carpathian mountains and the Mongolian Desert
were habitable, as was the northern part of what is now Africa,
as was the southeastern portion of Atlantis.

The Andean coast of South America were covered by water,
while the plains of Utah, Nevada, and Arizona were above sea
level. The people of Atlantis passed through the same stages
of development as other peoples. As we shall see, there were
periods when they attained very high understanding of natural
laws and excelled the other races of the world in material

The first of a series of disturbances came as a result of the
use of the very high explosives which were used to destroy
the enormous animals that then roamed the world. Great
gas pockets were blown open and volcanic eruptions and
earthquakes from the slow cooling earth broke up the continent
into a group of large islands.

The Bible gives an account of this second change, terming it the
flood. Before the final destruction which began about 10,700
B.C. the principal islands remaining were Poseidia, Aryaz and
Og. The West Indies are remains of this great continent.

The people of Atlantis were a combination of the hardened
thought forms manifesting in that part of the earth, and man's
projection, as in present form, as one of the five races, resulting
in the red race.

In Atlantis as in other parts of the world the thought forms has
taken all manner of shapes and sizes. When Amilius chose to
guide the world out of the darkness into which it had been led,
He selected a body proportioned as those of today. And in five
places in the earth He began the five great races. The black in
the Sudan; the brown in Lemuria; the yellow in the Gobi; the
white in Carpathia (central Europe); and the red in Atlantis.

This first man was possessed of a body through and in which
the soul functioned much more easily than it does today. The
third eye which we know today as the pituitary body was highly
developed. Through it the mind of the soul controlled the body
and influenced its surroundings; for example, knowledge of
happenings in distant parts of the country could be known at
will and the physical body could be moved from place to place,
by thought control.

The people of Atlantis passed through the same stages of
development as did other races. The need for food, protection,
and amusement drew them together, first in small groups, and
then in large bodies.

At first the homes were in caves among the rocks and in nests in
the trees. Later through group organization, structures of wood
and stone were built. Stone was first use to form the implements
with which the people protected themselves and secured food.
Iron, brass, and copper were also employed even before the first

The early Atlanteans were peaceful and so made rapid advances
in the application of natural laws.

At an early period natural gas was utilized to make large balloons
from the skins of animals and these balloons were used to
transport building materials. Electricity was also discovered and
set to work for man, thus paving the way for remarkable
developments in this field.

Turmoils arose with the mixing of those of pure lineage with
those who had not completely thrown off the animal influences.
Contempt, hatred, and bloodshed resulted.

With this growth of disturbing factors - resulting from the
magnification of desires without regard for the rights of others -
an effort was made to draw the people back to the worship of
one God, by establishing the first altars upon which were made
the sacrifices of the field and forest. Rituals and ceremonies
were instituted and the sacred fires set, as the shrine of the pure
and the means of cleansing for all.

After the first destruction, the altars were sometimes used for
human sacrifice, by those turning more and more away from
the original understanding of the Creative Force. Strife, rather
than peace, became the common state, and the fact that great
understanding of nature's forces had been attained made the
destructions all the more terrible.

>From this time on, though material civilization rose to great
heights, there was a growing unrest which brought about the
many migrations both to the east and the west.

As can well be understood when considering the period of time
covered, civilizations rose and fell many times on this great
continent. At the heights of material achievement the Atlanteans
were far more advanced than we are today. They used electricity
as we do and, moreover, included among their inventions, well
developed television and radio; amplification of light rays for
telescopes; and more advanced systems for heating and lighting.

Rays of various kinds were controlled, including the death ray.
Fluxes of metals unknown today were used in the various types
of air and water craft which were constructed by the Atlanteans.
The forces used to propel these crafts were first gas and
electricity, but later, forces from the sun's rays - caught and
reflected by crystals.

Many beautiful cities were built throughout the land. Perhaps the
largest was that called Poseidia, located on what became the last
of the great islands also designated by that name. Here on the
bay of Parfa - one of the great harbors of the ancient world - the
Atlanteans constructed a city of stone.

Water was brought in great conduits from the mountains and
distributed to the individual buildings and beautiful pools, of
which there were many. The buildings, other than the temple in
the heart of the city, were built in tiers. Colored stones, highly
polished, were used; and inlay work was prevalent.

In the temple were to be found enormous semi-circular columns
of onyx, topaz, and beryl, inlaid with amethyst and other stones
that caught the rays of the sun at various angles. In the temple,
the sacred fires burned continually. These were rays that we
know nothing of today. There was an outer court, or assembly
hall; the inner rooms for attendants and the inner chamber about
the alter and fires.

In appearance the Atlanteans varied as do the people of a vast
country today. In the early periods there were both giants
and pygmies. Monstrosities resulted from the mixing of the
thought forms, but the pure strain as came down from one of
the five projections was the origin of the red race.

With this incoming of the souls using the vehicle selected by
Amilius as the best for this plane, purposes for development
became more fixed. Thus group organization was made
possible through the cooperation necessary for development.
Homes, tribal groups, cities, and nations resulted.

At first skins of animals were used as clothing. Later many
types of cloth were utilized.

The laws of heredity and environment gradually became more
and more of an influence. The appearance changed according
to the purity of the strain and the purpose and results of activity.
Truly the Atlanteans were a people of extremes. There were
those who were perfect in form and feature. And also those
with the most hideous bodies.

Paradoxically enough the results of the mixtures sometimes
produced divine forms containing twisted, warped souls; or
repulsive bodies enclosing souls seeking the light. It was a
difficult time in which to live - but how important! is it not
the same today?

There are many evidences of Atlantean influences at the present
time. As yet men have not established the direct connection.
Northern Spain, the region of the Pyrenees; Morocco and Egypt
on one side of the Atlantic, the British Honduras, Yucatan and
America on the other, show remnants of the civilization brought
in by the migrating Atlanteans.

We must remember that the periods of exodus from Atlantis
were far apart. The type of civilization carried to the region
of the Pyrenees and America just before and after the first
destruction was not the same as that carried to Central America
and Morocco before the second upheaval, and to Egypt and
Yucatan before the final destruction.

In the Pyrenees there are ruins of the early Atlantean settlements;
and in Morocco early settlements, also as yet uncovered. In
America, traces of Atlantean rituals and ceremonies are to be
found among many of the Indian tribes. In Central America
and Egypt ancient ruins show definite Atlantean influences,
while in both places there will be uncovered records of Atlantean
history, duplicate accounts of the early civilizations that will
explain much of the early Jewish records as found in the Bible.

The West Indies - as has been pointed out - are actual portions
of the continent; and on Bimini there are in existence today
remains of an old Atlantean temple.

Bit by bit the case for the existence of Atlantis will be pieced
together. This will bring a renewed interest in the periods of
development of many ancient nations.

As has been pointed out, it is very important for the people of
this present age to understand the many influences which will
become more and more apparent as direct from Atlantis. This
may help us to understand a little more of the turmoils through
which we are now passing and will continue to pass.


In discussing the early development of occult sciences we may
turn to the first thousand years of Atlantean history. No attempt
will be made to even enumerate the multitudinous forms and
methods of such sciences. The following material is concerned
primarily with the original state upon which the foundation of
all occult phenomena is based.

It is important that we understand the relation between the terms
"PSYCHIC" and "OCCULT". In its pure sense PSYCHIC means

The term OCCULT is applied to the little understood laws which
pertain to the results of soul activity in and through any of man's
so-called sciences. Thus, it is claimed that we have the occult
approach to chemistry, to physics, to astronomy, et cetera.

No criticism is offered of science as a whole. The data which
follows simply points out that any true understanding of life
and the universe in which we find ourselves, must be based
fundamentally upon a realization within the inner self, within
the human soul.


Upon first entering the earth plane, souls came as spiritual beings
without physical forms. THE MENTAL BODY was far more
active in this state than in its present house, the brain of man.

These first souls projected thoughts much in the manner that we
today build air castles; except that these projections were much
stronger and much more carefully directed. In creating these
thought forms, the first spiritual beings sought to enter into,
become a part of the forms of matter then existent in the earth.

The results were a gradual evolution of forms endowed with
perverted purposes. Souls, spiritual beings, became more and
more involved in various types of matter and the laws governing
that particular realm. Every natural law, each kingdom, was
subject to the mind and will of these spiritual beings. It was a
natural condition to supply and control matter. This complete
understanding might be said to represent a full knowledge of
occult sciences.

Let us now turn to an illustration of this gradual evolution.

In the beginning the souls were activated only by the will of the
Creator which gave them their first impulse. Gradually as they
fed and absorbed or were absorbed by matter, they magnified
their own desires and lost contact with the Creator.

When a baby is first born into the world, of what does it dream?
Often it has been said that there is nothing so beautiful, in its
perfect simplicity, as the smile of a baby when it lies sleeping.
Perhaps it dreams of angels. It is closer then to the spiritual
realm than it will be for a long time.

Almost from birth a course of training begins that involves the
child with man's incomplete understanding of natural laws. As
the mind is trained just so will the individual incline in his point
of view and whole outlook on life.

There will appear certain natural tendencies that if encouraged
will develop. The inventive mind builds one set of pictures
upon which the life is woven like a design; the philosophic mind
another set; the statistical mind still another; and so on. Each
builds it mental world from the material in which it finds itself.

>From what then did the soul-entities first appearing in Atlantis
draw their impulses for thought? From the Creative Forces
from which they had received their impetus; but acted upon by
the thought forms that were in material forms about them; and
given the power (will) to be one with that from which they
sprang or were given their force.

There was the ability to use that about them in accordance with
their own desires, good or evil. Hence, during this molding
stage, there was the highest development of these powers and
knowledge which we call today, psychic and occult force.

In this formative stage there were spread before these souls
all the splendors of creation, prepared to supply every want
or desire that might be called forth by those beings with all
of their attributes - physical, mental, spiritual - at hand.

Since the beginning, the resources of creation have been open
for man's use. The impulse arises within the soul force of each
being to use and control, to express itself. The true self is
spiritual and of God, but this has often been lost sight of. For
the mind is the Builder, constructing a heaven or hell for the soul,
depending upon how far that soul has drifted from its Creator.

When there is a manifestation of a psychic force, or an occult
action in, upon, or for an individual, there is then the rolling back
of a portion of the mental training consciousness. And there
comes a visioning of activity based on the progress of the soul
from its original entrance into this plane.

Those endowed with this psychic sense become aware of the
mental or thought body of an individual whom they contact.

In the present this is especially true for those who can lay aside
the outer consciousness and subject the mental forces of the
physical body to the higher consciousness.

During the early Atlantean period these thought bodies were
gradually built up about the souls who had entered the earth
plane. As this mental body constantly sought expression in the
material plane it became necessary for the division of the mental

This division resulted in part of the mind force being directed
to the building up and control of the material, and a part being
devoted to the soul body. Between these two there seems ever
to be a war. As these early peoples used and abused their
privileges the highest and lowest applications of divine forces
were made.

>From the beginning, direction was given to those who sought
to know His will. Only those who deliberately turned away,
seeking a fulfillment of their own desires, became entrapped.
Many sought to speak to and receive aid from entities who had
passed from the earth's plane. Some used the forces of animal
magnetism, coming from the universal consciousness of animal
matter as it passed through periods of change in integration and

The DESIRES of man gave these forces hold upon them,
bringing turmoil and destruction into the experiences of many.
These forces, whether they be endowed with a soul or are
emanations from changing forms of matter, become a powerful
factor in the lives of those who open themselves to them and
build a contact by attuning their own minds with unholy desires
completely out of harmony with God's laws.

The terms "Good Spirits" and "Bad Spirits" have come down to
us, for there are those that partake of the earth, or of the carnal
forces, rather than of those forces that are of the spiritual or

Those that are destructive are of the earth. Those that are
constructive are the good, of the Divine, bringing for
developments in their manifold phases.

The great period of division of these forces took place during
the first thousand years of the Atlantean age. As has been given
for individuals in information through this channel, there were
those during this period, who as the voice upon the waters, or as
the wind moving among the reeds, hearkened unto God's laws.

And as the morning stars sang together, the sons of God beheld
the coming of man into his own, beginning the long, weary
journey back to full consciousness of the Creator's Will.

The Son of God who prepared the way, projected himself into
the earth in five places at once; choosing a body form best
adapted in size and shape to cope with conditions on this plane.
Thus the five major races began.

Yet there were those that continued to partake of the carnal
gratifications that caused the continued hardening, making for
less and less ability to hearken back to that from which they

More and more these souls made themselves part of their
surroundings, becoming eaters of, feeders upon, the material
plane. Those forces which became overbalanced in any given
direction became what we know as germs, atoms of power
driving on in a given direction, drawing their essence from
that upon which they feed.

continued in part 2.....


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